Archive for December, 2012

Sad letter from Bill White in Canaan USP at Christmastime

December 31, 2012

Of course, Bill did not get moved during Christmas week.

Bill White wrote on December 23rd:

Another day is burning up. Days here move quickly, not least of all because I have been sleeping and recovering from this illness. Loretto was massively overcrowded and they never opened the yard in the evenings (because it was dark at 4-5PM). This unit is near empty, and I have my own room – so I can rest.

I finished the Hunchback of Notre Dame this morning. I am not a fan of Hugo and his perspective but his comments on architecture make me wonder if he was a mason – I know he was elected to the French Senate. Having experienced so much abuse myself, lurid tales of torture upset me. I had just started on one at Loretto – The Affair of the Poisoners – and another on Catherine D’Medici, filled with stories of French Sadism. I wonder if the serpent bloodline and the cult of “Saint” Dionysius/Denis play a role.

Mostly, though, I wish I had something pleasant to reflect on. I feel things are getting better and I am 100% certain I will be released by April 15, but I am also quite down. Really, I’m tired. I’m tired of [WHAT ALL WN ARE TIRED OF] and this rotten America, and really, tired of America and its people themselves. I still cannot look forward and see a future. I have trouble desiring to continue in a world as wicked as this, right now. I continue because I will be able to think much more clearly after my release.

[COMMENT ABOUT THE MASSIVE TASK OF RESTORING KARMA DELETED HERE] Yet, the only other thing I have to sustain me is my daughter, and my ex-wife has made her gone.

And, what I love is when some fat redneck [official] assigned to censoring my mail calls this “crying.” Best to be a grey man. What should I do? Bellow threats? [NO, BILL.] I have no need of threats, or hot anger. My anger burns coldly among much sadness.

Speaking of karma, I was thinking of reading L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics – his blending of 18th Century Tantra with science fiction to create his bogus religion. I also have some cheap and damaged novels.

[Name withheld], just before I left, had sent me a Yule present of an article on Masonry and Tantra, which greatly sharpened my understanding of shakti and dharma in the Kali Yuga. It also gave me some thoughts on Masonry and the French Revolution. Tell her thank you for me if you get the chance.

I hope to be on phone and email by Friday. If so I will be in touch. If not, I will send out another round of letters next weekend. You can write back, if you like. In an ordinary week, I would be out and on an airlift – whether Monday or Wednesday, I don’t remember. With Christmas, who knows?

Hope all is well with you and stay in touch.



News from Bill in Canaan USP

December 30, 2012

Bill White wrote on December 21:


Right now I am back in USP Canaan awaiting a plane – probably next Wednesday – to Oklahoma City (that’s the day after Christmas).* I am quite ill, very tired and mildly injured – so I hope to get some rest tonight. At least its a big, mostly empty unit with little drama – better than Loretto. More like the first week at Loretto.



SIS came and talked to me this morning [snip]. Apparently, the reason my email has been messed up is that ADX Florence told Loretto I was corresponding with Hale through [anonymous blog-writer]. So, they were monitoring my email trying to catch me doing so. LOL. However, they found nothing. So, I am cleared.


I am also quite ill. [Respiratory infection signs and symptoms deleted, Bill was better in the next letter].

I am without phone or email for a week until I reach Oklahoma. Hope this holds you over with news until then. Things are looking up – though [another prisoner] says I’m facing 30-40 years. LOL – and I am still on track for a release soon – maybe early as February.

[Snip] and give my best to everyone I can’t. The AFP bunch bought presents for my daughter – who I also couldn’t call today – [personal remarks deleted here].

Write back – oh, and my mail is being held at Loretto for my return.



* Note – either because of Christmas or the weather, Bill did not get transported on the 26th. He is still in Canaan this weekend.

Bill had a bad cough the last time I talked to him on the phone. He said his voice was so changed that phone’s “voice recognition system” was not recognizing him.


I have another letter written Dec. 23 that I will be posting here soon. -americafarm


Some Recent Comments

December 28, 2012

1. Comment by Bill
Submitted on 2012/12/18 at 9:28 am

There is no Bill White book “Tradition of the Mother” on AFP. Has this book been published yet? It looks like he’s talked about this book for some time. Yet it is nowhere to be found. What gives?

Response by americafarm

For some reason this book bounced around among different publishers. It has been published by Poisoned Pen Publishing, not AFP. I don’t know anything about PPP but I am going to find out. If you go back a few posts you will find one about Bill White’s Legal Defense Fund at Poisoned Pen Publishing. For a $35 contribution you will get a free copy of Traditions of the Mother. The info is all there.

Poisoned Pen Press MIGHT be another of Willis Carto’s companies, I don’t know.

2. Comment by Elmer Frazier
Submitted on 2012/12/20 at 11:21 am

Judge Turk is reading each and everyone of these letters, and yes, it will extend Bill White’s prison term for violating the no contact with the internet clause of the conditions of his sentence. It’s also going to be used when Bill goes to Chicago to keep him in prison instead of a halfway house.

Response by americafarm

According to Bill, the “internet clause of conditions” is a thing of the past.

You probably hate Bill, but people who care about him also worry about these letters from prison and other writings, including me.

Bill White wrote on 12/12:

People should stop being “afraid” for me. If the government wants to hurt me, they do not need any reason, and there is nothing I can do to particularly provoke them or influence their behavior in any way. The best thing people can do is publish what I say and maintain ties between me and people who are not here, because that is the only way that may assist me.

3.Comment by Mxxxxxx Bxxxxxx (name, probably phony, withheld)
Submitted on 2012/12/18 at 5:11 am

We’ve know for a long time that Bill was a liar but he always seemed, while on the edge of insanity at times to be for the most part sane. With this letter I can see that Bill has gone over the threshold of insanity.

Response by americafarm

What part?

Just kidding. But, to tell you the truth, I’m hoping to get a phone call from Bill so I can hear from his voice that he is okay.

Bill White was sick earlier this month and taking some over the counter med.

Bill White wrote around December 12th:

I woke up choking about 3 am this morning, and it continued for about half an hour. But, I appear to have gone to medical right as I was snapping out of it, so I am starting to feel better, I think.

I am wandering about a bit in a daze, but sometimes I just space out like that normally, so I don’t think much of it. The dream world of is of dubious reality, and I am often merely an observer in it.

Letters from Bill White in Loretto

December 26, 2012

This letter was very short, with almost nothing “iffy” in it, so it gets posted first.

Bill White wrote on Dec. 14:

I’m sending you a second/rough draft of the Forward and Chapter one of Serpent’s Blood. Read it when you get a chance and give me your opinion. [Ha! I’m still trying to form an opinion of Centuries – americafarm]

The government right now is fighting me tooth and nail with nothing. The US Attorney’s Office – Patrick Hogeboom, the blowhard who once accused me of killing twenty people, in particular – is emailing Loretto obsessively, trying to obstruct my halfway house.

I did get the Rule 41 Response.* The government is making all sorts of wild claims – but the essence is that they seized and searched the property** without a warrant, and now want the Judge to rubber stamp that six months post facto. That’s not how the Fourth Amendment works. Also, they clearly have no real evidence [snip – Bill’s take on the evidence deleted]. What it all adds up to is that they have nothing – I’m not convinced they even have a crime – and so they are pursuing me because they have nothing better.

Enjoy the book. I’m still locked out of email today, and not sure how to fix it. Mail is still working, though – so we may be back to that.

Hope you are well.



Notes on the letter –

* I don’t know where to find details of this investigation and I don’t want to know unless Bill gets indicted.

** What they took from Bill in Mexico. I believe he is getting his personal belongings back in small batches.

[Sorry, the more I look at this next letter, the more I think, you better not post that. Could be repercussions. Those US Attorneys have me paranoid. So, here is just a bit of it.]

Bill White wrote on Dec. 15:

I’ve been sitting around contemplating the evil of the United States, and my own general agitation lately. I can feel plots being brewed against me. As long as they remain plots, I expect I shall be fine.


I just find it unusual I have no vision – rational or irrational – of what is coming. There is nothing troublesome on the horizon – empty threats from the government – their effort to create something out of a Mexican seizure that clearly, even with the best spin, isn’t there – this non-starting nonsense in Chicago. But, I suspect, something else is brewing. Something difficult – but not “bad” – to terminate this episode.


What I found most amusing lately is reference to my supposed “extreme” views – as if I had some view that could be plotted on some Jew’s chart – with the Hebrew at the reasonable medium, and me just an outlier. I am not in the same world as these illusions…

December 25th Update

December 25, 2012

Just to let the BOP inmate locator impaired know – Bill White was moved from Loretto on the 19th or shortly thereafter and he now is in USP-Canaan, Pennsylvania. He is on his way to Chicago to be sentenced for lawful activities.

Barring some disaster, I will be back tomorrow with a good, old-fashioned “letters from Bill” type post.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the readers of this blog!

From the BOP site:

The United States Penitentiary-Canaan is a high security institution housing male inmates, with a satellite camp that houses male minimum security inmates.

The facility is located in the most northeastern county in Pennsylvania, 20 miles east of Scranton, and 134 miles north of Philadelphia.

Judicial District:: Middle Pennsylvania

Letter from Bill White to Alex Linder, December 13, 2012

December 17, 2012

Reposted from the Bill White thread on VNN:

DECEMBER 13, 2012

Hello Alex:

I thought I’d write because not to write is to slowly go insane in here — particularly as my emails are only getting out at once a day — or, every few days — as the censors permit.

Thank you for allowing those helping with the American Free Press fundraiser to post on your site. I have no idea why the American Free Press believes my case has something to do with collecting rent from tenants* — I think it’s because no one can believe I’m in prison for the reasons I’m actually in prison. But, I just finished Harold Covington’s Freedom’s Sons, and, what I think people don’t realize is that, as funny as Covington is, his books are not satire — America really is the bizarre and satired land he portrays. The enemy is not just the Jews who have corrupted America, the enemy is America itself — and the democratic system America represents. And, there is no peaceful or law-abiding solution, because there is neither peace nor true laws here — we have only the violence oft he “government” of a degenerate mob — and both government and mob must be met in kind.

The Bureau of Prisons — for those following my case — has taken away my planned halfway house release. Their excuse seems to be this Chicago thing. I may try to get transferred there and sentenced (almost certainly to time served) in order to make sure my April 15 release date holds — as well as anything here holds. The only real good news is that the government did not oppose my motion for return of property in Miami — meaning they cannot be too serious about whatever they claimed to have been investigating in Orlando. There is nothing I can foresee which would stop that release date, if I can get sentenced.

The only other important thing I’ve done lately — and dealing with this apparently very mentally ill individual I’m rooming with has been eating up my time and keeping me from anything important — is determine that, despite the Da Vinci Code / Holy Blood, Holy Grail forgeries — and, to my great disappointment, those genealogies appear to be forgeries — the Merovingian bloodline did survive — in at least three houses of Saxon England — Kent, Northumbria and Wessex — and, eventually, Saxon England and Scotland — meaning that the bloodline runs as Masonic mythology would predict — into Aethelstan and Edwin and then the Scottish Aethlings. The key is the marriage of Charibert’s daughter Bertha into the line of Kent — not the bizarre Dagobert II theory.

Also, interestingly, according to a 1972 book, A Jewish Principality in Southern France, the Courts** of Raix/Rais/Razes were Jewish — and their descendant, William of Raix, Joan of Arc’s buddy, is one of the Middle Ages’ most notorious child-killers, sadists and occult serial killers. I don’t believe the assertion that the line is Jewish is correct at this point — the book seems, without a deep investigation, spurious — but I found that connection interesting.

My new book (all this reminds me) Tradition of the Mother, on the demonic cult of YHWH which became Judaism, is now in print – it’s being sold in the AFP fundraiser. About $20-25 a book (out of $30) is going to offset my latest, $30,000 legal bill (pushing $300,000 overall), so — please help me sell 1500 copies ;-D

Other than all this, I’m dealing with the fact I’m living with this mentally ill guy who often runs around gossiping about things that have allegedly happened to him and to me that are completely in his imagination — for instance, people will stop and ask if I’m “okay” after alleged problems between me and others that never happened, or say they heard about conversations that never took place.

You meet many strange people in jail — and guys like this, who, on the street, are conmen, but who find their bizarre cons don’t fly well under constant observation — do pop up on occasion. Another guy in this room got popped from taking up to $20,000 a hit from people by claiming he was a lawyer — which he wasn’t.

I spend my days researching, walking (in the fresh but cold air), dealing with nonsense, and contemplating how sad it is that a world which was clearly once filled with beauty — and could be again, if man would only cleanse it — has degenerated into the multicultural cesspool “civilization” has become. I realize more and more that, as much as I enjoy the world’s occasional and simple beauties — crisp air, mountains, quiet solitude — I have little desire to continue in a world as dominated by evil as I know this one to be. Either the evil must go, or I must go — and, I suspect I am the much weaker party of the two, and the more likely — in this stage of decadence — to be leaving.

“To live well and to die well,” as Plutarch notes — and, having failed the former, I (for now, patiently awaiting release) contemplate the latter.

I hope you are well, and your illness has moderated. Stay in touch. Write back if you like — as long as you keep posting, I will know and continue writing.



William A White #13888-084
Federal Correctional Institution – Loretto
PO Box 1000
Loretto, PA 15940


* The Bill White’s Legal Defense fundraising ad that is running in AFP newspaper has been corrected now. If you are on the AFP email list, you might have gotten the corrected ad with the ad for Bill’s new book and the Donation Form. You get a free book with a $35 donation. (Bill likes the cover they gave his book!)

** I think that might be “Counts” not “Courts”. Doesn’t make much difference, though.

*** Although Bill made it sound on the phone like it was almost certain that he WAS going to Chicago this week, he has a tendency to announce things pre-maturely. He is eager to be moved to Chicago, as he sees it as a stepping stone to a halfway house.

As to Bill’s research – he does not have normal internet access in prison. Federal inmates get email access, that is all. Bill’s email has been very, very screwed up for weeks.

Bill White is going to Chicago next week

December 14, 2012

That’s the plan, anyway. He’ll be leaving Loretto on the next transport out. He expects to be sentenced in the first two weeks of January. He believes Judge Adelman will give him time served, and then Bill will return to Loretto and from there go into a halfway house to finish his supervised release violation sentence.

As always, there is still a mysterious investigation going on somewhere, perhaps in Virginia. According to Bill, a US Attorney is stalking him and sending emails to Loretto every day telling them to hold Bill because they are investigating. No detainers, no writs.

Hopefully, I will get on PACER over the weekend and find out what has been going on in Court.

As Bill sees it, he is getting the sentencing out of the way so he can get to the half-way house, eventually. Otherwise, he would have to stay in prison until his appeal is heard by the Supreme Court.

There’s actually a glitch in all this, it seems to me. What has the sentencing in Chicago got to do with the investigation in Virginia? Nothing. So, how will getting the sentencing in Chicago out of the way clear it so Bill can get into the halfway house?

I don’t know!

More, later.

Bill White’s Legal Defense Fund at Poisoned Pen Publishing

December 11, 2012

Read the full page ad that is appearing in the Dec. 17th issue of American Free Press:

Click to access BillWhitefundraiser.pdf

(Sorry, can’t get the link code to work so you will have to cut and paste. WordPress is screwy sometimes.) The donation form and complete details are in the pdf file.

The ad has two errors that Bill would like clarified. The part about the evicted tenants in this ad is just plain wrong. Tenants have nothing to do with this case that Bill is taking to the Supreme Court, the “Matt Hale Juror Threat” case that was tried in Chicago. This is a free speech case, pure and simple.

The other error is the part about the government spending a million on informants to get Bill. Thousands would be more like it.

A few details from the ad:

For a $35 contribution to Poisoned Pen, you can get a free copy of Bill’s new book Tradition of the Mother. For a $50 contribution, you can have two free copies.

Make checks/money orders payable to Poisoned Pen Publishing.
(Checks must be drawn on a US bank.)

Send form to:
Poisoned Pen Publishing
PO Box 2770
Stafford, VA 22555

Thank you!

Note: It looks like Bill was a little pre-mature with the announcement recently made in a letter to Alex Linder that it would be the Foundation for Defense of the First Amendment that was helping him raise money. I will double check, but it sounds like that didn’t work out and Poisoned Pen (PPP) has taken over.

I think Bill White needs about $30,000 for this appeal.

Bill would like to thank the person who sent him the books on the Zulus and Brits. (Sorry, I need to look up exactly what Bill said.)

I know there are more thank yous from Bill to people that I have missed. Very sorry and I will be back in a day or two to with those.

Bill is having me add books to his wish list on amazon every day or so, but he says let the list build up. He has plenty of books right now that he is analyzing for his next book. It’s complicated stuff, but it sounds like it may turn out to be his most interesting and popular book yet.

(I believe he is very keen to read the Otto Rahn book “Crusade Against the Grail”, though!)

My thanks to everyone who reads this blog and to everyone who has helped Bill.

Sunday Update

December 2, 2012

Sorry I am doing quite lousy with the updates.

– Something is wrong with the Loretto prison email system, at least with Bill’s email, and if you are on his email and haven’t heard from him in a few days, that is why.

– Bill would like to say “Thank you!” to the person who sent him the St. Bede’s history book.

– Bill asked me to add The Chronicle of Fredegar to his amazon wish list. (Looks like there is only an expensive hardback edition in English.)
UPDATE – Also Isidore of Seville and Paulus of Diaconus.

– Bill was reading one of Harold Covington’s books last week, and he was enjoying it.
UPDATE – The book is Harold Covington’s latest novel Sons of Freedom.

– Bill is planning to take the Chicago case to the Supreme Court. He will be trying to raise money to pay the lawyer.

That’s all for now.