Archive for March, 2013

Bill White on that Luciferian Light Coming from Jerusalem

March 30, 2013

It makes me squeamish to see author William White going on an apparently Vishnu-inspired rampage through the history of Christian Europe. I like it better when he talks about those supernatural creatures called ‘Ashkenazis’ and ‘Khazars.’ So, here is, I think, a very interesting bit from Chapter Two of Bill’s work in progress, Serpent’s Blood.

Bill White wrote:

In the Sefer Ha-Bahir, or “book of Brightness”, the Jews taught that history was centered on the Chosen People. In the Sefer Ha-Iyyun, or “Book of Speculation,” the Jews integrate the idea of Apollo or Lucifer as “light bringer,” stating that the Sefirot were light emitting from the deity, a precursor of the idea that the Jews are the “light unto nations” which Isaac Luria would postulate five centuries later. Moses ben Nahman, Nahmonides, (1195-1270), reinforced the Zoroastrian view by preaching that evil was real. The Sefer Ha-Temuna brought the Hindu notion of cyclic time to Judaism, preaching that the Torah had different meanings in different ages of the world. The idea of Shekina was borrowed from Tantric Shakti, and the notion of Metensomatosis* was borrowed from the Buddha. All of this came together, in a final form, about 1250, with the work of Isaac “the Blind” ben Abraham — who packaged it up and called it Kabbala. [check last date]

Kabbala was the beginning of what the Ashkenazi would call Zionism — the belief the Jews are a special people destined to rule the world from Jerusalem. It intersected nicely with the occultism of neo-Narozian Catholicism, and the emerging tactics of the Papal New World Order.

Both of these doctrines came north with the Troubadours, where they encountered an established Nordo-Germanic occultism — the ideology of the knightly orders, and particularly the Knights Templar…

* Metensomatosis – Latin, a change of body (by the soul), from the Ancient Greek according to Webster’s Dictionary, 1913.

It’s not generally known that many blacks in US prisons are Muslims of some sort. (Of course, all terrorists are Muslims, we know that!) At any rate, Bill has found some useful Muslim history stuff in the Chicago MCC prison library. LOL

Bill may be moving from Chicago MCC on Monday

March 29, 2013

Bill got a notice that he is being moved on Monday – to Loretto.

It will take a couple of weeks for him to get there. He expects to go back the way he came through Canaan and Oklahoma City.

Loretto is the best place to serve his time, not only because he has research material stored there, but because it is a regular prison where inmates are allowed to have more privileges, such as going outside. But Bill very much wants to go to Roanoke, first, to get Case No. 13 cr 00013 out of the way. (No hearings or deadlines filed on that case, as of the other day.) So, he has filed some more paperwork to get moved to Roanoke.

I think he expects to reach Loretto, if that is where he ends up, in the last week of April.

Bill has been sounding very, very good these last few weeks. Mostly, he talks about his research for The Serpent’s Blood. I’m going to post some bits of the book here. Also, he has proofread Centuries of Revolution (a little late), which, hopefully, will be coming out in a revised second edition.

Bill White at Work

March 23, 2013

Personally, I think authors should research their books first, and then, when they become experts on their subjects, start writing their books. However, what would I know? I haven’t written any books, and Mr. William A. White has written two and is working on number three.

Here is a list of the books/information Bill needs “to get through” Chapter 3 of Serpent’s Blood. Unfortunately, as he is waiting to be moved, this is not the best time to send him books, and when he gets to Roanoke he will not be allowed to have any books. So, this list is just Bill, thinking ahead. I plan to add these books to his amazon wish list when he gets somewhere he can have books.

Bill’s List

1) The details of the life of St. Denis/Dionysius from the 8th Century AD.
2) European nobility genealogy charts that he has written but he doesn’t have handy. Some are in storage at Loretto.
3) Julius Evola’s The Mystery of the Grail
4) Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Perceval
5) Chretian des Troyes Perceval
6) Iamblichus De Mysteriis Egyptianis
7) Volumes 3 and 4 of the Cambridge Medieval History
8) St. Augustine’s City of God
9) Dionysus Areopagite
10) A Jewish Principality in Southern France
11) Something on the 11th Century Popes, or a general history of the Papacy
12) Otto Rahn’s Court of Lucifer

Bill also would like to have a copy of the book “Lizard King” about the Obama White House. As far as I know, that is only available as an ebook.

I thought it was funny when Bill was writing essays on Jewish Mythology, but I don’t find it so amusing now that he is writing about Catholics. Bill believes that the fact that he refused to go to Sunday School when he was a kid gives him a special advantage when writing about religion. That is doubtful, in my opinion. However, the only two books on this list that I have read (er, skimmed through) are no. 6 and no. 8, therefore, I look forward to find out what [Judas Priest] Bill White comes up with in Serpent’s Blood.

Bill White on his sentence and the Motion for a Speedy Trial

March 22, 2013

Breaking my rule here and printing a letter from Bill.


Hello all:

My release date has now been re-set, again, to November 12, 2015.

This is actually better than I thought it would be by four months, so that is something. If the BOP follows it standard procedure, I will be released, or will be eligible for release, on May 12, 2015 — six months earlier than that date. (Technically, I could receive another six months, and be released November 12, 2014, but this is unlikely for a number of reasons that are boring and bureaucratic.)

This is also not as terrible as it seems, as there are currently three proceedings pending (appeals and the like) that may reduce that sentence to anything up to immediate release. (Though there is also one proceeding pending that would extend that release date as well).

So, sometime in the next two years, I should be out. That’s all I know for now. LOL.



Regarding US v. White, Case No. 13 cr 00013, Fourth Circuit

Read Document 5, Motion for a Speedy Trial at

Excerpt from Document 5:

Comes Now the Defendant, William A. White, and moves this Court to grant him Speedy Trial…

[List of facts regarding the Speedy Trial law. 1 – 4 and 9 deleted here.]

… 5) 18 USC -3161 (h)(l)(F) states that “any time consumed in excess of ten days “from the time a Defendant becomes available for transport to the date of his arrival in the district of prosecution” shall be presumed to be unreasonable.”

6) 10 days from February 20, 2013 was March 3, 2013.

7) As of March 17, 2013, there was no indication the US Marshals or Bureau of Prisons intended to transport the Defendant in the near future.

8) While the delay is presumptively unreasonable, the Defendant is also suffering prejudice, namely:

a) The United States was not prepared to bring this indictment to trial on February 7, 2013 and is gaining a strategic advantage by delaying trial.

b) The formal appointment of the Defendant’s counsel is being delayed, potentially allowing the United States to monitor communications between the defendant and his presumptive counsel.

… For these reasons, the Defendant moves this Court to grant him Speedy Trial and to begin tolling the 70-day period to bring this case to trial March 3, 2013, or to dismiss the indictment for failure to prosecute pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 48.

Respectfully submitted,

William A. White #13888-084
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 W. Van Buren St
Chicago, IL 60605

New Release Date

March 19, 2013

Bill White’s new release date:

Inmate Locator –
Name Register # Age-Race-Sex Release Date Location
WILLIAM A WHITE 13888-084 35-White-M 11-12-2015 CHICAGO MCC

I know Bill WAS talking about getting out in June or July just recently. He has about four court proceedings pending that may affect this date, including the Roanoke threats case.

I’m totally not up for this situation of Bill staying in prison and trying to write books while he is in there. God must send a natural disaster to Chicago causing all the prisoners to be released and allowing Bill to disappear into the chaos. I wish. (If Bill could disappear, he would not have been arrested in Mexico…)

March 15, 2013

They left Bill White at the May release date so long, I began to think, maybe the Judge was pulling a weird Willie Wonka (Gene Wilder version) mind game on Bill, and Bill really was going to be released in May, but no. The other day the BOP changed his status to release date unknown.

Name Register # Age-Race-Sex Release Date Location

There is nothing new on the wife threats case. Speculation on the missing documents two and three – they are probably search warrants. Speculation on why the search warrants are not posted – feds are looking for more people to draw into a conspiracy to threaten.

Then again, no deadlines or hearings have been set for this case, 7:13-cr-00013-JCT. So, maybe these charges are a tactic to keep Bill in prison indefinitely. (Which is what I thought they would do when they arrested him back in June last year.)

Sorry for the abrupt ending. I am tired and run down today.

Update on the 2255

March 12, 2013

Bill is still in Chicago, waiting to be moved to Roanoke for trial on the wife threats charge.

Bill was very upbeat last week because the government filed their response to his 2255 and they did not contest Bill’s main points.

First, the government does not contest that his counsel was ineffective.

Second, the government does not contest that his appeal would have had a materially different outcome had his counsel been effective.

(These are the two criteria of Strickland v. Washington, so “winning” those points is, hopefully, half the battle.)

Third, the government did not contest that his counsel had been improperly influenced into not filing his appeal.

The only issue the government is contesting is whether or not Bill has a right to a “discretionary appeal.”

Looks like Bill has to file a response to the government, then it goes to Judge Turk.

Matthew Hale loses in appeals court

March 8, 2013

Poor Matt Hale.



I sent this article, below, to Bill. I’m sure he will spit his coffee when he gets to the part about “one of Hale’s followers, William White.” Bill is not a Creator and he never was. (I like that name, Creator. Sort of like Believer, only better.)

I think it was said at Bill’s trial in Chicago that young ANSWP member Phil Anderson (who may or may not run the Black Peoria blog) grew up living next door to Matt in East Peoria. Small world.

Courthouse News Service March 7, 2013
Racist Who Plotted Death of Judge Loses Appeal

CHICAGO (CN) – A white supremacist who solicited the death of a federal judge will stay in prison, the 7th Circuit ruled, tossing a collateral attack of his convictions.

Matthew Hale had been the leader of a white supremacist group known as the Creativity Movement. The group was originally called the World Church of the Creator until it lost a trademark battle over the name in 2002.

When U.S. District Judge Joan Lefkow entered the trademark injunction, Hale placed a contract on her life by telling the movement’s “head of security” to kill the judge. [“HEAD OF SECURITY” = AN INFORMANT WEARING A RECORDING DEVICE WHO APPEARED UNEXPECTEDLY AT HALE’S DOOR ONE NIGHT AND PITCHED THE PLOT.]

Though the Creativity Movement declares itself nonviolent, jurors convicted Hale of soliciting a crime of violence and obstructing justice. The 7th Circuit affirmed his conviction in 2006.

In a collateral attack under 28 U.S.C. ยง2255, Hale argued that the trial judge violated the U.S. Constitution by excluding him from the portion of the jury selection that dealt with pretrial publicity. Hale also claimed that his attorney, whom he later discharged to proceed pro se, had provided ineffective assistance.

The 7th Circuit was unsympathetic, rejecting both arguments in a 10-page opinion.

Before trial, U.S. District Judge James Moody called members of the venire into a small conference room to question them about their familiarity with Hale, who had received press attention after praising a man who shot at least 11 members of minority groups in 1999.

Hale never formally consented to this format of questioning, though his lawyer told Moody otherwise.

Before the 7th Circuit, Hale argued that he never consented. Arguing that a lawyer cannot consent to questioning the venire outside the presence of the accused on behalf of his client, he deemed the jury selection unconstitutional.

But the appeals court declined to review Hale’s claim, ruling that it had been “doubly defaulted.” Hale, who is a law school graduate, was aware of the procedures at trial and did not protest. He also failed to raise the issue on direct appeal.

The court also rejected Hale’s ineffective assistance of counsel claims.

Hale argued that his Sixth Amendment rights suffered because his trial counsel used peremptory challenges to strike white members of the venire rather than black members, who may have held Hale’s racist views against him.

The 7th Circuit noted, however, that Supreme Court precedent from the 1986 case Batson v. Kentucky forbids lawyers from exercising challenges on racial grounds.

“Far from holding that defense lawyers must defy Batson whenever evasion would be in the interest of the defense, we have held that racially motivated challenges constitute ineffective assistance, even when the lawyer sincerely believes that removing jurors of a particular race or sex would help the defendant,” Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote for the panel.

Hale’s trial lawyer “should be praised, not condemned, for resisting the temptation to use race as the basis of challenges,” the ruling states.

“Hale was entitled to trial by a fair cross-section of the whole community, not just that subset of the community that the Creativity Movement favors,” Easterbrook wrote. “Hale’s hatred of blacks did not entitle him to an all-white jury.”
The panel also rejected Hale’s second ineffective-assistance argument – that his trial attorney should have conceded that Hale instructed a Movement member to kill someone while arguing that the intended target was not Judge Lefkow.

“Trial counsel did not have much room for maneuver, and trying to show that Hale’s ambiguous statements had been misunderstood was the best of the available choices,” Easterbrook wrote. “The approach that current counsel prefers – defending against a contract-murder charge but disputing the identity of the target – was unlikely to appeal to jurors.”

Finding that the District Court had sufficiently addressed Hale’s other arguments, the appeals court affirmed the rest of the judgment.

One of Hale’s followers, William White, has previously appeared before the 7th Circuit on related charges. Five years after Hale was convicted of soliciting Lefkow’s murder in 2003, White was indicted for posting online threats aimed at the jury foreperson in Hale’s trial.

White posted the name, address, phone number and a photo of the juror, who is a former assistant dean at the Northwestern School of Education and Social Policy, under the title “The Juror Who Convicted Matt Hale.”

Finding White’s speech protected under the First Amendment, a federal judge later dismissed the indictment, but the 7th Circuit reversed that decision in June 2010.

After a jury convicted White, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman acquitted him, causing the government to again appeal the case to the 7th Circuit.

In October 2012, the federal appeals court reinstated White’s conviction, noting that “although First Amendment speech protections are far-reaching, there are limits.” [FOR PEOPLE WE DON’T LIKE]

Updates on the Appeals, etc.

March 5, 2013

I don’t understand this, but I see that the BOP Inmate Locator now gives Bill’s release date as 5-17-2013.

Name Register # Age-Race-Sex Release Date Location
WILLIAM A WHITE 13888-084 35-White-M 05-17-2013 CHICAGO MCC

Bill’s always talking about some disputed time he served or didn’t serve. Then again, sometimes PACER has little goofs, maybe the date will be changed back. Where’s the recent 42 month sentence? I’m guessing they just haven’t entered it yet.

Speaking of the recent hearing, from what I read in the papers, I thought the Judge basically said, in so many words, “You have a bad character, you have to stay in prison.” But, I’m told, it was nothing like that. The papers didn’t report the full story (they never do.) When the transcript of the hearing is available, I will try to get it posted.

Bill sent letters to VNN Forum and to Harold Covington’s Thoughtcrime blog after the hearing, letters which I’m not going to repost here.

The letter sent to HAC sounds bit unhinged to me, but, I got a letter myself the other day that was quite normal – same old Bill. By the way, I don’t think Bill is getting “diesel therapy”, I think he is getting the same crummy treatment all BOP prisoners get when they are moved from one facility to another.

Updates on the appeals.

1. Bill’s appeal on the Chicago/7th Circuit case went to the Supreme Court the last week in February. What is this about? According to Bill, no other circuit in the US recognizes solicitation in a case like Bill’s.

Case no. 12-1062
William White, Petitioner
United States
Docketed: February 28, 2013
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
Case Nos.: (11-2150, 11-2209)
Decision Date: October 26, 2012
Rehearing Denied: December 3, 2012

There is supposed to be a brief on PACER somewhere, but I have not seen it and I am told it is the size of book.

It will be six months to a year before the Supreme Court comes to a decision.

2. The 2255, Motion to vacate, set aside or correct sentence. What is this about?

In March 2012 the Fourth Circuit (Roanoke) ruled it could not rule on Bill’s appellate issues in panel, and had to have a hearing en banc. Two Judges (Duncan and Floyd) endorsed this position.

Bill’s Fourth Circuit appellate lawyer was hired to file the en banc petition and a writ of certioari. She did not do this. (Ineffective assistance of counsel). Defendant “BW” alleges this failure to file was due to willful malice.

Anyway, Bill’s Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were violated, as he did not get his right to an appellate review of his convictions.

Bill wants his sentence set aside.

Hopefully, this will be resolved in May or June, in Bill’s favor, of course, by the kindly Judge Turk.

3. The phone threats to wife case, No. 13 cr 13.

Bill sent a letter (Document 4) to the court denying the charges and asking for Paul Beers to be appointed as his lawyer.

This case is strange. I’ve seen indictments where the agent takes the complaint and then goes out to investigate and then reports what he finds. The investigation is missing from Document One! Document Two and Three were missing from the docket when I was there looking for them. Bill’s cases tend to be a stream of letters from Bill to the court, but this is weird. However, if the Judge (Turk) throws the charges out, Bill will explain everything. Ha-ha!