Archive for August, 2010

Update on the Updates

August 28, 2010

Updated, 3pm – Rec’d a letter from Bill dated Aug 22. (Wrong zip code.) He sounded in pretty good spirits, considering the time and place. I’ll post it, later, but here is his comment on his show trial, which he called “a pointless exercise” –

“…Their attorneys delusionally believe there is some money for them – I just keep laughing. They have hit the tar baby and just keep wailing at it…”

Just wanted to let people know that I have not been in contact with Bill since he left Beckley. I really expected him to send me a letter/s from Roanoke City Jail, but he didn’t. So, something is up and I can speculate on some reasons for this, but I am not going to post about that, yet. I hope to hear from him soon. I will say Bill White did not appear to have any money woes up until that time, and he didn’t seem too worried about the civil case. He had other problems going on, though. In fact, it seemed to me that the civil case was the least of Bill’s worries when he left Beckley.

Don’t want to say anything more at this time.

“Justice” system puts Bill White into slavery for next 40 years?

August 28, 2010

Surreal – This whole case hinges on the imaginary violent racist followers of Commander Bill White. And do you think whites in America don’t constantly look about for blacks that are coming to do them harm? Oh, no, we would never have a trial to bring justice to whites afraid of the black criminals that actually exist and that whites are very likely to encounter, sooner or later.

These ladies are either very stupid or they (rightly) consider our justice system a big casino.

ANSWP doesn’t exist, and when it did, was it ever more than a handful of guys with Nazi costumes, some flyers and some balloons? Aren’t most of these people either in jail or the nuthouse at this point in time?

I wonder why it is unclear what Bill White is worth? He has been in jail for years, he filed for bankruptcy before that. (Did he file when he saw the black tenants coming with their lawyer?)

Laurence Hammack, why the big mystery on the real gist of the case? You’re the (sorry) main “source’ of Bill White facts and factoids.
– americafarm

Second part of Laurence Hammack’s article on the named but Unnamed Citizens v. William White:

“White, 33, presented no evidence. Dressed in a dark suit, he spent most of the trial scribbling notes. From time to time, as the witnesses described the suffering they experienced at his hands, a slight smile crossed his face.

Troy drew the jury’s attention to White’s demeanor during his closing arguments. “The smirks, the laughter, the gleam in the eye,” Troy said. “You’re seeing it right now. Look at him.”

White, who moved to Roanoke in 2004 to start a rental home business, once owned about 20 houses in the West End neighborhood. He claimed nearly $2 million in assets at one point, but filed for bankruptcy protection in 2008.

As part of the jury’s verdict, the $545,000 award against him will stand regardless of the bankruptcy proceedings. It’s unclear just what White is worth now, but the plaintiffs can seek to collect any future assets he might acquire over the next 40 years.

After deliberating about three hours, the jury awarded compensatory damages to Reddick, her daughter Tasha Reddick, Arlene Carter, Tiese Mitchell and Crystal Lewis in amounts ranging from $45,000 to $65,000. His now-defunct organization, the American National Socialist Workers Party, was found liable for another $280,000.

Although White did not testify, his own words proved to be the most damning evidence against him.

Time and again, the jury was read the letter he sent to the five women. White called them “dirty parasites,” warning that the white community had noticed them and its “patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

Even with White behind bars, the women remain so fearful that two of them almost pulled out of the lawsuit at the last minute.

“It’s a nightmare,” Carter testified. “I believe no one can protect me, honestly. So whenever he wants to do something, or his followers, it’s going to happen.”

After hearing from the women, the jury watched a videotaped deposition of White taken two years ago. The defendant appeared bored, yawning often, and spoke in a flat tone.

“I don’t like people who lie,” he said when asked why he wrote the letters.

“The complaint is so obviously false, it’s clearly make-believe. If you read it, it looks like the kind of thing blacks make up. Blacks like to make up crazy stories that make them look like victims when they are wrong.”

White then went on to describe blacks as animals and Jews as demons.

“You may find Mr. White reprehensible,” his attorney, John Weber, conceded to the jury. But, he maintained, the women had not proven their case, in part because they chose to stay in the apartment complex after receiving White’s letters. Weber also noted that they had already won settlements in the lawsuit against their former landlord, John Crockett Henry.

Henry, who ran the 15½ Street Apartments in Virginia Beach, had been accused of using racial slurs and imposing a selective curfew on his black tenants.

In December, White was convicted of intimidating two of the plaintiffs in the civil case and threatening two other people. He faces a Jan. 3 trial on another charge of encouraging violence against the foreman of a Chicago jury that convicted a white supremacist years ago.

When five Virginia Beach women decided to take legal action against their landlord, they had no idea it would provoke the wrath of a white supremacist they had never heard of in a city 300 miles away.

Annette Reddick said it upset her “to know that somebody hates me because of the color of my skin. … I felt like he had no heart.””

Ever see $500,000? I didn’t think so… Bill White must pay blacks.

August 27, 2010

I think we all saw this coming.

Bill White and Nazi party must pay black tenants $545,000, jury says
By Laurence Hammack | The Roanoke Times

Neo-Nazi leader William A. White, serving prison time for racially motivated threats, lost a civil lawsuit brought by five women victimized by his diatribes and, along with the American Nazi Party, must pay them $545,000, a federal jury decided today.

The jury of seven white men held White liable for compensatory damages of $265,000 and the American National Socialist Workers Party for $280,000. Jurors will now decide whether White and the Nazi party should pay punitive damages.

In a trial that began Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Roanoke, five black tenants from a Virginia Beach apartment complex claimed White harassed them in May 2007 after learning of a discrimination lawsuit they had filed against their white landlord.

Each of the five women had four claims against White: violating federal fair housing law, violating state housing law, racially-motivated harassment or intimidation, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Jurors were asked to decide if White’s actions were willful and malicious. If the answer is yes, that gives the plaintiffs authority go after his assets, despite White’s pending bankrupty.

White, 33, identified himself as commander of the Roanoke-based American National Socialist Workers Party in letters to the women adorned with swastikas and addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–.”

Following a rant about blacks on welfare, White concluded: “You may get one over on your landlord this time, and you may not. But know that the white community has noticed you, and we know that you are and never will be anything more than a dirty parasite — and that our patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

The women remain so frightened of White that on the night before the trial began, two were harboring reservations about going forward with the case, their attorney, Tony Troy, told the jury.

The plaintiffs — Annette Reddick, Tasha Reddick, Arlene Carter, Tiese Mitchell and Crystal Lewis — didn’t seek a specific amount of damages.

Two of the women testified against him in the criminal trial that ended with his 2 1/2-year prison sentence. White was was convicted in December of threatening them and two other people. He was transported from the federal prison in Beckley. W.Va., to attend the trial.

White for years used the Internet to harangue those who don’t share his racist views. In the past, he claimed his bigoted statements should be protected by the First Amendment. But Judge James Turk ruled earlier in the civil case that the neo-Nazi couldn’t raise a free-speech defense.

That left White’s attorney, John Weber, to argue that the plaintiffs hadn’t met the legal burden of showing they are entitled to damages. Among other things, Weber said the women chose to remain at the apartment complex in spite of their fears.

Thursday, August 26 – plaintiff’s side presented in civil trial

August 27, 2010

Update August 27, 2010 – Looks like something else went on yesterday in court besides the plaintiffs’ boohoo-ing.

Parties present.
Plaintiff continues evidence and rests.
Outside presence of jury defendant’s motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law. Arguments.
Granted in part/denied in part.
Defendant rests.
Defendant renew motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law – denied
Plaintiff Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law – taken under advisement

Deputy clerk: L. Dozier

Definition of “Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law”

A motion asking the court to enter judgment as a matter of law. This motion is made before a case is submitted to the jury, and argues that no reasonable jury could find for the opposing party (i.e., whatever evidence exists for such ruling is legally insufficient). In federal court, this motion may be renewed after an adverse jury finding (having the same effect as a JNOV motion in state court). See Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 50.

Also referred to as a motion for a directed verdict..


By Meagan Farley
Published: August 26, 2010

The Plaintiff’s side got presented in the Bill White civil trial on Thursday.

White, a self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi, is accused of reading about a Virginia Beach lawsuit filed by five black tenants against their white landlord, and mailing a racially charged letter to every tenant in the complex.

White is also accused of putting their attorney’s information on at least one race-hate website.

In Roanoke Federal Court Thursday, five witnesses took the stand to explain how the letter from White caused them physical and emotional pain.

The statutes White could be found to have violated include two Virginia fair housing statutes, which state no person shall interfere with someone trying to live peacefully.

Then there is the Virginia racial discrimination statute, that says you cannot subject a person to intimidating acts because of race.

Bill White could also be found to have violated a common law, that shows it is unlawful to inflict emotional distress.

In trying to prove White violated the statutes, those witnesses described ulcers and migraines from stress.

One, a toll collector, fears that with every stranger she collects money from, she could be shot and killed by someone from White’s group, the American Nationalist Socialist party.

The Plantiffs’ lawyers also showed a deposition from 2008 that quoted White as calling black people “parasites,” and it showed White yawning through most of it.

The jury will return Friday to hear closing arguments.

The Kevin Mottley Investigation of Bill White

August 27, 2010

Another self-identified claimant to the “I got Bill White arrested” crown: Meet Kevin Mottley!


“White also published the personal information of the lawyer whom represented the [negro] women in the landlord case, Kevin Mottley, on at least one white supremacist website, the Vanguard News Network.

A judge later ordered the information taken down but for White the damage was done.

Mottley continued to investigate White and later turned his findings over to the FBI in the spring of 2008. Mottley’s investigation was the primary catalyst which set off a sweeping investigation into White resulting in three criminal convictions last December

From the local TV news article at

Article on first day in kindergarten, I mean Court

August 26, 2010

Laurence Hammack, again, doing a slightly better job of earning his paycheck. Why does he list the women’s names when they wished to be called A, B, C, D, and E? (A, B, C, D and E got $30,000 each or so for annoying their white landlord until he screamed “This place is like a ghetto plantation!” It happens.)

Neo-Nazi figure White now target of civil suit
William A. White is being sued by a group of black tenants who claim they were harassed.
By Laurence Hammack

Neo-Nazi leader William A. White, already serving prison time for making racially motivated threats, now faces the possibility of financial punishment.

In a civil trial that began Wednesday, a group of black tenants from a Virginia Beach apartment complex is claiming that White harassed them in May 2007 after learning of a discrimination lawsuit they had filed against their white landlord.

Identifying himself as the commander of the Roanoke-based American National Socialist Workers Party, White sent the five women letters adorned with swastikas and addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–.”

Following a rant about blacks on welfare, White concluded: “You may get one over on your landlord this time, and you may not. But know that the white community has noticed you, and we know that you are and never will be anything more than a dirty parasite — and that our patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

The women remain so frightened of White that on the night before the trial began, two of them were harboring reservations about going forward with the case, their attorney, Tony Troy, told the jury.

When the trial resumes today in U.S. District Court in Roanoke, the women are expected to describe their reactions to the letters from White, who for years used the Internet and other means to harangue those who don’t share his racist views.

As White sat scribbling notes at the defendant’s table, the jury listened to a recording of an Internet radio show in which he giddily recounted the scare he caused among residents of the 15½ Street Apartments in Virginia Beach.

“I bring this up not to brag about how I managed to flip out some Negroes,” he told his listeners. Rather, he said, the point was how to employ the old Southern maxim of “showing the spooks some haints.”

White explained that during the civil rights movement, blacks were terrorized by members of the Ku Klux Klan and their billowing robes. “The dumb n—– would believe that they were ghosts of Confederate soldiers” — or haints, White said.

“It’s the old trick of spooking the spooks,” White said of the tactics he used.

Two of the women suing White have already testified against him in an earlier criminal trial. The 33-year-old was convicted in December of threatening them and two other people in unrelated cases and was later sentenced to two and a half years in prison. White was transported from the federal prison in Beckley. W.Va., to attend the trial.

The plaintiffs — Annette Reddick, Tasha Reddick, Arlene Carter, Tiese Mitchell and Crystal Lewis — have not asked for a specific amount. Their lawsuit seeks both compensatory damages for them and their children and punitive damages against White.

In the past, White has claimed that his bigoted statements should be protected by the First Amendment. But Judge James Turk ruled earlier that the neo-Nazi cannot raise a free-speech defense in the civil trial.

That left White’s attorney, John Weber, to argue during his opening statements that the plaintiffs have not met the legal burden of showing they are entitled to damages. Among other things, Weber said the women chose to remain at the apartment complex in spite of their fears, and that some of their eight children were too young to comprehend the situation and therefore should not be compensated.

Weber also pointed out that the women have already received settlements of between $20,000 and $30,000 from the lawsuit that first attracted White’s attention. In that case, landlord John Crockett Henry was accused of making racial slurs and imposing a 10 p.m. curfew that applied only to his black tenants.

The trial, scheduled to last three days, will resume today at 9 a.m.

Bill White on TV news, August 25th, 2010

August 26, 2010

Udpated August 27th – Looking around for some news on this (stupid) trial, and found this page of old news videos:

The shots from the latest “news” report all appear to be from last year or before.

Update: Not sure of the date of the video on, but he WAS wearing the same shirt in 2008. Maybe that’s the prison uniform?

Bill White in prison photo

October, 2008

Typical lame TV coverage of the civil suit:

Video and photos from the station’s archives.

I don’t think Bill White CAN claim “it’s only free speech” this time, because FREE SPEECH HAS BEEN ABOLISHED UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!!!!! We know that now.

“You can think anything you want, but keep it to yourself” – Judge Turk, of the Obama Nation

Please – If anyone is in communication with Bill, now, tell him that I sent a “next day” letter to him at the Roanoke City Jail, but it was returned to me (wrong envelope, I suppose). -americafarm

The article:

The trial will resume at 9 a.m. Thursday morning.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs (the five Virginia Beach women suing White) said to expect to hear from all five women and one of their husbands Thursday morning and into Thursday afternoon.

The plaintiffs also intend to play a videotape disposition of White from quite some time ago, where White talks about the case.

White’s attorneys told jurors they intend to defend him by arguing the plaintiffs blew the case totally out of proportion and that White was simply practicing free speech.

In May 2007, White sent every tenant at a Virginia Beach section eight housing complex a racially offensive letter and a copy of his Neo-Nazi magazine.

All five women received the mailer. At least one immediately went into hiding. Another woman’s small child opened the packet and looked at the magazine.

The five women caught White’s ire after they sued their landlord, a man White did not know and has never met, for violating the Fair Housing Act in 2006.

A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) investigation found the landlord violated the tenants’ rights by setting a 10 p.m. curfew which he only enforced on blacks. The report also found the landlord intimidated the tenants after they filed a HUD complaint.

Using a different attorney firm than the one handling their current White lawsuit, they settled out of court with the landlord for between $20,000 to $30,000 apiece, according to courtroom testimony.

White also published the personal information of the lawyer whom represented the women in the landlord case, Kevin Mottley, on at least one white supremacist website, the Vanguard News Network.

A judge later ordered the information taken down but for White the damage was done.

Mottley continued to investigate White and later turned his findings over to the FBI in the spring of 2008. Mottley’s investigation was the primary catalyst which set off a sweeping investigation into White resulting in three criminal convictions last December.

One of those convictions was for threatening the five Virginia Beach tenants. At least two of them testified against White in his criminal trial.

Original post:

Roanoke Neo Nazi Bill White’s civil trial has begun in federal court.

Five Virginia Beach women are suing White over a racially charged letter White sent them back in the spring of 2007.

For the latest details, watch WSLS 10 On Your Side tonight at 6 p.m.

Roanoke Times: “You never had free speech, so you couldn’t lose it”

August 25, 2010

“Neo-Nazi Bill White faces financial hit in civil trial
The jailed racist goes on trial for slurring Virginia Beach apartment residents
By Laurence Hammack | The Roanoke Times

Neo-Nazi leader William A. White, already serving prison time for making racially-motivated threats, is now facing the possibility of financial punishment…”

Please Note: Bill White is not on trial for slurring these women and children.

From Jury instructions in 7:09-cv-57

Bill White is not in prison now for making racially-motivated threats. That’s Laurence Hammack and his ilk trying to trick American citizens into believing that they never had free speech to give up.

This case, “Unnamed Citizens et al. vs. William A. White”, is a perfect example of exactly how The United States of America de-evolved! All the elements are there. Study it carefully, if you wonder, “What ever happened to the USA?”

“Truth, Justice and the American Way” has been replaced in our national psyche by “That’s Karma!”

“That’s Karma for you!” – Humpty Dumpty

Chicago, Blago Trial, Fitzgerald fuss

August 24, 2010

Bill White is scheduled to head back to Chicago for more abuse from the DOJ on his original “unapproved free speech” charge. Hopefully, all the ruckus over the Blago Trial will help Bill White get let off again.

Corrupt Investigation

Fitzgerald gone wild

citizenwells blog

Updated August 25, 2010:

Excerpt from Bill White’s letter to Alex Linder, dated November 16, 2009:

“…In September 2008, I announced my intent to publish the now infamous “Kill This Nigger?” magazine, which included an article on Mark Hoffman, a tainted juror and jury foreman in the Matt Hale trial. If you’ve seen the online version of the magazine, you’ll know the cover article was on the need the Jewish media had to incite “white supremacists” to assassinate Obama to complete his deification, not a screed inviting violence. We now know though, through discovery, that a member of Obama’s campaign staff contacted Patrick Fitzgerald, the US Attorney for Chicago, to demand my arrest.

The more substantial reason for my arrest, though, was my article exposing the fact the US Attorney’s Office in Chicago, in cooperation with [Matt] Hale’s attorney, Thomas Durkin, fixed the jury by placing Hoffman, the homosexual Jew with the black boyfriend, on it. While in Chicago, my investigative staff spoke to a former employee of Durkin who confirmed that Durkin threw the case and worked with Fitzgerald to railroad Hale.

To stop publication of the magazine, I was arrested October 17, 2008, on a trumped-up warrant of solicitation of a violent felony against a federal juror. On two occasions prior to my arrest, the FBI had, via Michael Burks, tape recorded me instructing Phil Anderson to find out why the FBI felt someone was going to harm Mr. Hoffman and stop them. The FBI tried to lose these tapes, and on March 19, 2009, actually gave us a witness statement by Michael Burks stating he “did not remember being present” for phone conversations he recorded. Had Burks not bragged up and down the internet, the government may never have admitted them, but in July 2009, the US Attorney’s Office finally admitted to the tapes, saying they had been “lost” because they were made by “another jurisdiction.”

So the government arrested me for soliciting a violent felony while having private tapes of me saying I did not want anyone harmed and asking people to stop any effort to do so.

In this last memo, they stated they “had not reviewed” the tapes, and thus “did not know” if they contained exculpatory evidence.

But my arrest was the start, not the end, of the investigation…”

Complete letter in the original post on VNN Forum:

Interesting link, posted in this thread, to “Michael Burks exposed”:

Hearings for the African-American Tenants civil suit against White

August 23, 2010

“Tamika, LaToya, LaShondra” and the rest clog up the US Court system with another frivolous lawsuit. Seven member jury trial scheduled for August 24th, US District Court, (not sure if that is the Poff Federal Building), Roanoke.

10:00:00 AM – RKE – – J. Turk – PREL. HG./UNNAMED CITIZENS v. WHITE/7:09CV00057

They are suing Bill White and the “American Nazi Party” for violation of Fair Housing laws, emotional distress and racial animosity/thought crimes. Bill White can’t claim freedom of speech this time, because of his prior conviction on these same letters and comments to the unnamed citizens.

The hearings will continue for the rest of the week, starting at 9:30 a.m.