Archive for September, 2012

Three weeks to go until the hearing

September 30, 2012

Should be pretty dead around here for the next three weeks. Maybe I’ll work on the ANSWP archives that have been neglected for so long. I will try to get up all the links to Bill’s recent writings.

A few items –

Letter from Bill. Alex Linder posted a letter that he got from Bill White on VNN – mostly Bill talking about his books and other current writing projects. I would put the link up, but I’m not supposed to post letters any more, so, better not.

Citizen White. Bill White interviewed himself and sent me a ten page FAQ. But I can’t post it, now. This saves me a lot of typing, and Bill wasn’t very hard-hitting on himself, in my opinion. The questions were pretty good, though, including: Are you a liar? Are you a federal informant? Do you talk too much? Are you homosexual? Do you beat women? Are you a “racist”? Are you a Jew? Are you a communist? Are you a socialist? What is this Vishnu stuff about? (Bill left out the ever popular “Are you a spoiled rich kid?”) Quite a bit of it is Bill debunking old internet stories about himself, but in an unusual, unruffled politician style.

What the Judge said. According to Bill, the judge did say “powerfully” lenient, not “awfully lenient.” Hammack had it right the first time. I was wrong. (Somebody joked, “Yeah, the judge didn’t order Bill assassinated by a drone.”)

New Donations Site and Changes to this Blog

September 26, 2012

1. Updated, Sept. 27th – Yay! The Donations Page for Bill White is set up. I called it “The William White Fund” for the purposes of Paypal. The page doesn’t look like much right now, because I don’t have time to work on it.

We were going to have any donations sit in the account until Bill gets out (he’s hoping that will be in January) but he found out he has to pay off his littering fine ($400 plus) before he can go to a halfway house.  That fine was given to Bill for distributing flyers advertising  his first book, “The Centuries of Revolution.”

Address for the Donations Page:

All donations are welcome and appreciated!

2. No more letters from Bill. I have been instructed by our side to take down any of Bill’s letters that I have scanned and posted (except for “My Remarks”, that can stay) and not to post anything more that Bill writes until after the hearing.

Bill White’s Post Office Box Closed and a Few Items

September 21, 2012

Bill wants people to know that, due to a screw up, he lost his old P.O. Box in Roanoke. It’s been closed for two months.

Item – Bill still needs an assistant in Roanoke. Disregard the joke I made, earlier, saying it should be a person that isn’t concerned about being paid in a timely manner. Bill can explain.

Item – Something I found while looking for something else – an August 2nd blog post by the person Bill White calls “that moron”, Daryl Lamont Jenkins of One Peoples Project,

I have a response from Bill to the Roanoke Times article that I will find and post. As I remember it, Bill didn’t care, he had done his grieving for his lost properties a long time ago.

My title for this story is “Power Elite Programs Young Whites to Waste Their Energy on Non-Whites instead of Building a Future for White Children.”

The cherry on the top of Bill White’s troubles is the fact, that while he sits in a federal prison, Roanoke, VA is salting the earth so that he would never grow again by making sure at least one home in a multiracial neighborhood he tried to make a part of his white-only community is going to have a most excellent purpose now – one he will most certainly hate.

One People’s Project

ROANOKE, Va. – While neo-Nazi Bill White stews in a federal prison, a major facet of his efforts to force himself on an unwanting public is getting a facelift. According to the Roanoke Times, at least one of the homes he owned as part of what he called his “Ghetto Beautification Project” – where he attempted to purchase homes in a multiracial, low income community in an effort to create a whites-only living space – is being renovated to be used by it’s new owner, a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization whose focus is providing safe living conditions for low-income, elderly or disabled homeowners who cannot afford to maintain their properties.

Wells Fargo Bank, after foreclosing on the property on Chapman Ave., donated the property to Rebuilding Together Roanoke, who took possession of the house last month. Volunteers, who came from as far out as Ohio and included employees of Wells Fargo and Norfolk Southern, then began the work of cleaning and removing old appliances from the property.

At one time, Bill White, who came into prominence as a member of the National Socialist Movement, owned 20 properties on the West End of Roanoke. On his website he would routinely attack his black and biracial tenants, and brag about evicting them. In 2008, he was arrested and eventually convicted of inciting violence and sentenced to 30 months imprisonment. Around the same time his realty empire began to crumble and Wells Fargo foreclosed on his homes.

White was released in April 2011, but in March 2012, after a federal appeals court threw out the 30-month sentence and set a new sentencing date for enhanced sentencing because at least one of the victims was a child, he fled to Mexico where he was arrested by authorities. He is currently in a Oklahoma federal detention center awaiting transfer to Roanoke.

As workers toiled away at one of White’s properties, it was an entirely different climate from when White owned the home. “Everybody’s making jokes and laughing and there seems to be great camaraderie among the volunteers,” said Nichole Pendleton, chairwoman of the Roanoke Regional Housing Network.

Update on the last hearing

September 18, 2012

Updated, Sept. 17th – Link to the scans of “My Remarks” by Bill White and to part of a recent letter Bill wrote:

Also, Bill wants people to know that the Roanoke City Jail withholds “hate mail” – not hate mail to Bill, he gets that. They withhold mail sent to Bill that is too “racist”, too violent or that discusses criminal acts.


Sent Bill the newspaper articles on his hearing. He wants people to know he did not tell the judge that he had changed his beliefs, as was reported by Laurence Hammack in the Roanoke Times. What he said was that he had changed his behavior.

Here is an edited excerpt from a letter I got yesterday from Bill. He included one page called “My Remarks” [to the Court]. Bill wrote this for me before he saw the news articles.


I am sorry for leaving the country without permission, for not reporting, and for causing the Court to reschedule my sentencing date. I also want to thank the Court for appointing Paul Beers as my counsel, as he has done much to assist me and to change the direction the proceedings had been taking.

When I was released from prison in 2011, I was released from super-maximum security conditions into society, and I was unable to make that transition. Though I had abandoned the behavior that had originally led to my prosecution and tried to adhere to the Court’s conditions, I blamed others for my problems. When I was unable to adjust to society, I gave up and I tried, peacefully, to leave. This was a mistake, and was the result of irrational ways of thinking.

However, since my arrest, things have changed, and my hope for re-entrance into society has been revived…

If released again from a lengthy period of solitary confinement into society, I will, again, likely fail, and I would like a chance to succeed…

Please accept my apology and order me into community, instead of solitary confinement, so I can rejoin society and complete my probation.

I would comment, but that wouldn’t be smart with another hearing coming up.

Last time he was locked up Bill was trying to run his real estate “empire” form prison (didn’t work) and this time he is trying to start up various publishing schemes. One project he is working on is a “Jail Diary” for The American Free Press. Unfortunately, much of his other writing takes research, and he is not allowed to have books at the Roanoke City Jail.

Bill’s wish list for when he gets to the BOP facility (I believe the BOP only accepts new books/books from a publisher or bookstore):

History of the Kings of France by Gregory of Tours
– a general history of the French monarchy – from the Merovingians or Charlemagne to the Revolution
– a history of England from the Conquest to the Hanoverian succession
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
History of France by Lady Catherine Jackson (12 volumes). These volumes were printed by Grolier long ago, but now, at least some of the volumes are are sold separately as paperbacks.

More “Bill” from his letter dated Sept. 13th, below.  DELETED.

Another article on the hearing yesterday

September 13, 2012

Whatever White may have done in the past, defense attorney Paul Beers said, his efforts to make a new start are genuine.

“He is an unusual person,” Beers said, “but he’s not the monster he has been portrayed to be [by you, Laurence Hammack] .”

Another article by Hammack, below. I didn’t think the judge said “powerfully lenient”, as reported in the Roanoke Times yesterday. People are powerfully motivated, not powerfully lenient.

The scene in the courtroom, as told by Hammack, is all too weird. I can’t even think of an Alice in Wonderland comparison!

Nobody ever brings up the $800,000 plus judgement Turk ordered Bill to pay in the civil suit, anymore. Not even Bill! But, my view is, if there was a good reason for Bill to head for Mexico, that was it.

Bill White gets 10 months for fleeing to Mexico
The judge, saying he was being “awfully lenient,” expressed hope for the neo-Nazi.

By Laurence Hammack
William White
William White

An uncharacteristically contrite William A. White was sentenced to 10 months in prison Wednesday for violating his parole by fleeing to Mexico, apparently in an effort to escape his legal entanglements as a former neo-Nazi agitator.

“I’m sorry for leaving the country without permission,” White told U.S. District Court Judge James Turk.

With those words, a previously unapologetic racist made perhaps his first public apology after years of using his website and other forums to hurl hateful words at blacks, Jews and others drawn unwillingly into his world of white supremacy.

After completing a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence for making racially charged threats last year, White said, he “tried to abandon the beliefs that led to my prosecution.”

But a poor transition from time in solitary confinement to living in a Rockbridge County house while on parole, combined with what White called “irrational thinking on my part,” led him to flee the country in May.

At the time of his unauthorized trip to Mexico — which White admitted was a violation of his supervised release — he was scheduled to appear in court for a resentencing.

Although White gave no reason for his sudden departure, he acknowledged it was a setback in his efforts to change his ways at the age of 35.

“I tried to start my life over and I went about it the wrong way,” said White, the former leader of a Roanoke-based neo-Nazi group. “I’d like a chance to try to do it again.”

Turk, who was urged by federal prosecutors to give White a six-year term, said he was being “awfully lenient.”

But the judge expressed hope in White, commenting that he had often asked White’s probation officer about his progress and was gratified to hear good reports until May.

Turk said he believed White fled out of fear that he would be sent back to prison at a resentencing on his original charges, ordered by an appeals court that determined sentencing guidelines were not properly followed the first time.

“If he had behaved, I wasn’t going to give him any more time,” Turk said. “But he ran.”

The sentencing hearing, put off after White disappeared, has been rescheduled for Oct. 23.

If White is sincere about turning his life around, he may have a difficult time convincing federal prosecutors of that.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Pat Hogeboom cited several writings from White that turned up on the Internet not long after he jumped parole.

“I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the U.S. government is not legitimate,” White wrote.

“I shall not be returning.”

Not only were those comments a potential violation of a term of White’s parole that barred him from the Internet, Hogeboom said, they also indicated the defendant’s continued lack of respect for the court system.

Hogeboom also cited the fear that remains in Roanoke among people who received hostile emails or Internet postings from White — often just a few carefully selected words short of a threat — when he was the leader of a neo-Nazi group.

White once called the local NAACP president “a n—– in need of lynching.” And he wrote of a plot to murder the city’s “Negro nuisances.”

After hearing that White had gone missing, many people called Hogeboom with concerns. “That’s the legacy he has here,” the prosecutor said.

As the leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, White briefly gained a national reputation for posting his inflammatory views online.

After serving prison time for threats and intimidation, he was released in April 2011. By then, White’s hate group and the website he used to promote it were defunct.

Four months ago, authorities discovered White was missing. Federal marshals tracked him down to Playa del Carmen, a resort town near Cancun, and apprehended him June 8 in the parking lot of a Walmart. He has been held without bond since.

Hogeboom argued that White’s secret trip to Mexico was “well-planned and orchestrated to make his apprehension difficult.”

“On their face, the defendant’s violations do not appear to be all that serious,” Hogeboom wrote in court papers.

“After all, many a country song has been written about leaving your cares behind to go to Mexico. Although an idyllic and romantic thought, it is doubtful that any of the song writers were referring to Supervised Release as the trouble to leave behind.”

Testimony during Wednesday’s hearing hinted that White’s legal troubles may not be over. Probation officer Mike Price said an investigation into possible new charges is under way. No details were disclosed.

Whatever White may have done in the past, defense attorney Paul Beers said, his efforts to make a new start are genuine.

“He is an unusual person,” Beers said, “but he’s not the monster he has been portrayed to be.”

September 12 – Bill White gets 10 months for parole violation.

September 12, 2012

Evening Edition – heard from Bill. His probation is over. I can post what I want. Neither my blog or any other internet stuff was allowed to be brought up in court. The psych report was not brought up, but there was testimony about Bill’s stress-induced problems, such as his “waking nightmares.” The judge said he is NOT giving Bill any more time at the re-sentencing. Bill will still be in Roanoke until the October hearing. Then he thinks he will be going to Petersburg, which is a low security prison. He is talking about halfway houses, but his trying to get himself into one was such a nightmare in 2010, I don’t want to know!

Bill’s time served is debatable, somehow, it’s either 3 1/2 months or 7 months, at any rate, he thinks he will be out sometime between Dec. 31 and April 7. As I said, there are other cases and potential cases out there, so who knows what could happen, but everything went okay, today.

Updated 2 P.M. Roanoke time – new details from a short Scott Leamon of WSLS article. So, Bill gets credit for three months time served, and I think Bill even has some time from Chicago in 2011 left that might get applied. But there is that re-sentencing and maybe some other things on the back burners, don’t know what could happen with those.

From WSLS:

– White gets credit for the time he’s already served.

– He has been in federal custody since June.

– In court, Turk described the sentence as “powerfully lenient,” explaining he based his decision on the fact that White had served approximately one year of his probation without incident, and he hopes White can turn his life around.

White requested to serve his sentence at a federal prison facility in Petersburg.

Updated –

Everyone tells me four to tenth months is usual for a guilty plea in a parole violation case. Bill White plead guilty and got the maximum under the guidelines. The article doesn’t say whether he gets credit for time served.

Crummy Hammack article –

William A. White to serve additional 10 months for parole violation
Authorities apprehended White in Mexico in June. He has been held without bond since.

By Laurence Hammack
William White
Updated 11:15 a.m.
William A. White was sentenced to an additional 10 months in prison for violating his parole.

“I’m sorry for leaving the country without permission,” White told U.S. District Judge James Turk.

White said he had been held in solitary confinement in a supermax prison and had a hard time readjusting to society, and he blamed others for his problems. “I tried to start my life over, and I went about it the wrong way,” he said. “I’d like a chance to try to do it again.”

Posted 9:48 a.m.
Former neo-Nazi leader William A. White is due in court today for a parole violation hearing.

White faces the possibility of additional prison time for an unauthorized trip to Mexico.

The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. today before U.S. District Judge James Turk.

White, the leader of a Roanoke-based neo-Nazi group who gained a national reputation for posting his inflammatory views online, was convicted in 2009 of making racially-charged threats.

After serving nearly three years in prison, he was let out in April 2011 and placed on supervised release, or parole, for three years.

By then, White’s organization and the website he used to promote his hate were defunct.

In May, authorities charged White with violating his parole by moving out of his Rockbridge County home without informing his probation officer.

Although White boasted on his Facebook page that authorities would not be able to find him, his whereabouts remained a mystery for less than a month.

Authorities tracked White down to Playa del Carmen, a resort town south of Cancun, and apprehended him June 8 in the parking lot of a Walmart. He has been held without bond since.

In a motion filed last week in Roanoke’s federal court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Hogeboom asked Turk to send White back to prison for six years.

Hogeboom called White’s unauthorized trip to Mexico “well-planned and orchestrated to make his apprehension difficult.”

“On their face, the defendant’s violations do not appear to be all that serious,” Hogeboom wrote.

“After all, many a country song has been written about leaving your cares behind to go to Mexico. Although an idyllic and romantic thought, it is doubtful that any of the song writers were referring to Supervised Release as the trouble to leave behind.”

Updated Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 7:17 AM –

10:00:00 AM – Roanoke/Courtroom 2, Room 202/Supervised Release Revocation Hearing/William White/7:08CR54

Strangely disconnected musings by the government in Document #303:

“…The victim’s concerns were not reduced when internet postings began appearing soon after WHITE left the country. The postings continued even after he was apprehended. A blog, styled “The Bill White Trial Update/Following the Political Persecution”, was full of information that could only have come from the Defendant. For example, a May 24, 2012, posting, styled Bill White’s First Public Posting after leaving the USA, stated “… I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate. I shall not be returning.-Bill White, May 2012″. Although not a separate violation, his postings are relevant in determining an appropriate sentence…”

Ahem! May 24th was before Bill White was apprehended on June 8th. But the “First Public Statement” had appeared even earlier on some other websites. For example, see this May 13th post made by someone called Maeve on “The Daily Paul”:

Screen shot made on Sept. 12, 2012 from:

Click to enlarge. Red circle on date added by BWTU.

There’s another level of “implications” in the above material; people who have been following the case since last spring may have picked up on this. But, this morning is not the time to go into it.

Bill White sentencing hearing tomorrow morning, 10 a.m.

September 11, 2012

White’s lawyer filed paperwork asking the judge to sentence White to the amount of time he’s already served, he’s been in prison since June, or consider a possible house arrest at White’s parents home in Maryland. – SCOTT LEAMON, WSLS 10. See #2, below.

1. Government admits the violations are not “all that serious”, but still asks for six years for Neo-Nazi Bill White.

From Document #303: The three violations of Supervised Release at issue are: leaving the judicial district without permission; failing to submit a written report; and failing to notify the Probation Officer prior to changing his residence. For the reasons stated below, the United States urges this Honorable Court to sentence the Defendant to a term of two years for each of the three violations and run the terms of incarceration consecutively…. Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(a) provides that “[t]he Court shall impose a sentence sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to comply with the purposes” of sentencing. 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a). Those purposes are “(A) to reflect the seriousness of the offense, to promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for the offense; (B) to afford adequate deterrence to criminal conduct; (C) to protect the public from further crimes of the defendant; and (D) to provide the defendant with needed educational or vocational training, medical care, or other correctional treatment in the most effective manner.” 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(2). When applying those factors to this case, a substantial sentence is appropriate.

On their face, the Defendant’s violation do not appear to be all that serious. After all, many a country song has been written about leaving your cares behind and going to Mexico. Although an idyllic and romantic thought, it is doubtful that any of the song writers were referring to Supervised Release as the trouble to leave behind. His escape was well planned and orchestrated to make his apprehension difficult. Law enforcement utilized valuable financial and human resources to track him down and arrest him.

2. Neo Nazi Bill White to be sentenced tomorrow

Published: September 11, 2012

Federal court records reveal the prison sentence prosecutors will ask a judge to hand Neo Nazi Bill White tomorrow morning.

Federal prosecutors want to revoke White’s bond after an unauthorized trip to Mexico last spring.

Court papers show prosecutors will ask the judge to put White back in prison for six years, two years for each stipulation they claim he violated in the terms of his probation.

White’s lawyer filed paperwork asking the judge to sentence White to the amount of time he’s already served, he’s been in prison since June, or consider a possible house arrest at White’s parents home in Maryland.

The hearing is set to begin at 10 a.m.

Government wants to give Bill White six years for “parole” violation

September 10, 2012

From Public Access records- they want to give Bill three two-year sentences to be served consecutively. They were asking for six years from the start, regardless of what appeared on this blog. Six, a magic number perhaps, to some satanic sorts in Washington, DC?

It’s very strange what they picked to complain about on this blog, and how they edited my posts. I suspect they have something up their sleeves to draw me further into this.

I spent last night like “Chuck” in Shattered Glass, staring at the ceiling and thinking, “That’s weird…”

Case 7:08-cr-00054-JCT Document 303 Filed 09/06/12

… The fact that WHITE was convicted of making threats and then absconded was obviously disconcerting to his victims. The victim’s concerns were not reduced when internet postings began appearing soon after WHITE left the country. The postings continued even after he was apprehended. A blog, styled “The Bill White Trial Update/Following the Political Persecution”, was full of information that could only have come from the Defendant.

For example, a May 24, 2012, posting, styled Bill White’s First Public Posting after leaving the USA, stated “… I left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate. I shall not be returning.-Bill White, May 2012″. Although not a separate violation, his postings are relevant in determining an appropriate sentence.

A significant sentence is needed in this case “to reflect the seriousness of the offense, to promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for the offense.” 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(2)(A). It is a legitimate concern that a lenient sentence for a serious offense threatens to promote disrespect for the law. See Gall V. United States, 128 S. Ct. 586, 599 (2007).

WHITE has shown his disdain lack of respect for this Honorable Court in particular and the Judiciary system in general. For example, in his June 17, 2012 letter to the Court, Document 276, filed June 22, 2012, he wrote “On May 4, 2012, I was able to break free of the evil dreamworld known as the Untied States of America… I am relieved of the power of the American serpent. I have no interest in this proceeding, being a white supremacist for the Court or any such nonsense.”

The Supplementary Brief filed July 2, 2012, provides even more insight into WHITE’s total lack of respect and intent to manipulate the system. While urging the Court to sentence him to time served, The Defendant stated:

However, the Court should consider any additional imposition of sentence is a waste of resources. The Defendant has divested himself of all material goods and intends to depart the United States. He has attempted to divorce his wife, he has abandoned his employment and home, and suffers no real deprivation from imprisonment. Further, the Defendant poses no threat to society.

The convictions in this case were obtained-and maintained-by bribery, forgery and perjury by the United States government, combined with negligence and malice by the Court ….”

His lack of respect for rules makes his violations much more serious than a defendant on Supervised Release who tested positive for narcotics, failed to report contact with law enforcement, or took a short vacation outside the District. Anything less than significant period of incarceration will lead to additional violations by this Defendant and may encourage others to take a similar path while on Supervised Release. It is a legitimate concern that a lenient sentence for a serious offense threatens to promote disrespect for the law. See Gall V. United States, 128 S. Ct. 586, 599 (2007).

The United States believes that some of the posts evidences the Defendant’s total disregard for the law, the Judicial system, law enforcement and basic human dignity. WHITE has sent information regarding discussions with his attorney and police reports related to the threats WHITE made against a University of Delaware official, which ended being posted on the internet.

The fact that WHITE caused items to be posted is best evidenced by an August 30, 2012, “The Bill White Trial Update/Following the Political Persecution” posting.

Bad news for this blog and a few items clarified

Well, nothing like a phone call from Bill White to kick off the morning. Unfortunately, I have learned that, according to some people [i.e., THE RED QUEEN AND HUMPTY DUMPTY], Bill is on “supervised release” even while sitting in the Roanoke City Jail. Therefore, some material on this web site has been rated a violation of the First Amendment violating “banned from the Internet” condition imposed on Bill White by Judge Turk.

I’ve worried abut that condition many times over the years, but certainly not since his arrest. . .”

Based upon the foregoing, the United States respectfully requests that the Court impose a substantial sentence on each violation and run the terms of incarceration consecutively.

Matt Hale: Three myths about my case that need to be dispelled

September 7, 2012

Posted here because Matt Hale’s story and Bill White’s story are linked through the “Matt Hale’s Jew-ror” article that Bill White wrote for his National Socialist magazine, Bill’s arrest for threatening the juror that followed soon after the article, and the eventual Chicago trial which ended in Bill White’s acquittal in April 2010.

From the Free Matt Hale website:

“Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Free Matt Hale website. As I am the subject of this endeavor and have the liberty to do so, I thought it appropriate and indeed worthwhile that I personally address you on this site bearing my name. In the main, however, I will let the various legal documents soon to appear on this site speak for themselves, for there is no better evidence of my innocence than the plain facts of my case as remarked upon by these legal documents. Let me though succinctly summarize the facts so that some if not all of the myths about my case may be quickly dispelled as I have longed to do that for many years:

1) I have never, in any respect, solicited the murder of anybody. While that is generally recognized by all objective observers of my case, it bears repeating by yours truly as it is, and has been, commonly but mistakenly held that I was “entrapped”. For entrapment to exist though, the person in question must have, however, ACTUALLY COMMITTED A CRIME but that he was induced to do so by a government informant. Well, quite simply, I was NOT entrapped because I did not commit a crime — the agent provocateur Tony Evola TRIED to get me to do so, but he failed. No entrapment occurred in this case, as outrageous as the government’s conduct certainly was, because Evola solicited ME (not me him) and I simply turned him down.

2) Long before the events giving rise to my arrest on January 8, 2003 occurred, I KNEW THAT EVOLA WAS A GOVERNMENT INFORMANT. This will be surprising news to many of you but this is one of the reasons why this website was created, to finally enable the truth to be told. It was not remotely told at my trial due to dereliction of duty of the lawyers who represented me and for years I was physically restrained from writing you as I am doing now. So let me repeat: I knew that Evola was an FBI informant, quite specifically, at the very time that I supposedly solicited him to murder a federal judge. Did my jury hear the evidence that proved this? No, because my “lawyers” withheld it. Since I knew that Evola was an FBI informant, I obviously, as any rational and sapient person would have to conclude, did not solicit him to commit murder or intend that he did so. The case, or alleged case against me, was built upon the premise that Evola was some kind of trusted confidant or right-hand man and the media and others have repeated that ad nauseam. In reality, Tony was an obvious phony and thus I am obviously innocent.

3) Now for the clincher, if such should be thought necessary: NEITHER EVOLA NOR I WERE EVEN TALKING ABOUT A FEDERAL JUDGE on the key date in question and thus the very foundation of the case –even more than Evola’s status –is a total myth. The widely quoted exchange between Evola and I on December 5, 2002 referred to a “rat, Jew rat”, not a judge and there is overwhelming evidence – -that my jury once again never heard –that this was not a judge at all but rather a lawyer who was involved in the pending trademark case litigation. Thus, not only did I not solicit Evola to murder anybody or intend that he do so, but the alleged target of the alleged solicitation forming the basis for the federal charges, and for which I have been consigned to a 40 year federal prison term, was not a federal judge at all.

I could write more of how my jury (and the public) have been denied critical and conclusive evidence demonstrating my innocence but I believe that I have already revealed enough to shock the conscience of any moral and ethical person. The good and hopeful news is that I have pending a petition for habeas corpus on the basis that my lawyers at trial, by indeed withholding evidence from the jury proving my innocence, violated my Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel. Many, if not all, of the upcoming legal documents to be posted on this site will be from this pending case for habeas corpus, so I invite you to review them. Please stay tuned, my friends, for the imminent updates to this site that I have indicated. Please also spread the news of this cause of justice itself. My family and I deeply appreciate your support in this ordeal of several lifetimes that we have suffered. We remain unbowed.

Yours truly,

– Rev. Matt Hale”
