Archive for August, 2012

Bill White Escapes from Roanoke City Jail – Sighted in West Springfield!

August 31, 2012

From a live update on Paul Ryan visiting West Springfield:

4:08 p.m. A man attending a rally for GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan just yelled and tore up a Mitt Romney campaign sign.

I hope someone got a picture and the name of this guy. He wasn’t just demonstrating. Seemed dangerously angry. I would be very careful around him.


Susan Larson
11:04 pm on Friday, August 17, 2012
@Pat Thanks for sharing! There are two photos of this man in our photo gallery. Follow this link:


This is not Bill White

Bill White disrupts Paul Ryan rally.

10:29 am on Saturday, August 18, 2012
Fairfax Underground identified the Obama supporter who briefly disrupted the rally as Bill White from Roanoke, a leader in the National Socialist Workers Party.

Bill White identifies himself as a libertarian socialist. He even has his own Wikipedia page:

From Wikipedia: White told the Roanoke Times that he is not a racist or Nazi, describing himself as a “libertarian socialist.”[4] He admitted to being an antisemite: “I wouldn’t be out here buying and fixing up houses if I had some agenda against the black community…The Jews, I despise. They hate me. I hate them.”

LOL! It wasn’t Bill, but it sure looks like him in this photo – in his younger days. To Repeat – this post is a JOKE, IT WASN’T BILL WHITE.

I needed a good laugh today. – americafarm

Bad news for this blog and a few items clarified

August 30, 2012

Well, nothing like a phone call from Bill White to kick off the morning. Unfortunately, I have learned that, according to some people, Bill is on “supervised release” even while he is sitting in the Roanoke City Jail. Therefore, some material on this web site has been rated a violation of the First Amendment violating “banned from the internet” condition imposed on Bill White by Judge Turk. :0

I’ve worried about that condition many times over the years, but certainly not since his arrest. However, this website is meant to help Bill, not cause him trouble, so no more “I heard from Bill” stuff from now on. Which leaves me with a lot of nothing to report. You are stuck with Lawrence Hammack.

To clarify a few items –

-The hearing in October is the re-sentencing hearing on cr-00054 which Bill missed last Spring.
-It was a bit unrealistic to think that a Jewish doctor would deliver a psych evaluation that would be helpful to “Neo-Nazi Bill White”. Didn’t happen. They won’t be using it at the hearing in September.
– The Norfolk case is a five year old contempt of court case brought by a lawyer from Troutman Sanders. This seems to be going Bill’s way.

Review of William White’s first book needed and some ‘letters from jail’ news

August 27, 2012

Updated September 14, 2012 – Review by “Sarkasmos” Sarkasmos copied and pasted from

The Centuries of Revolution: Democracy, Communism, Zionism by William White
Edition: Paperback
3 used & new from $24.70
5.0 out of 5 stars A Fascinating Insight Into Hidden History, September 4, 2012

Centuries of Revolution takes the reader on whirlwind tour of secret history. From the ancient past directly through to the contemporary period, an unbroken lineage of subversive forces that influence society are revealed to the reader. Whilst some of the ideas within might be unknown to the reader, the author reveals an astute and in depth knowledge of the forces at hand – whether they be from secret and esoteric societies or political regimes.

An intricate web is drawn between the brutal regimes of Communism and Zionism, and their subtle yet persuasive influences on democracy as we know it today. The average reader may at first appear sceptical of such an association, but upon reading this book it will become clear to the reader exactly how this process has evolved in the Modern West.

Drawing from influences such as Savitri Devi and Julius Evola, the author draws a frightening portrait of how unseen influences can play a role in shaping all the problems found in the modern world as we know it.

Subjects covered include: The hidden history of World War II, Zionism, The New World Order, and Political Conspiracies. Highly recommended for readers with an interest in these topics.

Original post

Anybody up for writing a 500-1,000 word review of Bill’s The Centuries of Revolution for The Barnes Review? If you are interested, comment here. You can put “Do Not Post” on your reply if you like.

Updated, Monday Evening. I have a number of letters from Bill, and I will try to pick out the important bits. To tell you the truth, I get confused about the various court cases, hope I don’t screw the info up too much.

Aug 20. Bill has not been sleeping too well and has gotten quite “stressed”. But, he has very little to worry about in the outside world. He expects to make it okay to his hearing and release.

Bill has a radio and has been listening to Glenn Beck. Beck says the US is not prosecuting journalists like Assange. Beck wants Assange arrested. Bill says at his trial the US Civil Rights Division stated that they were investigating Beck for “hate” comments and thinking of arresting him.

Bill wants to know why no one points out that Romney’s father, when governor of Michigan in the 1960s, was a civil rights radical, and that Romney, like Bush, is from the Communist wing of the Republican Party.

Bills says that if Pussy Riot had gone into an historically black church in the USA and yelled “Down with Obama” they would have received 5-7 years.

There was a great editorial in the Wall Street Journal on the Gibson Guitar investigation and the way the Dept. of Justice manipulates witnesses.

Bill heard that the jail is overcrowded and the blacks on the fourth floor have been attacking newcomers to keep them from sleeping on the floor.

Bill heard that the black murderer who was taken to the bull pen downstairs was tied to a chair to punish him. In the BOP they would have stripped him and chained him to a concrete block on the floor while videotaping him to show how humane it was.

Bill had a Klansman from Hodges’ Virginia Knights Klan in the cell next to him. Bill knew and liked the Hodges and had been to two of their events. The Klansman told Bill that he had been at Hazelton USP and that they pumped the cells of inmates full of tear gas for arguing with the staff.

Aug 21. The US Marshals served Bill a paper. He thought he was being indicted, but it was court order to indicate whether he wanted a court appointed attorney in the revived contempt case in the Eastern District of Virginia. (I think this has to do with some posts Bill made on VNN about one of the lawyers representing the Virginia Beach Tenants – americafarm)

Bill’s lawyer helped him put together a 18USG2255 motion which will restart his appeal in the criminal case, 08-cr-00054.

The USA has accepted Bill’s guilty plea in the s.r. violation, but we won’t hear or see anything about it until the court date. Apparently Washington wants a 24 month sentence. Bill feels they aren’t offering him anything for his guilty plea.

The government claims the Middle District of Florida has obtained a search warrant for the property that Bill had when he entered the country. This has not been served on Bill. Bill guesses he might be getting most of his property returned relatively soon. The main issue will be his laptop. Bill doesn’t know what Florida is looking for.

Another inmate in the jail is Jonathan Agee. He is a former Franklin County cop who denies that he killed his ex-wife and he says there is a videotape that shows that he had surrendered when he was shot by state troopers. Bill says he seems like a nice guy.

Bill would like to thank again whoever sent the Wall Street Journal. He doesn’t like the WSJ politics, but it does deliver solid news. After he reads it, he trades it for a USA Today.

Bill said he was starting to feel good about sentencing. He feels like the lawyer and he came up with a real strategy and they have a good chance. Bill gets on well with this lawyer, unlike the way he got on with DD, who was generally demeaning towards Bill.

Phone call, August 27. Bill is planning to run a new book publishing company when he gets out of jail. I believe a couple of other book publishers are going in with him on this venture. He will have a job. 🙂

The psych report is in – but it’s sealed

August 24, 2012

Too bad. I hope they will tell Bill the results, and Bill will tell me, even if I can’t tell you! I think I can say now, Bill White is hoping for a diagnosis of “post-traumatic stress syndrome” – the stress being the abuse he suffered at the hands of the government.

Letter of August 19 –

Bill said the interview with the doctor upset him for the next three days, mostly because he “just touched” on some of his real issues. He adds an “LOL” to that. However, as of now, he has hopes of not being returned to the BOP and is “thinking forward” to when he can relax again, drink coffee, see his daughter, study and write.

One of the murderers down in the SHU with Bill was taken away by a SWAT team to “the bull pen”. (Bill has never mentioned the bull pen, before.) Bill was moved into the murderer’s cell, which happens to be number 7, Bill’s old cell from the last time he was in Roanoke City Jail.

Bill says he has been getting “a ton of mail”, which he says is great and precisely what he has needed.

Other news-

– Judge Turk appointed Paul Beers as Bill’s attorney, since Bill is indigent. (Bill has had nothing but good things to say about Beers.)

– Bill is going forward with an appeal on 08-cr-00054, the criminal case (Kerr, Virginia Beach tenants, and the Citibank employee) that his last lawyer “botched”.

Planning for Bill White’s release

August 21, 2012

Nothing much new except Bill talked to the psychiatrist again and the psychiatrist said something about Bill needing treatment. Bill thinks this means some kind of counselling he will get at the halfway house. (I’m thinking they want to give him drugs!)

Have a letter from Bill which is all about money – not my favorite subject. It sounds like Bill is working every angle he can to get funds coming in, and he has some good potential sources. But, Bill says he is not rich, all his possessions fit in three travel bags, one stolen by the US Marshals.

If anyone has any writing work, Bill White is available for hire!

If anyone wants to help Bill financially –

For now, Bill hopes to raise $5500 for his release. He already has $800 and another $1000 pledged. Bill is also trying to get $1200 “recovered” from the US Marshals.

The money is needed to replace seized electronics, repair Bill’s car (damaged since he left it to go travelling), and pay the littering fine of $450, this will take about $2100. Then, he figures he will need about $2000 – $3000 on hand to travel. (Where’s he going? South.) If this much comes in, Bill will be “doing well.”

If Bill is not let go, but confined to a BOP facility, this money will take him through the (usual) 4-10 month sentence, and give him some left over to get back on his feet.

Letter from Bill White in the Roanoke City Jail, August 14, 2012

August 19, 2012

Bill White fills us in on his current life in jail. Two page letter scanned and posted on From now on, I will probably use Overthrow to post any letters from Bill. This letter will come down when the next one goes up, if any.



Talked to Bill this morning and he wants everyone to know he thinks he could be getting out very soon. If there is anyone left in Roanoke who can give Bill a hand, please send Bill a letter or contact me at Bill will need someone to pick him up at the jail/courthouse, or, if he is not released and sent somewhere else, there will still be a few things he needs help with. Thank you!

Bill White Dreams a Happy Ending to the Recent Drama

August 17, 2012

Updated August 18th – Bill White had the mental evaluation yesterday. Jewish doctor (they usually are!) The interview lasted a couple of hours. The doctor listened to Bill’s complicated issues and he asked Bill leading questions to draw out a response. The main thing that came out of it, according to Bill, is that the psychiatrist confirmed that the allergy pill Bill was taking in prison, chlorpheniramine maleate, was responsible for his mental disturbances/hallucinations.


First, I want to say “Thank you!”, for Bill, to everyone who has sent money. (And thanks to everyone who will send a donation in the future!) I don’t like to ask for funds, but I have been told that money doesn’t go very far in these jails.

The letter I received yesterday was written on August 12, after the lawyer visited Bill and told him the feds would drop the “other” allegations from his probation violation. There are still some potential indictments floating around. But, Bill wanted me to let everyone know he may be out soon, “almost sooner than planned”. He has been trying to get cash and property back from the US Marshals, but they have not returned anything. He hopes he will get his job back at American Free Press, but he will need cash. He will need a computer. He asks people to keep sending money to the jail and he also suggested I set up a “Bill White Release Fund.” He figures he will need $5000 to “start travelling again.” [Huh? I’m wondering if the Judge will let him go anywhere!]

I’m in a bind here on this blog. I can’t quote Bill directly. I don’t think it’s smart to say too much about the case, and an indictment would make all Bill’s many paragraphs of speculation useless.

I’m going to quote the last part of Bill’s letter, anyway –

“So let everyone know I may be out soon. As I said, the irrational tends to be the rule in this so-called rational world, and I apparently dreamed a happy ending to this episode – which has quite surprised me. Of course, as soon as it becomes rational to expect a good ending, irrationality could kick in reverse. So, we shall see.” Bill White, August 12, 2012

How is Bill?

August 16, 2012

Talked to him this morning, he sounded very good. Bill said he has been getting a lot of mail. He said his biggest problem is nobody believes him. (That’s always been his problem, ask Hadding Scott!)

Also had some letters from him which do not sound so good, to me. He expects to be indicted. He would rather be indicted sooner, rather than later. The government has until September 12th to make up its’ mind.

From Bill’s letters:

He’d rather be in the Roanoke SHU than the BOP SHU, so he is content for now. The government wanted him to go to Butner so Bill would be “less uncomfortable”, but Bill says they wanted him to go there so they could lock him in the SHU and abuse him. The Roanoke jailers only tortured him the first week after his arrest in 2008, at the feds request. (Note: of all the jails I have called around the country, getting info on prisoners, the Roanoke staff stands out as being charmingly Mayberry-esqe – americafarm.) Regarding his psych exam, Bill says “unfortunately”, he is competent, but gloriously irrational. He hopes for a good shrink.

He hopes to be out by the end of the year.

The fifteen minute hearing went so well, Bill suspects it might have been some kind of trick or charade. He is being handled with kid gloves. He can’t understand it. The Judge and the probation officer were “extremely nice” to him. Maybe they will let him off easy on the s.r. violation and try to hit him hard on the indictment. Maybe they are afraid Bill is going to “order” something be done to them. Maybe they are not “upset” with him.

The government stated that they were “at an early stage of a broader investigation” and that they “did not yet have evidence to substantiate the allegations”. They were considering dropping some of the allegations. The feds have until September 12 to decide what they are going to do.

Hogeboom held up a page from this blog during the hearing and accused Bill of running a website from jail. The judge asked, “How could he do that?” Hogeboom didn’t have an answer. (Not that Bill is running this web site, he isn’t, but, how could this website, with its “Letter from Bill” posts be a mystery to anybody? All my communications with Bill are monitored, probably very closely.) At any rate, Bill was highly amused. (Not so, americafarm!)

Laurence Hammack has dyed his hair black. Doesn’t look real.

[If the life of Bill White was film script, and the script was based on Alice in Wonderland, we have reached Chapter VIII, “The Queen’s Croquet Ground”, or, as I call it, “Painting the Roses Red”.]

Now, some bad stuff:

Bill mentions a Grand Jury in Charlottesville. He says everything he has been threatened indictment with he did not and could not have done.

“Something serious” happened at the homes of some federal officials in May- after Bill left the country. One of the men involved in his civil suit has employed armed guards. (I’m not going to mention any names, because they will be “victims” if Bill gets indicted.)

The DOJ in Washington is refusing any plea and is demanding hearings.

Ah! Somebody just handed me a brand new letter from Bill. Taking a break now. More, later.

Some Documents on the Government Conspiracy Against Bill White

August 13, 2012

Here is the document Bill sent out last March to various news reporters. They ignored it at the time.

Don’t ask me if it all adds up.

Government Conspiracy against Bill White – Court Document filed by William White

You will see John Crocket Henry’s name at the top. He is or was the Virginia Beach tenants’ landlord.

From the document:

9) That the Plaintiff [the USA] has moved to seal the documents involved as part of a continuing coverup of criminal acts it committed in a so far successful effort to frame the Movant for crimes that he did not commit or which did not occur.

I’ll see if I can get Bill to explain more clearly what this was all about. I get that Bill says he didn’t make a certain threatening phone call to Kathleen Kerr, and the government knows he didn’t, and they lied when they said they “lost” the phone records which show who did make the call – one of their informants.

Updated, August 18, 2012

How I Was Tortured, Told to Lie by the Obama Regime


Two Hearing Dates Scheduled for William A. White in Roanoke

August 13, 2012

Update – According to Bill, his lawyer visited him yesterday and told him the government is going to drop all the charges except the one or ones related to “going to Mexico.” He is still going to have the mental test, which will look at his motive for going to Mexico. Bill said there is no way he will be found mentally incompetent (I agree), and indefinite detention is not possible in his case, a parole violation. He should get the standard four to ten months. Bill thinks he might be released to a halfway house at the September hearing (Lucky halfway house! Ha-ha!), if so, there will be no October hearing.

Note: I believe “parole” is the term for prisoners who got no jail time, and “supervised release” is the term for prisoners who had jail time. But “parole” is easier to type!

This info comes from the United States Attorney’s Office in Roanoke –

August 13, 2012

United States v. Defendant(s) WILLIAM A WHITE
Court Docket Number 08-CR-00054

– A hearing before Judge James Turk is scheduled for September 12, 2012, 10:00 AM at Roanoke, 210 Franklin Road, Room 308, Roanoke, VA 24011 regarding the detention or release of the following defendant(s): WILLIAM A WHITE.

– The United States Probation Office has determined that defendant(s), WILLIAM A WHITE, has potentially violated the terms of his/her supervised release. As a result, a [sentenecing] hearing to revoke or modify the defendant’s supervised release has been scheduled for October 23, 2012, 10:00 AM, at Roanoke, 210 Franklin Road, Room 308, Roanoke, VA 24011 before Judge James Turk.

Because of the Court’s schedule, hearing dates could change on very short notice.