Bill White: SHUed Again

Bill White wrote:

Please tell people to write. I can only send 3 letters on Wednesday, but I read them all week long… I can take isolation, but a a week of it starts to wear on your mind – and mail is all that cheers me up.


Got a letter from Bill dated April ninth. Things have certainly gone from bad to worse for him. As someone suggested earlier, it was that phone interview with Dave Gahary that got him in trouble, that is, stuck in the SHU again. Bill says he has a right to communicate with the media, but a prison official is threatening to write him up for it, and Bill thinks he could have his email and phone privileges suspended until (if and when) he gets to the Roanoke City Jail. I hope that is not true.

He has given up trying to plot where he will go and what will come next in prison life. That’s a big change. Last time he was in prison he used to work out elaborate scenarios with all the percentages figured for things that never came true.

Bill had a strange roommate in the SHU that claimed to be a Navy Seal and who wanted to talk about ex-wives. Bill suspected an informer. When the cellie was moved, he left behind a sack of the same allergy tablets that made Bill go screwy in the head the first time he was in prison. Too weird.

He is studying the New Testament with strange results. If you thought Tradition of the Mother was a whirlwind tour of gods and myths, the chapter from new book that he sent me makes Tradition look slow.

Bill asks that people write to his very lonely self. Looks like he will be in OKC for another week, so a letter mailed today (4-16) or tomorrow should get to him.

Finally, Bill says “Thank you!” to everyone that is helping him.

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