Archive for the ‘Activist’ Category

Ron Paul Story in Bill White’s National Socialist Magazine, February 2008

March 23, 2012

Three page article with photos from the suppressed Journal of the American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP)

Meet the New Fraud, the Myth of the Manchurian Candidate (and How We Have Been Fooled Again)

ANSWP magazine Ron Paul

Bill White's National Socialist magazine


“Who Were the Hittites?” by William White, The Barnes Review, Mar/April 2012

March 3, 2012

TBR 2012

March/April 2012 Volume XVIII Number 2
Who Were the Hittites?
By William White

A great Indo-European civilization ruled Anatolia (in Asia Minor) for centuries, and it spread all the way to northern Syria. But this great Aryan civilization was virtually forgotten for three millennia, until rediscovered in the 1800s…

During the great migration of the Indo-European peoples off of the Central Asian plains, a branch of the Indo-Iranian family shot out into Anatolia—modern Turkey—and founded an empire that would last a millennium, and which would profoundly reflect both the Nordo-Germanic culture of which it was a part, and influence the development of Classical Greek, and thus Western, civilization. Yet the culture of the Hittites was buried for millennia in the mountains of what today is central Turkey.

Read the entire article as PDF:

Some links from recent posts

January 24, 2012

Lexington’s Lee and Jackson Day Confederate Parade

American Free Press article on Roanoke, VA
Original article

Dan Casey’s blog post at The Roanoke Times

Bill White writes to Dan Casey.

More Bill White Essays

SPLC (C for carpetbaggers) article on Bill White:

Bill White Sighting at Lexington, VA Lee-Jackson Day Parade?

January 20, 2012

Roanoke Times
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jewish-Owned Media doesn’t like White Heritage Celebration in Lexington

While 300 marchers saw Saturday’s event as a celebration of their heritage, one anti-white man hatefully described it as “close to a [Ku Klux] Klan rally as you’ll see in America this year.”
By Tonia Moxley

Civil War re-enactors carrying Confederate flags turn out Saturday for Lexington’s annual Lee-Jackson Day parade. Parade participants far outnumbered spectators.

As Main Street in Lexington is filled with re-enactors and Confederate flags Saturday, David Compton holds a Martin Luther King Jr. sign.

Lee-Jackson Day in Lexington
Photo gallery
See more photos from Lexington’s celebration of Lee-Jackson Day
LEXINGTON — About 300 Confederate re-enactors and enthusiasts marched on a subfreezing Saturday morning down Lexington’s Main Street to celebrate Virginia’s Lee-Jackson holiday, and to protest a city ordinance that bars the display of Confederate flags on public light poles.

Marchers far outnumbered spectators, fewer than 100 of whom gathered to watch the parade. Most carried or wore Confederate flags, but stood beneath U.S. flags erected by the city. [See photos of the event.]

A banner strung across the street proclaimed: “Lexington celebrates diversity. Thank you, Dr. King!” in celebration of Monday’s federal Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

“Whose diversity are they talking about?” asked Don Saunders of Greensboro, N.C., and Sons of Confederate Veterans member. “What about me?”

Saunders said he was dressed in the uniform of a Confederate private in honor of an ancestor, Lauchlin J. McLean, who enlisted in the Southern army in 1864, and was captured and imprisoned by Union forces in a battle near Wilmington.

“We’re not asking them to fly it [the Confederate battle flag] every day of the week,” Saunders said.

But, the 30-year member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans asked, why not on this weekend?

The holiday celebrates the January birth dates of Confederate officers Gen. Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, both of whom have ties to Lexington and are buried in the city.

Carl Singley, a re-enactor from Mebane, N.C., and United Methodist minister called Lee “the fourth part of the trinity. We revere this man,” he said.

Singley, a veteran Army chaplain who said he served in Vietnam and in the first Gulf War, called Confederate soldiers patriots fighting to defend their homes and communities from invasion.

Most were not, Singley said, fighting to preserve slavery. And today’s re-enactors are “glad there’s no slavery,” he said.

Lee-Jackson Day has long been an official state holiday in Virginia, and state employees are given that day off. A few other Southern states celebrate similar Confederate history days.

This year’s celebration in Lexington — more than usual — mixed history and modern politics as many marched to protest the city’s flags and banners ordinance. It prohibits the display of flags other than the national, state and Lexington city flags from public light pole standards.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Virginia Division, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Roanoke on Thursday against the city claiming that the ordinance violates the organization’s constitutional rights and a previous court order.

The ordinance was passed last year after complaints about Confederate flags flying from public poles that many said tarnished the city’s reputation and made blacks and others feel unwelcome.

The ordinance also bars other flags previously flown from the same standards, including the flags of Washington and Lee University and Virginia Military Institute, both in Lexington, and three student fraternities.

It does not affect flags flown on private property, including a handful of businesses along Main Street that displayed the Confederate flag Saturday.

Sprinkled among the Confederate flags and period attire seen in the parade were other historical slogans recently adopted by anti-government activists — some banners read “Sic Semper Tyrannis” and “Don’t tread on me!”

The divisions that brought the country to Civil War 150 years ago can still be found on the streets of Lexington.

On one side Saturday stood former Roanoker Bill White, a self-avowed white supremacist released last year after serving time in federal prison on charges of threatening, intimidating and encouraging violence against blacks, Jews and others who disagree with his views.

On the other side stood self-described Occupy Wall Street protester David Compton of Lexington, who held a large painting of King that read “One for all.”

Compton said he respects the memory of Lee and Jackson, whom he called honorable men. But, he said Saturday’s gathering was as “close to a [Ku Klux] Klan rally as you’ll see in America this year.”

“Now that we’ve got them all together,” Compton said of the Confederate enthusiasts, “let’s throw a net over them and drop them off at the county line. †Hopefully they’ll just keep marching to Appomattox and surrender again.”

Overhead, a small airplane flew trailing a banner that read [IN BROKEN ENGLISH]: “Shame on Lexington honor Lee & Jackson.”


Photo of the parade here –

Roanoke, VA – Model of American Economic Collapse

January 16, 2012

Update, January 19, 2012

Jan 17 – Dan Casey posts a letter from Bill White responding to Dan’s blog post about the recent Roanoke article in American Free Press.

Jan 13 – Dan Casey and some of his readers comment on the recent Roanoke article in American Free Press:

Comments on the article”

2.Hmmm, I know I used to see a lot of cross-dressers on Salem Ave, but that’s been forever ago. Where are all the prostitutes at now?Comment by A Beasley — January 13, 2012 @ 5:24 pm

3.A Beasley, You need to hang out more in Bill White’s environs (West End). I’d bet he wrote that Roanoke-attack piece, but he probably couldn’t put his name on it because he’s banned from posting on the internet (or something like that) as a condition of his probation. He almost ran afoul of that ban when they published “How I was tortured.” Comment by Dan Casey — January 13, 2012 @ 5:32 pm

4.Try getting a seat in a restaurant on the weekends and then try to sell the “Roanoke is crumbling” line.Comment by Kristen — January 13, 2012 @ 5:35 pm

6.Roanoke? Hell… Detroit. Comment by Other John — January 13, 2012 @ 7:05 pm

7.As I was reading the excerpt I was thinking to myself that this sound like some sort of neo-nazi crap. Funny to see that confirmed. Comment by RightWing — January 13, 2012 @ 7:12 pm

8.OJ, welcome back! Comment by Dan Casey — January 13, 2012 @ 7:13 pm

9.Never really went anywhere…just lurked a bit. It’s been an emotionally and physically exhausting week. My wife’s grandmother passed Tuesday after a long battle with several different problems, and the funeral was today.

But seriously, if that was Bill White’s writings, it would make sense. Roanoke is relatively vibrant, compared to a lot of places. A true sign of the economic funk really is around the 313. Huge tracts of former neighborhoods totally bulldozed or littered with burned out shells of homes. Fire stations, schools, libraries, factories, and stores empty and boarded up all over the west side. Talks of major contraction of services because the tax base is gone and can no longer support some basic needs. No national-branded grocery stores within city limits. Rampant crime, especially gang-related. I love that city, but man has it taken a beating. Comment by Other John — January 13, 2012 @ 9:48 pm

31.American Free Press article is likely by Bill White. All the buzzwords fit with his philosophy. Here is an update on him from the SPLC
Comment by M. J. — January 15, 2012 @ 6:52 am

More links:


Don’t know if Bill White wrote this, but it sounds like him, especially those last two paragraphs, ha-ha!

Somebody ought to write an article: “Why don’t the doctors in America look American?”

America Sleeps While Cities, Middle Class Disintegrate
January 13, 2012 dave

By the Staff at AFP

The streets of Roanoke, Va. are a model of American economic collapse. Driving through the downtown, one passes abandoned storefronts with “for rent” signs in the windows, some of those signs old and curling from the long vacancies. Leaving the downtown in one direction, one comes to hundred-year-old housing, much of it abandoned, and city street corners crowded with prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers. Leaving in another direction, one passes the city’s crumbling passenger railway station and blocks of abandoned warehouses. Down the major commercial strip, one can see an abandoned shopping center and the row of abandoned stores that border it. Whatever direction one takes, one sees a city that is white and poor and desperate for a type of change that Barack Obama has been unable to deliver.

Roanoke is a city that was built by the railroad, and, until the 1970s, was run by the railroad and the industries, particularly coal, that depended on rail to bring their goods to American consumers. It is the only city with a population approaching 100,000 within 100 miles, and it is the banking, medical and commercial center of the Blue Ridge mountains. But its banking and medical industries don’t employ native Southern whites – they import doctors, often Jews from New York and New Jersey and Hindus from India, who live in a clustered and secluded part of South Roanoke around Carillion’s Memorial Hospital, and who view the native whites as peasants to serve and exploit.

The discrepancy in income and class has found expression in city politics, where a recent mayor, Nelson Harris, once suggested Roanoke build itself by promoting a tourist industry that would provide minimum-wage service jobs to its largely unemployed white population. During the peak of the credit boom in the middle of the first decade of this century, Roanoke’s unemployment rate was over 8 percent, with another 7 percent of the population living primarily on government handouts—leaving about one out of three households without a single employed adult. And while the city’s population was declining until the past decade, when the federal government resettled a large number of immigrants from the poorest African countries in Roanoke’s decaying neighborhoods, the city was overwhelmingly, and is still, majority white.

The collapse of Roanoke mirrors the collapse of the American economy as a whole. In the mid-1970s, the heavy industry which had provided living wages to a largely uneducated white population began to be shipped overseas to Southern and Eastern Asia, a trend which accelerated during the Reagan administration, when interest manipulations combined with deindustrialization to destroy the agricultural base that supported the five sparsely populated countries that surround Roanoke itself. People began to leave the Roanoke area, and the city’s population fell from over 100,000 to 92,000 in 2000, with about 110,000 living in suburban Roanoke County, and perhaps 50,000 more in the five counties surrounding it.

In 2008, with the election of Barack Obama, a slew of extreme left-wing Democrats rode the president’s coattails into office, and Roanoke followed the nation’s trend. But the election of a group of out-of-touch fringe activists, while hailed by the local newspaper, owned by a large publishing company financed from New York, did little to improve the city. Shortly after the 2008 election, one of [Mayor David] Bowers’s running mates, Alfred Dowes, Jr., was convicted of federal corruption charges for accepting bribes, and as 2012 dawns, more than one out of three of the manufacturing jobs that used to employ men have fled the Roanoke River Valley.

Now, the city stagnates, as its mayor, a homosexual who tries to keep his problem quiet, spends city funds investing in more trees, citing a study saying that Roanoke is contributing to global warming by not recycling the carbon dioxide it produces. While millions go into the eco-fantasies of the privileged Yankee élite that live in isolation from the city’s working poor, those poor neighborhoods crumble, and Roanoke’s poor whites continue to suffer.

Posted in: National News

Source: American Free Press,


National Socialist Workers / ANSWP flyers, four examples

December 4, 2011

Anti-Zionist Cartoon

The ADL, America’s Greatest Enemy

NuShawn Williams

Diversity, Is It Really Our Strength?

These flyers sent in by Neal Joitke –

Click the “ANSWP” link in the column on the right for more on ANSWP.

Note: Sorry for the huge size of the flyers; they appeared to upload at a good viewing size. I’ll have to figure out how to scale them down. – americafarm

Bill White on Frazier Glenn Miller AKA Rounder

October 25, 2011

This old article comes to you by way of Hadding’s site at:

Hadding’s post on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 regarding
The “Brief History” Analyzed according to its Sources includes a link, in the footnotes, to:

There we find a post made by a satanist called “Vindex” in 2006:

02-23-2006, 01:10 AM
Vindex Vindex is offline
Sat-an=Truth Eternal in Sanskrit

The Facts Of Frazier Glenn Miller’s Convictions
They Had Nothing To Do With The Order

2/22/2006 12:30:33 PM
Discuss this story in the forum
Bill White

Commentary — [Bill: I have been writing the history of Frazier Glenn Miller, currently the publisher of the Aryan Alternative and co-publisher of VNN, for WN Wiki, and I wanted to share. Miller often claims to have merely testified at the Fort Smith Sedition Trial against people who had testified against him, and implies that his incarceration was the result of his involvement with The Order, which is not true. None of the people Miller testified against at the Fort Smith Sedition Trial ever testified against him, and his imprisonment had nothing to do with the “The Order”.
I have not yet written the history of the Fort Smith Sedition Trial, but I want to share with all of you the below:] /index.php/Frazier_Glenn_Miller

The First Morris Dees Lawsuit

Morris Dees sued Glenn Miller on behalf of Bobby Person and the entire black population of North Carolina in October 1983. According to the suit, three members of the CKKKK, Mike Lewis, Gregory Short and JoAnn Short had harassed Person, allegedly at Miller’s orders.

The reliability of Person was never very good, though, as person had been arrested early that year for allegedly pointing a shotgun at Lewis after discovering Lewis was a member of the Klan. After Person had been arrested, he had filed a cross warrant against Lewis accusing Lewis of assaulting him. The Shorts had been witnesses in Lewis’ defense, and all criminal charges had been dropped.

The court process was marked by a number of unusual occurrences. First, Dees took the depositions of perhaps 70 or 80 members of Frazier’s Klan group as part of an effort to harass them. During the taking of one of these depositions, an assistant of Dees’ was arrested for assault after initiating a shoving match with a CKKKK member. Later, Morris Dees was accused of offering money to Mike Lewis in exchange for false testimony against Miller. Miller also filed a number of comical motions during the case, including one asking Dees to be tested for AIDS so Miller “could feel safe in the courtroom”. Such motions eventually led to a court order threatening Miller with contempt.

Miller settled the lawsuit with Dees in January 1985, but that was not the end.

The terms of the settlement were that he and the Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and any other group he might lead, agreed not to assault, harass, or intimidate Black citizens, march through predominantly Black neighborhoods, or break either of the several North Carolina anti-Klan laws, including a North Carolina law barring operation of a paramilitary organization

Miller continued to operate his group as a paramilitary organization, and this resulted in charges of contempt against him (see below).

Involvement With The Order

In April of 1984, two members of The Order, Andy Barnhill and Denver Parmenter, met with Miller at his home in order to scout him out. The two gave Miller a $1000 donation.

In August 1984, Bob Matthews of The Order, along with his girlfriend Zillah Craig, met with Miller, giving him $75,000, and followed it up with another $125,000 that September. According to Miller’s account of the deal[[1]], Miller accepted the money knowing that it was the proceeds from a recent bank robbery Matthews had conducted. According to Miller:

“I decided to accept the money, knowing full well, I’d be committing a felony, and subjecting myself to possible imprisonment. But, since I was convinced the federal government was either going to throw me in prison on trumped up charges or kill me anyway, then accepting the stolen money didn’t seem unreasonable, at the time.”

It was at this time that Miller earned his nickname “Rounder”, which he still uses to this day. He was also known by the code name “Swamp Fox”.

The Order was broken up in December of that year, because of informers within the group, such as Thomas Martinez. Bruce Pierce, another informer within The Order, gave information to the federal government that they had intended to draw members from the CKKKK, and informed the feds about the $200,000 donation they had made to Miller’s activities.

In January and February of 1985, Miller attempted to help Order member, then a wanted murderer, David Lane escape from authorities to Idaho, but when that failed, set him up wit CKKKK member Douglas Sheets, who housed Lane with another Confederate Knights of the Ku Klux Klan] member. That third member turned informant and turned Lane over to authorities, who arrested him at a Winn Dixie in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in April, 1985.

Miller was subpoeaned two appear in front of two Grand Juries in the Order case in 1985, one in Seattle, Washington and the other in Fort Smith, Arkansas, but took the Fifth Amendment both times. He was also interrogated by FBI Agent Jack Smith and US Attorney Sam Currin in Raleigh that year, but claims not to have given up any information. It wasn’t until later, when he was facing jail time, that Miller became an eager accomplice of the feds.

The Second Morris Dees Lawsuit

In April 1986, Morris Dees filed charges of criminal contempt against Miller and his assistant Stephen Samuel Miller, accusing them of violating the January 1985 agreement that had bound them not to engage in paramilitary training.

The trial began July 21, 1986, and Miller was convicted of contempt of court for operating a paramilitary organization July 25, 1986. During the trial, Robert Norman Jones, who was in prison for illegal firearms deals, testified that Miller had given him $50,000 of the The Order money to purchase LAW rockets, Claymore mines and hand grenades, among other weapons, and that Miller, Stephen Samuel Miller and others had been leading training with such weapons for the purpose of overthrowing the government. In particular, Jones testified that Miller had purchased 13 LAW rockets for $1,000 each, and a number of other weapons, which Jones had led federal prosecutors to and which were displayed at the trial.

Miller testified that he had never met Jones, and that Jones had associated exclusively with White People’s Party members Stephen Samuel Miller, Douglas Sheets and Jack Jackson. Miller claims he was ignorant of any dealings in weapons Jones had had with other members.

Former member James Holder, then in prison for murdering a fellow member of the White Patriot Party testified that Miller had confided in him plans to overthrow the government, though the testimony was considered somewhat suspect.

FBI Agent Effram Zimbalist, Jr then testified that he was an expert in the Turner Diaries and The Order, gave evidence that Miller had been a member of The Order and had received money from them and worked in concert with them, and that his purchase of weapons and training of an army was part of The Order’s plot to overthrow the government — which is, technically, true, in light of what is now known about Miller’s relationship to the group.

While cross-examining Miller, Dees also entered evidence from Miller’s writings that Miller had wanted secession from the Union and that he felt when the White Patriot Party was strong enough that it would lead a second civil war.

Miller was convicted by a jury of 11 whites and 1 black, despite the help of Public Defender William (Bill) Martin. His appeal of this judgment was denied August 18, 1988 by the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals.

After the verdict was rendered, Miller signed another agreement with Morris Dees agreeing to go free on bond on the condition he would not have any contact with any member of the White Patriot Party while awaiting sentencing.

In September, Frazier Glenn Miller was sentenced to a six month active jail sentence, a six month suspended jail sentence and three years probation. Stephen Samuel Miller was sentenced to a six month suspended jail sentence and three years probation. The White Patriot Party was fined $2000.00. More concerning for Miller, though, was that the agreement he signed with Morris Dees not to associate with the White Patriot Party and its member was made an order of the court to take effect during the entire time of incarceration and probation.

The imposition of the judgment was suspended pending appeal, and both Millers were released on signature bonds with the condition they not associate with the White Patriot Party.

Going Underground And His Arrest

Shortly after the verdict, Miller sent the White Patriot Party mailing list to numerous white organizations and personalities, including David Duke, Dr Ed Field, William Pierce, Tom Metzer, Bob Miles and Richard Butler.

In December 1986, Miller’s co-defendant, Stephen Samuel Miller was arrested on charges of conspiring to murder Morris Dees, for which he was convicted in April 1987 and sentenced to ten years in prison.

Miller sold his farm in Johnston County in 1986 and moved his family to Hillsville, Virginia in January 1987. Despite the court order, Miller started a new organization in Hillsville called the Southern Patriot Party and began publishing a newspaper called the Dixie Leader, which he folded six weeks later.

On January 18, 1987, Miller broke the terms of his appeal bond and marched in a White Patriot Party event in Raleigh, North Carolina.

On March 18, 1987, Miller took out a $100,000 life insurance policy on himself, handed his wife $10,000 cash, and declared he was “going underground”. He drove to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where he met with Douglas Sheets and Jack Jackson, later picking up Tony Wydra in Asheville, North Carolina.

The group fled to Monroe, Louisiana, where they rented an apartment and printed up 2,000 copies of their “declaration of war”, mailing them to the major media, the entirety of the US Congress and Senate, as well as several white nationalist groups and individuals involved in Miller’s prosecution. Three days later, Miller phone the US Attorney via WPTF radio and made a number of demands, threatening civil war if they were not met. The demands included:

“(1) $888,000 in damages for violating the rights of 5,000 members of the White Patriot Party, (2) Restoration of my constitutional rights, (3) Release of Stephen Miller from prison, (4) A meeting with the State Bureau of Investigation and U.S. Attorney Sam Currin, with media present, (5) An investigation into the Southern Poverty Law Center and Morris Dees for malicious and illegal use of the federal courts to persecute members of the WPP, (6) Null and Void my July 1986 conviction for operating a paramilitary organization, (7) Allow me to return as leader of the White Patriot Party unhindered by federal authorities, and (8) an apology.”

48 hours later, Miller phoned again. All his demands were denied.

At 6 AM in Ozark, Missouri, after a night of heavy drinking, the group was surrounded in a rented trailer by US Marshals, who opened fire with tear gas, compelling the group’s surrender. Inside the trailer was found C-4 explosive, dynamite, pipe bombs, hand grenades, fully automatic M-16s and AR-15 rifles, shotguns, pistols, crossbows, and over 1,000 pounds of ammunition.

Douglas Sheets was sentenced to six and a half years in prison, as was Jack Jackson. Tony Wydra was killed by an “accidental” shot to the back in 1989.

Miller, facing 200 years in prison, turned government informant.

Turning Federal Informant And His Testimony Against Other White Activists

In July of 1987, Miller was offered a plea deal by the federal government: He would plea to one count of possession of a hand grenade and turn federal informant, agreeing to testify against other white activists and reveal the entirety of his involvement with The Order and other groups. In exchange, he would be guaranteed no more than a five year prison sentence and immunity from any further federal prosecution, plus financial support and protection in the Federal Witness Protection Program.

In Miller’s words:

“A five-year sentence sounded a little more palatable than 200, so I accepted.”

Miller then testified at the Forth Smith Sedition Trial that he had been involved in a conspiracy with thirteen other white nationalist leaders to overthrow the government, and that the center of this conspiracy had been The Order. None of the white nationalists he testified against had ever testified or given information against Miller.

Miller often brags that “not one single soul ever served one day in jail on account of me and not one single soul was ever indicted for any crime whatsoever on account of me,” which is correct only insofar as that, while he testified against dozens white activists after reaching this agreement, his testimony was never deemed credible enough by the court to cause a conviction.

In modern times, Miller also often claims that the men he testified against had testified against him. In reality, the only men who had ever testified against him were Bruce Pierce, James Holder and Robert Norman Jones, none of whom were defendants in that trial.

Miller would end up serving three years of that five year sentence, most of it at Otisville, New York. He was released August 23, 1990. The Federal Witness Protection Program then set him up with a home in Sioux City, Iowa. He was barred from living in any Southern State for five years under the terms of his parole.


Emailed to you by:

Libertarian Socialist News
ATTN: Bill White, Editor

Post Office Box 8631
Roanoke, VA 24014
God and the Devil are backward.
the triumph of christianity is the funeral wreath of humanity
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Bill White in 2006: Hal Turner feeds stupid people garbage entertainment

September 22, 2011

Hal would be much more useful to the white movement if he decided to connect himself to the real world and stopped feeding stupid people garbage entertainment. However, I don’t think Hal really wants to contribute much to the white movement, and, for that reason, I would encourage serious white activists to not pay attention to him. – Bill White, 2006


Nikki wrote:

Eye On Hate Mp3 Internet Radio Report
December 26, 2006
Join Floyd from Eye On Hate,
Nikki from Citizens Against Hate and
DLJ from One Peoples Project
as we discuss the year in review for 2006.
Other topics include: the possible demise of racist internet bigot Hal Turner, Satans Gate and what happen in Jacksonville, Florida

Comment faire construire sa maison ?

Posted by Nikki at 12/26/2006 11:03:00 PM

In the comments section FCochran of Eye on Hate wrote:

… from Bill White’s web site:

Commentary — I really don’t want to waste too much time on this topic, but I have received a lot of emails on this, so I figured I should respond.

Some people have apparently attacked Hal Turner’s website and his show. I am told they brought his site down for a while and spammed the phones at his show. Hal has responded by claiming that the FBI is secretly tracing the IPs of people who call him because of an order by a judge who was afraid of his identity and thus had to conceal it when he issued an order and some other nonsense.

Hal Turner is a damn liar. Hal has always been a damn liar. I’ve known Hal Turner and I like him, personally, but he is an opportunist and a con artist, and, from knowing him, I doubt he has any serious attachment to white activism. He is a nice guy — not a lunatic killer — and his show consists entirely of telling his audience lies that he thinks he will believe.

Anyone remember the heart attacks? Remember when he claimed to have dumped the bodies of Mexicans off the contintental shelf on his boat named after the Sopranos? Know how he claims to have been a Marine? (“But I’m not claiming to be a Marine — I said I took the Marine oath; I just don’t mention I washed out of boot camp”) His claim to have “skinheads” in his apartment and to have secret FBI connections is on the same level.

These same assholes who took down Stormfront and who are attacking Hal Turner have attacked this site — recently — and have attacked our forums, groups and other publications from time to time. I don’t make a big deal out of it. I only make a big deal of things when, for some reason, I want to feed the behavior — like I’m doing something else in real life and focusing their attention on what they’re doing effectively neutralizes them. In reality, the mild attacks this site has faced haven’t had any impact on performance — the worst they’ve done is mildly screw with some of the stat counters, and, a while ago, forced us to get better forum software.

I think Hal Turner needs attention, and that he is doing what he always does to get attention — make things up. Hal would be much more useful to the white movement if he decided to connect himself to the real world and stopped feeding stupid people garbage entertainment. However, I don’t think Hal really wants to contribute much to the white movement, and, for that reason, I would encourage serious white activists to not pay attention to him.
December 28, 2006 1:48 PM

Alex Linder and Hadding on VNN forum today

August 30, 2011

Ahahaha! Hadding’s Asperger’s syndrome draws a comment from Alex Linder on VNN Forum.

Alex Linder
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 18,695
Blog Entries: 2
Originally Posted by Hadding:
I know about you Jimmy Marr. You’re a drinking man who converted to Islam and then didn’t give up drinking. I don’t believe that your commitment to Covington has been any more serious than that.

As a matter of fact, you even compared Covington to Islam (here). You have tried to make use of both of them without really believing in either.

“I don’t care if Covington is a liar.”
– Jimmy Marr (Majority Rights, 16 December 2010)

With people that support Harold Covington, unless they are neophytes and very poorly informed, it always comes down to that. A Covingtonista can only be somebody that is not troubled by rampant lying.

I will grant that you distinguish yourself among the Covingtonistas, Jimmy Marr, by saying that Covington’s lying about other racialists has not been a good thing. (Other Covingtonistas like Robertek think that Covington’s lying about Klassen, Pierce, et al. was just fine, and we saw Joe Cooper here also insinuating that it was justified.) But I don’t think that lying about the Jews or non-Whites is really a good idea either. The truth is our friend. Our credibility is our best weapon. Our own conviction that we represent truth is the basis of our morale. All of that evaporates if we accept the notion that lying is a good strategy, or that a noteworthy liar can be one of us.

Hadding, you are like a tool with one specialized use.

The point you can’t seem to see is that when it comes to liars like Covington, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. In other words, all mention helps them. By that standard, you are not merely the biggest HAC promoter on VNNF, you are basically the only HAC promoter.

Which is not to disaparage your fine and effortful work documenting the liar’s multitudinous lines.
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Originally Posted by Alex Linder:
Hadding, you are like a tool with one specialized use.

The point you can’t seem to see is that when it comes to liars like Covington, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. In other words, all mention helps them. By that standard, you are not merely the biggest HAC promoter on VNNF, you are basically the only HAC promoter.

Which is not to disaparage your fine and effortful work documenting the liar’s multitudinous lines.

Had Jimmy Marr not said “Harold Covington” and “Hadding” in the same post, there would have been no post about Jimmy Marr’s relationship to Covington.

Bill White audio clip included in Radio Free Northwest podcast

August 28, 2011


Harold Covington devotes a show to let past leaders – er – prominent personalities – of the White nationalist movement speak in their own words.

The first clip played is Bill White at ANSWP’s “Hitler’s Birthday Party” in Chicago in 2008.

He is followed by the late Dr. Revilo P. Oliver speaking on the Race War, then a British Skinhead music break with “Stop Immigration”. Axis Sally remembers Bruce Pierce of the Order, the Ruby Ridge Incident of 1992, George Lincoln Rockwell…