Archive for October, 2012

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article on William White’s conviction in Chicago

October 31, 2012

I wish Bill had written me a FAQ sheet about the Adelman case, instead of one about his old internet feuds. I’m tired of going over points that were obvious from the start with this case. They only charged Bill White with solicitation BECAUSE that’s a crime and not a free speech issue.

Adelman’s acquittal was correct, based on the facts of the case, not on unfounded speculation about Bill White’s audience.

Bill said he didn’t even know there had been oral arguments last June, and he knew nothing about the new opinion until I told him.

The new opinion, second item on this page

Posner and Flaum at it again


White’s conviction for soliciting juror’s death reinstated
By Bruce Vielmetti of the Journal Sentinel Oct. 30, 2012
A federal jury convicted William White of soliciting the murder of a juror in another trial, in which a white supremacist was convicted of going after a federal judge.

But U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman granted White’s motion to set the conviction aside, agreeing that prosecutors failed to present enough evidence for the jury to legally reach the conclusion White was guilty, in a case that mixed First Amendment claims, abhorrent views and the power of the Internet.

Now the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected that analysis and granted prosecutors’ appeal to reinstate White’s conviction, while also rejecting White’s cross appeal for a new trial.

Now White will face sentencing for his crime, a call to fellow racists to murder the foreman of the jury that had convicted Matthew Hale. Hale was convicted of soliciting the harm or killing of U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow, of Chicago, who had ruled against him in a trademark dispute.

White ran a website called Hours after Lefkow’s mother and husband were murdered in 2005 (unrelated to Hale), White applauded the crime and said everyone associated with Hale’s conviction deserved assassination.

In 2008, White posted the name, photo, address and phone numbers of a juror from Hale’s case that White felt had conflicts of interest. He was indicted and arrested a few weeks later.

In its ruling, the 7th Circuit found that the context of White’s website’s other postings were sufficient for a jury to construe that he intended the personal information about “Juror A” as a solicitation for anyone reading to kill the juror, and that White’s First Amendment defenses don’t apply to a criminal solicitation.

Roanoke Times article on the Chicago conviction

October 27, 2012

Funny how they usually call Bill the self-proclaimed leader of ANSWP, yet, the next day, they are willing to (pretend to) believe that he had this “community” willing to go out and kill on his instructions.

They are lying about his Overthrow audience/ don’t even know his audience.

No matter what Bill wrote, the Overthrow readers did not harm anybody.

In fact, if anybody was going to be killed due to something Bill wrote, it probably would have been Bill White. The stuff he wrote about the other white nationalists made his targets loathe HIM.

And, his audience was not that loyal. By 2008, Bill had lost quite a bit of it, in part due to having lost his server and being offline of six months or so before he got his own servers.

Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Roanoke Times
Matt Chittum

Roanoke neo-Nazi activist William A. White already saw his time in prison extended once this week, and now he’s facing more time in a Chicago case in which he’d been previously acquitted.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on Friday reinstated a 2011 conviction for soliciting violence against a juror who had helped convict a fellow white supremacist in Chicago years earlier. White’s case was sent back to U.S. District Court in Illinois so he can be sentenced.

He faces 10 years in prison on that sentence, on top of 2 1/2 years he’s already served for a conviction in Roanoke, as well as an additional three months he received Wednesday in the Roanoke case.

White was convicted by a Chicago jury in January 2011 based on evidence that the one-time Roanoke landlord and founder of the American National Socialist Workers Party used his website to write that “[e]veryone associated with the Matt Hale trial has deserved assassination for a long time,” and to later post the home address and mobile, home and work phone numbers of the jury foreman. Hale was the former leader of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator. He was convicted in 2004 of soliciting the murder of a federal judge in Chicago and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Judge Lynn Adelman, however, reversed the jury’s verdict several months later, ruling that White’s speech was protected by the First Amendment.

The government appealed the case, and White filed a cross appeal. The case was argued in June. Neither prosecutors in the Chicago U.S. attorney’s office nor White’s legal counsel there could be reached for comment Friday.

According to evidence presented at White’s original trial in Chicago, White in September 2008 posted on his now-defunct website an article titled “The Juror Who Convicted Matt Hale.” The post described the jury foreman, Mark Hoffman, as a gay Jew with a black lover and “ties to professional anti-racist groups,” and included Hoffman’s personal contact information.

Adelman ruled that the statements, even when considered in light of other statements White made on, weren’t solicitations, and because the prosecution had not proved criminal intent, the post about Hoffman was protected free speech.

The appeals court, however, found the context in the case compelling. The opinion cites other statements White made. In one example, White wrote an Internet post about a Canadian civil rights attorney titled “Kill Richard Warman.” He also said of Warman on a radio show, “this bastard has lived way too long. If somebody wants to kill him, here’s his address.” [HEY, WAIT A MINUTE, THAT WAS THE ROANOKE CASE. BILL WHITE ALREADY WAS TRIED FOR THAT, AND THE JUDGE DISMISSED THE CHARGE.]

In other examples cited by the court, White shared addresses of six black teens charged with attempted murder in Louisiana [NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM]and published the address of well-known author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel [AFTER SOMETHING ALREADY HAPPENED TO HIM].

The post about Hoffman, taken in the context of White’s similar posts [WHERE NOTHING FOLLOWED], could lead a rational jury to see the Hoffman post as a solicitation, the appeals court ruled. [MAKING NO SENSE WHATEVER.]

“The post attributed to Juror A [Hoffman] characteristics intended to make the target loathed by readers of White’s neo-Nazi website,” the court wrote. [JUST BECAUSE YOU LOATHE SOMEBODY DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE GOING TO TRY TO ASSASSINATE THEM.]

The jury could not be expected to ignore that “readers of were not casual Web browsers, but extremists molded into a community [PROVE IT] by the internet — loyal and avid readers who, whether or not they remember every specific solicitation to assassination, knew that identified hateful enemies who should be assassinated,” the opinion says.[BOY, THIS IS REALLY OVER THE TOP. WE KNEW WE SHOULD ASSASSINATE ALL THESE PEOPLE, BUT, WHAT HAPPENED? WE FORGOT TO DO IT?]

That White didn’t solicit the help of a particular assassin didn’t bother the [KANGAROO] court.

“It was unnecessary to do so given the very nature of the solicitation — an electronic broadcast which, a reasonable jury could conclude, was specifically designed to reach as many white supremacist readers as possible so that someone could kill or harm” Hoffman, the opinion reads. [THIS IS WHERE THAT BRANDENBURG RULING COMES IN. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS?]

Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor, said the ruling is remarkable for running against the recent trend on First Amendment cases in federal courts.

“The Supreme Court’s gone a long way toward expanding the First Amendment, especially in the corporate context of late — and in other areas, too,” he said. “Yet there’s a line that’s drawn.” [IT’S CALLED ‘THE BILL WHITE LINE’]

The context of speech can be central to whether it’s protected, he said, citing the classic example that you can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater when there is no fire. [WHICH HAS NO COMPARISON WHATSOEVER TO THIS CASE]

Tobias said he doubts that the U.S. Supreme Court would consider the case should it be appealed, but he believes that it could be important for defining the law “in a very narrow number of circumstances.” [IMPORTANT FOR SHUTTING DOWN FREE SPEECH THE FEDS/SPLC DON’T LIKE]

Meanwhile, White is already back in prison.

He had already served his sentence for a conviction in U.S. District Court in Roanoke on similar charges to those in Chicago.

Among other things, he sent intimidating letters to tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who filed a housing discrimination lawsuit against their white landlord.

The letters, addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–,” called them “dirty parasites” and warned that the white community’s “patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

But in March, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered that White be re-sentenced — because at least one of the tenants had young children, it ruled, the judge should have considered giving White an enhanced sentence for targeting especially vulnerable victims.

White was on parole at the time and living in Rockbridge County, and he bolted for Mexico when his court date neared.

He was sentenced to 10 months for the parole violation earlier this year.

On Tuesday, he appeared in federal court in Roanoke where Judge James Turk, following the appeals court’s directive, added three months to his original sentence.

It was unclear Friday when White would return to Chicago for sentencing there, or if he would attempt an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. [WHITE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS UNTIL THIS MORNING]

ZOG not done with Bill White, yet! Hale juror solicitation conviction reinstated.

October 26, 2012

Update, Saturday – I am told the BOP inmate locator was showing William A. White in Chicago for a brief time yesterday. It’s back to “in transit” now.

Bill says, if he is moved to Chicago, it likely will be on Thursday. But, hopefully, that won’t happen, because he will file another appeal. He would like to take the Chicago case to the Supreme Court, as he would have taken the Roanoke case, if his lawyer hadn’t messed up that appeal.

The Roanoke Times is reporting the old “White is facing ten years blah, blah, blah” today.

Friday, October 26, 2012

In Chicago in 2011 the government argued that Bill White should be locked up indefinitely, guilty or not.

Neo Nazi Bill White’s Chicago conviction reinstated
By: MICHAEL TARM, Associated Press | WSLS-TV 10
Published: October 26, 2012
Updated: October 26, 2012 – 12:53 PM
» 0 Comments | Post a Comment

CHICAGO (AP) – An appellate court ruled Friday that a white supremacist solicited violence against a juror in another trial by revealing his personal details online, rejecting a lower court’s finding that the neo-Nazi’s posts were protected by the First Amendment.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the posts by William White – who also threatened then-presidential candidate Barack Obama during the 2008 election – weren’t subject to the shield the U.S. Constitution extends to most speech.

“White rightfully emphasizes that the First Amendment protects even speech that is loathsome,” the three-judge panel in Chicago said in its unanimous, 30-page ruling. “But criminal solicitations are simply not protected by the First Amendment.”

The judges also said White shouldn’t get a new trial and should proceed to sentencing. A sentencing date will be set later.

In early 2011, the Roanoke, Va., man was convicted of one count of solicitation for publishing a juror’s name, photograph, home address, phone numbers and sexual orientation on his website in 2008. The juror he singled out had been the foreman of a jury that convicted another white supremacist, Matthew Hale, of soliciting the murder of a federal judge.

Later that year, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman reversed the conviction, writing that “the government failed to present sufficient evidence” that the posts somehow solicited harm to the White’s target. “I further find the posts protected by the First Amendment.”

The appeals court on Friday reinstated the original conviction.

White, the self-styled leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party, is currently behind bars stemming from a separate conviction of making threats and intimidation. In that case, he was accused of writing a letter addressed to the young children of an apartment resident who was suing her landlord for discrimination.

White’s website, , regularly attacked nonwhites, Jews and homosexuals and expressed approval for acts of violence. The website drew national attention in 2008 when it featured an article about a possible assassination of then-Democratic presidential nominee Obama. White no longer has control of postings to that website.

The Associated Press

4:15 p.m. EDT, October 26, 2012

The lawyer for a neo-Nazi says appellate judges in Chicago reinstated his client’s conviction for soliciting a threat against a juror out of “hatred” rather than for sound legal reasons.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday reversed a lower court’s decision that William White’s inflammatory postings on a website were protected by the First Amendment.

Attorney Nishay Sanan says the judges were guided by what he described as “hatred” toward White and his views. Sanan says he’d like to appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court but White will make that decision.

The Roanoke, Va., man in 2008 posted the name, photograph, home address and phone numbers of the foreman of a jury that convicted another white supremacist of soliciting the murder of a federal judge.

Update – Roanoke Times article –
Federal appeals court reinstates conviction of former Roanoke neo-Nazi leader White
By Matt Chittum

A federal appeals court today re-instated a conviction against Roanoke neo-Nazi activist William A. White for soliciting violence against a juror in the trial of a fellow white supremacist in Chicago.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit remanded the case back to district court for sentencing. White will not receive a new trial.

White originally was convicted by a Chicago jury in January 2011 based on evidence that the one-time Roanoke landlord and founder of the American National Socialist Workers Party used his website to write that “[e]veryone associated with the Matt Hale trial has deserved assassination for a long time,” and later post the home address and mobile, home and work phone numbers of the jury foreperson. Hale was the former leader of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator. He was convicted of soliciting the murder of a federal judge in Chicago and sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Judge Lynn Adelman, however, reversed the jury’s verdict several months later, ruling that White’s speech was protected by the First Amendment.

The U.S. Attorney appealed the case, and White filed a cross appeal. The case was argued in June.

In today’s ruling, the court concluded that “a rational jury could have found beyond a reasonable doubt that, based on the contents of the website, its readership, and other contextual factors, White intentionally solicited a violent crime against [the jury foreperson] by posting [the foreperson’s] personal information on his website. Criminal solicitation is not protected by the First Amendment, and so we reverse White’s acquittal and reinstate his conviction.”

On Wednesday, White was back in federal court in Roanoke, where a judge sentenced him to an additional three months in prison on a 2009 conviction, after an appeals court found fault with his 2-1/2 year sentence.

In that case, White sent intimidating letters to tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who filed a housing discrimination lawsuit against their white landlord.

The letters, addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–,” called them dirty parasites and warned that the white community’s “patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

White is already serving 10 months in jail for jumping parole and fleeing to Mexico.

Bill White waiting for transport to federal prison

October 26, 2012

Bill was still in Roanoke as of this morning and he doesn’t think he will be moved over the weekend. He figures he will be going to Petersburg. I think he said Petersburg was about a two-hour drive from Roanoke. (But, he doesn’t know whether he is going by car, bus or some other way.)

Bill White’s “Mad Tea Party” is over … I hope.

“Mormonism, Zionism and the Fetishization of the Constitution” by William White

October 26, 2012

I’m no editor, but I think this essay needs some examples, which I will try to get from Bill. I’m calling it a “draft” and posting it, anyway.

This essay reflects Bill’s Roanoke stay – sitting in the jail, listening to the Glenn Beck and the Jim Sumpter radio shows in the months before the 2012 presidential election.

Mormonism, Zionism and the Fetishization of the Constitution (Draft)
by William White

Mormonism – the religion of the Latter-day Saints revealed, or manufactured, by Joe Smith and associated with the American state of Utah – has become news in the United States , as it is the guiding faith of Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney. Mormonism has also been under attack – often for the wrong reasons, largely by advocates of Romney’s partisan opponent, President Barack Obama. The political position of the Mormon Church – or, the political implications of the Mormon religious doctrine – should be a concern though, for two reasons – one, its fetishization of the U.S. Constitution, and, two, and more importantly, its links to the Zionist and essentially Communist neo-conservative movement in the United States.

Those raised in the Mormon faith are extraordinarily virtuous people. Some fall by the wayside, certainly, but Mormons, in general, are just pleasant people to be around – perpetually happy, industrious, and productive of an idealized American lifestyle that largely disappeared as Jewish power and forced integration deconstructed the rest of the United States in the 20th Century – particularly its last four decades. While this causes mockery of Mr. Romney as a model of the comfortable white lifestyle derisively associated by Communists and minorities with the 1950s, this is not valid grounds for attacking him. America elected a black male begging for change, and we became like him; we could only hope to become like Mr. Romney.

However, two converts to Mormonism – radio hosts Glenn Beck and Jim Sumpter – provide a different view of what ascendant Mormonism may mean to the United States – Mr. Beck being the much more extreme and offensive of the two. Both Beck and Sumpter would be considered on the “Right” side of the political spectrum – Mr. Sumpter being more independent of mainstream political trends of the two. And both seem to have been attracted to Mormonism by one of its central tenants – that the Constitution is not just any legal document, but a divinely inspired creation just short of scripture.

Once upon a time, this view would be admirable. But, at this time, when, the government that emerged from that Constitution is no longer tenable, and any effort within the democratic system to restore that Constitution is impossible, this view limits the actions and perspectives available to those who see the need to overturn the current state of affairs.

As I argue in my book, Centuries of Revolution, the U.S. Constitution was not an ideal or divinely inspired document, but one step – an early, first step – of a descent into decadence, away from traditional European society, and towards the French and Russian Revolutions, and, eventually, internationalist socialism.

In this context, one must understand Beck’s and, to a lesser degree, Sumpter’s anti-Islamic views. Mitt Romney is a personnel friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, and Beck is a vocal champion of Zionist propaganda. Beck daily pushes the notion of equivalence between Zionism and National Socialism, just as he attacks “communism” while praising the Communist Martin Luther King, Jr. Part of this seems to be Beck’s almost total ignorance of history. I recall that my own appearance on his radio show some seven or eight years ago left him speechless; he simply wasn’t equipped to debate actual National Socialism, having practiced only at knocking down straw men.

Similarly, both Beck and Sumpter regularly attack the strawman of the Caliphate. The Caliphate is an Islamic concept, generally associated with the Sunni variant of the faith, and related to the European notion of the Imperium or Holy Rome. However, the broad, three-way division of the Middle East – into an Iranian, a Saudi-Turkish, and Egyptian/Muslim Brotherhood faction – makes any practical realization of a true Islamic Caliphate extremely unlikely into the foreseeable future, short of a regional war that destroys either Saudi Arabia or Iran, and which either destroys Egypt or leaves it conquered by the victor. None of the current Middle Eastern powers currently has the capacity to dominate the others.

More obnoxious is Beck’s linkage of “the Caliphate” to the Europa of National Socialism. Ideologically, he may be closer than he knows, but the real link between National Socialist Europe and modern Islam is that both reflected Traditional societies, healthy and true to their people, which equally oppose both capitalism and international socialism – and thus posed a threat to the Jewish and American and British elites’ New World Order.

The movement against Islam has been manufactured in the past ten years. Its strawmen – the term Islamism, “the Caliphate”, and such – were created whole cloth, very publicly, by Jewish pundits who oppose them. They define nothing real. But, what I find most ironic and amusing, is that this bogus “nationalist chauvinism” – like all products of the Jew, a parody of authentic nationalism – has taken all of the themes of traditional American “anti-Semitism” and, with only minor cosmetic changes, utilized them against Islam.

What has clearly happened is that, in a time of economic decline, when America is facing real economic and racial difficulties, the Jew has found a way to direct white working class anger outwards and away from the real internal factors that threaten white, working class people.

Mr. Sumpter has some understanding of this, though he seems to have little factual understanding of race – one of the failings of his generation. Mr. Beck militantly opposes the mere suggestion of this. And, Mr. Romney comes from a noted anti-racist family. 22,000 genes are known to define humanity; about 2,200 of them vary between the white and the black races. Yet, the naïve children of the 1960s believe we all bleed red – God will grant each of us our own equal planet – and that is enough.

The real concern about Mr. Romney is his Zionism; this is also the real concern about his Mormon faith. American Zionism is an essentially Communist movement derived from Jewish Trotskyism, and the “anti-Communism”, née anti-Stalinism, of the expelled Bolsheviks. One might say American Zionism is the anti-Communism of fools. And, despite their virtues, one has to worry that a Church of people innocent enough to be taken in by the golden plates of Joseph Smith may have been taken in by the arch-deceivers as well.

Bill White letter to Alex Linder about Hal Turner

October 25, 2012

“Ultimately he [Hal Turner] contacted the US Marshals and, with the help of other informants, falsely claimed I was going to assassinate Barack Obama with a truck bomb in order to cause my arrest on false pretenses. His emails to the US Marshals are a matter of public record, as is his trial transcript.”

I would love to hear Hal Turner explain his side of this.

Hal: “I didn’t call my handler and say Bill White was going to assassinate Obama with a truck bomb, I called my handler and said [fill in the blank, Hal!].

Reposting from the Bill White thread on VNN Forum, post #107

(This is old because I was holding off posting letters here until after the hearing. )

OCTOBER 9, 2012

Hello Alex:

A friend contacted me yesterday and told me an effort has been underway by someone on VNN to Rehabilitate Hal Turner. I thought I should remind people hat Hal Turner did.

Long before I encountered Hal, he infiltrated the National Alliance. While there, he was sent to Brazil where he persuaded a potential donor not to give $1 million to the NA.

Hal’s radio show was financed by the FBI, who assisted him in gaining access, for a time, to commercial airwaves. He used this show as a “honeypot,” luring in unstable people and reporting them to the FBI. Artie Wheeler went to prison because Hal turned him in. Many, many others earned an FBI file by calling Hal or sending him money.

While moving in the larger white movement, Hal went to Germany, where he spied on a major supporter of the world’s anti-Zionist movement, and prevented $10 million dollars in aid from going to Shi’ite Resistance groups in Iraq.

When Hal lost his contract with the FBI, he, in part, blamed me, because I had called him out as an informant in Kalamazoo. Ultimately he contacted the US Marshals and, with the help of other informants, falsely claimed I was going to assassinate Barack Obama with a truck bomb in order to cause my arrest on false pretenses. His emails to the US Marshals are a matter of public record, as is his trial transcript. My counsel in Chicago also has an FBI and US Marshals report summarizing Hal’s information.

So, Hal did not only cost white people in the United States at least $1 million, did not only turn his friends and supporters over to the FBI, did not only harm the world movement against Zionism, he actually targeted legitimate white activists with false information in order to harm the white movement.

We have to always bear in mind that the FBI and others pay a small army of informants to manipulate our opinions — often by internet and on message boards. I have known the FBI to recruit white people by telling them they control our movement and they make our leaders. Whenever we see voices advocating deliberate foolishness, one must be suspicious of them.

I recall the effort that was made to rehabilitate Kevin Alfred Strom. I was the only white activist at Kevin Alfred Strom’s trial. I heard a nine year old girl testify Kevin was hiding in the bushes outside her school, watching her. I saw (some) of the photos Kevin was using when he pasted the faces of white activist’s children onto actual child porn. Yet, there are those who believe Kevin was “framed.” I was fucking framed. LOL. The government had people making threatening phone calls and saying they were me — we (had) tapes. (They have since been sealed by Court Order, but a transcript is on file in the Eastern District of Virginia.)

I also see the ongoing “fake racism” movement that is being incited by the Zionists. Every morning, I listen to Glenn Beck take legitimate white anger and direct it outward, at the Islamic enemies of the Zionist occupation in Palestine, while wrapping himself in “conservatism” and “the Constitution” — and I have heard ignorant white rednecks, who, fifty years ago, would be spouting about race in America, spouting garbage about the Muslim threat to America. This is the garbage that Stormfront has embraced, and this is not white.

In the past ten years, American politics has radicalized around the poles of Communism and Zionism. Both of these are manifestations of the Jew.

As long as white people are willing to consider rehabilitating informants, pedophiles, and Zionists, then the white movement will get what it deserves — irrelevancy, failure, and death for white people. If we want to stop [pg 2] people from cooperating, we cannot accept those who do. If we want to be white, we must reject the “nationalism” of people who wish to harm white interests. And if we want to succeed, we must demand those in leadership positions display the ethic they advocate.

I don’t hold myself as a model. I’ve been naive about the nature of the US government. I’ve made mistakes, thinking that the democratic process gave us a chance or that our “rights” were more than rhetorical illusions. I’ve failed, and spent years in prison for my failures. But, I still know right from wrong.

Those who ally with Hal Turner eventually get what they deserve. Even informants should know that the best way to be arrested by the FBI is to work for them — Hal Turner and Brian Hollins should be examples of how the FBI treats those they recruit. Most federal inmates begin life as an informant.

But, those who have public positions are obliged to speak out.

I have spent too much time in life fighting people over small foibles. The variety of heterosexual experiences shouldn’t be a subject of an Inquisition — as long as people keep their faults in a closet. Not everyone is a non-smoking, non-drinking vegetarian — that’s okay. If people have vices in private — let them have their vices, as long as they are not on display. My mistake, in the past, has been in demanding too much of others.

But, there are certain things the white movement needs to address. One is the fact we’ve lost our ideological edge — and this has allowed us to be misled and exploited. Two, we are too infiltrated and manipulated by outside groups that divide us against ourselves. Three, we have to demand from our leadership transparency, financial accountability, and that they know enough about right and wrong to not put their vices on display.

If people want to put their energy into something now, I recommend the American Free Press and The Barnes Review. Willis Carto is the last of the solid white men of the older generation. I know Willis, and I believe him 100% legitimate — something I cannot say for his opponents. There have been a procession of weird characters in AFP in the past, and the Cartos have often been deceived and defrauded, but the core staff of those organizations are solid people, and the conmen have been largely run off in the past few years. I also vouch for the Indian-based publishing house Arktos, and several other international groups.

The Jews are not driving white people to people like Willis because Willis is not out there making a jackass out of himself for the mass media. But, as long as we allow the FBI and the Jews to pick our leaders for us, we are going to continue to fail. Willis is right on race issues, right on Islam, right on National Socialism, and everything our movement needs.

As always, I thank you if you publish this. I also thank you for publishing my previous letter. I should be out in 83-180 days. In the meantime, AFP has just purchased my Prison Diaries — in part about Hal Turner — and should start publishing them this month…[SNIP] And as always, I recommend Centuries of Revolution to your readers.

Thanks, Alex



Note: Obama was, or had been, in Roanoke the day Bill White was arrested. Hal Turner did contact his handler in the US Marshals and report a plot for a truck bomb attack at the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke a few days before Bill’s arrest. Hal Turner was the first one to announce Bill White’s arrest. Hal’s lawyer argued at one of his hearings that, to his credit, Hal had alerted the government to an assassination attempt on Obama. This is much is known fact. Dan Casey, a writer for The Roanoke Times, posted an article on his blog saying, in his mind, Bill White had not been arrested for his actions or his speech but because the government feared that Bill White would assassinate Obama and that this would lead to a race war. – americafarm

Florida investigation mentioned at hearing yesterday

October 24, 2012

This is about some crime or crimes that happened last spring. Bill was a suspect when he was arrested in June. He was questioned. He had an alibi. He told me around the time of the last hearing that they would have indicted him already if they were going to do it. But, someone else told me that the feds can take their time with an indictment. What’s interesting is that whatever the crime was, it was kept out of the media. Controlled press, you know.

(Thinking: Control is not such a bad idea. This site could use some more of it. Also thinking, hmm, is that why Hammack resurrected ANSWP in the last article, because the Roanoke Times is thinking if not Bill White, then some underground “ANSWP” might have been involved in the Florida crime? Naw, couldn’t be!)

Bill was carrying a bag with his laptop and a phone without a Sim card when he was arrested.

I thought Bill HAD just been indicted when I read this headline:

Bill White Again Under Investigation
Posted: Oct 24, 2012 3:47 PM CDT
By David Tate – bio | email

Roanoke, VA – Bill White, the former Roanoke-based neo Nazi leader, may once again be in hot water with the government.

On Tuesday, as White was being re sentenced for a 2010 conviction, prosecutors disclosed that White is currently under investigation in the Middle District of Florida by the US Attorney’s office there.

That revelation came to light after White made a motion to have some of his personal affects turned back over to him.

Those items were confiscated in Orlando following White’s extradition from Mexico in June.*

In denying that request, the US Attorney’s office said the belongings were being held in Orlando because the Department of Justice had opened an investigation into White there.

White still needs to serve about nine months in prison before he can put this all behind him… of course unless new charges come out of this new investigation.

* Note: Bill was sent to Miami from Mexico. I don’t believe he was ever in custody in Orlando. – americafarm

A slightly different Hammack version of the re-sentencing hearing

October 24, 2012

Found out the Judge recommended Bill be sent to Petersburg (sp?) which is where Bill wanted to go. He might be moved tomorrow.

I’ve been told this, below, is ‘another BS’ version of what happened in court. Read yesterday’s update to know the truth.

Although I talked to Bill, we didn’t talk about the court hearing as much as some unrelated stuff that had come up the day before the hearing. Don’t want to be mysterious, so I will say that part of that is about getting books published… (What else?)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Former neo-Nazi leader William A. White gets 3 more months in prison
Resentencing had been ordered because of the young age of some of his victims.

By Laurence Hammack

Already serving 10 months in jail for jumping parole and fleeing to Mexico, a former neo-Nazi leader saw his sentence extended Tuesday by another three months.

William A. White was back in Roanoke’s federal court for a new sentencing hearing after an appeals court found fault with a 2 ½-year prison sentence he received in 2010.

Following the appeals court’s directive that he consider the young age of some of White’s victims, Judge James Turk gave White an additional three months on top of the time he has already served.

In March, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered that White, who was on parole at the time, be resentenced. As his court date approached, White left his Rockbridge County home for Mexico without the permission of his probation officer.

“Why did he take off to Mexico?” Turk asked during Tuesday’s hearing in U.S. District Court in Roanoke.

With his client choosing not to testify, defense attorney Paul Beers said he could only surmise that White fled out of fear that he was headed back to prison.

Turk said he had planned all along to give White just three months in prison, the minimum allowed under the 4th Circuit’s ruling.

But that term must now be served along with the 10 months White received last month for his parole-violating trip to Playa del Carmen, a Mexican resort town near Cancun.

White, 35, was arrested June 8 in a store parking lot and has been held without bond since.

As the former leader of a Roanoke-based white supremacy group with a penchant for broadcasting his racist views online, White was convicted in December 2009 of making threats.

Among other things, he sent intimidating letters to tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who filed a housing discrimination lawsuit against their white landlord.

The letters, addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–,” called them dirty parasites and warned that the white community’s “patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

Because at least one of the tenants had young children, the 4th Circuit ruled, Turk should have considered giving White an enhanced sentence for targeting especially vulnerable victims.

“When I used that harsh language five and a half years ago, I did not intend to break the law,” White told Turk on Tuesday in a statement just before he was sentenced.

White said he believed his words were protected by the First Amendment — an argument that has defined more than five years of legal wrangling over the fine line he walked between free speech and criminal conduct.

White, once the self-proclaimed commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, gained brief national attention for posting incendiary racial comments on his now-defunct website,

Since his conviction in December 2009, White’s website and his organization have all but vanished.

William White gets three more months in prison at re-sentencing hearing

October 23, 2012

UPDATE – Talked to Bill and he said this new sentence should work out to time served. Might add a few days, that’s all. (I knew Bill would say something like this; time will tell.) Bill was very cheerful because almost everything went his way in court today. The judge told the USA to send Bill to a low security facility and not to put him in lockdown/solitary. (The feds do not have to comply with that.) The judge also told the feds to return the property they seized from Bill in 2008 (his computer equipment, for example.) The USA asked for Bill’s passport to be withheld from him and for the internet ban from his probation to be re-instated. They didn’t get either of those granted. Very, very lucky for Bill!

Why was Judge Turk so nice to Bill White? Probably because he didn’t like having to do a re-sentencing hearing.


Looks like the new release date will be 7-7-13. I know Bill thought there was a very good chance that he would not get any more time at all. 😦

Rumor was the feds were going to ask for another year, or something like that. This article, below, tells nothing about what the USA argued. Looks like they called no victims to ask the judge for more time. (Lousy as Hammack is at covering a hearing, I think he would have mentioned that.)

It also doesn’t say where Bill is going to go next. Maybe it is too early for that.

It seems they used to always mention Bill’s site by name, calling it defunct, which it was. It was shut down by the US government, as a matter of fact.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Former neo-Nazi leader William A. White gets 3 more months in prison

By Laurence Hammack
Update: 10:53 a.m.

A federal judge gave former neo-Nazi leader William A. White an additional three months in prison today. The resentencing stemmed from a federal appeals court ruling that took into account the young age of some of the people targeted by White’s inflammatory rhetoric.

“When I used this harsh language 5 ½ years ago, I did not intend to break the law,” White told Judge James Turk. * White said he believed the language was covered by the First Amendment.

Posted: 1:33 a.m.

Former neo-Nazi leader William A. White will learn today whether his time behind bars, already extended by 10 months, will grow any longer.

White is scheduled to be resentenced at a 10 a.m. hearing in U.S. District Court in Roanoke.

After White had completed a 2½-year prison term for [HAMMACK ALWAYS LIES RIGHT HERE], a federal appeals court ruled in May that Judge James Turk did not properly follow sentencing guidelines.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case back for a new sentencing, with the possibility of a slightly longer term once Turk takes into account the age of some of White’s victims.

Among other things, White was convicted in 2009 of sending intimidating letters to tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who filed a housing discrimination against their white landlord.

The letters, addressed to “Whiney Section 8 N—–, called them dirty parasites and warned that the white community’s “patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin.”

Because at least one of the tenants had young children, the appeals court ruled, Turk should have considered giving White an enhanced sentence for targeting especially vulnerable victims.

Today’s hearing marks the second time in as many months that White has been back in court facing additional prison time.

In September, Turk gave him 10 months for violating his supervised release by fleeing to Mexico without the permission of his probation officer.

White, who once ran a Roanoke-based hate group called the American National Socialist Workers Party, gained brief national attention for posting incendiary racial comments on his now-defunct website,

Since his conviction in December 2009, White’s website [OVERTHROW.COM] and his organization have all but vanished.

White, 35, is currently being held in the Roanoke City Jail.

* Note: Who would know there is a civil rights law that one can only praise negroes involved in a “civil rights” housing law suit? – americafarm.

Re-Sentencing Hearing Tomorrow and Paypal Donations Update

October 22, 2012

The re-sentencing hearing is tomorrow at 10 am, last I checked. This hearing is supposedly about the victims from the Roanoke trial in December 2009 and whether Bill White was sentenced to enough time. It has nothing to do with the parole violation for which Bill got a ten month sentence last month. Bill could get more time.

I typed up the Mormonism and Zionism essay Bill wrote early this month. He said I might have to edit it when he sent it. It does need some serious rewriting in my opinion, so I am not posting it now. It should be interesting, though, when it is redone. The biggest problem sentence in the essay, for me: “Yet, the naive children of the 1960s believe we all bleed red – God will grant each of us our own equal planet – and that is enough.” (It just occurred to me this sentence might make perfect sense to somebody familiar with Mormon Zionism. LOL!)

Oh, yes. PayPal refuses to let me accept money on the “William White Fund” donations account unless I give them my bank account number. The money can’t just sit in PayPal waiting for Bill to collect it some day. I don’t like that set up, so I’ll probably cancel the PayPal account today or tomorrow. Why can’t Bill have his own bank account number on his Fund? Because his money affairs are too screwed up at this time.

That’s all for now. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring nothing much new, but we will find out where Bill will be sent to finish serving the ten month sentence that he already has.