Archive for May, 2012

Bill White’s Mad Tea Party

May 30, 2012

Bill White as the Red King? I dunno, Bill has always struck me more as the Cheshire Cat type, Disney Version. The Cheshire cat is dressed in (escaped prisoner) stripes, he laughs inappropriately at everything, and he floats around over the Queen of Hearts’ croquet game annoying the Queen (the Zionist Occupation Government) and the King (the ZOG collaborators the Jews hide behind). Finally, the Cheshire Cat does something that gets ALICE, his friend,  put on trial. A-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Of course, as the Cheshire Cat said, everyone in Wonderland was mad, including Alice.

Oddly enough, I don’t think Bill White has harassed, insulted or annoyed even one negro since he went on the lam. (Not counting mulatto Obama.) So, this photo, below, is not appropriate. Funny, though.


Two negroes think they see Bill White.

Bill White, a strange kind of [Judas] Priest

May 27, 2012

He can’t stop now…

From Bill’s Facebook page: From my book, Centuries of Revolution, posted on NIM Busters:

Having laid out the ascension to power of ancient demonic forces that are intent upon degrading and destroying the entirety of the human race, it is reasonable if the reader would ask what I believe can or should be done about it. But then, to ask that question is to ignore all that I and the Aryan prophecy I have quoted from have said can and should be done about it—the sum of which is, essentially, nothing. Time is the Great Destroyer and it is going to destroy the world; the Aryan can resist it, and, in that resistance, he can find eternal life in the next world. But this world is doomed to be destroyed, and the only thing that the Aryan can do in this final stage of the Kali Yuga is to hasten upon this world’s destruction— first, by exterminating the masses of lesser humankind that the Jews have produced to feed their evil gods; and, second, by seeking and finding death, filling the halls of Valhalla and hastening the coming of that time when the last Arya shall die and the earth, bereft of worthy mankind, shall be burned.

Those who view the current crisis as a political confrontation and a creation of mere human forces are those who are wont to seek a political solution or to make a political effort against the crisis. ‘Democracy offers many apparent avenues by which change can be effected, and the foolish are inclined to follow them, not least of all because they seem “safe” and because participation in orderly society is the natural inclination of the white race. What such men cannot grasp is that the current social order is not legitimate, and thus any compliance with such an order is a contribution to the evil that is consuming the world, and makes those that participate in it as culpable in the world’s destruction as the guiding forces behind the democratic system.

The white race, and those of the Arya who continue to struggle and strive against the destruction of the world that has been wrought by the culture-destroyers, must know that our ability to act is neither dictated nor constrained by the desires of the governments that exert their tyranny over us. We do not need the permission of the culture destroyers to act or to publish as long as we can exert by force or ruse the ability to do so. The laws that the Jews and the Masons and the poisoners seek to impose upon us are as nothing to us except insofar as they are backed by force—and, when they are backed by force, we must recognize that their only legitimacy comes through force.

I conclude that one is permitted, in the struggle against the Dark Age forces, to wield Dark Age weapons—to use criminal activities, particularly acts of criminal violence, against those whose system of governance is itself a crime. “Crime,” after all, is nothing but a term used to denounce violence that is not sanctioned by the state, and thus it is a moral nullity—it is a term used by one group to de-legitimize the violence of a group with which it is in competition, while reserving to itself the right to use unlimited violence.

The use of Dark Age weapons against the forces of the Dark Age is a contradiction, and one that cannot be resolved. There is no other meaningful way to struggle, yet the means chosen for the struggle furthers the decomposition of the rotten corpse of international democracy. Acts of violence are used to feed the propaganda of the enemy—yet the enemy will eventually achieve the same goals even if it is denied such propaganda material. Because no one can stop the forward march of time, and no one can stop the destruction it inevitably brings, nothing that can be done can stop the demonic forces from consuming the earth, and thus every action in this world contains within it the seeds for the furtherance of the evil agenda.

Because one cannot avoid furthering the agenda of the enemy, one should not try to do so. Death is the only weapon that can be meaningfully wielded against the enemies of humanity, because the enemies of humanity are only physical beings—their souls having been sacrificed and consumed by their evil gods—and thus death is the weapon that must be wielded. As each of us seeks to embody Vishnu, the Creator, we must also participate in the dance of Shiva, the Destroyer. The only act that the Jews and the serpents cannot undo the final act of destruction—the murder of one of their demonic cohorts—and it is in such acts that real resistance to the rule of Seth-Typhon is found.

In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna stands with the warrior Arjuna before a horde of enemy soldiers and tells him that “Even if you do not fight, all of the warriors before you will die. Therefore, go into battle in their midst and slay them without remorse.”Similarly, all of humanity from the moment of birth is doomed to death. Aryan prophecy tells us that there will come a time when all of humanity will meet that death together, and, after that point the earth will be cleansed and a way will be made for good men to live once again in peace. Until that time comes, there is no path of peaceful coexistence with the enemies of humanity. There is only constant war—a one-sided war waged by them if we refuse to join it—and the recognition of that constant war, and our constant obligation to destroy the persons, the property and the institutions of our enemies. By fulfilling this obligation we find eternal life; when we submit to them or find legitimacy in their violence and their state, we deny ourselves the immortality of our souls.

The essence of the Aryan warrior spirit is sacrifice, and, by recognizing that part of each of our own nature exists within time, and thus is subject to the same destruction that we are called to visit upon others, it is easier to reconcile ourselves to our own pending dissolution. Lesser living beings seek to perpetuate their existence eternally within time, but one of the initiatic truths taught to the ancient Arya was that the surrender of the part of one’s self that is temporal is the only true path to immortality.

Those who seek comfort above truth and seek to preserve their existence without creating a space in which that existence can be meaningful are base cowards.

After the purification of one’s inner being and the preparation for action comes action itself. This action is in two forms — one, the slaying of one’s enemies, and the merciful destruction of those souls who have been corrupted irretrievably by the poison of modernity; and, two, the creation, insofar as is possible, of goodness, of proper relations and of right institutions, and the assistance and healing of those men and women who are suffering from the poison of Jewish modernism. The act of slaying the enemies of humanity is the greater of the two acts for the development of the individual soul, because it is the process of bringing into submission the fear of destruction and of pursuit by other men that accompanies the destruction of the life of the evil that is the true inner victory of such acts. With the act comes, too, the death of one’s enemies and the invocation of the Victory, whose cultmust be restored to pave the way for the restoration of the Aryan father. Each act of victory in battle, whether that battle is called “war’” or called “murder,” is an act in furtherance of the Aryan spirit.

With purification in victory comes also the purification that must come in the inevitable defeat. Time is the great destroyer and it is destined to destroy the life in this world of everyman. Death is unavoidable; only what comes before death is subject to our will. Every quest for virtue, no matter how pure the life of the man, ends with death, sometimes preceded by injury, torture, or imprisonment. In each circumstance, the individual has the opportunity to bring the body into submission to the soul, and to refuse to allow one’s self to be destroyed mentally by that which destroys one physically.

Because essentially all of humanity participates in this unending destruction of the “best of the goyim” that is practiced by America, by the international systemin which America participates, and the Jews controlling that system, essentially all of humanity can be held accountable for it, and the moral basis for the destruction of the entirety of the human race is there set. Prophecy tells us that the earth is going to burn when the
last Arya is destroyed and the heavens open with the armies of Valhalla, and to anticipate that destruction by the annihilation of any number of men and women who participate in the maintenance of the existing systemof demonic and Jewish rule is permissible and legitimate.

Few reading this will ever heed these words, because the nature of living beings is to sustain themselves in any condition of slavery, but the few reading it who do are the only ones whose lives and souls matter, because they are the last of the Arya that our brethren are awaiting, eagerly, in Valhalla, pending the day of vengeance and the final destruction of the Satanic race. It is imperative that the last seats at Odin’s hall be filled, because the end of the world must be brought about so that those few good men, women and children who have died in innocence can be resurrected and the Golden Age reborn.

I write these truths without any fear, though I know I am the target of the death forces and that I will, in time, be again imprisoned and eventually murdered for the truths I have shared. The things I am expressing are not a personal opinion or an expression of my will—I did not wake up one morning and decide I wanted to see mankind destroyed for my benefit. They are an expression of an eternal truth that cannot be stopped by any means. No matter what is done to me, no matter how these words are suppressed, the fate of mankind has been sealed since the first war entered the world and the vales of the eddying mead were abandoned by the gods. I am doomed to destruction as are all men, and there are, ultimately, no “consequences” for any act I take that does not blemish my soul.

Death Watch Cancelled? Email from Bill White.

May 25, 2012

On Fri, 5/25/12, XXXXXXX wrote:

Subject: Hello, Bill
To: “Bill White”
Date: Friday, May 25, 2012, 2:52 PM

Where are you?

Yuck, yuck.

IMO, Alex Linder will be testifying at your next trial and I think you DO have Ausperger’s syndrome for talking about what no one wants to talk about at a time like this.

Name Withheld


From: “Bill White”
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 2:03:58 PM
Subject: Re: Hello, Bill

Hi (Name Withheld)

Glad to hear how well things are with you. :->

I am doing quite well. I don’t foresee any future appearances in American courts.


Death Watch, 2012

May 25, 2012

Bill White discussed his fast-approaching death so often on his Facebook page in recent months that one friend asked him, “When is your funeral?”
It seemed funny at the time. Now we are on some kind of gruesome “Bill White Death Watch, 2012″…
Nimbusters can be funny –

Man Found In Roanoke River Is Former Federal Prosecutor Tom Bondurant; Bill White Suspected – Anonymous 5/24/2012 7:57PM

link or STFU – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:07PM – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:10PM

BTW, in case a recent news story was referring to ME as “one of his [White’s] followers”, I am not a follower of Bill White. I am following the political persecution of Bill White. Big difference!

I am a Christian. I would never follow someone whose favorite band is “The Electric Hellfire Club”! I think Bill White’s interest in Ba-al is more than academic. I really don’t like The Barnes Review very much or the American Free Press at all. But, Bill White has to earn a living…

Bill White’s comment on the UPI story

May 24, 2012

Article here:

Comment on Bill White’s Facebook page:

Bill White – When will the press mention the following: 1) That White’s appellate attorney was bribed by the federal government into not filing his appeal to the Fourth Circuit en banc; 2) That a group within the federal government was plotting to assassinate White because they hold him accountable for the Lefkow killings; 3) That all of this is on record with supporting documentation in several cases in the Eastern and Western District of Virginia and in the Roanoke City Courts, but the United States has been fighting desperately to have it all suppressed; 4) That all of the civil attorneys facing White except Tony Troy and the Judge in the Eastern District, Rebecca Smith, all recused themselves from White’s case after reading the file released by the US Attorney’s Office, in fear White was going to kill them.2 hours ago ·

Arrest warrant was issued on Monday, no new charges filed

May 24, 2012

Scott Leamon: “This is a weird one.”

Yes, very weird, and there has been some very weird speculation. Is that really Bill White’s facebook page or is it some kind of ruse? Did Bill White head for the border, or not? Was that Bill White’s body dragged from the river? Did the feds actually kill Bill White BEFORE they announced they were looking for him? Is Bill White in a hospital somewhere? (I don’t know where that one came from!)

Bill White, Dreamer, Waiting for Someone to Wake Him Up

May 24, 2012
Bill White The dreamer really is not running. He is enjoying a meander through the world en route to further dreams and an eventual awakening.

Missing Neo-Nazi’s Escape Raises Questions About The Nature Of Federal Prosecutions.
A headline you will not see in any press covering this case.
Bill White – 2 hours ago.Claiming that the dreamer is a “fugitive” is a ruse. The US Marshals have already taken the dreamer into custody. In a few days, they are going to “find” him at an abandoned farmhouse in SW Virginia, put a bullet in his head, and claim he killed himself during a standoff. Then, like Seal Team Six, a helicopter carrying the Marshals who committed the murder will crash, destroying all the remaining evidence.

The world is an illusion.

Each of us, before we were born, dreamed ourselves into existence, and dreamed the entirety of the life we have to live. We dreamed ourselves into the dreams of greater beings that we call gods, who shape the dream world in which we act. But all is maja and illusion — and once we realize it is a dream that we created, we can shape it with our own minds as we once shaped it at the beginning.

Death is merely an awakening from the dream. The question is whether the dream will be your plaything or your prison? Do we achieve consciousness of the illusory nature of reality, or do we remain trapped in what we created for ourselves?


Actual conversation overheard today between the US Marshals and the Foreign Ministry of the country sheltering the dreamer:

US Marshals: “We need your help apprehending a dangerous fugitive.”

3rd World Nation: “Of course, what did he do?”

US Marshals: “Well, we have convicted him of littering, and we believe that he may have taken an unauthorized vacation.”

3rd World: “You realize there is …a civil war in my country?”

Marshals: “Yes, but it is embarassing to us that we cannot catch a litterer.”

3rd World: “But America littered our country with rubble last time it invaded.”

Marshals: “Yeah, um, sorry about that, but in America we don’t tolerate littering.”

3rd World: “But our police forces are trying to crush a rebellion that has taken tens of thousands of lives, that began when America assassinated all the leaders of our country.”

Marshals: “Yeah, but this guy’s in the newspapers and stuff.”

3rd World: “I’m sorry. You will just have to do this on your own.”

Marshals: “But your country is too dangerous for us to operate in.

3rd World: “You made it that way. I spit on you and your American beast. Good bye.”

Nimbusters discuss Bill White

May 24, 2012

Nimbusters, apparently fearful that Bill White might be on the loose and dangerous, is amazingly sedate today as they discuss the latest on Bill White.

Subject: IMHO Bill White will be found dead from a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” by Friday

IMHO some anti-racist, or other group, took him out.

IMHO Bill White will be found dead from a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” by Friday – – Anonymous 5/24/2012 10:06AM
As well as several others found dead from “Bill White-inflicted gunshot wounds.” – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 10:09AM

It’s really sad when NIMBusters is more sane than Facebook – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 1:59AM

STFU – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 2:34AM

Will Bill White: A. Go out in a shooting spree? B. Be found dead in a ditch C. Turn himself in? – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 1:58AM

Bill White’s First Public Posting after Leaving the USA

May 24, 2012

…I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate. I shall not be returning.– Bill White, May 2012

Bill White’s post on Facebook –

Well, this is my first public posting on Facebook since my release from the Supermax level of an American detention facility on April 20, 2011.

If you have paid attention to my case — not what the liars at the Roanoke Times have reported, but the truth about my case — the US federal government arrested me without cause on October 17, 2008 and then framed me for various crimes in an effort to st…ifle statements I was making critical of not only the current administration of the United States, but the social, cultural and political frameworks of American society. The government seized a magazine I own and several webservers and held me in a variety of prisons, ranging in level from Medium to Super-Maximum, in an effort to compel me to confess to various crimes that did not occur.

In particular, for the first week after my arrest, I was held in the bullpen at the Roanoke City Jail, where I was subjected to a continuous bright light and to constant banging on my cell in an effort to prevent me from sleeping. I was denied visitation and I was denied access to hygeine such as a toothbrush and a shower.

When I was transferred to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago, I was held in an unheated cell in the Chicago winter for five days. During that time, I was given only a torn piece of a jumpsuit to wear and a single torn blanket. The temperature in that cell I was told was below twenty degrees at times.

Later in the month of November, I was transferred to a separate cell that was flooded with human feces, and witnessed other inmates being stripped naked and beaten by guards, often on videotape.

The US government performed these acts against me in an effort to compel my confession to an attempt to assassinate Barack Obama that did not exist. In fact, most so-called terrorist incidents within the United States do not exist. The FBI and the US government are fabricating “terrorist” plots with perjured testimony and confessions extracted under torture in an effort to terrorize and deceive the US public.

Throughout these proceedings, the US government worked closely with the Roanoke Times newspaper to present false information to the general public in an effort to secure my conviction. When it became clear they would not be able to secure a conviction on the charge for which I was arrested — the alleged plot to assassinate a juror in the Matthew Hale case — or a confession, the US government charged with numerous petty cases in an effort to justify my detention, and judge shopped to find someone — in this case Judge James C Turk — who would be willing to rubber stamp their bogus charges. Working with the Roanoke Times to influence public opinion was key in this matter.

After my trial in Roanoke, I was repeatedly told by the US government that if I would confess to crimes which did not occur and testify before Congress as to my involvement in a right wing terrorist conspiracy that stretched from Congressman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul to the Ku Klux Klan and “nazi skinheads”, and which centered on the World Church of the Creator, that I would be freed and eventually pardoned for my crimes. I refused. Because of my refusal, I was taken from a medium security facility in Beckley, West Virginia, and returned to Supermax conditions, where I was brutalized for an additional eight months and told that if I did not cooperate I would held and tortured for as long as the government could possibly hold me. During this latter period I was also drugged in an effort to extract a confession.

Earlier this year, the US federal government bribed my appellate counsel, Melissa Warner Scoggins, of Warren and Associates, PLC, into not filing papers to appeal my case to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. This act of bribery is consistent with other information I had received indicating that a group of agents within the Federal Bureau of Investigation and their supervisors in the United States Attorneys Office had made an agreement to “destroy” me at all costs, including killing me should they be unable to secure my conviction. This is because of their belief that a “broad conspiracy” of “white supremacists” were responsible for the killing of the family of US District Judge Joan Lefkow, among other acts, and their mistaken belief that I was somehow involved in that conspiracy. (I was not.)

For these reasons I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate. I shall not be returning.

Further, for those who believe that one cannot use the internet without having one’s location tracked, I am utilizing a multi-level proxy and anonymizing service to post to this account. I was using one of my own devising; I am now using a better one. The US government does not have the technology necessary to penetrate through to the root IP.

I am aware that all of my Facebook and email records from US providers will eventually be subpoenaed, as well as the limits of the current technology used to monitor cellular telephones and international travel.

I am doing well but am looking to expand my work as a writer. Anyone with a serious interest in licensing my work or commissioning new work should respond here or send an email to Donations to help me settle in my new land are also welcome.

Thank all of you who support me. The United States has become an evil empire more dangerous to world security than the former Soviet Union, and its government must be overturned if the peoples of the world are going to remain free.

That maniacal laughter you hear…

May 24, 2012

… is Bill White in Tehran, Iran reading the press coverage back in Virginia of his disappearance.

Bill White’s Facebook page:

Is it Bill White or someone/some group trying to make Bill White look bad? It actually looks more like a fake anti-Bill White page than anything else!

HADDING SCOTT is rumored to be very happy with the recent turn of events.

Hadding’s comment on the phora forum this morning: If you look at some of the news-links that White has posted there and then compare the information in the report with his interpretation, there is no relationship. Bill White lets his paranoid imagination and his impetuous nature get the better of him.

Granted that he’s gotten some unfair treatment, but what he’s doing right now, flying off the handle like this, is self-destructive (unless, arguably, he somehow really is in Iran).

I see that he’s still talking about intimidating judges and prosecutors on his Facebook page.

Even if what he is doing somehow isn’t self-destructive, White’s attempt to stir up “neo-nazi terror”is very damaging to us. George Lincoln Rockwell would have had nothing to do with that.

This is what you get when an ARA type flips and decides to become a racist. The ideology changes but the chaotic personality type is the same as it ever was.


VNN Forum’s “Bill White a Fugitive” thread-