Archive for June, 2012

A couple of messages from Bill White in Miami FDC

June 30, 2012

June 30, 2012

1. From Bill White, after talking to his lawyer:

… I’m not saying I’ll be out soon — as in any day. I won’t be. The best I am probably looking at at this point is early next year. I shouldn’t be looking at more than the end of this year, but I am, because I don’t get treated like any other person in the BOP. I should have been a crack dealer for a living. LOL

2. Hold off on those letters to Bill for now –

If I suddenly disappear, I am headed to Oklahoma City en route to Virginia. I will appear “in transit” on the BOP website about two-three days before this happens They are flying me out of Miami International Airport into the Transfer Center, which is at the Oklahoma City International Airport — it has its own terminal. Looks like a fortress next to the runway.

Message from Bill White on his sentence

June 29, 2012

Hello all:

Spoke to my attorney today — the one appointed for me by the Court. He sounded reasonable and was upset that my other attorney screwed up my appeal.

This is what he told me:

1) The Court is likely to give me an “above guideline sentence.” This is fine. The question is how far above the guidelines. The answer is that depends. The most than can give me is 24 months, less six to seven time served. With good time, this will amount to maybe 14 or 15 months to serve. However, that far a departure is unlikely. 10 months is the upper end of my guideline. Good time does not apply unless I receive more than 12. Then, subtract about 1/6th to get the amount to serve. So 12 months is really serve 10. 15 months is serve 12. From that, subtract my time served. 12 months is serve 3; 15 months is serve 5; etc.

2) They are now looking at my refusal to admit my identity to the Court as a reason for an upward departure. What I’ve said is true. “William A White” is a non-existant illusion. However, nothing I can do here at this point, and this doesn’t worry me.


Unless something changes, I wouldn’t be too concerned about any of this. I am told I will be in Virginia in a month, and my guess is that, if they were planning to do something in Florida any time soon, they would stop my transport and hold me here to do whatever it is they wanted to do. However, a month is about how long I would expect it to take if they had immediately placed me on the list to fly me to Oklahoma and then Virginia — so I expect they are not holding me here.

I did notice, as I remarked to many of you, that, shortly after my arrest, the US Marshals seemed less overjoyed than they had been. I had the impression that they had not gotten something they wanted to get. My guess is that, not knowing where I was, they pinned every crime that occurred from May 4 to June 8 in the country on me, and, upon finding me, realized it was physically impossible for me to have done whatever it is they thought I did.

So, regardless, if I don’t get a sentence of time served, it should still be a sentence of a few months left to go after sentencing.

And if it was anyone but me, they would just let me go…

Bill White “crazy” letter – the text

June 29, 2012

By popular demand, the text of the recent letter Bill White sent to me. It appears to be similar to the one that he sent to the Court Clerk in Roanoke.

1.Read the Roanoke letter here:

2. Letter from Bill White in the Miami FDC-

June 17, 2012

As you may know, since my first experience at the hands of the US government, I have been a very unwell person.

At the FCI-Beckley, and, later, at MCC-Chicago, I was given a pill – which you looked up for me – which the BOP calls an “allergy pill”, but is, as we discovered, an anti-depressant that can cause psychosis.

What this pill did was layer another set of images – dream images – over the images of nominal “waking” reality. Essentially, I experienced multiple realities at once, and began communicating with images in the “dream” who gave me information “reality” that I was later able to confirm as having a factual basis.

After my release, I continued to have terrible nightmares – nightmares that would continue into my waking life. I would often awaken, believing I was imminently going to be attacked. I often remained in these dream states for hours after gaining consciousness. As a result of the change in consciousness that occurred in the BOP, I was unable to function.

What I have discovered is that these nightmare images were really projections into my mind of the dreamscape of a demonic being. As I outline in my Centuries of Revolution, America has been created by cults dedicated to a demonic beast with three aspects. In Centuries, I don’t really address the theme of this being’s binding or sleeping in the earth, but I have discussed this elsewhere. Both America and the New World Order it has attempted are the product of this beast imposing its will upon reality – its dreaming. Its methodology is degradation – abuse of the outer forms so as to create inner transformation. My dreams are, or were, its thwarted desires. I had what it had desired – but it was clear that if I remained within its dream that I was doomed.

You see, Vishnu sits on the right hand of Brahma and Shiva on his left. Vishnu danced dharma into being, but in the Kali Yuga, dharma and karma are inactive. The substance of the world is maja and its changes are the dance. Kali and Shiva dance death – Time – into the world – Shiva’s serene dream shaping Kali’s moving form. Within this whirling maja are the demons, each of which shape their particular realm. Beneath the United States, a serpent lies dreaming. Its children – the Jews and reptiles and their cult – do its work. But the whole is but a figment of the monster’s imagination.

This world is the projection of the consciousness of “sleeping” gods onto the minds of us “dreamers” who reside within it. As such, the only rational act was to abandon my worldly possessions, detach, and leave the dreamworld. Rather than awaken, I decided to explore a bit more widely.

As I suspected, “reality” broke down as I approached the borders of the so-called United States. I do not truly believe that I physically travelled anywhere – the “physicality” of things is just a means of experiencing a change in psychic state. I got free of the mind of the evil being in Washington and, briefly, of all evil beings. I experienced a beautiful reality – like Plato’s philosopher seeing the sun. Clearly, my inner being is not yet strong enough, because the serpent drug me back. But the serpent does not hold me the way he did, and I can see that in its dreamlings, who lack the confidence and power they once had.

I am not William White because William White is an illusion. One could say he was created by the government to distract the people from the poverty and misery of a failed America, but, on a metaphysical level, he was dreamed into being by these demons for a purpose. No longer subject to this demonic dream, I can no longer be White.

– AKA “White”

Let me say that I have very little knowledge of what Bill is talking about, except that Bill White did seem to have a religious experience while he was in solitary in prison. He did credit the allergy pill that he was on at the time for deranging his mind, and I did look the side effects of the pill up for him. He wasn’t talking about Shiva in those days, as far as I recall. I am not aware that Bill has been unwell since his release. He has been into demons since Beckley, I do know that.

Not too long before his last arrest, I told Bill White to pray to Jesus and to quit playing those Electric Hellfire Club albums! -americafarm

Flunked my Bill White test

June 27, 2012

If I had had to take a test on “What is Bill White doing and why is he doing it?” recently, I would have flunked.

– I thought Bill would be devastated to be re-arrested. Wrong! He seems just the same as he was in that old video on youtube where he showed up to cheerfully heckle some other Nazis having a little march. He’s a Mocker. (Funny how the Beatles were so adorable to the Power Elite when they mocked everything, but Bill White mocking everything is some kind of huge irritant to them.)

Bill wrote to me that he doesn’t mind being in jail for something that he did. The BOP and other authorities should like that.

– I thought Bill would be certain that he would never get out of prison again. Wrong! He says he will be out soon. (This is what Bill was saying when I started writing to him in 2009, and he said it every letter until October, 2010, when he accepted that he couldn’t get out of Beckley to the halfway house.)

– I thought probably Bill went to the Walmart because he likes to shop. Wrong! He went to pick up a money order.

Note to Hadding – Bill White wasn’t sleeping in his car in the Walmart parking lot. He left his car back in Virginia and he was sleeping in a hotel. Good guess, though!

BTW, Bill says they have road blocks all over Northern Mexico, even in the desert, and they ask for your papers. Bill won’t say how he got into Mexico.

– I thought Bill was an idiot for choosing to stay at beach resort so close to the USA.

Bill says he was “stuck” in Cozumel on the way to somewhere else. Where, he can’t say.

Crazy letters from Bill White – is his mental competency in question?

June 26, 2012

To see a crazy letter from Bill White, view the slide show.

Updated June 26th, 6:24 pm – Had a phone call from Bill. He was laughing at the WDBJ7 article, below. He wants me to post that he studied hieroglyphics in college and that he got an A. Then he studied more on his own from one of the Budge books.

Bill also said he is not going to have another trial, just a hearing. (I thought a trial was a hearing.) He has already pled guilty to leaving the country without permission. He won’t plead guilty to the “stupid enhancements.” He is not trying to establish that he is crazy. He has already written about some of this demon stuff somewhere else, I believe for Willis Carto.

To the person who asked me to type the letter out – I was trying to avoid that, but I will see what I can do.


This letter was sent to me, the other day, but apparently Bill sent one similar to this to some court official, as Scott Leamon in Roanoke reported yesterday, see below. This is a non-story, in my opinion. Bill White has been sending crazy letters to me, to the judges and to the court for years.

Read the Roanoke letter here:

Neo-Nazi Bill White sends a strange letter to the U.S. District Court in Roanoke

A letter from Bill White was received by the Clerk’s office in US District court on Friday
June 25, 2012|Web staff

ROANOKE, Va. — Apparently Roanoke neo-Nazi Bill White thinks he can read Egyptian hieroglyphics.*

He says so in a letter sent to the Federal Building in Roanoke last week. He also said that while he was in prison on threat charges he was given drugs that changed him. It was received by the Clerk’s office in U.S. District court on Friday.

He says he often would exist in multiple worlds simultaneously a difficult and disorienting experience.

That he “began communicating with beings that opened certain paths to [him] and allowed [him] to expolore certain hidden and obscured aspects of the human experience.”

That led him to understand Egyptian hieroglyphics* and he says he doesn’t consider these images to be hallucinations.

It is apparent that White now claims to live in multiple layers of reality.

He says the United States has no real existence and that he broke free on May 4th of this year.

That’s right around the time his probation officer couldn’t find White, who was later captured in Mexico and is federal custody in Miami.

Monday, the court granted his move from Florida back to Roanoke.

White is well-known in the Roanoke Valley and was convicted of making threats online and served prison time.

He was out on parole waiting resentencing on some charges before he left the country last month.

In the letter he goes on to say “there is no white supremacist William A White… I cannot be William White because William White does not exist.”

He later says the court and the proceedings aren’t real, which could bring his mental competency into question.

Once White is back in Roanoke, there are no hearings scheduled yet for his resentencing and possible parole violation charges.
Copyright © 2012, WDBJ7-TV


*Note: Bill White says that he studied Egyptian hieroglyphics at Indiana University and that he got an A in the course. Bill also studied hieroglyphics on his own when he was in the SHU.

Bill White in Court Today and Some Details about the Case

June 25, 2012

Updated June 26th –

Bill wrote:
To keep people up to date, the government proved today that I am William White by calling FBI Agent Thomas Davis Church to identify me.


According the Clerk’s Office in Miami, Bill White was “ordered removed” to the Western District of Virginia today. Earlier, he told me he thought he would be returned to Roanoke by way of Oklahoma and would not be getting back to Roanoke until August.

I have not heard from Bill today, and I hope he is not back in solitary already.

I did get another snail mail letter from Miami today. Bill did not say I could post this on the blog, so all I pass on now is that in the first part of his probation report Bill is charged with leaving the country without permission. According to Bill, the sentencing guidelines suggest 4-10 months.

“The second part says something about internet posts. What posts and what they were about is not specified.”

Again, according to Bill, “… they [the feds] are asking that I be enhanced from 4-10 months to three, presumably concurrent, 24-month sentences. I do not believe that is where it will end, we shall see…”

Bill says he is unphased.

“So, in four months to two years, I will be free to leave the country again and go be somewhere beautiful.”

Bill White on why he loves Mexico

June 25, 2012

Bill White wrote on June 18th:

Despite what is said about me, I’ve never been one to hate the little brown people of the world. In fact, I love Mexico and Central America. I know there are many white Latins – but even the little brown people have wonderful countries, full of traditions borrowed from Aryan/Indo-European culture. LOL.

In Mexico, you can live extremely well on $50 or so a day or less – you can have a nice place, eat wonderfully, and you have lizards to keep everything bug free.

I love it – I hope the cartels finish tossing its government so it can have peace, independent of its American overlords, soon. The trouble with the current government is mostly that it is a US puppet, and that it cares nothing for its people. It says it is socialist, but its rulers steal all of the people’s wealth. Mexico is what a “libertarian” society would look like – anarchy and poverty.

See also: Updated June 25th, 2012.

Bill White needs to contact Sabrina and Jane

June 24, 2012

Updated June 26th – Both women have made contact with Bill. Thanks very much to anyone that tried to help with this.

If anyone can help, Bill is trying to find these two people:

Jane – FOUND.
Sabrina – FOUND. I believe a mutual friend got them in contact, but thanks to any BWTU readers or any friends of Bill that tried to help.
To DP of VNN – There is a reason that I can’t post your comment. It’s Bill’s reason, not mine, and it should be obvious, soon.

As always, Bill would very much like to receive snail mail from all his friends, acquaintances and well-wishers! He says “Thank you!” to everyone that has helped him.
Write to Bill at:

WILLIAM A. WHITE #13888-084
P.O. BOX 019120
MIAMI, FL 33101

After Bill’s removal hearing today, Monday, there should be some fresh updates posted and I will also fill in the blanks as much as I can about what’s been happening with Bill in the past two months. Updates are usually posted at the top of the older blog posts.

Heard from Bill White in Miami federal prison today

June 22, 2012



Got a prison email from him this morning. He sounds like he is fine.

He said he sent me some letters, but I have not received any of them, yet. Bill doesn’t want me to post about his case, but this is what he said can be posted here:

Bill White wrote on June 22, 2012 –

“… the US Marshals seized a phone from me without SIM card, and an encrypted computer using technology the US government has had trouble with in the past. I would expect anyone claiming to have any records of phone calls or electronic information from me is lying. I also, I believe, lost most of my luggage in Cozumel..”

I have been released from the SHU into population. Hopefully, I will stay here.

This is my first day on email and with phone access. I’ve sent about a dozen people letters, and need contact info for several more. If you didn’t get the story of my battle with Mexican Migracion and the Policia, I will retell it later.

Get back to me, and I will be back online later… [SNIP]

Please put my address out there. People can send money to my commissary account, or books to me here; I am good with money at the moment. Also, I believe the Roanoke PO Box is still good, but need to check.

Have to go and update my contacts. TTYL.

— aka WHITE

Write to Bill White:

WILLIAM A. WHITE #13888-084
P.O. BOX 019120
MIAMI, FL 33101

Note: Bill has a removal hearing on Monday, but he thinks he will be in Miami for a while.


We Get Comments and Questions

June 20, 2012

Every once in a while we get a comment here at the Bill White Trial Update. Usually, it’s not a very nice comment, but it’s a comment. I haven’t replied to most of the comments lately because I have been distracted and because I like to brood over my reply. But, if you made a comment in the past month or so, watch this space, I will re-post and reply to you here.

Comment No. 1 – “Go Bill!”
Example of the type of comment I would not post. Details withheld.

Bill is not my favorite person in the world, but in this situation I have to say I respect the guts he has to give the finger to the system! GO BILL! Take out as many as you can before they get you!

Get the other guy before he gets you. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, on Purim, the most fun holiday of the Jewish year. But, we’re not Jews. I don’t think we can say stuff like this (out loud) and laugh and eat cookies and set off n—– chasers while thinking of Bill White taking out a bunch of Zionist Occupation government agents. No, I’m pretty sure we can’t do that. Wouldn’t be prudent.

Comment No. 2 – I forget who asked me this. Sorry.

Q: Is Bill White a Mason?
Good question! Well, I thought it was a good question. I asked Bill this before his recent arrest. His answer was “No, of course not.”

Comment No. 3 –

Submitted on 2012/06/12 at 7:32 am
This is going to sound a little strange but I think you have a good career ahead of you, because someone who can stand to have anything to do with Bill White–let alone try to do PR work on his behalf–is clearly equipped to defend any causes that are less hopeless and disgusting than Bill is (in other words, 99% of them), and I hope you end up doing this work on behalf of things or people who are actually forces for good in the world.

That sounds very strange considering that Bill White identified you as the Negro FBI agent assigned to track him down through the computer. Yes, Bill White has exceeded the bounds of decency many times, but Bill White is a US citizen, and that is why I have gotten involved in his case. All the charges against him were wrong. If the government hadn’t made Bill White “important” by bringing two federal cases against him over essentially nothing, I wouldn’t be doing this website. The government agents are the ones who need to start new careers working for a good cause.

Comment No. 4 –
From: Kyle
Submitted on 2012/06/15 at 1:14 am
as a practical matter, next time you need screenshots, I recommend using Awesomescreenshot plugin, its available for chrome and firefox, easy one click capturing, can capture a whole page, and allows quick editing (including blurring out things you wish to hide)

Are you trying to tell me my screen shots are lousy? Okay, they are! Thanks for the advice. I’m a little old for learning new tricks, and I generally prefer 1999 AD technology, when life was simpler, on the computer and everywhere else, but I will check this out.

Comment No. 5 – Email question from Joe

Q: Was Bill White elected Commander of ANSWP?

Actually, this question was asked a while back, and I emailed it to Bill. His reply –

Sort of. There were no other candidates. LOL.

Technically, I appointed myself, but that resolution was approved by the other 118 people present. – Bill

I also asked one of the ANSWP members this question. He said there was an election using a poll in one of the yahoo groups. Bill won, 18-2. He said the other candidate was Jeff Schoep, but now that I think about it, that doesn’t make sense to me.

No comment on the 118 vs. 18 discrepancy. 😉