“Do you know Bill White?”

Update: Bill has been moved to FCI Petersburg, VA. Don’t know how many days or weeks he will be there, but the address to write to Bill is:

Wiliam A. White 13888-084
P.O. BOX 1000

You can track Bill’s future movements within the BOP at http://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/pem/index.jsp

It may not or may not be updated there when he is moved from Petersburg to the Roanoke City Jail (not a BOP facility.) As far as I know, the only way to find out if someone is being held at the RCJ is to call the jail. Apparently, there are hoops to go through or long lines or something that make it hard for people to get in to visit at RCJ, if you are planning to visit Bill, call first and see if he can have visitors and what the hours and rules are.

Got my first chance to use “The five words” the other day. Nothing of note happened at my “opportunity” and I am not the only one to be visited in recent days. “Just routine,” as they say in the movies.

(Pick up book I forgot I bought from pile on floor and open to random page, find this.)


“Whether true or not, [Communist Party member and writer Bela] Iles’ own story of how he escaped arrest is highly characteristic of the atmosphere of the times: “When Bela Kuhn ‘disappeared,’ I, too, was summoned. ‘Do you know Bela Kuhn?’ they asked me. ‘Of course, I know him.’ I replied. ‘After all, I was his secretary.’ My sincerity surprised the Soviet comrades no end. They had interviewed most of Kun’s best friends, but, without exception, these had repudiated him, declaring that they had not seen him for years, that they had always known him to be an enemy, etc. My open and above-board answer surprised them so much that they thought I was crazy and let me go …” – Thomas Aczel and Tibor Meray, The Revolt of the Mind, (Thames and Hudson, London, 1959) p. 16.


Yesterday’s event has sparked a little domestic crisis around here that has been brewing since I started this blog. This blog is closed for the time being. Sorry to all who are following Bill’s trials and very sorry for Bill. Working on some ideas to keep things going in perhaps a limited form or perhaps a major re-incarnation.

I have a history of saying I’m not going to blog this or that anymore, and then I do. Bloggers LIKE to blog. However, I think this time is different.

Next post for myself will probably be when the Roanoke trial is over, unless new charges have been brought. (Thinking – I should add, against Bill, not against ME!)

2 Responses to ““Do you know Bill White?””

  1. Anonymous except to NSA Says:

    Thanks for the update Harold Covington (we know it’s you, right down to your cache phrases. And we know you have been a snitch since the 80s…… I’m sure you gave them EVERYTHING you know

    • americafarm Says:

      I looked into this snitch story the other day, and from the sources sited by the people who say Harold Covington was a snitch, the story is that HAC talked to an undercover agent and told him some stuff that got another guy arrested. What HAC is supposed to have said was that this guy was a “gunfighter” and had killed some policemen. (I think it was policemen.) So the FBI started an investigation on that guy. From the record, it sounds to me like the agent was undercover, Harold did not know he was an agent, and Harold (not very smartly) was bragging to him about this gun-fighter. I know there is a lot more weird stuff about HAC, but, as far at that particular story goes, it doesn’t quite hold up, that was my impression. If someone has looked into this matter and written it up in detail, I would like to see the article, whatever side it takes.

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