Death Watch, 2012

Bill White discussed his fast-approaching death so often on his Facebook page in recent months that one friend asked him, “When is your funeral?”
It seemed funny at the time. Now we are on some kind of gruesome “Bill White Death Watch, 2012″…
Nimbusters can be funny –

Man Found In Roanoke River Is Former Federal Prosecutor Tom Bondurant; Bill White Suspected – Anonymous 5/24/2012 7:57PM

link or STFU – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:07PM – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:10PM

BTW, in case a recent news story was referring to ME as “one of his [White’s] followers”, I am not a follower of Bill White. I am following the political persecution of Bill White. Big difference!

I am a Christian. I would never follow someone whose favorite band is “The Electric Hellfire Club”! I think Bill White’s interest in Ba-al is more than academic. I really don’t like The Barnes Review very much or the American Free Press at all. But, Bill White has to earn a living…

One Response to “Death Watch, 2012”

  1. new news Says:

    Bill is not my favorite person in the world, but in this situation I have to say I respect the guts he has to give the finger to the system! GO BILL! Take out as many as you can before they get you!

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