Archive for the ‘Corruption’ Category

American Free Press article by Bill White- Congress to Holder: Quit!

February 12, 2012

February 20, 2012

By Bill White
Republican lawmakers on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee called on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign even as the country’s top lawyer dodged questions about his involvement in what many are calling a criminal scheme by the U.S. government to traffic weapons to Mexican drug gangs.

During his testimony, Holder ranted angrily about the alleged “unfairness” of him having to answer questions about why he used bogus documents to conceal the fact that weapons sold in the government gun running operation were used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

“Nobody’s been disciplined. Nobody’s been fired,” Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) told the embattled Holder. “It might be time for you to resign.”

Holder opened his remarks by acknowledging that “Fast and Furious”—the U.S. governmental operation
to supply arms to Mexican narco-guerrillas, who are waging veritable war against the governments of Mexico and the United States—was a mistake. However, he claimed it was cooked up by people in his employ and was something he could not personally be held accountable for.

Evidence presented to the committee during five previous hearings shows that Holder lied to Congress about Fast and Furious, claiming it did not exist. Since then, he has changed his tune and also admitted that the Justice Department laundered money for Mexican drug gangs as well.

The Fast and Furious operation was the brainchild of Patrick Cunningham, the head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Phoenix. It was Cunningham whom Holder referenced in comments he made claiming that his subordinates deceived him and other Department of Justice supervisors as to the nature of the program.

Cunningham recently took the Fifth Amendment and refused to testify before Congress, claiming he was under criminal investigation for his actions in setting up and controlling the Fast and Furious program.

Holder himself has been threatened with a criminal contempt of Congress citation for his continuing refusal to release almost 10,000 documents relating to the program.

Recently, the family of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was murdered by thugs using guns provided to Mexican narco-guerrillas by Holder, has filed a civil lawsuit seeking $25 million in damages from the Obama administration. Terry was killed in late 2010 during a cross-border raid conducted by Mexican drug traffickers. An investigation into the murder found that the guns used were provided to Mexican drug cartels by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and that the operation was conceived and carried out by the U.S. Attorney’s Office under the supervision of Holder.

This article is from AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper, issue #8, 2012. A 16-week trial subscription is $17.76. One year—52 issues—is $59 or $5 per month deducted from your credit card automatically. Online editions just $15 per year. Write AFP at 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, #100, Washington, D.C. 20003 or call AFP toll free at 1-888-699-6397 and charge your subscription to a major credit card. See AFP’s website and bookstore at

AFP clarifies the “Eric Holder gave bombs to McVeigh” story

January 1, 2012

Make that “American Free Press backs down a little”….

From yesterday’s email edition of American Free Press, 12/31/11 –

Did Eric Holder Cover Up FBI’s Role In ’95 OKC Bomb Plot?
December 31, 2011 dave
By the Staff at AFP

In 2005, just ahead of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recovered a box of Kinestik explosives from the home of Terry Nichols, the convicted co-conspirator of Tim McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing. An affidavit from Oklahoma City conspirator Nichols about the explosives should have sent out shockwaves when it was filed in November of 2007:

I was asked to . . . disclose the location of the box of explosives . . . that I had taken from Roger Moore’s home in Arkansas. This was the same box of explosives recently discovered at my Herington, Kan. home and seized by the FBI. McVeigh had used this Kinestik as a detonator for his bomb. McVeigh said that when Moore furnished the Kinestiks, Moore had told McVeigh that he knew McVeigh “would put them to good use.” I responded by telling Mr. Selby [Michael Selby, an attorney for the government—Ed.] that I could “give” him Roger Moore. Mr. Selby’s reaction to my offer, however, was not what I had expected. Mr. Selby essentially said “no deal.” Mr. Selby told me that Roger Moore was “untouchable.”

Attached to that affidavit was a “302” (FBI witness statement) filed by Selby, who came to Nichols that day in the Florence, Colo. prison in 2005 on an “off the-books mission” authorized by the highest levels of the Justice Department.

Moore was the Arkansas gun dealer and FBI informant who worked with Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) informant Andreas Strassmeier, the man widely believed to have originally given McVeigh the idea of bombing the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Both were handled by FBI agent Larry Potts, a senior FBI official who had allegedly personally ordered the murder of members of the Randy Weaver family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

Moore was being “run” by two FBI agents—known as Ross and Hayes—from the Hot Springs, Ark. office. But the Elohim City operation was not a two-bit FBI sting; it was authorized by top Justice officials.

At the time of the bombing, our current U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder, was managing FBI sting operations as U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia —and sitting in line to take over as deputy attorney general, which he did in 1997. One of Holder’s first jobs was to cover up the FBI’s role in the bombing.

“I think they put together this harebrained idea . . . to lure in all these militia groups under the pretense of teaching them how to . . . attack the federal government, and I think they planned to catch them in the act,” stated Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City attorney who has been investigating the OKC bombing through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

But the operation went terribly wrong when the explosives that the FBI authorized Moore to provide to McVeigh ended up being used in the actual bombing. The fingerprints of the two agents running the Elohim City operation were later found on the explosives discovered in 2005 at Nichols’s home.

“The Department of Justice, through the FBI and ATF informants, was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing,” said Trentadue.

After Holder’s appointment as deputy attorney general in 1997, he met directly with members of Congress, including Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), and persuaded them not to look into the string of suspicious deaths of those in custody connected with the Oklahoma City investigation. At the time, Holder knew that the FBI had provided the explosives used by McVeigh. He also knew that the FBI had failed to locate the portion of the explosives that had not been used. The fact that Holder knew this in 1997, and that the FBI went searching specifically for the explosives in 1995, proves that the FBI knew that the explosives had been provided and also that an amount of them had not been used.

“When you look at these documents, that this was being monitored, this search for the box of explosives at the highest levels within the Department of Justice, right up to and including the White House I think, I mean, this wasn’t your local FBI office handling this,” said Trentadue. “This was being run right out of the Justice [Department] in Washington, D.C.”

Trentadue’s brother, Kenneth Michael Trentadue, was tortured to death in the Oklahoma City Transfer Center because he resembled a man named Richard Lee Guthrie, a bank robber believed to have assisted Moore, McVeigh and Nichols. Guthrie was murdered in his prison cell the day before he was scheduled to tell federal law enforcement officers of his role in the bombing, which was financed by a string of bank robberies that were conducted with the knowledge, assent and involvement of the FBI and the SPLC of the notorious Morris Dees. And a prison mate of Kenneth Trentadue, convicted serial killer Alden Baker, who gave a deposition stating he saw prison guards torture and murder Trentadue, similarly died just days before he was scheduled to testify.

“[There was] a wide-ranging and cynical scheme, run directly by Mr. Holder, to quash my family’s efforts to have my brother’s murder investigated,” said Trentadue. Court records indicate that scheme included murder of those who “knew too much.”

Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers
By the Staff at AFP

Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing investigation into government foreknowledge of the supposed terrorist attack.

According to the documentation provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought against the Department of Justice by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets. McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for.

After the bombing, when the FBI learned the location of the explosives, Holder reportedly sent emails to FBI agents ordering them to recover the explosives before they could be found by some other branch of the government. FBI agents failed to spot the additional, unexploded explosives during an initial search of Nichols’s home and offered to spare him the death penalty if he would help them recover them.

The case of explosives was, however, recovered by another law enforcement agency and was later determined to have the incriminating fingerprints of two FBI agents, as well as fingerprints of McVeigh and Nichols.

Shortly after the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue, a government informant, was murdered in his prison cell. His family has been pursuing legal action against the federal government ever since.

In 2001, in a bid to avoid a full release of documents, the Federal Bureau of Prisons paid a settlement of $1.1 million to several members of Trentadue’s family, but his brother refused to drop the investigation and filed a FOIA lawsuit for the missing documents. That suit has been ongoing in the Salt Lake City federal courthouse.

Jesse Trentadue denies AFP’s “Eric Holder supplied bombs to McVeigh” story

December 19, 2011

Updated on 1/01/12 – The latest email version of American Free Press reviews the Eric Holder connection to the OKC sting operation and the cover up.

See my post at:


The bombshell story that Holder did supply bombs to McVeigh WAS in the issue of AFP that I received this a.m. in my mailbox. But the page was missing when I clicked the link.

Jesse Trentadue denies the story:

I wish it were true, but it is not. I agree with REDACTED, it was probably written out of context. I have no inkling who the author is nor any idea as to his credibility. It was probably cobbled from web information. There is so much out there, icluding my brother Kenney being John Doe 2 and murdered because of it. – Jesse Trentadue

Hey, I thought that story about Kenney was true!

Cobbled from web information for the purpose of… disinformation? It looks that way.

Bill White, I hope that wasn’t your article.

ARTICLE – American Free Press: “Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers

Eric Holder, current attorney general of the United States, managed an FBI operation that provided explosives to Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols just prior to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, according to official documents released during the ongoing investigation into government foreknowledge of the supposed terrorist attack.

According to the documentation provided in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought against the Department of Justice by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, the Oklahoma City bombing had aspects of being an FBI sting operation that went out of control. Holder had authorized the FBI to provide explosives to Nichols and McVeigh, then lost track of both the explosives and their targets. McVeigh went on to detonate some of the explosives outside the federal building, an act that was designed to help anti-terrorism legislation pass Congress. But an additional case of explosives was unaccounted for.

After the bombing, when the FBI learned the location of the explosives, Holder reportedly sent emails to FBI agents ordering them to recover the explosives before they could be found by some other branch of the government. FBI agents failed to spot the additional, unexploded explosives during an initial search of Nichols’s home and offered to spare him the death penalty if he would help them recover them.

The case of explosives was, however, recovered by another law enforcement agency and was later determined to have the incriminating fingerprints of two FBI agents, as well as fingerprints of McVeigh and Nichols.

Shortly after the bombing, Kenneth Trentadue, a government informant, was murdered in his prison cell. His family has been pursuing legal action against the federal government ever since.

In 2001, in a bid to avoid a full release of documents, the Federal Bureau of Prisons paid a settlement of $1.1 million to several members of Trentadue’s family, but his brother refused to drop the investigation and filed a FOIA lawsuit for the missing documents. That suit has been ongoing in the Salt Lake City federal courthouse.

From a site called Sipsey Street Irregulars, who rate the story disinformation:

Monday, December 19, 2011″Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers.” Or, not.

A lot of you have sent me this link from American Free Press: “Attorney General Holder Tied to OKC Bombers.”

Huh? More than a bit perplexed, I sent out this email to Jesse Trentadue and another man well familiar with the case and the documents:

OK, I haven’t seen this in the PATCON material. What am I missing?

I heard back first from the expert:

Mike — I don’t think this is based on PATCON documents at all… pretty sure its’ about Roger Moore and FOIA documents Jesse got relative to the 2005 find of explosives cache in Terry Nichols crawl space of his former home in Herington KS… there may be a PATCON connection, but it’s not documented (yet). Jesse might have different view, but I don’t think so.

Not long after, Jesse Trentadue replied:

I wish it were true, but it is not. I agree with REDACTED, it was probably written out of context. I have no inkling who the author is nor any idea as to his credibility. It was probably cobbled from web information. There is so much out there, including my brother Kenney being John Doe 2 and murdered because of it.

I am working with all of these documents, both those that are strictly PATCON as well as the Trentadue OKC discovery material, which overlap. If none of us know the source of this story, which cites Jesse’s FOIA search, then I’m prepared to label it disinformation. The Internet is a tricky place. Caveat lector.
Posted by Dutchman6 at 4:06 AM

Citizens sick and tired of FBI’s faked terrorism against us

December 7, 2010

TV interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the FBI’s use of phony terrorist bomb plots to advance the political agenda of the police state.

Obama’s ZOG raids lefty “terrorist” international socialist peace-niks

September 25, 2010

Freedom of speech and of travel? What’s that?

Notice how sympathetic the press is to communist/international [codeword for jewish] socialists, their friends and relatives.

Grand juries – I think those are governmental rubber stamp committees to make a crime when there is no crime.

“…The federal search warrants in Minneapolis were related to an ongoing Joint Terrorism Task Force, [FBI agent Steve] Warfield said. He offered no details.

Protest leaders said the raids surprised them. Mick Kelly, whose home was searched, played a central role in the 2008 demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Asked if he was involved in illegal activities, he replied, “Absolutely not.”


Ted Dooley, Kelly’s attorney, called the raids “a probe into the political beliefs of American citizens and any organization anywhere that opposes the American imperial design.” He said the warrants cited a federal law making it a violation to provide or conspire to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.

The warrant for the raid on Kelly’s apartment, in the 1800 block of Riverside Avenue, sought notebooks, address books, photos and maps of Kelly’s travels to the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS], Colombia and in the United States on behalf of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It also sought materials on his personal finances and those of the group, on Kelly’s “potential co-conspirators” and recruitment efforts for the group.

The warrant also sought any information about efforts to support FARC, a guerrilla organization in Colombia, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]and Hezbollah, [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] the political and paramilitary organization based in Lebanon.

Other homes raided were those of Jessica Sundin, a leader of a large antiwar march on the GOP convention’s opening day, and Meredith Aby, a frequent protest spokeswoman.

The FBI also raided the homes of two other Minneapolis activists and the Minneapolis office of the Anti-War Committee, which has sponsored many protests in the Twin Cities in the past decade, including at the GOP [WAR PARTY] convention.

Subpoenas were issued to the activists to appear before a federal grand jury next month in [THE NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT COURTS OF] Chicago. Raids also were conducted on two homes in Chicago, and grand jury subpoenas were issued in Michigan and North Carolina.

Searches seek travel data

Kelly said he hasn’t traveled to Colombia or the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] although he’s been to Lebanon. “To me, this is harassment of antiwar activists and leaders who have spoken against U.S. intervention in Latin America and the Middle East.” [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]

The FBI also raided Sundin’s apartment in the 2900 block of Park Avenue; Aby’s home in the 3000 block of 14th Avenue S.; the apartment of Anh Pham in the 3400 block of Blaisdell Avenue, and the apartment of Tracy Molm in the 1700 block of 2nd Avenue S. Molm is an activist in Students for a Democratic Society; Pham is an antiwar activist.


Steff Yorek, an antiwar spokeswoman, said the Anti-War Committee offices at 1313 5th St. SE. also were raided.

Molm said she woke up to “federal agents pounding on the door. I was told to be seated on my couch and I had no rights to walk around the apartment and I was under an investigation for my connections with groups in other countries, particularly Palestine.” [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]

She said she went to the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] in 2004 with an international [CODEWORD FOR JEWISH] solidarity delegation. She said she saw houses demolished without notice and people jailed without evidence. “I don’t believe I’ve done anything illegal.”

Sundin said, “They’re targeting us because we’ve supported struggles for justice in other countries, and we oppose the U.S. [ZIONIST OCCUPIED] government’s military involvement in places like Colombia.” She said she has traveled to Colombia, but has done nothing illegal.


Aby said the warrant she received also focused on the Anti-War Committee, how money was raised and how recruiting worked. She said she believed the raids were designed to intimidate the committee but “will be unsuccessful.”

Attorney Bruce Nestor, who frequently represents the activists, said the FBI seemed to focus on allegations of support for foreign organizations designated as terrorist by executive order of the [FIRST RAINBOW MARXIST] president.

“There is no process whereby you can contest the designation,” he said. “Ever since these [DISASTROUS] laws were passed in 1996, there is a concern that they reach so broadly as to certainly chill or intimidate [OR STOP] people in speaking out on [ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT] foreign policy or support for groups that oppose U.S. [ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT] foreign policy.”

Stephanie Weiner, a peace activist in Chicago, said about 20 FBI agents raided her house and took documents and photos, including one of [COMMIE IDOL] Martin Luther King Jr. and [BLACK POWER ACTIVIST] Malcolm X. [I’M CONFUSED -americafarm] “This is an injustice,” she said.

In Chicago, the FBI raided a condo of Hatem Abudayyeh, director of the Arab American Action Network [IT’S THE ZIONISTS!], said Tom Burke of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, a Colombian revolutionary imprisoned in Colorado. Burke, who was given a subpoena, said he is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, as are some other raid subjects.

Burke said the group “advocates for [INTERNATIONAL – CODE WORD FOR JEWISH] socialism in the U.S.” and opposes U.S. military intervention abroad. “Chicago and Minneapolis are two of the places we are bigger,” he said.


On Friday night, more than 100 people gathered at Walker Communist United Methodist Church in Minneapolis to sign statements of communist solidarity with those communists whose homes were raided and to make plans for a communist protest at 4:30 p.m. Monday at FBI Rainbow Marxist headquarters in Minneapolis.

“We refuse to let the accusations of a notoriously untruthful, repressive [ZIONIST OCCUPIED] government divide us in any way,” the statement said. “Our struggle will continue.” ”

Staff writer Anthony Lonetree contributed to this report. • 612-673-7382 • 612-673-4921

October, 2008 – Obama Assassination Threat?

September 24, 2010

OHHH!- Here’s an early reference to an “Obama Assassination threat”. Hal’s lawyer Orozco did state at Hal’s first bond hearing that Hal told the US Marshals about a plot to kill Obama. How this relates to the truck bomb plot at the Roanoke Poff Federal Building to which US Marshal Elcik later testified, I don’t know.

A post by Bill White to Harold Covington’s downwithjugears site, October 2008, shortly before Bill’s arrest.

4:17 PM
Bill White said…

I just got the inside story on Tim bland and his testimony against us last Thursday.

Tim was arrested approximately 45 days ago for theatening to kill barsck [BARSICK, HAHAHA] obama, allegedly for a comment he posted to Hal turners blog. At the time he was arrested, he was in possession of a crack pipe, and was additinally charged with paraphenalia.

After arresting him on these pretexts, he was offered a deal where the charges would be dropped if he would give false testimony against us, coached by Hal Turner.

However, when he was arrested, when he was released he sent an email to one of our current supporters in Delaware drysuing the whole thing and asking for help, saying he was on drugs, not on his medication, and had not slept for ‘weeks’, meaning he was probably 100% psychotic when he gave them his ‘information’.

The whole thing would be hilarious for its ineptitude if it were not so serious.

Bill White
Commander ANSWP

Steele Lawyer Wesley Hoyt on Fed Corruption

September 22, 2010

(Note: One of the many bogus allegations the government brought against Bill White in Court, to keep him held without trial, was that he was likely to go on a serial killing spree in Roanoke. Although this WAS based on something that Bill had written on, it was obviously political hyperbole and not a true threat. He was never indicted for that post. Also, note that the Feds just won’t let the bogus “Matt Hale Juror Threat” charge against Bill White go. – americafarm)

Hoyt: Feds “can make you say anything”
Posted by Meghann at 1:18 p.m. on September 21

“They can make you say anything,” Wesley Hoyt said of the federal government. “They can say you murdered a 100 nuns and set the Vatican on fire.”

Hoyt, a Colorado-based attorney representing Cyndi Steele pro bono, was talking about a key component of Edgar Steele’s defense theory – that the tapes depicting Steele plotting the murder of his wife and mother-in-law with Larry Fairfax aren’t authentic.

Hoyt, a former Idaho County prosecutor who writes a column for the Central Idaho Post, joined Cyndi Steele at a press conference at a Coeur d’Alene motel Monday, blasting the government for prosecuting Edgar Steele and calling on the media to investigate what they say is a corrupt case.

He said murder-for-hire is a charge used by federal prosecutors to target specific people.

Hoyt pointed to the case David Roland Hinkson, a wealthy North Idaho businessman convicted in 2005 of plotting to kill federal officials involved in a separate, federal tax case against Hinkson’s water business.

Described as a “hard-core patriot” by his anti-government associates, Hinkson was convicted by a jury and is to be released from prison in 30 years.

Edgar Steele mentioned another murder-for-hire defendant when talking with his wife June 13: Matt Hale, a neo-Nazi convicted of soliciting a federal judge’s murder in 2003. In the pone call, which led to a witness tampering charge against Steele, the North Idaho lawyer calls the recording of him speaking to Fairfax “a mission impossible world class level production.”

“This is coming from the very top level, and they are after me. They are not going to settle for anything less than putting me in prison for 20 or 25 years. I guarantee you that,” Edgar Steele said. “This is going to be just like the Matt Hale case- exactly – and he’s in there on 25 years right now.” (Federal prison records show Hale actually isn’t scheduled to be released until 2037.)

Hale solicited the murder of U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow after she enforced a court order that Hale’s racist group change its name after losing a copyright infringement lawsuit.

Both Hale and Hinkson were convicted by juries and are serving lengthy sentences in federal prisons.

Entire video of Cyndi Steele Press Conference

September 21, 2010

Updated, September 22 – It’s sad, but predictable, to see Edgar Steele’s wife Cyndi Steele being labeled as a nut for her press conference. Mrs. Steele is perfectly right to question what’s going on between the FBI and Larry Fairfax and the accomplices. She’s also right that the bomb placed on her car is the most important part of the story, so far. And she has brought up the question of what, exactly, is on those tapes? That needs to be revealed.

The most chilling thing I’ve heard so far is the comment her lawyer made to American Free Press about what would have happened to Cyndi if she had driven to the Courthouse with the bomb on her car. He says the bomb would have been detected and she would be in jail, herself, now.

But, from her remarks about the Edgar Steele case in this video, one almost would suspect that Cyndi Steele was americafarm. She uses most of the same arguments americafarm used against Hadding on RFM’s old “Edgar Steele” blog. Hey, but I’m americafarm, so I know she’s not me!

Frankly, I’m sorry Cyndi doesn’t have some better arguments, or at least better laid out arguments, against the ADL/FBI/DOJ/Controlled Press (ZOG) when she takes them on at this press conference. I practically was shooting in the dark. She has intimate knowledge of the case, both as the murder plot victim and as the wife of the supposed main suspect.

I suspect that Cyndi Steele, busy caring for her mother, wasn’t paying too much attention to what was going on with Edgar and Larry until suddenly, out of the blue, Edgar was yanked off to jail.

Cyndi Steele to Hold Press Conference

September 20, 2010

News Flash! – Cyndi Steele will hold a press conference at 4 p.m today, Monday, at the Federal Courthouse in Coeur d’Alene.

Cyndi Steele Appeals for Your Help
September 17, 2010

Cyndi G. Steele
P.O. Box 1255
Sagle, ID 83860

Dear Friends of Edgar Steele:

Edgar J. Steele has been entrapped by a legal system that presumes his guilt in the face of false charges. Ed has been in jail and solitary confinement for three months in Spokane, Washington because of false allegations that he masterminded a murder-for-hire plot to kill me and my mother. I have NEVER believed that Ed was involved in such a plot.

Ed has defended the politically incorrect for years; people who, were it not for him, never would have had representation. Those who oppose Ed hate the truth and have threatened to harm Ed, me and our family in the past. Clearly, he is a political prisoner of the USA and quite literally, he is fighting for his life. There is a growing number of people who are banding together to make it possible for Ed to have the defense he needs against bogus government charges. We are asking you to join us.

Here is the bottom line: without experts to prove that false government tape recordings are only imitations of Ed’s speech patterns (using voice cloning technology), and without experts to present the truth about alleged explosives, Ed will be “sent to the gallows” for something he didn’t do.

We have an opportunity to prevent this great injustice.

This is not the first time the government has made false criminal allegations against innocent people. Thus, it is our choice whether we want to be a part of the movement to stop this kind of government-sponsored insanity. Let me tell you, we sincerely need your help.

I humbly ask for your assistance, as I am financially strapped and unable to raise the amount of money necessary to provide a proper defense for my husband. [NB: The federal government has seized and frozen all of Edgar Steele’s assets in order to make sure he is unable to pay for a competent defense. – HAC] Any financial gift you can make will go directly to the Ed Steele Defense Fund, to be placed in an attorney’s trust account and to be used exclusively for Ed’s defense. Contributions of $50.00 and $100.00 will be greatly appreciated as we try to make our goal of $250,000.00 needed to pay both attorney fees and the legal costs of this case.

Time is critical as we need to have a new attorney on board soon who will work for Ed. Edgar needs an attorney who is willing to challenge the FBI’s conduct and show that the government is wrong. Edgar can’t move forward without your help in funding his defense. Your kind financial assistance will help us to engage a qualified attorney (who has already been contacted) who believes in Ed’s innocence and will work vigorously to protect Ed’s rights and confront the government.

These are tough financial times. But, please give a moment to think about my husband, sitting in a jail cell, day after day, with no hope, not even able to help in his own defense. I can’t visit him with him to give him hope or moral support, because the judge has entered a very unfair “no-contact” order. Even the smallest donation will go a long way to help win this case and expose the corruption behind the false charges. It may even help others who also face false accusations by the government.

Please make your contribution check / money order payable to:

The Edgar Steele Defense Fund
P.O. Box 1255
Sagle, Idaho 83860

(Funds will be held in an attorney’s trust account.) Or, go online and donate by credit card and through PayPal at:
My sincerest and most heartfelt thanks for your time in considering this plea for help,
Cyndi G. Steele

Some Very Good Questions on the Edgar Steele Case

September 14, 2010

From a post on VNN Forum made by TinTin. These questions are mostly his, edited by me. I left in the question about the bomb on Edgar’s car, even though I think if Edgar was guilty and had planned the crime, he would have had the bomb on his car built as a dud, and driven his car with the device on it, and then play-acted surprised and grateful when it was found and turned out to be a dud. – americafarm

1. How did Larry Fairfax obtain the skills needed to build large pipe bombs?
a. Does Fairfax have a history of building pipe bombs?
b. Did someone help him build these pipe bombs? If so, who was it?
2. Is Fairfax able to fit under a car? If not, did his accomplice attach the pipe bombs to the cars?
3. Is there any physical evidence that a pipe bomb was ever attached to Edgar’s car?
4. The pipe bombs were said to be attached to the cars on May 27th.
a. When was the pipe bomb attached to Edgar’s car removed?
b. Did Edgar drive his car during this period of time?
c. Would somebody drive their car if they knew a pipe bomb was attached to it?
d. Was Steele going to detonate the pipe bomb under his car? How?

Quote: The device did not explode and Steele demanded and explanation from Fairfax as to why the plan did not work. Fairfax drove to Oregon on May 31, 2010, to check whether the destructive device was still on Steele’s wife’s car. Another individual went with Fairfax to check the car and did not see the destructive device. Based upon this observation, Fairfax believed that it had fallen off and he returned to Idaho. At Edgar Steele’s demand, Fairfax removed the destructive device from Steele’s vehicle and dismantled it.

5. If, as it is claimed, Steele wanted to have his mother-in-law killed, why would the pipe bomb have been attached to Cyndi’s car in Idaho before her trip to Oregon? If the pipe bomb had detonated on the trip to Oregon Steele’s mother-in-law would not have been in the car.
6. Why did Fairfax need to go to Oregon to determine why the pipe bomb did not detonate? Fairfax claimed that the pipe bomb was designed not to detonate so he would have known why.
7. Why did Fairfax need an accomplice to check for a pipe bomb that was constructed not to detonate?
a. Did Fairfax check for the pipe bomb or did the accomplice?
b. Who is the accomplice?
c. Why has the accomplice not been arrested or had a warrant put out for his arrest?
8. Why does anybody believe what Fairfax is claiming? Isn’t it just as likely that Fairfax drove to Oregon and attached the pipe bomb there?