Archive for May, 2011

This Blog is Now Open, Again

May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011. Okay, I’m back from the “Bill White Trial Update, 2011” blog. That blog covered the trial in Chicago’s Seventh Circuit, which ended a month ago with Judge Adelman overturning the guilty verdict on April 19th, and then Bill White was released from prison on April 20th. Thank you, Judge Adelman!

I forgot to say this earlier, but thank you, also, to everyone that has assisted Bill White since his arrest in 2008!

Contact Bill White at his same, old email:

I hate to go near the Fourth Circuit, which has an insane bedlam of Bill White-connected appeals pending over there right now, but as I understand it, they all should be decided this summer in Bill’s favor. (Well, I hope so, anyway.)

I’m going to update the Fourth Circuit cases, as needed, here, since this blog covered them last year.

I’ll probably continue both blogs through the summer, or as long as it takes to wind things up. I refuse to entertain the slightest possibility that any cases may still be open in 2012.