Archive for December, 2010

Bill White in Chicago, Post-Christmas Update

December 28, 2010

Updated December 30 – Heard through the grapevine that it WAS a fight that got Bill put in segregation in Chicago MCC. That’s all I know.

Sad to say, the last I heard from Bill was on the evening of December 25th and it appears he must have lost his email privileges again.

I could give in to paranoid police state speculation that it was something he said to me or something I said to him in our emails that made him lose his privilege… But, I’m thinking it was probably another so-called “fight”. Nothing to do but hope that Bill is okay and to wait for the snail mail to find out what happened.

Recent comments from Bill White in Chicago –

On the ACLU brief: … the ACLU decided to adopt me as a poster boy for a Supreme Court challenge of one of their pet issues, which is having the Supreme Court change the test for a “true threat” from general intent to specific intent.

This is a really technical issue in law, and one I think is a bit goofy — evidence of the degree to which the law has
divorced itself from any sort of reality and become embroiled in Talmudic esotericism. However, there is no
question in my case that I did not intend to threaten anyone, and thus, the ACLU is right — I should never have
been convicted.

On future court actions against him: The government is going to pursue everything they can all the way to the Supreme Court.

On his rather bleak-looking future, considering the last item : The government has created the situation which exists, and I just have to live within it. Ultimately, the situation is not what matters, but the manner in which one chooses to respond to it.

On passing the time: I just finished reading Terry Pratchett’s the Hogfather, staying in the holiday spirit.

On the Chicago MCC: Just the child molesters are hellish. Add in the bizarre “canadians”* and the rest, and you have quite a recipe. The main problems here are 1) overcrowding, and 2) underfeeding. Fortunately, there is enough leftovers to take care of 2). The first makes everything here stressful. And the facility is — I hate to say it — insufficiently violent, which means idiots and scumbags get a pass everywhere they go.

Doesn’t matter to me, though. I go home in 24 days. I’m just hoping my property [from Beckley] gets here so I don’t have to redo the notes I spent all summer working on.

* I bowdlerized this comment, the Canadians not being a government-protected minority. – americafarm

Richard Warman and Tenant Children Still After Bill White?

December 23, 2010

I wondered what became of those Unnamed Tenant Children that were mentioned in some of the Court documents. They are “vulnerable victims” in Count 3. Count 6 is Richard Warman, still crying in his lace-edged hanky.

Your government dollars at work. They want charges reinstated and re-sentencing.

Click to access williamwhite_brief.pdf

Nos. 10-4241, 10-4452, 10-4597

August 27, 2010

ACLU Urges Court to Reverse Bill White’s Convictions

December 23, 2010

These are the convictions from the criminal trial in Roanoke last December. Bill White had four charges dismissed (eventually) and was found guilty on three. However, they were all exactly the same sort of charges, and he should have been found innocent on all seven. That is to say, he should never have been charged in the first place, which the FBI, the SPLC and other legal groups all knew very well from the start. -americafarm

Click to access White-Amicus-Fourth-Circuit.pdf

Record Nos. 10-4241, 10-4452, 10-4597

Dated: October 4, 2010

…Only in cases at the proverbial margin, where the line between protected idea and punishable threat is more thinly sliced, will the application of the specific intent to threaten standard potentially lead to a different outcome than if an objective test were applied.” Crane, 92 Va.
L. Rev. at 1274. “In those close-call situations, however, it is much better to let the ‘crafty criminal’ go free than to imprison the innocent speaker whose words unintentionally seemed threatening to a ‘reasonable person.’ Otherwise, speech, especially at the fringe, will be unnecessarily chilled.” Id. at 1276.


For the forgoing reasons, amicus curiae respectfully urges the Court to reverse the convictions of Appellee as to Courts One, Three and Five.

Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca K. Glenberg (VSB No. 44099)
Gabriel Z. Walters
American Civil Liberties Union of
Virginia Foundation, Inc.
530 E. Main Street, Suite 310
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 644-8080
(804) 649-2733 (FAX)

Some Interesting Old Bill White Interviews

December 23, 2010

Seasonal note – Bill White describing his own political platform:”I am running as an anti-Republican and anti-Democratic Independent, in conjunction with friends of mine who are seeking office in some of the County’s other districts. My platform is limited, responsive government, elimination of the income tax, public schooling, and restrictions on firearms, limitations on growth and new construction and a focus on infrastructure development, and a focus on cultural identity and the defense of that identity, particularly against the Jewish elements that have been running around the County trying to ban Santa Claus and Easter and our state song (“Maryland, My Maryland”).”

Prediction for the future: “I think huge bureaucratic slave states are the wave of the future, along with a period of total subjugation of mankind and unending wars against phantom enemies designed to sap the resources of society.”

On Jewish Power: “During that controversy, the Simon Weisenthal Center issued a statement to Reuters saying I was “hateful” because I had “made disturbing statements about Christians.” Here was a Jewish group attacking me, an anti-racist activist at the time, because I had made statements about Christians that, ironically, would be typical for a Jewish group like the Weisenthal Center to make. This is when I started getting interested in the role of the Jewish power structure in American social life and politics. This interest continued when my friend Michael Moynihan was attacked by a coalition of “anti-hate” organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Center for New Community, and the Coalition for Human Dignity in particular — also with the Columbine issue as pretext. This started a series of research I conducted which radically changed my views both of anti-racism and of the role that Jews, or at least their “official” community organizations, play in the world.”

On – “ exists as a bastion of radical free speech, where anyone can come on, browse the LSN archives, look through some of the banned books and chemical information in particular that the government doesn’t want you to see, and then post anything they like to our messageboards. It’s becoming a focal point for communication for people who don’t want to be part of the mainstream, but don’t want to buy in to this pre-fabricated mass-market “radicalism” that they sell you on MTV and Rage Against the Machine videos. I think it’s a really important website and project that I’m involved in.”

On his anti-racist days: “I was very caught up in this, but I always dissented. I loved the fighting and the crashing through the police lines and the trading blows with nazis or klansmen or whatever, but I would always ask uncomfortable questions like “don’t these people have a right to speak?”

It was really the Michael Moynihan incident that brought this into perspective. I started to realize that anti-racism, rather than being an anti-statist movement, was really a radical demagogic movement to support the interests of the state and the ruling class. From my experience in it, I discovered that all these supposed left-wing radicals were really being micromanaged by the Democratic Party and ruling class factions. All of this caused me to ask questions about what I was really doing, and confirmed for me the idea that one cannot both oppose the modern state and be acting as a radical para-militant auxiliary for the state at the same time.”

On a world without Jews: “Imagine there were no Jews in the world, and then think about what happened during the past century that wouldn’t have happened. The Bolshevik revolution would never have happened. Hitler would never have happened — and thus no World War II. Without Bolshevism, there would have been no Chinese Revolution, and thus no Korean or Vietnamese wars. The post-colonial period in Africa would have had a very different character. Just without the Cold War and World War II America would not be a bureaucratized centralized imperialist state. Just looking at Jewish culture in relation to communism and its reaction in national socialism, you can justify the statement that these attitudes have had a profound negative effect on society.”

Hal Turner sentenced to 33 months

December 21, 2010

The Bureau of Prisons inmate locator hasn’t updated yet:
Name Register # Age-Race-Sex Release Date Location

Funny they didn’t report where Hal was going. And it’s funny how nobody ever really knows what the punishment for these “crimes” of the running mouth are going to be. 30 years? 33 months? 3 months suspended sentence? Who knows, and it doesn’t make any sense any way. Hal Turner wasn’t going to kill any judges. Hal Turner didn’t incite anyone to violence. Hal Turner didn’t intimidate the judges to change their opinions. (Not to mention, the judges were completely in the wrong and they WERE/are traitors to our Nation.)

However, for the record, Bill White was hoping Hal Turner would get ten years, because in October, 2008 Hal Turner made a false report to his handler about a plan to bomb the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke with a truck bomb, which caused White to be labeled and to be treated as a “domestic terrorist” by the government.

Shock jock Hal Turner gets 33-month prison sentence
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Record
Staff Writer

North Bergen shock jock Harold C. “Hal” Turner was sentenced Tuesday to 33 months in federal prison still protesting that he never intended any harm to three Chicago appeals court judges whom he said “deserved to be killed” for upholding a gun ban.

In a blunt, nearly hour-long speech, Turner blasted U.S. District Judge Donald E. Walter and the Chicago-based assistant U.S. attorneys who prosecuted him. He accused them of lying and manipulating the justice system to finally score a conviction after three trials.

“The charge against me was a lie from the beginning and the verdict was invalid because it was based on fraud,” Turner said. He accused the judge of “legal skullduggery” for changing the legal definition of a threat, ignoring 40 years of Supreme Court case law on freedom of speech, and presiding over a “three-ring circus” that resorted to magic tricks to fool a jury.

Turner enumerated a series of lies that he attributed to prosecutors, and said he wanted to remind everyone that no one was killed or harmed as a result of what he did.

An ultra-right-wing radio host, Turner, 48, was recruited by the FBI as a confidential source to keep tabs on white extremists for more than five years. He referred to his FBI files to document how he helped authorities catch murderers and prevent bombings and even foil an attack on President Obama.

He choked up at several points during the hearing and asked the judge to place him on probation.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Diane McArthur urged Judge Walter to impose a six-year sentence, the maximum for threatening an assault on a judge, arguing that Turner went far beyond lawful commentary by using violent words to instill fear in the judges and by posting their photos, court address, and a map on his website.

“This is beyond opinion … beyond commentary. He wanted this to threaten and intimidate these judges to change their ways,” she said. The judges, from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, testified they feared for their lives, she said.

An incendiary talk show host and blogger, Turner was convicted Aug. 13 of using his blog to terrorize a panel of federal appeals court judges for upholding handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Ill.

His attorney, Ronald G. Russo, said they plan to file an appeal.


US v. White, in Court Yesterday

December 21, 2010

The government has dropped the case from solicitation of murder to solicitation of assault, which drops the sentence from ten years to 37 to 42 months.

The government has conceded any time received must run concurrent with Bill White’s previous time.

The judge has inquired why the government is proceeding with a case that the prosecutors admit amounts to “time served”, even if convicted. [Correct answer: malicious prosecution.]

Richard Warman is begging to testify.

A look back at the order to dismiss the charge:


Case No. 08-CR-851

“…The government does not allege that defendant unlawfully obtained the information about Juror A, and an intimidating context alone does not remove the protection of the First Amendment.


For the reasons set forth above, the allegations in the indictment are insufficient to state a violation of § 373. Defendant’s posts about Juror A do not solicit violence; the alleged corroborating circumstances set forth in the indictment are insufficient to transform the posts regarding Juror A into a solicitation of violence and also fail to provide the strong corroboration necessary for a lawful prosecution under § 373 and the First Amendment. Finally, all of the relevant recent case law supports the conclusion that the indictment does not charge a punishable offense. The indictment must be dismissed.”

THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that defendant’s motion to dismiss is GRANTED.

Dated at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this 21st day of July, 2009.

/s Lynn Adelman
District Judge


More court documents on the earlier charge.

Hal Turner To Be Sentenced Tomorrow – promises to open up “with both barrels”

December 20, 2010

Right-wing shock jock Hal Turner prepared for ‘max’ sentence
Monday, December 20, 2010
Last updated: Monday December 20, 2010, 10:06 AM
The Record
Harold C. “Hal” Turner, the ultra-right-wing radio host who spied on white extremists for the FBI, says he expects to get slammed with a maximum 10-year prison term when he is sentenced Tuesday for threatening three Chicago judges in an Internet blog post last year.

Radio host Hal Turner exiting the federal courthouse in Brooklyn during his second trial in March. “I know they’re going to hit me with the Max Sentence because they want to deter others from even thinking what I had the temerity to write,” Turner, 48, of North Bergen, declared in an e-mail message from the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, where he has been held since his conviction in August.

“Frankly, any sentence they give me other than probation is gonna be a Death Sentence,” he wrote.

An incendiary talk show host and blogger, Turner gained notoriety for his hate-filled rants and racist commentary to a largely white-supremacist audience. Recruited as a confidential source in 2003, his unique access to leaders in the movement led the FBI to regard him as a valuable asset in combating domestic terrorism, records show.

But after a stormy relationship, during which Turner quit once and was twice “closed” by the agency, the FBI terminated him as a source in 2007 due to his dangerous rhetoric and serious control problems.

Turner was convicted Aug. 13 — on the government’s third try — for using his blog to terrorize a panel of federal appeals court judges for upholding handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Ill.

Prosecutors are asking U.S. District Judge Donald E. Walter to impose a prison term above the 33- to 41-month range recommended under federal sentencing guidelines.

A longer sentence is warranted, they argued in court papers, because Turner committed at least two acts of obstruction of justice by giving false testimony at his trials and attempting to intimidate a key witness, his FBI handler, to prevent the handler from testifying against him.

In his e-mail message, Turner wrote that the Aryan Brotherhood, Aryan Nations, neo-Nazis and skinheads all will be out to get him in prison “because of the work I did against their interests. And if it isn’t one of those groups that kill me, it will be one of the Minority groups who get told I’m some evil racist whatever.”

Turner expounded on his fears in a separate e-mail message to his wife, Phyllis.

“There are two types of people who get murdered in federal prison: child molesters and ‘snitches,’ ” he wrote. “While I didn’t ‘snitch’ on anyone; (a snitch is someone who rats-out someone else to get themselves out of trouble) I seriously doubt the Aryan Brotherhood will draw any distinction between a ‘snitch’ and a national security intelligence operative, which is what I did with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force.”

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago said Turner crossed the line of protected speech when he wrote in June 2009 that 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judges Richard Posner, William Bauer and Frank Easterbrook “deserve to be killed” for a ruling that Turner feared would open the door for local gun bans across the country.

Turner labeled the judges traitors, condemned their decision as “the most spectacular act of judicial malfeasance” he had ever witnessed, and accused them of violating the Constitution and ignoring a major Supreme Court ruling.

He crossed the line, the government said, with language intended to intimidate the judges when he wrote they had acted “in a manner so sleazy and cunning as to deserve the ultimate punishment.” They deserved to be made “such an example of as to send a message to the entire judiciary: Obey the constitution or die”

Turner maintained the posting was nothing more than protected political commentary, but the third jury didn’t buy it.

The jurors took less than two hours to find Turner guilty of a single count of threatening to assault and murder the judges with the intent to impede, intimidate and retaliate against them in the performance of their official duties.

His two earlier trials, in December 2009 and March 2010, ended with hung juries that reportedly leaned toward acquittal.

After sitting silently through the first trial, Turner testified at his second trial that he was not a racist and he didn’t believe the racist “trash talk” he spewed. He conceded he built up a following with his racist and violent rhetoric, but insisted his antics were only meant to shock his audience.

The third trial featured strong testimony from the judges, who said they felt personally threatened, particularly by Turner’s references to the murders of the mother and husband of one of their colleagues, Judge Joan Lefkow.

In a devastating move, prosecutors also called two of Turner’s Joint Terrorism Task Force handlers as rebuttal witnesses after the defense rested.

The handlers — Special Agent Stephen Haug of the FBI and Detective Sgt. Leonard Nerbetski of the New Jersey State Police — contradicted key elements of Turner’s testimony by denying they had given him legal advice on the limits of lawful speech, or that Turner had been instructed to “ratchet up his rhetoric” to help the FBI find the killer of Lefkow’s family in 2005.

In their sentencing memo, prosecutors said Turner has spent years trying to undermine judicial independence by attempting to coerce judges at all levels to render decisions based on fear and not on the law.

While Turner claims he was merely acting in his persona as a so-called shock jock, his attacks, broadcast “to an audience containing members of violent and extreme groups, prompted the U.S. Marshals Service to assign protective details to many of the judges for extended periods of time,” prosecutors said.

Turner’s intimidation tactics continued even after his arrest, the government said.

Upon learning that his former FBI handler would be a witness at his third trial, prosecutors said, Turner sent him a series of text messages threatening to expose “specific things about the agent if [he] dared to testify against him,” prosecutors wrote.

Since his conviction, Turner has continued to demonstrate his “disrespect for the law and his conniving way of violating rules with which he disagrees,” prosecutors say. They allege he arranged for tobacco, a contraband substance, to be smuggled to him at the detention center in a package marked legal mail.

With “nothing to lose,” Turner is promising to open up “with both barrels” when he addresses the court at sentencing.

Turner’s new attorney, Ronald G. Russo, plans to argue for a lighter sentence than the guidelines recommend, and said he and Turner are pinning their hopes on an appeal.

“There are lots of things that we’re going to appeal, not least of which is that it was simply legal error for the judge to permit this case to go to a jury,” Russo said. “We really feel it’s a question of law that should have been resolved by the court in his favor.”


Bill White in Chicago – Update – December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

Case 09-2916

Click to access 3T1FFZ6D.pdf

A few more messages from Bill. This morning Bill said he had been called to court and he wondered if his hearing last week (which he missed) was rescheduled for today.

Note: the song he quotes is not one Bill White made up. He says it’s a real song.

12/18/2010 6:55:35 PM

A note for the website:

I was reading a book, “Master of Disguise”, the other day, and ran across a passage saying that the KGB tortured intelligence officers who turned turncoat to death by cremating them alive, feet first.

I am wondering if such a cruel method of death is not a disguised religious practice of some sort.

I also wonder if this method of death, if authentic, is not related to the fantasy of “crematoriums” the Soviets invented when they manufactured the “Holocaust”.

Both of which remind me of a song:

“When you see the crematorium,
You’ll know that this is where you’ll come.
And when you see the smoke coming out the lungs,
Its gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight!”



12/19/2010 8:05:37 PM

I have not yet discovered what happened in Court the other day. I am still trying to get the case numbers and addresses of all these cases. Apparently, the government sent some letters to the Fourth Circuit to notify them that, in addition to the three cases consolidated in the government’s appeal, two more appeals were pending before the Fourth Circuit. This is good, though, in a way, because consolidation of all the cases would make my life immensely easier, as I have my paid lawyers, a court appointed appeal lawyer, and me, personally, representing me and it’s a bizarre mess…

12/19/2010 9:36:08 PM

My address in Chicago is:

William A White #13888-084
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 W Van Buren St
Chicago, IL 60605

I will be here until January 18, 2011 and expect they will not delay my mail the way they have previously.

On another note, been reading Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood”. It never ceases to amaze me how, in prison, the type of book that predominates is the crime novel, or the non-fictional account of criminal behavior. Finding, say, a book on history, or a work of literature, is difficult — but finding a book on “true crime” serial killers, rapists, molestors, etc, and their novelized equivalents, is extremely easy. This cannot be a healthy thing, and I often wonder what librarians are thinking.



Chicago – Grand Jury Charge, 2008

December 18, 2010

I don’t know why the document says “February 2008” when Bill White’s Matthew Hale Juror A post appeared in September 2008. At any rate, in 2009, the charge was dismissed by the Hon. Lynn Adelman as “free speech”.

The document, below, is interesting because of all the baloney they bring in, Elie Wiesel…Jena 6…Richard Warman. Guess what? It was all free speech! But that was then…

United States of America v. William White
No. 08 CR 851
Violation Title 18, United States Code, Section 373

court document here

Count One – “…defendant solicited and otherwise endeavored to persuade another person to injure Juror A on account of a verdict assented to by Juror A…” (Matthew Hale Juror A)

WHY HE DID IT – from the document:

“…defendant WILLIAM WHITE posted a second article to “,” which read in part: “When the courts start enforcing laws against Internet threats and actual violence against anti-racists and the mainstream, Jewish owned media which finances and encourages them, I will stop broadcasting people’s names and address with the opinion they should be lynched. However, as long as we live in a society in which laws are not enforced against Jews, Marxists and other privileged members of the bourgeoisie, I will take advantage of that and use the lawless chaos they’ve created to push my view, which is that all Jews and Marxists (including their fellow traveling neo-cons, neo-liberals, Zionists and Judaized-Christians in both the Republican and Democratic Parties) should be shot, rather than debated – – along with their fellow travelers and chosen pets in the Negro ‘rights’ movement.”

All [NOT!] in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 373.”

Bill White moved to Chicago Metropolitan Correctional Center

December 18, 2010

There’s still time to send Bill a Christmas card!

William A. White #13888-084
MCC Chicago
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 West Van Buren Street
Chicago, IL 60605