Bill White in Court Today

White, wearing shackles on his legs and an orange prison-issue jumpsuit, showed no emotion as the sentence was announced. But he winced as the judge said White’s wife told the court White spent too much time online, and again when the judge reviewed medical records that describe him as having a narcissistic personality disorder.

From the Chicago Sun-Times

A neo-Nazi who incited violence against a juror in a Chicago trial was sentenced to 3-1/2 years behind bars Wednesday by a federal judge who said the white supremacist “hasn’t developed respect for the law,” despite repeated run-ins with authorities.

William White, 35, of Roanoke, Va., used his extremist website to post the name, address and phone numbers of the foreman in the trial of Matthew Hale, a fellow white supremacist convicted of attempting to have Judge Joan Lefkow assassinated in 2005.

The juror was a “gay anti-racist … who played a key role in convicting Matt Hale,” White wrote on Sept. 11, 2008, listing the juror’s personal and professional contact details and writing that he lived with a black lover. White had claimed in another post on his website that everyone involved in the Hale case deserved to be assassinated.

When Lefkow’s husband and mother were killed by a disgruntled litigant unconnected to any hate group, White even wrote “Good for them!”

In court Wednesday, a balding, bespectacled White gave a half-hearted apology for “causing the situation that brings me here today.”

He asked Judge Lynn Adelman to give him credit for time he has already served for a series of similar threatening acts against a bank employee, a university professor and black plaintiffs who filed lawsuits in fair housing cases.

Saying he wanted to quietly raise his 5-year-old daughter in the mountains, White said he had sworn off his extremist political activities and just wanted the judge to “let me get on with my life.”

But Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Ferrara said, “The system of justice would collapse if regular citizens could not do their jury duty without fear of this type of reprisal.”

Though the juror in this case was physically unharmed, he and his partner lived in fear, Ferrara said, urging a sentence of 5 years.

Adelman noted that White had absconded to Mexico while on supervised release for an earlier conviction, sentencing him to 42 months, one month of which will be served concurrently to a prior sentence White is already serving.

White, wearing shackles on his legs and an orange prison-issue jumpsuit, showed no emotion as the sentence was announced. But he winced as the judge said White’s wife told the court White spent too much time online, and again when the judge reviewed medical records that describe him as having a narcissistic personality disorder.

One Response to “Bill White in Court Today”

  1. hmarkwa Says:

    Z0g is never going to let Mr. White go. They will keep trumping up charges.

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