Archive for May, 2010

West Memphis Cops kill Patriot Jerry Kane and his minor son, Joe

May 21, 2010

The suspects identified:

The video shows Joe Kane helping his dad teach a class; the rapport between the two (around 0:2:54) is interesting.

“They were also members of the Sovereign Nation Supremacy Group and had a vendetta against the government.”

Note: There is no such thing as the “Sovereign Nation Supremacy Group”, the myFoxmindcontrol team just made that up. Furthermore, the Kanes were beloved by Mexicans in California and seem to have been members of the Pot-Smoking Multiculturalist Group.

Updated, September 5, 2010.

This case has no connection to Bill White and only got posted here because nothing was happening with Bill White’s case at the time. However, many people have viewed this article, so I’m going to fill in a few things.


I have not looked into this story since the video was released. The video was weirdly interesting, but showed almost nothing.

Link at

I had to sit through a “N-wordize Me!” Taco Bell commercial to watch this video. Please note, the real action doesn’t start until almost eleven minutes into the video.

Link to analysis of video

No comment on the analysis. I haven’t even read it through, yet.


The media spent about a week jabbering about the “Aryan Church” in Vienna, Ohio that had some connection with the van the Kanes drove. Pastor Martin Lindstedt looked into the Kanes’ connection with this so-called “Aryan Church” in his Talkshoe radio show #33. He reports that the owner of the church had never heard of the Kanes. Apparently, the Kanes were homeless and sometimes used the church’s address as a “home address”.

However, Jerry Kane’s widely reported comment on what the Bible says about killing your enemies DOES sound to me rather similar to what you hear on Lindstedt’s show about killing the enemies of Dual Seedline Christian Identity. Therefore, I consider it possible that Jerry Kane may have been exposed to CI or something related to it.

Link to Aryan Nation web site –


Please note that Bill White, known as a “Neo-Nazi” and “White Supremacist Leader”, is a follower of Savitri Devi, “the missionary of Aryan paganism“. (Bill recommends her book called “The Lightning and the Sun”, 1958. Bill didn’t know anything about the “the House of God’s Prayer being an “Aryan Church”. He never heard of the Kanes before the shootings, and he is not a follower of their “Patriot” belief system.

Links to Savitri Devi sites:


Question: What happened in West Memphis? Was it anything like this?

Out of control [Israelified] traffic cop video:

The motorcycle rider, Anthony Graber of Maryland, posted the video on youtube which triggered a raid on his home and seizure of his computers. File under: Make Everything Illegal and the Police State Will Have a Busy Time.

The photo of Joe dead on the ground reminds me of Nazi Era photos. And it turns out Jerry Kane thought he was fighting the Nazis… those pesky cops who want to see your papers, even though you don’t look like a Mexican or a Middle Eastern/dancing Israeli.

Kurt Nimmo at infowars.

(Why is this here in the Bill White Trial Update blog? Because Nimmo works in a “We all know Hal Turner” reference!)

What we need to understand is that the Aryan Christian is the “New Jew” – and “The Nazis” are the Jews at ADL/SPLC/Homeland Security and their trained minions…like your local police force.

Intelligence report on Richard Anthony Barrett

May 20, 2010

Here is a list of highlights from the FBI file on
Richard Anthony Barrett from Jim Giles at

Interesting stuff!

Giles’ conclusion:

” Reviewing this Barrett file leaves me with multiple impressions, all of them negative.

Foremost is the futility of Barrett’s own life. “Sad” is the major hallmark. He went to a losing war [in Vietnam], then he came home and adhered himself to a losing cause [KKK]. Clearly he had multiple personal issues. He left home and family in New York State to become a stranger in a place where he was generally rejected as an outsider. This is different from you, who are rejected by locals for appearing to be a dangerous loose cannon. Barrett was suspected by KKKers of being an FBI informant. You otoh are more likely to be suspected by Mississippians of being a KKKer. Barrett was feared as being the heat. You are feared because they fear the heat is close behind you.

Second, I’m struck by the greater defeat encapsulating the defeat. This is the general background of “The South” and “USA” with Barrett’s life in the foreground. This includes the no-talent useless eater bureaucratic FBI maggots who are wasting their purposeless lives shuffling all that paper to and fro. Defeat, failure, futility and decline into ever darkening decrepitude is all we see. Both in the USA’s darkening racial complexion and finally in Barrett’s own life as an ostensible racist and likely homosexual murdered in his own home by a Negro he invited in.

A pathetic and all too true allegory for the fate of the USA itself. A country teeming with sodomites and soon to be murdered by the non-whites it invited in. A horrible curse on the land of Mississippi that Google Street shows to truly be a beautiful land.”

The original trumped up Hale juror charge, from

May 12, 2010

(Note: skinheadz was Richard Barrett’s trademarked name, I suppose this was written by suspected FBI asset, Richard Barrett, himself. The judge later threw this charge out.

Bill White believes that this original charge was trumped up by the FBI to hold Bill while they investigated the false “truck bomb plot” charge that was placed by Hal Turner and others. When the FBI realized the truck bomb plot was fake, they then trumped-up some charges from old cases from 2007. But Barrett and Mary Potok and other media darlings would have known very well that Bill White had not broken the law/obstructed justice. So, why didn’t they protest this abuse of power? -americafarm)


The trademark, maniacal grin of Bill White, the anarchist arrested for obstruction of justice, said it all. The I-got-the-attention-I-wanted look belied the man who, for years, had tried to torment Nationalists, with Internet graffiti, pirating Nationalist images and lambasting Nationalists as “wacky,” “wacko” and “crazy.” White’s greatest resentment was being ignored, which White attempted to remedy by being the easy-target “poster-boy” for pro-minority-activist Morris Dees. Dees pronounced White the “second biggest” rightist, even though White had a history as an avowed Communist and anarchist, who repeatedly called for assassination and “overthrowing” the “ruling classes.”

White feigned being a “rightist” by associating with costumists, who had sparked a riot in Toledo, but his forte was invariably goading others into murder-plots or praising convicted-criminals, such as Matt Hale, serving forty years for murder-conspiracy. Gary Nemeth, who quit White, early on, pronounced White a “freak-show” who, instead of the “thousands” of members claimed by White, had only two members, both of whom had quit him. White, a slum-lord, who had inherited a trust-fund, had gone bankrupt, after squandering his fortune on sub-prime real-estate. Dees had continually asserted that White would make a “comeback,” but White just kept up his murder-instigation.

Nationalists had been quick to denounce White, when White first surfaced, following his unsuccessful campaign for the Maryland state-house as an “anarchist.” Appearing on National Public Radio, Richard Barrett dubbed White’s murder-appeals “outrageous” and “indefensible,” predicting that “the only thing that White will overthrow is himself.” Nationalists had pulled the plug on White’s Internet-site for copyright infringement, which White responded to by filing a complaint with the Mississippi attorneys’ association. When the complaint was dismissed, White, who had disclosed a lengthy rapsheet, including a suicide-watch hospitalization, claimed that he had “won.”

White was arrested for his latest escapade, in which he published the name and address of a federal-juror in the Hale case, beckoning threats. Given his history of threats, even publishing his targets in the cross-hairs of a gun, White, who was denied bail, was likely to mimic Hale’s fate at some super-max federal pen. U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Urbanski said that he was troubled that White, whose computer had been seized under a search-warrant, had set up an intricate plot to murder fifteen to twenty people. White had once claimed to be represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, but the group denied it. White’s last lawyer appeared in court and asked the judge to be let go.
Copyright 2008 Skinheadz

Exclusive: Secret FBI memo of 10/03/08

May 9, 2010

Kill this Nigger Magazine Cover – It appears from this unclassified memo from the FBI Roanoke Resident Agency that there was no criminal investigation of Bill White until after October 3, 2008. (Because… he had broken no laws.)

On page two the memo states that the Roanoke RA was in weekly contact with a Secret Service Agent regarding Bill White. Bill White previously reported that he was interviewed by Secret Service agents shortly after this date in regard to his “Kill This Nigger?” magazine cover. That issue of the magazine was never distributed. Bill White was silenced by the government.

Roanoke RA memo concerning Bill White and the “Kill This Nigger?” magazine cover:

Page One

Page Two

Page Three

Prosecutors Chung and Richmond Poisoned the Jury’s Mind

May 9, 2010

Pictured above, collaboraters with the Zionist Occupation Richmond and Chung.

More from Bill White’s “Motion for a New Trial” on Count Five, the Kathleen Kerr charge (not an official copy):

“…In addition to the lost caller ID records, which would have shown White’s call coming in separately five minutes before the threatening call, there is the police summary of these records and a tape recording of a separate phone call between Michael Burks and Michael Downs, two members of the ANSWP organization and readers of the website, made September 22, 2007, where they discuss calling people on the phone and saying they “should be shot.” Burks has a history, also recorded by the FBI, of making phone calls and impersonating people, and Downs regularly made, on tape such calls with Burks over Skype, an internet-based phone service which blocks the calling number. Further, Burks admitted calling Kerr in an exhibit tendered by the government in pre-trial proceedings. By calling attention to the defendant’s decision not to put on this evidence, by not calling James Tweedy, one of the individuals who’s seen these records, [snivel rights prosecutor Cindy] Chung poisoned the mind of the jury as regard reasonable doubt, and in stating Defense had put on no evidence of a person or persons imitating defendant, [snivel rights prosecutor John] Richmond poisoned the jury’s mind as to reasonable doubt.


Because of these defects in the indictment, the failure of the court to issue appropriate jury instructions, the inappropriate and prejudicial comment by prosecutor Chung, and the high probability White was convicted for lawful acts instead of unlawful ones, the court should order a new trial on Count Five.

Respectfully submitted,
William A. White

Mass confusion on vigilante gay basher Barrett Murder

May 6, 2010

1. Mark Potok on why his state of the art spy center hid SPLC poster boy Barrett’s alleged homosexuality all these years…

Just kidding, he wouldn’t explain that! But, I was impressed by all Mark Potok’s writings about how blacks lawlessly murdering whites is vigilantism…

Just kidding about that, too!

2. Ordinary person (?) tries to add it all up, but perhaps his ideology gets in the way?
“Judging from the details presented in the article, I’d say there was definitely something going on between the two [Barrett and McGee]. The supremacist obviously had a trusting enough relationship with the black dude to allow him in his home and use his computer. I highly doubt that was the first time the brother entered the supremacist’s house. How you doin?

It could be that homeboy planned it all out from the beginning and is using the gay story as an excuse for the murder, and hopefully get a reduced sentence (good luck on that one…)

Don’t be too surprised with the white supremacist befriending black folks and then wanting to sleep with them. There have been plenty of self-contradicting bigots in the world. Remember that one dude who fought hard to maintain segregation? Years later after he died, it was revealed that he fathered a son, with a Black woman. In fact, he financially and emotionally supported the son from the very beginning.

Point is, sometimes people use ideology to cover up what their doing in their personal lives. Most often, out of shame. Some people get into anti-homosexual activism because they themselves are gay. Some White supremacists preach what they preach, because underneath the surface, they have an affection for black folks.

There is quite a bit of homoeroticism within the neo-***** community, and quite a few homosexuals as well (they have to keep that hidden, of course).

Nothing ever surprises me anymore.”

posted by Marcusito on

Richard Barrett – creepy chocolate love

May 5, 2010

Richard Barrett probably was killed for his deviant sexuality, not for his racist views, nor for his money.

The common hiphop herd applaud the official “black man murders the white supremacist” story.

Update: Black Man Says He Killed White Supremacist Over Homosexual Advances

However, anyone with more than half a brain can see that the story doesn’t add up.

Jim Giles has a good show about this today on – Barrett was not a white supremacist, he was an impostor. The media people, [gays and friends of gays], knew very well that Barrett was gay. They protected Barrett, they kept it a secret, because it would blow his cover as a so-called white supremacist to be known as a gay. Jim Giles tried to get the word out himself, in an open letter to Barrett, years ago, but google “mysteriously” never picked that web page up.

What is Vincent McGee’s sexual orientation? He looks like a gay to Jim Giles.

McGee’s mothers told investigators that Barrett had “messed” with McGee when McGee was a child. But McGee went to Barrett’s house to use his computer to check McGee’s facebook account. According to McGee’s mother, Barrett dropped his pants and asked for a sexual act. McGee got a knife and stuck Barrett in the throat. Barrett was found in his underpants, with a belt wrapped around his wrists.

If anyone is crying for Barrett, it might be the homosexual community.

Hal Turner and the truck bomb plot

May 5, 2010

Well, Michael Burks may deny that he was an informant, but Hal Turner does not. How does Hal’s case connect with Bill White’s case?

The transcripts from Hal Turner’s trial show that a U.S. Marshal named James Elcik was in contact with Hal Turner in June 2008 and in October 2008. – Source: Lady Liberty’s Lamp

View the pertinent Hal Turner trial documents here:

1. Elcik – direct – Hogan page 466

“He [Hal Turner] left a message [on October 13, 2008] on my office telephone in reference to having information of a potential catastrophic event transpiring at a courthouse in Roanoke, Virginia.”

2. Elcik – cross/Orozco page 486
Q You referenced a report that you had drafted wherein Mr. Turner called you up and advised you about a possible truck bombing in Virginia, correct?
A I don’t think I referenced a report.
Q Did you reference a phone call?
A Yes.
A Did Mr. Turner have any obligation to inform you about that?
A He did not.

Was Bill White arrested on October 2008 because of Hal’s truck bomb phone call? Lady Liberty’s Lamp speculated on their web page that probably Hal had named Bill White as the person planning the truck bomb.

Dep. Elcik also testified that in Oct. 2008, Turner left him a phone message saying he had information about a truck bomb threat to the courthouse in Roanoke, VA. While the information was not detailed, that was the month in which fellow neo-Nazi Bill White was arrested on charges that he had threatened a juror in the trial of World Church of the Creator’s Matt Hale when he was charged and eventually convicted of soliciting the murder of a federal judge, also in Chicago. For some time afterward, he frequently spoke with Turner, who later sent him an email in an effort to be an informant for US Marshals. A little more than a year earlier, the FBI, whom Turner had informed for previously, had ended their association, noting his status “closed for cause”, meaning he was no longer suitable for the government to maintain his informant status. The reason citied was “serious control problems”.

Turner never became an informant for the US Marshals. Bill White eventually had the charges in his case on him dropped, but he is still due to stand trial next week in Roanoke on threats towards others he has made.

Bill White has entered a copy of that web page as evidence for his new trial!

However, according to Bill White, his web servers were seized by the FBI on October 10, 2008, three days before the truck bomb phone call. White believes this was an effort to stop the “Kill this Nigger?”/Obama cover issue of his magazine from coming out.

Note: The courthouse mentioned in the transcript most likely is the Poff Federal Building where Bill White was tried.

Michael Burks replies to Bill White

May 5, 2010

From 2009:

Even in jail, Bill White can still lie as good as ever

Motion for a New Trial on Count Five

May 5, 2010

From the government document on White/7:08cr54, looks like Bill has some evidence that the pertinent phone call made to Kathleen Kerr was made by one of his FBI informant “followers” who called Kerr and imitated Bill White.

NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT! Copied by me, there may be some goofs here and there:

“… the government is in possession of a police report
stating that the call came from either a blocked number, or another number in Bethesda, Maryland MD, unrelated to the defendant. This is why the comment made by prosecutor Chung, challenging the defense to put on James Tweedy, one of the two men who saw the caller ID records before they were “lost” by the government, as significantly causing a mistrial on this Count, along with comments made by prosecutor Richmond, asking rhetorically who the person imitating White had been. The government is, or had been, in possession of substantial evidence [TAPES?] showing defendant did not make this phone call, and that individuals who cooperated with the government had been making phone calls and imitating defendant…”