Archive for July, 2012

Bill White is in Roanoke City Jail

July 31, 2012

Updated on August 4, 2012. Correction! According to Bill, any money orders should be made out to the Roanoke City Jail Inmate Trust Fund, and Bill’s name and number should be shown as well. The number is 20040199844.

Very sorry for any inconvenience the earlier posts may have caused to anyone. 😦

Bill appears to be seriously out of funds (as he calls it) at this time, thanks to the government, some Frito Banditos down Cancun way, and some funny business in Roanoke.

Updated on August 2, 2012: I have had a message that Bill White is back in the Roanoke City Jail. He is in solitary. (They don’t have prisoner email there, anyway, as far as I know.) Sorry for the original post, below, but BOP is still listing Bill at OKC FTC as of this evening. Last time Bill was in prison, they changed his status whenever he was moved, right on the dot.

Bill’s new address is:

William A. White
c/o Roanoke City Jail
324 Campbell Avenue
Roanoke, VA 24016

Note: If by chance someone sends a money order or certified check, make sure Bill’s name is on it.

How to send money to Bill, from the Roanoke City Jail site:

ORIGINAL POST – July 31, 2012
Bill White most likely in solitary, again

Still no emails from him. Still listed at OKC FTC.


Monday Morning

July 30, 2012

Suddenly stopped hearing from Bill on Sunday morning, and he is still listed with OKC FTC, so, if I don’t hear from him by noon today, I will suspect he is back in the SHU.

For the past week, Bill seemed to spend most of his time trying to track down people and items that have gone missing since his arrest. However, he still has time for his demon worship, I mean demon worship STUDIES, of the Gnostic/Christian/Cabala type. Right now, he is looking for the attributes of the 72 demons in Pseudomonarchia Daemonorum – The False Monarchy of Demons and fact-checking on a conspiracy book.

Bill White wrote on 7/29:

NWO Conspiracies, etc.

In addition to checking the functions of various demons (LOL), can you verify if any of the following is correct:

1) That Winston Churchill ran an article on Feb 8, 1920 attacking “the Illuminati” in the London Herald. I have a feeling this is his famous article attacking Bolshevism, but I am not sure.

2) A series of three radio broadcasts by Woodrow Wilson in 1921 denouncing secret force behind an American banking conspiracy?

3) A move made in the English parliament on March 5, 1998, by a Chris Mullin, requiring certain public officials to declare their participation in Masonry, and a list of the officials who admitted such affiliation, if it exists?

4) Who or what were the Guerenets of France and the Alumbrados of Spain?

A Dan Brown “Da Vinci Code” style conspiracy book fell into my hands and I am wondering how much of it is whackery.


Note: I found on information on item three and the Alumbrados part of item four, but there is nothing coming up – in English – for the Guerenets, or for item two. Item one was, as Bill suspected, the interesting article pro-Zionist Churchill wrote about “the Jews”, Zionism and Bolshevism. – americafarm

Bill White moved to Oklahoma FTC

July 26, 2012

Couple of days late on this – Bill is in the Oklahoma FTC and back in general population. I never saw him listed in transit, maybe I missed a day of checking the BOP inmate locator.

Bill sent the email below to his Corrlinks contacts. Personal and current case remarks about “the enhancements” have been deleted.

Note for those who may have written to Bill since the last post here – Bill didn’t get the recent letters that I sent to him. I’m not sure of the BOP procedure, but I think the letters will be returned to me.

WILLIAM WHITE on 7/25/2012 10:18:51 AM wrote
Hello Everyone:

About two weeks ago I was suddenly drug off to solitary confinement by the BOP, without explanation. I did not know what was going on until Monday, and I was transferred to Oklahoma on Tuesday.


…For those who haven’t dealt with the BOP before, if I ever disappear from email for more than 24 hours and the website does not list me in transit or out of BOP, then it is reasonable to assume I have been drug off to solitary confinement for no apparent reason. The BOP is extremely gullible and assumes any accusation is true, so one can be taken off at any time, often for no reason, or for reasons that are completely fabricated. When I am locked down, I greatly appreciate letters, which are the only way by which I can communicate with the world. The conditions also cause psychological deterioration in any person rather quickly — communication with the outside world is very helpful. So, thank you to everyone who wrote.

Also note that I don’t always have access to letters you have written me, lists of address, and the like, when I am locked down in solitary, so if you don’t write, I may not know how to reach you.

I also have a lot of emails, and I will try to answer them today.

I should be in the Roanoke City Jail in 1-2 weeks. You will know I’m there when lists me “in transit” and then out of the system. In the City Jail, I will essentially only be able to communicate by mail. Further, because the US government is fighting this probation thing tooth and nail, I expect that I will be there longer than I anticipated, maybe two to three months.

The address to write me in the Roanoke City Jail is:

William A White Unit 2-S
c/o Roanoke City Jail
324 Campbell Ave, SW
Roanoke, VA 24016

When there, I will also appreciate any money that can be sent. Unlike now, when I am losing access to all the money I had on my person when arrested, because I am leaving the BOP, money sent to the Roanoke City Jail will follow me back into the Bureau of Prisons.

I hope everyone has been well in my absence and thank all of you for continuing to support and assist me.

I will be in touch.

Not Good: Bill White is in solitary and under investigation

July 21, 2012

Had a snail mail letter from Bill yesterday.

First, he asks all his friends to write to him, please, at the Miami FDC.

William A. White #13888-084
Federal Detention Center – Miami
PO Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

Bill White wrote on July 15th:

“… Friday morning, a group of Negro thugs in the employ of the Great Serpent came and snatched me off to the SHU. Originally, I was told “I know” why I’m here – but now I’m told I’m “under investigation” for [censored]. When I ask “who” or “what” [censored – name deleted here]; I’ve been told “dat’s what we be investigating”, so, they have no evidence. Someone has accused me falsely to try to hurt me. My first thought is [censored]. My second is that something is going on in the world that I don’t know about. My third is that someone made up a story. And, I am increasingly suspicious this whole think was made up just to lock me down and place me in solitary.

Regardless, I will be back in population in Oklahoma within two weeks, unless something else is going to slow me down. In the past, the US Marshals have refused to comply with orders to transport me – sometimes for months. However, I think they will have trouble doing that here.

I could rant about how evil these morons and their country are, but I’ve already done the in a letter I just wrote. I’m so used to bogus charges that I just laugh these things off now. [SNIP]
But, I am in no rush – I just have to sleep through these antics and wait until I can fight again.


Let me see what this latest [censored] nonsense is about, and we’ll go from there.

[Deleted material – speculation about his sentence for the supervised release violation and most of the speculation about the discrepancies in the media reports regarding the government’s search for him, especially, what triggered the visit to his home on May 11.*]

”… Probation and Parole came to my house May 11. My landlord says the FBI – not the US Marshals – came as well. Whether they were with Probation or separate I don’t know.

Probation first said it was a “routine” visit, but this is false. I was a minimal monitoring case and did not have “routine” home visits.


But then, 1) Why the FBI? and 2) what are these other allegations? I’ve heard four mutually exclusive sets of allegations since my return – 1) from the Mexican police; 2) from the Marshal that booked me; 3) from my violation report; 4) from Pat Hogeboom, US Attorney. But – I have not been indicted, the government won’t discuss these charges with me or my counsel, and there appears to be no evidence. The best evidence there government has no evidence is when they refuse to say anything on the record; or confront you with any specifics.[SNIP] I am reasonably certain all this is groping in the dark.

Oh, and also, upon finding me not home, the feds entered my house and searched it. [SNIP] This is also unusual, probation doesn’t usually show up and search your house without a reason.**

My guess – and you can publish this – is that something happened on May 11 that caused the government to want to come to my house and search it.

1. Maybe someone I know told someone I was gone and they tipped off the FBI or Probation.

2. Maybe something else. If I could think of a realistic someone for for “1”, it would be more likely than “2”.

3. But, as I told the Court (E.D. VA) before I left, I had received information that someone may try to frame me – again – in the near future. [SNIP]

So, did something happen in my absence? Did it happen on May 11? Why am I being implicated? What was it? If not, why these extreme probation violation demands?


Write back. I’ll talk to you later.


* Perhaps I could have saved Bill a lot of Kafka-esque speculation. I haven’t told Bill this, yet, but I think the visit MIGHT have been triggered by an email I sent someone around May 9th that had something in it about Bill White getting asylum in Iran… :O

** Not that I know anything about it, but I thought probation could come any time they wanted to and search. – americafarm

Seemed like a good idea at the time – the “Centuries of Revolution” flyer drop

July 20, 2012

Another item Bill White sent out that (probably) I was afraid to post at the time, below.

One thing you have to admire about Bill White is the way he gets up in the morning and gets to work. However, the things he thinks up to do are the things that get him in trouble. So it was with the flyer drop for the book Centuries of Revolution. Bill got a citation for littering during this drop. From what has been reported – Bill went to court, he lost, he appealed, he lost his appeal. I believe he left Roanoke before the final court date.

According to Bill, his decision to leave the USA had nothing to do with any of his court cases.

Email received on March 5th –

From: “Bill White”
Copies to: “laurence hammack” , “dan casey” ,,,,,
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 4:02:17 PM
Subject: Flier Drop



Approximately 1000 fliers promoting my new book, Centuries of Revolution: Democracy, Communism, Zionism, were delivered to the doorsteps and driveways of residents of Lexington, VA and the surrounding area of Rockbridge County today, and approximately 200 fliers were dropped in the vicinity of Roanoke City. Some of the fliers were accompanied by promotional material for the American Free Press or the Barnes Review, as well as issues of the newspaper or the magazine. The distribution was conducted by a small group of local SW Virginia activists who support the efforts of the American Free Press and the Barnes Review.

This efforts is part of approximately 30,000 promotional fliers being dropped in Western Virginia this month — part of a national marketing campaign designed to promote the book that includes flier distributions across the country, a book and speaking tour, and direct mail promotion.

On average, we gain 20 news customers per 1000 fliers dropped, and expect we will attract 600 new customers who will purchase $12,000 – $15,000 worth of books, newspapers and magazines on their first order. You can weigh that against any story you may print about outrage residents who received anti-Semitic literature, etc. Further, when we distribute in this kind of volume, misguided individuals who destroy the fliers are effectively unable to have much impact — the time required to pick the fliers up is about five times that required to distribute them. The fliers all complied with the Lexington handbill ordinance. Rockbridge County does not have such an ordinance.The American Free press is a 25,000 subscriber national newspaper, the country’s leading independent and populist news outlet. The Barnes Review is the country’s largest revisionist journal with a subscriber base of approximately 5,000.

You can purchase the book here:

Or “like” it on Facebook here:!/CenturiesOfRevolution

A copy of the flier is attached.

Copy of the flyer/flier –

Bill White’s Ideas on Race

July 18, 2012

Looks to me like this is from some kind of BS “science” course where the student is asked to tell how he/she/it “feels” about race.

Bill loses me on the first sentence. Race is biological, not spiritual. There is absolutely no question about this. When the police find a skeleton, the first thing they do is determine the sex, the age, and the race – white, yellow or black. They do this by scientific analysis of the bones. But you don’t need bones! Infants of one year old or less are also able to determine racial differences.

If your race cannot be determined, the explanation is simple. You are a mongrel.

The “B” in the course number stands for brainwashing, apparently!

B 370: Human Variation Student ID XXXXXXX William A White

Lesson 2-1: Considering all you’ve read on race up to this point in the textbooks and in this learning guide, describe your concept of the term. In telling me your concept, explain the notions that preceded it, both historically and in your own thinking. Use examples from your own experience, readings, or films [WHICH WERE MADE TO BRAINWASH YOU] — whatever seems relevant to you. Don’t repeat examples from the textbooks or learning guide. Compare and contrast your ideas with those of others. (I’m not requiring you to come up with a new answer to this admittedly very difficult question—I just want you to demonstrate that you’ve tho htfully considered the question and arrived at a concept that is meaningful to you.)[1]

Bill White wrote:

Race is an essentially spiritual, and not biological, term that has a loose correlation to the physical manifestations of man. While, biologically, men are divided into three races – the black, the yellow and the white – that correspond roughly to the L, M and N haplotypes in mitochondrial DNA, the important spiritual racial difference is between the Aryan and Jewish tendencies, each of which has a different divine origin and manifests itself in a different orientation towards civilization.[2] Rather than the product of evolution, the lesser categories of living beings are the product of degeneration – the Negro represents a degenerate form of human potentiality, and animals represent a degenerate form of the divine essence that is manifest in the human race.[3] This perspective of race has little to do with the essentially progressive and biologically determinist viewpoints that dominate both sides of the “scientific” race debate, but has more essential truth and is more useful in guiding and describing human behavior than purely materialistic forms.[4]

The differentiated physical forms of man are likely the result of evolution from different subspecies of the genus homo, and possibly, in the case of Negroes, of near ancestry to the species australopithecus;[5] the differentiated spiritual nature of man is the result of a divine act that occurred approximately 32,000 years ago, when the divine race mated with the human and produced the Arya from the white physical type.[6] Since this time, humanity has been degenerating as the racial and caste differences between men have slowly dissolved, hurdling humanity forward to a time when it will be one, undifferentiated mass of “mud people”, wholly individualized and without organic or spiritual unities.[7] The “mixed” races that are used to challenge the idea of race are the product of this process of degeneration and de-evolution – but their existence no more denies the existence of “pure” races than the mixing of copper and tin to make bronze denies the existence of the elements.[8]

As Oswald Spengler noted in his Decline of the West, within racial entities are collective social organisms that give birth to cultures and civilizations.[9] In this context, the idea of “ethnicity” can be understood: Ethnic groups are groupings within the larger racial unities that participate in a common spiritual and material – and often political — life.[10]

In a purely biological sense, there are meaningful differences between human beings that loosely fall along the lines of the major haplotypes. While the text somewhat obscures what is known of human genetic differentiation, the peoples of the world can roughly be divided into the L, M and N haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA, which correspond to the black, yellow and white races.[11] The derivation of the M and N haplotypes from the L3 haplotype is almost purely speculative and based upon geological proximity and premises about human origins from a common root that are now known to be false; it is known that the L1, L2, and L4-L6 haplotypes share little common genetic material with the white and yellow races.[12] The genotypes that define these haplotypes find unique expression in the phenotype that further reinforce the idea that the three races of man are biologically distinct and of separate origin. Within the yellow race there is a general differentiation into the D haplotype, which defines the yellow race in the Americas, and the haplotypes of the Eurasian branches of that race, and within the white race there is a broad division between the haplotypes of the Turko-Mongolic peoples of Eurasia, and of the R haplotype, which contains the Indo-European peoples.[13] These subdivisions within the larger divisions of the races provide biological support for the spiritual differences that are evident in the differentiated abilities of groups to produce culture and advance in technics.

Thus race, in its most meaningful sense, denotes descent from spiritual and divine forbears and participation in the heritage that the divine passed down to man, the ability to participate in higher levels of spiritual existence and the ability to manifest those things in the physical world corresponds loosely to the major DNA haplotypes, which define three races of men that are then subdivided according to the common notions of race and ethnicity that are, ironically, ridiculed by the very science that proves their existence.
[1] You’re not going to like my answer, but you asked.
[2] The correspondence between race and haploytype is touched on badly in Olsen, Mapping Human History, 128-129. does a good job of explaining the relationship between haplotypes, without saying much as to their definition and geographic distribution. also provides supplemental information.

On the nature of the spiritual races:

“Every traditional civilization is characterized by the presence of beings [i.e., the Arya] who, by virtue of their innate or acquired superiority over the human condition, embody within the temporal order the living and efficacious presence of a power that comes from above.” Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, 7; and,

“We must consider another dimension of the Jewish soul: it is like somebody who, having failed to realize the values typical of the sacral and transcendent dimension in the course of the attempt to overcome the antithesis between spirit and ‘flesh’ … eventually rejoices whenever he discovers the illusion and irreality of these values and wherever the ascertains the failure of the yearning for redemption; this becomes for him some kind of alibi and self-justification… There are ancient Traditions according to which Typhon, a demon opposed to the solar God, was the father of the Hebrews; various Gnostic authors considered the Hebrew god as one of Typhon’s creatures. These are references to a demonic spirit characterized by constant restlessness, by an obscure contamination, and by a latent revolt of the inferior elements; when this substance returned to a free state and when it separated itself from the ‘Law’, that is, from the tradition that had formed it, all of these factors acted upon the Jewish substratum in a more dramatic and decisive way than in other people.” Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World 243; Also n.4
[3] “Animal species must be considered as the offshoots or as the ‘abortions’ of a primordial impulse…” Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, 180; cited at length in n.4
[4] In this, I generally follow the views of Julius Evola, expressed in his Revolt Against the Modern World 178-183: “To uphold with Tradition that in the beginning there were no animal-like cavemen, but rather ‘more than human’ beings and that in ancient pre-history there was no ‘civilization’ but an ‘era of the gods’; this, to many people – who in one way or another believe in the gospel of Darwinism – amounts to pure and simple ‘mythology’. Since I have not invented this mythology myself, however, critics still have to explain its existence, that is, the fact that according to the most ancient testimonies and writings there is no memory that may lend support to ‘evolutionism’; what is found in them instead is the opposite, in other words, the recurrent idea of a better, brighter, an superhuman (‘divine’) past. These same testimonies also know very little about ‘animal origins’. … Even though the traditional teaching retains the memory of the existence of stocks that could even correspond to the animalistic and inferior types described in the theory of evolution (this was the substratum predating the civilizations created by the superior races), evolutionism mistakenly considers these animal-like stocks to be absolutely primordial, while they are so only relatively.

“On the other hand it is significant that the populations that still live in the alleged original, primitive, and ‘innocent’ state provide little comfort to the evolutionist hypothesis. These stocks, instead of evolving, tends to become extinguished, thereby demonstrating themselves to be the degenerate residues of cycles the vital potential of which has long since been exhausted; in other words, they are heterogeneous elements and remnants left behind by the mainstream of humanity. …

“Evolutionists believe that they are ‘positively’ sticking to the facts. They ignore that the facts per se are silent … It has happened, though, that someone, though fully informed of all the data that are adduced to prove the theory of evolution, has shown these data to support the opposite thesis. … I am referring to the thesis according to which man is not alone in being far from a product of the ‘evolution’ of animal species, but many animal species must be considered as the offshoots or as the ‘abortions’ of a primordial impulse; only in the racially superior human species does this primordial impulse find its direct and adequate manifestation. There are also ancient myths about the struggle between divine races and monstrous entities or animal-like demons that allegedly took place before the advent of the human race … These myths may refer to the struggle of the primordial human principle against its intrinsic animal potentialities, which were eventually isolated and left behind, so to speak, in the form of certain animal stocks. …”

[5] Though our texts oppose the multi-regional hypothesis and the works of Carleton Coon in particular, the discovery of Neanderthal DNA within European and Asian haplotypes forces a reappraisal of his work, to which my views generally adhere. See Carleton Coon, The Origin of Races, in passim. His discussion of the origin of the Asian, European and Negro races begins p 428.

[6] The extinction of the Neanderthal race approximately 30,000 BC is generally believed, within the Traditionalist worldview, to mark the time of origin of the white race, which was its successor. Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, 180. While the last ice age only ended approximately 12,000 years ago, and had been ongoing since approximately 110,000 BC, the beginning of the Kali Yuga – the materialization of divine beings and the descent of humanity – generally dates from the destruction of the Aryan homeland by ice, as described in both the Nordic and Indo-Iranian traditions; see Zend Avesta 1.1-16, discussion in Rydberg, Teutonic Mythology, i.1-31; Tilak, The Arctic Home in the Vedas.

[7] On the destructive nature of individuation, see Julius Evola, Men Among The Ruins, 136 also “The increasing growth in world population has the same meaning as the swarming of worms on a decomposing organism or as the spreading of cancerous cells; cancer is an uncontrolled hypertrophy of a plasma that devours the normal, differentiated structures of an organism [including, in the case of the human organism, racial differentiation] after subtracting itself from the organism’s regulating laws. This is the scenario facing the modern world: the regression and the decline of fecundating forces and the forces that bear forms parallels the unlimited proliferation of matters, of what is formless, of the masses.” Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World, 167.

[8] This argument is evident. Our text indicates that skin color varies across three or four places on the genome, but race in the biological sense is much more than skin color – it is a number of traits linked to skin color in the type of group that science has named the “haplotype”. That one haplotype can be said to differentiate from another is sufficient evidence that there are characteristics that define them. The existence of defining characteristics implies the existence of an ideal, following the logic of Plato’s Republic and the idea of the daemon in the Classical tradition, among others. Plato, Republic.
[9] “The high Culture, on the contrary, is the waking-being of a single huge organism which makes not only custom, myths, technique, and art, but the very peoples and classes incorporated in itself the vessels of one single form-language and one single history.” Spengler, Decline of the West, ii, 36

[10] Spengler’s idea of cultures is really an idea of ethnicities – different expressions of the race conglomerate to form specific cultures and civilizations. And, in the end, all of Spengler’s “cultures” are really expressions of the Indo-European or Aryan racial soul – the Sumerian-Egyptian-Indus cultures being an early offshoot from the “Asian homeland,” and Chinese Han civilization being a separate branch of the same. Oswald Spengler, Decline of the West, in passim; The process of Aryan diffusion is described in William McNeil, The Rise of The West, 217-219, for instance; HWF Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria, 16, notes, obliquely, the Indo-European related racial origin of Sumerian civilization.

[11] Our Human Variation textbook does not state this explicitly, which is unfortunate, but it can be clearly gleaned from reading on the subject. The previously cited and provide a good introduction.

[12] Olsen’s discussion of the work of Wallace and Wilson, Mapping Human History, 200 – 203 and the criticisms found in Molnar, Human Variation, 82-83, make both the methodology and its reliability clear.
[13] The R haplotype is found throughout Asia as well as Europe, but in countries that are known or reasonably believed to have been settled by the Indo-European peoples or their immediate predecessors.

The $882,792 Letter

July 17, 2012

Read the letter that Bill White sent to the Virginia Beach Tenants:

civil rights error

You can’t say that!

Screen shot of the “Dear Whiney Section Eight Ngger” letter from United States v. White

Bill White in the SHU again?

July 16, 2012

Haven’t had any emails from Bill since Friday. BOP still has him listed in the Miami FDC. I suspect Bill is in the SHU, again. Whether Bill instigated something to get himself put in the SHU, or he is an innocent victim, we will find out.

Before contact was lost, we were working out a timeline of what has been reported in the recent news stories about Bill.

Some rough notes for the timeline, below. There are many discrepancies in who went where on what date and why they went there. I think I may have goofed up a few my “explanations”, myself. –


In March, White found himself back in court, charged with littering for distributing fliers promoting a book he had written, “The Centuries of Revolution: Democracy, Communism, Zionism.”

At the time, White sent emails to media outlets, saying he was distributing the fliers to mailboxes and paper boxes in the region.

He was charged with littering in Augusta County after a sheriff’s deputy saw a number of the leaflets — which bore the advisory “politically incorrect content” — being tossed from his car window, authorities said.

After being convicted and fined in General District Court, White appealed.

His case was scheduled to be heard in Circuit Court on May 17, about the time federal authorities realized White was no longer living in Lexington. [ERROR]

After White did not show up for his trial, he was convicted in his absence, fined $250 and ordered to pay $164 in court costs, according to Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert Boylan.

A criminal conviction could be another violation of White’s probation, although it was unclear how seriously federal authorities would view the misdemeanor matter.

Mike Price, White’s federal probation officer, declined to comment Wednesday.
By (have to look it up)

April 4 –
Bill White alleges a government conspiracy to railroad him. Email sent by Bill White to various news agencies:

Attached is a pleading filed today in the Eastern District of Virginia, in response to the admission, made by the federal government under seal, that it paid an informant to call a civil attorney who was suing me and threaten them as an early part of its efforts to railroad me into prison.

What would emerge, if the federal government would release the tapes that are the subject of this latest effort to seal, is that the feds paid several informants to commit numerous violent crimes against NAACP and Jewish “civil rights” activists, and recorded those crimes, as part of an effort to create its “terrorist” credentials.

Further, the feds have filed under seal a document asking that my motion for to hold the USA in contempt be concealed, so it will not be open to examination from the press.

In this pleading, I discuss why the federal government has gone to such extradordinary lengths to railroad me, and attach some of the relevant documents. I have another box of FBI documents that justifies the other comments but didnt immediately have them on hand.

Link to document to be added here.


-Probation officer visits Bill White’s Rockbridge home and finds Bill White’s belongings are gone and a note that says Bill will not be returning.

-Judge Turk signs an arrest warrant for William A. White on the basis of a supervised release violation.

U.S. Marshals Service Chief Deputy Brad Sellers said White had apparently fled the country” after the May 11 warrant was issued for him.
By: ASSOCIATED PRESS | Richmond Times-Dispatch, Published: June 09, 2012

Federal authorities allege White violated his probation last month by taking off unexpectedly to Mexico.

As part of his probation, White was not to leave the commonwealth without permission from his probation officer.

Court records show White never told his probation officer he was leaving and left a note for his Lexington landlord that he was not coming back.
By: Scott Leamon | WSLS 10
Published: June 25, 2012 Updated: June 25, 2012 – 4:11 PM

Court records show White’s probation officer went by his apartment for a check on May 11th. The officer recorded that all White’s personal belongings were gone and White left a note telling his landlord he would never return.
By: SCOTT LEAMON | WSLS 10 Published: June 11, 2012

MAY 13

In what appears to be posts to his Facebook account, White has boasted since he went missing that federal authorities would not find him.

After detailing what he called a government conspiracy to convict him unfairly, White wrote on May 13:

“For these reasons I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate.

“I shall not be returnimg.”
By Laurence Hammack, Roanoke Times


Resentencing hearing was scheduled.

MAY 17

After being convicted and fined in General District Court [for littering], White appealed.

His case was scheduled to be heard in Circuit Court on May 17, about the time federal authorities realized White was no longer living in Lexington.
By Laurence Hammack

Federal investigators tell me White recently missed a scheduled check-in, as part of his probation. Marshals do not know where White is. White was not wearing a tracking device.
By Scott Leamon

Nothing much new this week

July 13, 2012

Bill White wrote on July 10th:

There are guys in here who are bank robbers who are back on another bank robbery who [got] 12 months for the violation and terminate, or who stole a car for their third violation, and who got 11 months and a year supervision.

Bill White wrote on July 11th:

– I’m trying to negotiate a sentence… Having pled guilty [to the supervised release violation], we are trying to get the prosecutors to agree to a sentence with us to take to the Judge. Depending on the judge, he may or may not then go along with it.

– A plane left today and I was not on it, so I would next expect to be transferred to Oklahoma for maybe two more weeks. This means my arrival in Virginia is moving towards end of August, rather than beginning of August. But who really knows at this point?

Background: It seems like 24 months is the most time Bill could get. But, Bill and his appointed lawyer are trying to work out a shorter sentence for a guilty plea on the supervised release violation. The first sentence the lawyer pitched to Bill was still too long, in Bill’s estimation, and the first email message, refers to that.

Sorry, I can’t post any details about the negotiations, or anything about any other charges, at this time. – americafarm

Monday morning – a few items

July 9, 2012

Bill expects to be put in transit today. He is eager to move from Miami.

Bill has been spending his time doing his normal research on history and religion (Rydberg), trying to get his moneygram refunded (S. do you need help with this?), trying to get through to the AFP office (Olga and/or Julie, press five when Bill calls), trying to work out family matters, and arranging for publicity for his new book, Tradition of the Mother, which is scheduled for release this month from Numen Books.
Tradition of the Mother was called “Before Genesis: The Aryan and Hebrew in Ancient Egypt” and became “Odin and Yahweh: Aryan and Non-Aryan Encounters in the Near East and Europe, 3000 BC – 1000 AD” before the final title was selected.

Bill also has two chapters of another book that is in Northern Traditions II this month. More on that, later.

Bill White wrote on his probable sentence:

Doing some research, I was wrong when I said I couldn’t be revoked three times. Apparently, I may be serving three concurrent sentences of supervised release — so each one can be revoked separately.

However, reading case law, I can only find one case where a judge ordered consecutive sentence of revocation — where a judge ordered 13 consecutive sentences of 2.3 months for a total of 30 months, within the guidelines and less than the maximum for any one sentence.

So, I think two years is still the maximum.

Reading cases, those in which 24 months was actually imposed generally involve people who have repeatedly violated their probation — in fact, that is about the only cases where 24 months have been actually imposed…[Snip]… I really don’t care so long as I can leave the country when I am done.