Archive for April, 2010

Bill White transferred to FCI Beckley

April 30, 2010

Updated, December 2010.

Bill White is now at the MCC in Chicago for hearings on the The USA vs. William White (the previously dismissed “Matthew Hale Juror A” charge). His release date is January 18th, 2011.

Write to him at:

William A White #13888-084
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 W Van Buren St
Chicago, IL 60605

According to the BOP inmate finder Bill White has been transferred from Roanoke City Jail to Beckley. I think he might be in the camp, but I’m not sure.

Register #13888-084
32-White-M 12-26-2010

The Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Beckley is a medium security facility housing male inmates. An adjacent satellite camp houses minimum security inmates.
FCI Beckley is located in Raleigh County, West Virginia, approximately 51 miles southeast of Charleston, and 136 miles northwest of Roanoke, Virginia.
Judicial District: Southern West Virginia

The Beckley phone number is (304) 252-9758.

Video here from local news station WSET on Bill White’s sentence:

The talking head wonders if Bill White learned anything. Well, I can tell you the snivel rights lady Brenda Hale didn’t learn anything. Did the government prove that Bill White was commanding other people to carry out violent acts? Wake up, Brenda!

Bill White filed a Motion for a New Trial on Count 5 [Kathleen Kerr] on April 12th and a Notice of Appeal on April 22nd. (More on this coming soon.) He won’t be getting out of the concentration camp any earlier, but he is trying to clear his name. Bill maintains that internet postings are free speech protected under the law, therefore, White was convicted for lawful acts on Charge 5. This is an important point, not just for Bill White, but for all internet users. Mark Potok, Morris Dees and all the rest of those speech crimes bastards don’t want you to be upset when you find out that what goes for Nazi Bill White goes for you, too. You may be thrown in jail for internet postings, someday, if they get away with this.

October, 2008 – FBI persecutes Bill White

April 29, 2010

A letter from

Bill White written shortly before his arrest in 2008 posted at Harold Covington’s site with the very charming name:

Comments section contains interesting speculation about “Which is Which and Who is Who?”

Jim Giles: Richard Barrett, FBI asset?

April 28, 2010

Highly edited transcript from Radio Free Mississippi, Jim Giles of talks about his neighbor in rural Rankin County, Richard Barrett.

Long, rambling audio at:

“Who was Richard Barrett? Richard Barrett was an asset … not to white people… he was an asset to the FBI and to the CENSORED media…he was a sick puppy, and I’m suggesting sexual perversion on his part…he was a little man, he was a lawyer…he was a scrawny man, and he had a look in his face that was one of distortion, of perversion…he would call me on the telephone, incessantly [TO SPY ON JIM?]…he put the stink, so to speak, on white racial politics… CENSORED faggot from New York City, how many want to line up with a CENSORED faggot from New York City?… [THE MEDIA IGNORED GILES BUT LOVED BARRETT] every last media outlet in this CENSORED state, you couldn’t pick up a newspaper without seeing his face on the front CENSORED page.
I am capable of independent thought…it was so transparent that Richard Barrett was an asset…the very first article the Clarion Ledger wrote, they have modified that since then, but the very first article [ON BARRET’S MURDER REPORTED IN A RESPECTFUL TONE AND PRAISED BARRETT ] “…and a highly decorated veteran of the Vietnam War “, they slipped up there, that was an immediate knee jerk reaction from the bowels of the CENSORED media…the FBI [IMMEDIATELY] was at the crime scene, so the media reported, well it suggests to me that Richard Barrett was an employee… [GILES WILL REQUEST THE FBI FILE ON BARRETT BUT] I do not trust the FBI to respond honestly….[TO ADMIT BARRETT WAS WORKING FOR THEM]”

Tony Rezko and Obama Crime Family

April 26, 2010

Bill White met Tony Rezko when they were in prison in Chicago last year. Rezko, Obama’s neighbor and his major fund-raiser, was jailed for felonies. “The American people never picked up on it”, says Dick Morris:

Below, an interesting anti-Obama letter in the comments section of a recent article by Margie Burns about the Blagojevich/Patrick Fitzgerald matter. Internet nuttiness or an inside story? Hmmm?

(Note: See the Family of Hal Turner blog at for more about Patrick Fitzgerald and the Chicago FBI office.)

“2003 Planning Board Legislation
How out of touch are you? Barry carried the 2003 Health Facilities Planning Board legislation which allowed Rezko to keep control of the board. Barry got kickbacks for it. Case closed.

Obama, just like Rezko, Blago, Auchi and Alsammarae, are flunkeys for the GenMed, the Syrian mafia front which specializes in real estate scams and government contract kickbacks.

Obama is all over the Levine tapes, and is sure to be indicted soon.

If you had a brain in your silly head, you would have noted that although the 2003 legislation is prominently featured in the 2009 complaint against Blago (pp. 19-23), it disappears completely from the superseding indictment. Why? Because it is the centerpiece of the Board case against Obama.

By the way, in case you decide to do some research instead of your silly blathering, both documents are online at the website of the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Illinois.

There are at least FOUR charges of perjury in the intentionally faultily “redacted” document.

This is simply Blago's little shot across the bow for Barry.

Obama is a cheap, stupid pimp. Period. Wake up and grow up.

What you don’t know is that Cari has been feeding testimony to Fitzgerald for nearly as long as Rezko. Who is the target of that investigation? The other cheap pimp hood: Biden, who will also be indicted.

Leaving us with….the biggest irony in American history: President Pelosi, the ultimate mafia princess, whose father was mayor of Baltimore and one of the biggest crooks who ever lived.

Now do you understand why the economy is collapsing? Think Evita."

Update/backdate: Fitzgerald renews interest in Rezko, 2008

This Youtube Account Is Suspended

April 26, 2010

Was it something he said?

Sort by Rating | Sort by Time from Martyhadaparty
Jews Stage Fake Bagel Nazi Protest in Los Angeles April 17, 2010
He had a swastika on one side of his chest and double lightning bolts on the other side of his chest. He was taller than everyone else and was walking…
posted 1 day ago by Martyhadaparty

Neo Nazi Rally!! Los Angeles, CA April 17, 2010
Those beady eyed photographers near the end are scarier than 100 per cent Honky. They look evil, he looks out of it.
posted 3 days ago by Martyhadaparty

Rally Against neo-Nazi Rally in Los Angeles 17 April 2010 I don’t know what’s going on but the police should have dispersed this crowd of sick bastards.
posted 16 hours ago by Martyhadaparty

Protester Physically Attacked by Anti Nazi Censors-video
I can’t believe the cops complimented themselves aafter arresting egg-throwers and letting that homicidal maniac /girl with the stick go free! I’ve seen…
posted 3 days ago by Martyhadaparty

A BLACK woman was beating a JEWISH(?) homosexual (?) man with a stick at an anti-Nazi rally until his face was covered with blood. She was doing the…
posted 4 days ago by Martyhadaparty

NEO NAZI RALLY!!LOS ANGELES, CA APRIL 17, 2010!!!!! @jpatton1989 That’s like saying trouble-making “snivel rights” commie northerners should have stayed out out of the South, but if they got killed, they…

posted 17 hours ago by Martyhadaparty
@eggsploezhon He thought he wasstill in the USA, where they have freedom of expression, and so on.
posted 17 hours ago by Martyhadaparty

How To Tell People They Sound Racist @BlackBiscuit19 Try it yourself, when someone is telling you about being mugged, or having her purse snatched, always ask, “Was it a black guy?” That’s…
posted 1 day ago by Martyhadaparty

@BlackBiscuit19. It’s not made up, it’s based on my own observations. That’s how they establish facts. Observe and record. That’s why white people always…
posted 2 days ago by Martyhadaparty

Why this video is sick. It goes on the assumption that making a watermelon joke (thought crime/speech crime) is WORSE that stealing somebody’s wallet…
posted 2 days ago by Martyhadaparty

@Manusturbo Believe me, almost every white in America that has had their purse or wallet stolen had it stolen BY A BLACK PERSON. He can run his mouth…
posted 3 days ago by Martyhadaparty

@rozax740 The easiest way to deal with it would be to accept that “free speech” means people don’t and shouldn’t have to watch everything they say closely.
posted 1 day ago by Martyhadaparty
White Supremacist killed, Black convict arrested Poor white people have to deal with black scum.
posted 15 hours ago by Martyhadaparty

RICHARD BARRETT “STABBED” AND SET ON “FIRE” ! @WhiteIGNITERS Ordinarily, only a ga-ga liberal would hire a black kid with tattoes on his face to come work on his property. Everyone in the South knows…
posted 1 day ago by Martyhadaparty

Neo Nazi Rally April 17, 2010 Los Angeles, CA!!!! @Martyhadaparty Oh, I guess they are commies, not hippies! It’s 1939!
posted 17 hours ago by Martyhadaparty

The hippies could have all just stayed away. But, they wanted to be violent and cause trouble. The cops know this, that’s why they are there. I never…
posted 17 hours ago by Martyhadaparty

Richard Barrett Weird Sex Controversy

April 26, 2010

Richard Barrett Controversy

Letter by Jim Giles dated July 31, 2004, to Richard Barrett, rolling out many nasty accusations, including one by made by Bill White that Barrett was trying to entrap people into making bombs. It is noteworthy that Giles claims Barrett is a media darling in Mississippi. Legend has it that media darlings are usually blessed by the nearest rabbi, 100 per cent kosher!

The P.S of this letter (apparently Barrett never replied):

Jimmy D. Giles
Candidate for Congress for the 3d Congressional District of Mississippi

P.S. I think it’s in the public interest to also now bring some other very controversial public issues surrounding yourself to a resolution, especially since you yourself have brought these controversies further into the public view. You have done this with your secretive attempts to infringe the First Amendment rights of Rebel Army forum users by attempting to intimidate under color of law a web host provider engaged in providing accommodation to a lawful federal political candidate appearing on the public ballot of the State of Mississippi in the 3d Congressional District.

1. Bill White of Libertarian Socialist News has stated that in the past you have acted as an FBI informer and may have even attempted to entrap others involved with you on federal bomb making charges. This is an extremely serious allegation. Have you ever acted as an informant to any federal, state or local police agency? By this I mean secretive contacts with and reports to law enforcement officials about people you are ‘politically’ involved with but which were not any part of your duties as attorney of record in any cases in which you were involved.

2. Do you continue to offer ‘weapons training’ to ‘skinheads’, or to ‘hairless boys’ to use a quotation ascribed to you by Mr. White? Your Nationalists website has offered pictures of such training in the past. You have also clearly implied that you stand ready to provide such training in the future at a facility you control somewhere in rural Mississippi.

This, combined with the un-refuted reports that you have acted as a federal police informer in the past, are extremely serious practical considerations for any young white man considering closer contact with you or involvement in your organization. This is especially true when considering the congressionally documented misconduct of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and of the FBI, at Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas and in other incidents.

3. How many law cases are you presently handling on behalf of white people in either Mississippi state courts or the federal courts? What cases are these and what courts are they in? Despite the efforts of the current U.S. Attorney General and his Jewish appointee lawyers to the contrary, most legal proceedings remain matters of public record, as was intended by the white founders of the American Republic. And as you are aware, Notices of Appearance by yourself as counsel in such cases are matters of public record. So there is no purpose not to detail your current legal activities, if any, on behalf of white folks. A full disclosure of these ongoing cases will help other white folks, and especially your preferred demographic group of ‘hairless white boys’, to reach an informed opinion on the value of your actual white public service, and also of your ‘non-profit’ leadership.

4. It has been reported that you are presently the subject of a complaint to the Mississippi State Bar Association concerning your conduct as a lawyer. What is the present status of this complaint?

Richard Barrett on Hal Turner

April 26, 2010

Hal Turner is probably the most famous snitch of the day. His name gets thrown around constantly, especially in reference to disinformation, entrapment or provocation and bizarre FBI black operations against our citizens.

Bill White believes that he was arrested in October, 2008 because Hal Turner had emailed his contact in the FBI a PHONY “tip” about Bill White plotting to blow up the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, Virginia with a truck bomb.

Here is Richard Barrett, (now dead by n-word), from his crosstar site on the Hal Turner case:

Free-speech salvaged, but Turner devastated – Richard Barrett

There are three main reasons why I feel compelled to speak out on the Hal Turner case, in behalf of The Nationalist Movement. First, The Movement, apparently, was the first organization that Turner had tried to infiltrate, in March of 2002. Second, The Movement has written the law-of-the-land in the United States Supreme Court on free-speech. Finally, the course must be set, notwithstanding efforts by Turner and his cronies to stigmatize or derail Nationalism. Nationalism is the blood-based form of government, marked by a strong, central state, social-justice for those who work and rule by the majority of its people. In shorthand, Nationalism is the exact opposite of Communism.

Nationalists have been “rising again,” ever since minorities and aliens seized control of the nation, prompting their opponents to use every sort of device to scuttle them, from banishment to imprisonment to ridicule to infiltration to disinformation. Turner became part of the widespread, although illegal and undercover, ploy, to destabilize rightist political activism, which manifests itself in everything from fundamentalist Christians to gun-defenders to segregationists to anti-Communists. In a lawsuit against the FBI, in 1997, Nationalists uncovered secret files, which detailed that the agency had not quit spying on American citizens, even though the practice had been outlawed.

Agents exposed

Agent-provocateur tactics were exposed, on a much broader scale, when Turner was revealed to have been using the Internet to create the false-persona of a would-be assassin, to paint Nationalists as murderers and, even, entrap pro-majority activists into committing crimes. At first, Nationalists rejected Turner and warned against him. However, some insisted that Turner had “free-speech” rights, which, if impinged, would set a bad precedent for rightists, in general. However, being a “snitch” and a “rat” was so unappealing that Nationalists refused to utter any kind words for Turner, at all. Meanwhile, Turner’s wife, Phyllis, decried Nationalists as “snakes.”

Turner pointed to his Indian and Puerto Rican lawyers, his managing of a campaign for a Jew and his Negro and Jewish FBI-handlers as proof that he “never was” a Nationalist. He, also, produced memos to the FBI insisting that he was not what he appeared to be, for which he was paid over $100,000.00. Nationalists have said that they will use the case to press for enforcement of laws against Turner-style agent-provocateurs. Some Turner critics have suggested that Turner “got what he deserved,” by having to spend his loot on lawyers and bail-bonds and going bankrupt. Others say that the way Turner was hung out to dry by the FBI warns others from becoming informants.

Unanimous jury unlikely

A unanimous jury was unlikely at the Brooklyn, New York venue, where minorities abound, but anti-Israeli sentiment runs high. The main witnesses against Turner were Jewish judges, whose “offense” to being “threatened” did not meet the “reasonable-man” test, spelled out by the judge. Being unable to convict Turner, however, only underscores that saying that someone “deserves” to be killed does not override the First Amendment, although, in the same breath, Nationalists warn against threat-making. A “true” threat is when someone has the “imminent” means to “imminently” carry out a threat. A broadcast to a general audience, over the Internet, of “opinion,” does not qualify.

Since Turner fired his lawyers, at his second mis-trial, there has been speculation that Turner might seek legal-counsel from Nationalist lawyers. But, Nationalists say no. If the case were to reach the high-court, which is unlikely, they might file an amicus-curiae brief in support of free-speech, while making clear that Nationalists do not condone disinformation, entrapment or provocation. Some have suggested that Turner might seek to “return” to the very ones he had tried to entrap, saying that “all is forgiven.” Jurors were unimpressed, however, when prosecutors called Turner a liar, but sidestepped that Turner’s handlers were the ones who had lied to the public and to them.

Setback to Dees

The inability to convict Turner has been a setback to Morris Dees, who had claimed that Turner had an actual following and that laws were needed to halt such “danger.” Testimony, even by his opponents, revealed that Turner had no following, however. Abraham Foxman, who had campaigned that flag-wavers, returning-veterans and right-wing third-party supporters were “haters” and whose diatribes had been adopted by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, was the biggest loser. The “danger” he proclaimed had been orchestrated by Obama-Administration officials, whose cover and credibility had been devastated. So, Nationalists only gained in stature.

According to Jeffrey Ullman, “Now is the time for Nationalists to speak out, to get the information out.” Ullman branded Dees, Foxman, Napolitano and Obama as “a movement of lies,” contrasted with The Nationalist Movement, which he termed “a movement of truth.” Ullman pointed out that the news-media had, also, taken a hit, because it had referred to Turner as a “right-winger,” even when Turner, himself, as well as prosecutors, asserted otherwise. With Turner exposed as a fraud, the public as asking, “Will the real Nationalists please stand up?” “It is a risk to speak out,” warns Ullman, “but our words and actions are one-hundred percent patriotic and empowering Americans.”

Richard Barrett in Jena, LA

April 25, 2010

Richard Barrett in Jena, Louisiana

Richard Barrett counter-protests a black rally with his trademark sign “No King Above Us”. King refers to the notorious Martin Luther King.

Black Rally in Jena, Louisiana

Why do negroes feel free to kill whitey? ESPN news coverage of Jena 6
10:46 min.

Richard Barrett Murdered by Black Thug

April 25, 2010

Local news story from WJTV here

the arrest of Vincent McGee, blame slavery

I don’t know anything about Richard Barrett, but there seems to me to be something very fishy about a New Jersey lawyer moving to Mississippi and doing what he did.

If he WAS homosexual or part Jewish, the mainstream media would never tell us, because they want to promote a phony image of Mississippi. (As if white people in Mississippi have the nerve to stand up for their rights, and can go to court for their rights and win. )

Note: To me, it looks like Richard Barrett is just another elderly white Southerner senselessly killed in his own home by a black thug. I don’t think there is anything newsworthy about this in post-civil rights America.

Article by James Edwards of The Political Cesspool See also his white people must die article.

It seems Bill White and Richard Barrett had mixed it up at one time. As tells it, Richard Barrett got Bill White kicked off the internet, and Bill White sued in 2004 to have Richard Barrett disbarred. The lawsuit was dismissed.

Here is a list of Barrett’s considerable Nationalist accomplishments :

Below, Barrett warns people not to follow Bill White’s example.

Comment by Richard Barrett regarding the Bill White trial, from the Crosstar messageboard:

Bill White trial
by crosstar ยป Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:22 pm

The Bill White trial, set for July 27th, has been put off, supposedly until August 11th. But, there are some interesting developments. First, a final pre-trial conference was scheduled for yesterday, but it was “adjourned” by the judge, meaning that it is not being rescheduled. Secondly, the judge said that there would be a subsequent order entered. This seems to indicate that White will be copping a plea and that no trial will be held, but not necessarily.

The setting of the trial-date could be just a “formality.” On the other hand, another scenario could be that the judge might be contemplating dismissing the charges, rather than receiving a plea.

There are, certainly, free-speech elements to the case, but, the egregious conduct, coupled with White’s admitted “mental-disorder,” does not offer any sort of “example” to others, but, instead, a warning of a path not to go down. Those who have expressed interest in covering the White trial are encouraged to be “on hold,” pending further announcements.
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Posts: 171
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 8:37 pm
Location: Mississippi

Re: Curtis Maynard Tragedy

April 24, 2010

This article in the Houston Chronicle about Curtis Maynard shooting his wife, his step-daughter and himself drew many surprising responses from men who sympathized with Maynard. Most of them blamed the divorce courts, and in particular divorce lawyers.

Below, an old story, said to be written by Bill White, about Curt Maynard.

From messageboard:

Author: Ghost of
Subject: it’s the kind of story that only comes out of the lunatic fringe of the white movement.

Texas — It’s the kind of story that only comes out of the lunatic fringe of the white movement. Curtis Boone Maynard, a well-known speaker on the anti-Jewish conspiracy theory circuit and a prominent “white nationalist” and advocate of “Aryan-ism”, has a Mexican wife, two half-Mexican children, and often uses photos of his wife’s first husband to illustrate articles criticizing “illegal immigrants”, learned yesterday.

Maynard, who has spoken at “real history” events hosted by the likes of David Irving and who claims to have had a relationship with Willis Carto’s organization, is a former nurse who lost his license in Texas after stealing drugs from the hospital where he worked, and who now appears to work as a nurse’s aide in another state. Pictured, right, with his Mexican wife and his newest half-bred child, one of Maynard’s daughters had been operating a “family photo blog” that was discovered by white activists researching Maynard’s background after he published a number of offensive articles.

Maynard’s prolific internet postings confirm the allegations, including allegations he used a photo of his wife’s ex-husband as a prototypical “illegal immigrant” when denouncing Mexicans.

Maynard, in conjunction with John Nugent, a mentally ill man currently residing in Pennsylvania who refers to himself as “Hitler 2.0”, Daryl Bradford Smith, a prominent conspiracy theorist writer with a black wife, and the Jewish publisher Mike Rivero of, has authored numerous articles referring to ANSWP publisher and editor Bill White as a “Jew” and a “federal informant”, causing many to suspect that they are plants who spout lunacy in order to disrupt the white racialist cause. Given that all of them have something seriously wrong with them, or are non-white, or are married to non- whites, a pattern of disruption and a motive for that disruption appears to be established.

Jewish groups often utilize mentally ill people or infiltrate plants spouting anti-Jewish rhetoric into white groups to cause disruption. Other examples include Jacques Pluss, a half-Jewish man who is either mentally ill or deliberately acting ridiculous, but who recently founded the “American Neo- Nazi Party”, which requires members to meet in the nude at midnight and which calls for the mixing of all races to destroy the concept of race; Michael Blevins, a mentally ill man from Florida who recently co-founded the “Christian National Socialist Party”, a group designed to create religious divisions among white activists; Matthew Ramsey, of Portland, Oregon, an admitted anti-racist informant who runs the seemingly radical “Zogsnightmare” website; and many, many others.