Not Good: Bill White is in solitary and under investigation

Had a snail mail letter from Bill yesterday.

First, he asks all his friends to write to him, please, at the Miami FDC.

William A. White #13888-084
Federal Detention Center – Miami
PO Box 019120
Miami, FL 33101

Bill White wrote on July 15th:

“… Friday morning, a group of Negro thugs in the employ of the Great Serpent came and snatched me off to the SHU. Originally, I was told “I know” why I’m here – but now I’m told I’m “under investigation” for [censored]. When I ask “who” or “what” [censored – name deleted here]; I’ve been told “dat’s what we be investigating”, so, they have no evidence. Someone has accused me falsely to try to hurt me. My first thought is [censored]. My second is that something is going on in the world that I don’t know about. My third is that someone made up a story. And, I am increasingly suspicious this whole think was made up just to lock me down and place me in solitary.

Regardless, I will be back in population in Oklahoma within two weeks, unless something else is going to slow me down. In the past, the US Marshals have refused to comply with orders to transport me – sometimes for months. However, I think they will have trouble doing that here.

I could rant about how evil these morons and their country are, but I’ve already done the in a letter I just wrote. I’m so used to bogus charges that I just laugh these things off now. [SNIP]
But, I am in no rush – I just have to sleep through these antics and wait until I can fight again.


Let me see what this latest [censored] nonsense is about, and we’ll go from there.

[Deleted material – speculation about his sentence for the supervised release violation and most of the speculation about the discrepancies in the media reports regarding the government’s search for him, especially, what triggered the visit to his home on May 11.*]

”… Probation and Parole came to my house May 11. My landlord says the FBI – not the US Marshals – came as well. Whether they were with Probation or separate I don’t know.

Probation first said it was a “routine” visit, but this is false. I was a minimal monitoring case and did not have “routine” home visits.


But then, 1) Why the FBI? and 2) what are these other allegations? I’ve heard four mutually exclusive sets of allegations since my return – 1) from the Mexican police; 2) from the Marshal that booked me; 3) from my violation report; 4) from Pat Hogeboom, US Attorney. But – I have not been indicted, the government won’t discuss these charges with me or my counsel, and there appears to be no evidence. The best evidence there government has no evidence is when they refuse to say anything on the record; or confront you with any specifics.[SNIP] I am reasonably certain all this is groping in the dark.

Oh, and also, upon finding me not home, the feds entered my house and searched it. [SNIP] This is also unusual, probation doesn’t usually show up and search your house without a reason.**

My guess – and you can publish this – is that something happened on May 11 that caused the government to want to come to my house and search it.

1. Maybe someone I know told someone I was gone and they tipped off the FBI or Probation.

2. Maybe something else. If I could think of a realistic someone for for “1”, it would be more likely than “2”.

3. But, as I told the Court (E.D. VA) before I left, I had received information that someone may try to frame me – again – in the near future. [SNIP]

So, did something happen in my absence? Did it happen on May 11? Why am I being implicated? What was it? If not, why these extreme probation violation demands?


Write back. I’ll talk to you later.


* Perhaps I could have saved Bill a lot of Kafka-esque speculation. I haven’t told Bill this, yet, but I think the visit MIGHT have been triggered by an email I sent someone around May 9th that had something in it about Bill White getting asylum in Iran… :O

** Not that I know anything about it, but I thought probation could come any time they wanted to and search. – americafarm

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