Archive for September, 2011

Bill White in 2006: Hal Turner feeds stupid people garbage entertainment

September 22, 2011

Hal would be much more useful to the white movement if he decided to connect himself to the real world and stopped feeding stupid people garbage entertainment. However, I don’t think Hal really wants to contribute much to the white movement, and, for that reason, I would encourage serious white activists to not pay attention to him. – Bill White, 2006


Nikki wrote:

Eye On Hate Mp3 Internet Radio Report
December 26, 2006
Join Floyd from Eye On Hate,
Nikki from Citizens Against Hate and
DLJ from One Peoples Project
as we discuss the year in review for 2006.
Other topics include: the possible demise of racist internet bigot Hal Turner, Satans Gate and what happen in Jacksonville, Florida

Comment faire construire sa maison ?

Posted by Nikki at 12/26/2006 11:03:00 PM

In the comments section FCochran of Eye on Hate wrote:

… from Bill White’s web site:

Commentary — I really don’t want to waste too much time on this topic, but I have received a lot of emails on this, so I figured I should respond.

Some people have apparently attacked Hal Turner’s website and his show. I am told they brought his site down for a while and spammed the phones at his show. Hal has responded by claiming that the FBI is secretly tracing the IPs of people who call him because of an order by a judge who was afraid of his identity and thus had to conceal it when he issued an order and some other nonsense.

Hal Turner is a damn liar. Hal has always been a damn liar. I’ve known Hal Turner and I like him, personally, but he is an opportunist and a con artist, and, from knowing him, I doubt he has any serious attachment to white activism. He is a nice guy — not a lunatic killer — and his show consists entirely of telling his audience lies that he thinks he will believe.

Anyone remember the heart attacks? Remember when he claimed to have dumped the bodies of Mexicans off the contintental shelf on his boat named after the Sopranos? Know how he claims to have been a Marine? (“But I’m not claiming to be a Marine — I said I took the Marine oath; I just don’t mention I washed out of boot camp”) His claim to have “skinheads” in his apartment and to have secret FBI connections is on the same level.

These same assholes who took down Stormfront and who are attacking Hal Turner have attacked this site — recently — and have attacked our forums, groups and other publications from time to time. I don’t make a big deal out of it. I only make a big deal of things when, for some reason, I want to feed the behavior — like I’m doing something else in real life and focusing their attention on what they’re doing effectively neutralizes them. In reality, the mild attacks this site has faced haven’t had any impact on performance — the worst they’ve done is mildly screw with some of the stat counters, and, a while ago, forced us to get better forum software.

I think Hal Turner needs attention, and that he is doing what he always does to get attention — make things up. Hal would be much more useful to the white movement if he decided to connect himself to the real world and stopped feeding stupid people garbage entertainment. However, I don’t think Hal really wants to contribute much to the white movement, and, for that reason, I would encourage serious white activists to not pay attention to him.
December 28, 2006 1:48 PM

Latest Issue of “The Barnes Review” is Out Now

September 4, 2011

The Barnes Review
September/October 2011

September/October 2011 Volume XVII Number 5
Table of Contents

Why We Must Speak Out
By Raymond Goodwin
Most Americans are slaves of the mainstream propaganda machine, which is exactly why those of us who are not flimflammed by their flapdoodle must stand up and tell our fellow citizens what is really going on. Take a lesson from TBR editorial board member Prof. Ray Goodwin, an educator who has blazed a trail for us all. We thought this piece defined TBR’s thinking on the subject so well, we made this piece our editorial…

Angels of the Confederacy
By Bob Hurst
The so-called angels of the Confederacy made life a little less horrid for Southern soldiers who survived the awful war that resulted when Abraham Lincoln decided to crush the seceded states. Captain Sally Louisa Tompkins ruled her hospital with a stick in one hand and a Bible in the other, the only female officer in either army, North or South, until the 20th century. And other Southern belles also deserve to be remembered…

The Women Who Challenged FDR
By Carolyn Yeager
Female heroes who stood up for peace in the 1940s had to face monstrous opposition from FDR and his minions, but that did not stop these truly patriotic ladies, who fought against Communism and for their brothers and sons who were sucked into the totally needless and totally destructive war called World War II…

The Long Road to Holocaust Truth
By Texe Marrs
The Jewish holocaust of WWII is taken for granted by most people. But as we go along in life, some of the tall tales of the holocaust begin to raise questions in our minds. That is the personal experience of the author, and you may find yourself thinking along similar lines as you read of his journey toward the truth…

Did The Nazis Use Gas Vans?
By Anonymous
One of the less well-known fairytales of the holocaust says that the Nazis used specially equipped trucks to gas victims to death. Until now, this whopper has gone unchallenged. Now a European Revisionist gives us a look at the real facts regarding this fable…

Prophetic Patriot Vernon Walters
By Daniel W. Michaels
Not everyone who works for the Central Intelligence Agency is a bad guy, and Lt. Gen. Vernon Walters is one of the good ones. This patriot said the reunification of East and West Germany was in the wind. For this prediction, he was converted from one of the CIA’s leading lights into a “non-entity.” But we are not about to let him fall into the memory hole…

America’s Classical Greek Revolution
By Greg Felton
The Founding Fathers of 1776 did not invent a new nation out of thin air. They had, fortunately, a number of models in front of them, among the most important of which were the confederations developed by the ancient Greek city states. The problem was how to learn from the successes and mistakes of these earlier attempts at a federal system to govern a number of sovereign republican states…

Nabta Playa—Ancient Egyptian Enigma
By Marc Roland
Archeologists keep finding earlier and earlier astronomical observatories of the ancients. Nabta Playa is one that goes back an astounding 6,500 years, or more. Still begging for further research are mysterious giant stones buried underground—and possibly much older than the surface structures—in southern Egypt…

Coral Castle Still Holds Secrets
By Frank Joseph
While we have written before about Coral Castle, the modern megalithic site in Florida, new facts continue to emerge about this structure. Edward Leedskalnin, who built it singlehandedly, says he knew the secrets of the ancients. While taking the secrets to the grave, he left behind some clues…

Nordic Origins of the Arthurian Tales
By William White
Where did our legend of King Arthur and the round table come from? It wasn’t just pulled out of a stone. The author shows in scholarly fashion that aspects of the Arthurian legend go back to the very roots of our Indo-European culture. Here’s a great history lesson on the beliefs of our Aryan ancestors…

Featured in this issue: Personal from the Editor ∙ Editorial: Why We Must Speak Out ∙ A monument to Southern ladies ∙ History You May Have Missed ∙ Delian League to Athenian Empire ∙ Purpose of the Goseck Circle ∙ The lost city of Krishna ∙ Origins of the Merlin myth ∙ Commentary: The biggest whoppers ∙ Letters to the Editor


Eric Hunt banned from Stanford University libraries for exposing massive Shoah fraud

September 3, 2011

Banned from Stanford
By Eric Hunt

Steven Spielberg’s USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation is known for their over 50,000 video “testimonies” which supposedly prove that six million Jews were gassed by evil Germans. However, when Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation archives are actually accessed and analyzed, these video archives are in reality an invaluable treasure trove for Holocaust truthers.

I recently received a letter in the mail banning me from the Stanford University libraries. You see, I publicly shamed the Shoah Foundation and Holocaust promotion industry by actually showing the public what these videos contain, and analyzing the truth and lies they tell.

I first decided to access the Shoah Foundation archives at Stanford after learning that a new generation of children were being tormented by a Holocaust liar’s outrageous new memoir The Fifth Diamond. I bought and read Irene Zisblatt’s book, which is a psychedelic trip through the mind of an enabled liar, spinning a web of stupid, scatological, and psychotic Holocaust horror tales. Even the title The Fifth Diamond is a lie, referring to Zisblatt’s disgusting lies about repeatedly defecating and swallowing diamonds for a year and a half while in Auschwitz and on “death marches.”

At one point in the book, Zisblatt informs the reader that she reluctantly recorded a video testimony for Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation. Spielberg and crew were so impressed by her Holocaust promoting skills in her Shoah foundation “testimony” years later that they decided to film her for their documentary The Last Days, which won the 1999 Academy Award.

I decided to access Irene Zisblatt’s Shoah Foundation testimony. I found that the closest place to access Spielberg’s Archives was Stanford University.

When I watched Zisblatt’s rambling, pathological lies about being selected to become a lampshade, having her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Nazis, escaping from inside a gas chamber and miraculously being thrown over an electrified barbed wire fence onto an open train by a Jewish boy, I knew I had to share this important false testimony with the public. If a picture is worth a thousand words, video of this “survivor” obviously displaying the body language of a liar, and seemingly coming up with new Holo-horror stories off the top of her head is worth six million words.

Absurd testimonies like this, once presented to the viewer as complete fiction, are the easiest and best way to expose the duped public to The Hoax.

I went on to access hundreds of videos in Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation, and debunked their flagship creation, the Oscar winning Holocaust documentary The Last Days in my own documentary, The Last Days of the Big Lie, available to watch at

Spielberg’s archives are invaluable not only due to the lies contained within, but also for the truths. Indeed, there are some Jewish inmates who tell the truth on videotape about life in the concentration camps. They talk about postcards, soccer games, movie theaters, camp currency, and children’s plays at Auschwitz.

As a result of my work publicizing the revisionist treasure trove known as Steven Spielberg’s USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, Spielberg’s crew whined to Stanford University and have now had me banned from all Stanford Libraries.

I was banned for exposing the truth and lies behind these closed archives.

Keeping a tight lid on information that proves the truth about “The Holocaust” is a key aspect of the hoax. Totally open archives, whether they be the Shoah Foundation Archives, or the Auschwitz archives, are absolutely out of the question for the hoax artists. In 2011, there should be no excuse for these archives not to be completely digitized and available for everyone to view online. But there is an excuse – the Holocaust is a hoax, and the archive gatekeepers do not want a free access to information to prove the gargantuan lie.

In fact, Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation does have their own Youtube channel, with many handpicked, hours long testimonies, including one of a black American soldier (Paul Parks) that claims to have seen a pile of gold teeth upon breaking down the gates and liberating Dachau. Paul Parks is even featured in the Oscar winning The Last Days. However, the Boston Globe proved he was hundreds of miles away at the time Dachau was liberated and even the US Holocaust Museum claims that no African American soldiers had anything to do with the liberation of Dachau.

In a sane world, an Ivy League University would be embarrassed to fund and prop up totally historically false, Zionist hate fiction such as Zisblatt and Paul Parks’ “testimonies”. The correct reaction Stanford should have to my analysis of Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation would be to stop funding the Shoah Foundation and dump their laughable propaganda from their libraries in order to maintain their prestigious reputation.

But they are not embarrassed.

Let’s embarrass them. Spread the link to my documentary The Last Days of the Big Lie and let the filmmakers themselves personally know how you feel about their anti-German Oscar winning hate hoax The Last Days, which includes two false claims of Nazi experimentation, two liars who claim to have escaped from inside gas chambers, and even a black American soldier who claims to have liberated Dachau, when in reality documents prove he was hundreds of miles away.

Michael Keller Stanford University Library telephone 650-723-5553

The Facebook addresses of some of the co-conspirators of The Last Days:

Director James Moll:

Historian Michael Berenbaum:

Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Stephen D. Smith:

Cinematographer Harris Done:

Producer June Beallor: