Archive for the ‘Controlled Press’ Category

Update on the last hearing

September 18, 2012

Updated, Sept. 17th – Link to the scans of “My Remarks” by Bill White and to part of a recent letter Bill wrote:

Also, Bill wants people to know that the Roanoke City Jail withholds “hate mail” – not hate mail to Bill, he gets that. They withhold mail sent to Bill that is too “racist”, too violent or that discusses criminal acts.


Sent Bill the newspaper articles on his hearing. He wants people to know he did not tell the judge that he had changed his beliefs, as was reported by Laurence Hammack in the Roanoke Times. What he said was that he had changed his behavior.

Here is an edited excerpt from a letter I got yesterday from Bill. He included one page called “My Remarks” [to the Court]. Bill wrote this for me before he saw the news articles.


I am sorry for leaving the country without permission, for not reporting, and for causing the Court to reschedule my sentencing date. I also want to thank the Court for appointing Paul Beers as my counsel, as he has done much to assist me and to change the direction the proceedings had been taking.

When I was released from prison in 2011, I was released from super-maximum security conditions into society, and I was unable to make that transition. Though I had abandoned the behavior that had originally led to my prosecution and tried to adhere to the Court’s conditions, I blamed others for my problems. When I was unable to adjust to society, I gave up and I tried, peacefully, to leave. This was a mistake, and was the result of irrational ways of thinking.

However, since my arrest, things have changed, and my hope for re-entrance into society has been revived…

If released again from a lengthy period of solitary confinement into society, I will, again, likely fail, and I would like a chance to succeed…

Please accept my apology and order me into community, instead of solitary confinement, so I can rejoin society and complete my probation.

I would comment, but that wouldn’t be smart with another hearing coming up.

Last time he was locked up Bill was trying to run his real estate “empire” form prison (didn’t work) and this time he is trying to start up various publishing schemes. One project he is working on is a “Jail Diary” for The American Free Press. Unfortunately, much of his other writing takes research, and he is not allowed to have books at the Roanoke City Jail.

Bill’s wish list for when he gets to the BOP facility (I believe the BOP only accepts new books/books from a publisher or bookstore):

History of the Kings of France by Gregory of Tours
– a general history of the French monarchy – from the Merovingians or Charlemagne to the Revolution
– a history of England from the Conquest to the Hanoverian succession
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
History of France by Lady Catherine Jackson (12 volumes). These volumes were printed by Grolier long ago, but now, at least some of the volumes are are sold separately as paperbacks.

More “Bill” from his letter dated Sept. 13th, below.  DELETED.

Hammack Article on Bill White’s Roanoke Appeal and Sentencing

March 2, 2012

Bill White wrote on Facebook:

The Roanoke Times is today running an article claiming I will serve an additional three months in prison. This is incorrect. Even if my sentence were to change, I have already served the additional three months on the solicitation of murder case that was thrown out.

Bill White’s Facebook page:!/profile.php?id=100003247280163

Appeals court orders new sentencing for former neo-Nazi leader White
By Laurence Hammack | The Roanoke Times

A federal appeals court has thrown out William A. White’s prison sentence, but that may not be good news for the former neo-Nazi leader.

White, who was sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2010 for making racially charged threats, could actually serve more time as the result of the ruling.

In a decision released today, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Judge James Turk applied an incorrect legal standard when he sentenced White. The court ordered a new sentencing in the case.

White, who was released from prison last spring and has been living in Rockbridge County, could face an additional three months when his case goes back to Turk’s court.

As the former leader of the Roanoke-based American National Socialist Workers Party, White gained a reputation for racially incendiary language on his website and other venues.

A jury convicted him in 2009 on four counts of making threats, rejecting White’s argument that words alone, no matter how hateful, were protected by the First Amendment. Turk later threw out one of the convictions.

Both sides appealed, with White arguing that he should not have been convicted and the government arguing that Turk was wrong to dismiss one of the convictions.

In a 50-page decision released this afternoon, a three-judge panel let the convictions and dismissal stand, but took issue with Turk’s sentence in one of the three cases.

In that case, White was convicted of sending threatening letters to tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who had filed a housing discrimination lawsuit against their white landlord.

The letters, addressed to “Whiny Section 8 N—–,” called them dirty parasites who had been “noticed” by the white community. “Our patience with you and the government that coddles you runs thin,” White wrote.

Because at least one of the tenants had young children, the government argued that White should have received an enhanced sentence.

Turk erred by declining to impose the sentencing guideline and the stiffer punishment it called for, the appeals court ruled.

Although it’s not certain what will happen at the second sentencing hearing, it appears that the ruling calls for a minimum sentence that’s three months longer than the 30-month term White received two years ago, according to Ray Ferris, a Roanoke attorney who represented him.

White Reference blog post on the latest court ruling –

Friday, March 02, 2012

Former National Socialist Activist Bill White Gets Prison Sentence Set Aside By Fourth U.S. Circuit Court Appeals, But Convictions Upheld

Former national socialist activist Bill White got good news and bad news from the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on March 1st, 2012. The good news — they set aside White’s 30-month prison sentence for making racially charged threats. The bad news — they did not set aside the convictions, which are listed HERE. This has generated fears that White could be sent back to prison for at least three months. Primary stories from the Roanoke Times and WSLS Channel 10.

Bill White initiated the appeal, contending that he should not have been convicted, while the government countered by contending that Judge James Turk was wrong to dismiss one of the four convictions. The conviction dismissed was in the Richard Warman case; because Warman was a public anti-racist activist who had even gone so far as to masquerade as a white nationalist on Stormfront, Judge Turk decided he was fair game for White’s activism.

The three-judge appeals panel decided that Judge Turk erred in sentencing in the case of the tenants of a Virginia Beach apartment complex who had filed a housing discrimination lawsuit against their white landlord. They determined that because at least one of the tenants had young children, this case called for an enhanced sentence for targeting especially vulnerable victims. Judge Turk failed to consider this in his sentencing, so the Appeals Court decided that the case should be returned to Judge Turk for re-sentencing. According to according to Ray Ferris, a Roanoke attorney who originally defended White on the charges, the ruling calls for a minimum sentence that is three months longer than White’s original 30-month term. No new sentencing date has been set.

— Read the full 50-page decision in 104241.P US v. William White HERE.

Click to access 104241.P.pdf

The Bill White Trial blog estimates that the federal government squandered over $1 million to prosecute this case — and that was before the trial even began. In a May 2011 article published by the American Free Press, White said that his arrest was actually prompted by a false claim by FBI informant Hal Turner that he was planning to assassinate President Barack Obama by detonating a truck bomb at the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, VA. But although the government ultimately determined there was no bomb, they were determined to get their pound of flesh, and so they charged him with a series of free speech violations for publishing a website and magazine critical of the government. They were using those charges as leverage to get White to testify to a “neo-nazi domestic terrorist conspiracy” and perjure himself before a grand jury and Congress, implicating their political enemies. Since White refused, the Feds pressed on with their prosecution.

One million dollars down the drain — and all because the federal government had too much pride to admit they made a mistake. Will the government be stupid and stubborn enough to spend more tax dollars to send him back to prison for three months just to get another pound of flesh?
Posted by Anchorage Activist at 1:32 AM Labels: Bill White, judicial terrorism

Bill White responds to WSLS article: “There will be no change in sentence”

March 2, 2012

Bill White wrote:

As I posted on Facebook yesterday … this story is false in almost all of its essentials.

The Fourth Circuit issued a divided opinion. The Jew and the Negro judges issued separate opinions condemning me; the white judge said my convictions should be vacated. All the judges said my appeal raised issues that should be taken up by the Fourth Circuit en banc — and they will.

Plus, I have already served the three months by which the maximum sentence would be raised by a one level enhancement. There will no change in sentence. In the real world, my probation is more likely to be terminated early for good conduct before the summer.

The Roanoke Times has fabricated this narrative of my “downfall”, but, while useful to them, it also constrains their reporting so that they are unable to tell the truth. They just publish lies and ignore developments that contradict them. Of course, their readership has also dropped from 110,000 to under 70,000 in the eight years I’ve been in Roanoke — so the people who live here are on to them.

Feel free to post this information on your website.

Also, you may want to refer people to the Facebook page for my new book, Centuries of Revolution, or to the ordering link:!/CenturiesOfRevolution

The news story:

Bill White’s sentence thrown out by federal appeals court
By: Scott Leamon | WSLS
Published: March 01, 2012 Updated: March 01, 2012 – 6:07 PM
» 0 Comments | Post a Comment
Think of it as a “do over.”

In a 50 page opinion issued today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out Roanoke Neo Nazi Bill White’s 30 month prison sentence he received in 2010.

Since the court credited White with the time he had already served, he has since been released from prison.

In December 2009, a jury convicted White on four counts involving threatening several people.

The judge threw out one of the convictions.

The three judge panel upheld White’s convictions. There was a dissenting opinion from one of the justice’s in part of the case.

The opinion shows that the majority of the justices found that the judge who sentenced White didn’t factor in the age of some of the victims at a Virginia Beach apartment complex in which White was convicted of threatening tenants.

The ruling means White could be sentenced to more time beyond 30 months, meaning there’s a possibility he could go back to prison.

No new sentencing date has been set.

Somebody should figure up how many millions the government has spent on the political persecution of Bill White. I’ve been told by a former ANSWP member that it was over one million “before Bill went to court”!

What is this about? Off the top of my head – The government argued that Bill White should get extra time for targeting children because he sent letters with racial comments to some children of the Negro Tenants of Virginia Beach. But someone, the judge or the defense, argued in court that White had not “targeted” the kids because they were children, but because they were involved in a [BS] “He called us racial names” court case. Therefore, “targeting children (because they were children)” was not applicable to Bill White’s case. – americafarm

Bill White Sighting at Lexington, VA Lee-Jackson Day Parade?

January 20, 2012

Roanoke Times
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jewish-Owned Media doesn’t like White Heritage Celebration in Lexington

While 300 marchers saw Saturday’s event as a celebration of their heritage, one anti-white man hatefully described it as “close to a [Ku Klux] Klan rally as you’ll see in America this year.”
By Tonia Moxley

Civil War re-enactors carrying Confederate flags turn out Saturday for Lexington’s annual Lee-Jackson Day parade. Parade participants far outnumbered spectators.

As Main Street in Lexington is filled with re-enactors and Confederate flags Saturday, David Compton holds a Martin Luther King Jr. sign.

Lee-Jackson Day in Lexington
Photo gallery
See more photos from Lexington’s celebration of Lee-Jackson Day
LEXINGTON — About 300 Confederate re-enactors and enthusiasts marched on a subfreezing Saturday morning down Lexington’s Main Street to celebrate Virginia’s Lee-Jackson holiday, and to protest a city ordinance that bars the display of Confederate flags on public light poles.

Marchers far outnumbered spectators, fewer than 100 of whom gathered to watch the parade. Most carried or wore Confederate flags, but stood beneath U.S. flags erected by the city. [See photos of the event.]

A banner strung across the street proclaimed: “Lexington celebrates diversity. Thank you, Dr. King!” in celebration of Monday’s federal Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

“Whose diversity are they talking about?” asked Don Saunders of Greensboro, N.C., and Sons of Confederate Veterans member. “What about me?”

Saunders said he was dressed in the uniform of a Confederate private in honor of an ancestor, Lauchlin J. McLean, who enlisted in the Southern army in 1864, and was captured and imprisoned by Union forces in a battle near Wilmington.

“We’re not asking them to fly it [the Confederate battle flag] every day of the week,” Saunders said.

But, the 30-year member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans asked, why not on this weekend?

The holiday celebrates the January birth dates of Confederate officers Gen. Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, both of whom have ties to Lexington and are buried in the city.

Carl Singley, a re-enactor from Mebane, N.C., and United Methodist minister called Lee “the fourth part of the trinity. We revere this man,” he said.

Singley, a veteran Army chaplain who said he served in Vietnam and in the first Gulf War, called Confederate soldiers patriots fighting to defend their homes and communities from invasion.

Most were not, Singley said, fighting to preserve slavery. And today’s re-enactors are “glad there’s no slavery,” he said.

Lee-Jackson Day has long been an official state holiday in Virginia, and state employees are given that day off. A few other Southern states celebrate similar Confederate history days.

This year’s celebration in Lexington — more than usual — mixed history and modern politics as many marched to protest the city’s flags and banners ordinance. It prohibits the display of flags other than the national, state and Lexington city flags from public light pole standards.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Virginia Division, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Roanoke on Thursday against the city claiming that the ordinance violates the organization’s constitutional rights and a previous court order.

The ordinance was passed last year after complaints about Confederate flags flying from public poles that many said tarnished the city’s reputation and made blacks and others feel unwelcome.

The ordinance also bars other flags previously flown from the same standards, including the flags of Washington and Lee University and Virginia Military Institute, both in Lexington, and three student fraternities.

It does not affect flags flown on private property, including a handful of businesses along Main Street that displayed the Confederate flag Saturday.

Sprinkled among the Confederate flags and period attire seen in the parade were other historical slogans recently adopted by anti-government activists — some banners read “Sic Semper Tyrannis” and “Don’t tread on me!”

The divisions that brought the country to Civil War 150 years ago can still be found on the streets of Lexington.

On one side Saturday stood former Roanoker Bill White, a self-avowed white supremacist released last year after serving time in federal prison on charges of threatening, intimidating and encouraging violence against blacks, Jews and others who disagree with his views.

On the other side stood self-described Occupy Wall Street protester David Compton of Lexington, who held a large painting of King that read “One for all.”

Compton said he respects the memory of Lee and Jackson, whom he called honorable men. But, he said Saturday’s gathering was as “close to a [Ku Klux] Klan rally as you’ll see in America this year.”

“Now that we’ve got them all together,” Compton said of the Confederate enthusiasts, “let’s throw a net over them and drop them off at the county line. †Hopefully they’ll just keep marching to Appomattox and surrender again.”

Overhead, a small airplane flew trailing a banner that read [IN BROKEN ENGLISH]: “Shame on Lexington honor Lee & Jackson.”


Photo of the parade here –

Letter from Bill White published on Dan Casey’s blog

January 19, 2012

Here we get a little news about what Bill is doing now from Bill himself. (Hey, he has to earn a living, folks.) – americafarm

Your daily Letter to the Columnist — Jan. 17, 2012
Wikimedia Commons
Casey is ‘A harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods’

Mr. Casey:

Your recent blog post on the article “Roanoke: A Model of Middle Class Disintegration” was brought to my attention.

The article published by AFP is a rewritten and condensed version of a report that I recently assisted in producing for the Iranian news wire FARS, part of the effort to educate the Iranian people about the moral and economic decline of our Great Satan.

The original has longer copy and is accompanied by about forty photographs and ten minutes of video.

I attach the original text. I’m sure my editor, Mostafa Afzalzadeh, would love to discuss it with you in depth if you have the interest. He is currently on assignment in Syria, but is available by email.

And do not mistake my politeness for delusion into who are what you are — a harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods.

Bill White
Ex-jail inmate
American National Socialist Workers Party


Note from Dan: Bill supplied his editor’s email address, which I redacted from the email above. As the only Roanoke journalist to call for White’s release from jail, (I was way ahead of the curve on that one) I’m understandably miffed about his characterization of me.

On the other hand, in terms of flamboyant insults, it ranks up there with Al’s description of my column: ” . . . a habanero enemina [sic] administered with a 40-foot-long barbed-wire-wrapped hose.”

Jewish Myth essay by Bill White:

More essays by Bill White:

Pigs Fly! Fox News tells the truth on war on terror

October 20, 2011

Fox News is Zionist owned and operated. Everybody in this video, including “black” Eric Holder probably has at least one obligatory Jewish Grandma.

I can’t believe the Zionist controlled press is doing this. Staggering.

Only “Nazis” say this kind of stuff.

The only false note here is when the talking heads repeatedly throw in puppet Saudi Arabia as an equal danger to America as the Scum State of Israel.

At any rate this blog, the BWTU, is very happy to see Eric Holder shamed and the war on terror exposed as phony, and endless wars for Israel condemned.

Self evident truth: The FBI concocts phony dangers and then “saves” us. The DOJ plays along, locking up the unlucky fall guys/targeted individuals as dangerous terrorists. The American people watch the show and yawn.

Roanoke Landlord Bill White Persecuted for His Beliefs Even in Prison

November 16, 2010

Wowee ka-zowee – I didn’t see this article until today. And the comments section is even worse.

Let me explain how it [water]works. Tenants must pay rent. Someone must collect rent. Someone must pay the water bills and make repairs out of the RENT MONEY. From a jail cell, Bill White can’t oversee or participate in any of these activities. He can only write letters from the hole to people who could do these things for him.

Thought for the day: If the water bill isn’t paid, then the water company will turn off the water, and then everything gets closed down.

If the tenants scoffed at paying rent, they deserve to be homeless. That’s exactly what SHOULD happen to them next.

But, apparently they have a communist government in Roanoke that makes landlords provide free homes and free water for people, and it doesn’t even really matter if the landlord is a “Nazi” or not.

The races of the tenants is significant in this story, but of course, not mentioned in the article. When Bill White has mentioned these tenants to me, he has called them white.

Final note: I think Bill White could have been dragged back into court for turning the water off, and he may be yet, but he DID go through the court to get the water turned off in the first place. A Roanoke judge ordered Bill’s letter asking for the water to be turned off to be sent to the lawyer for the water company.

The Roanoke Times
© November 12, 2010
By Laurence Hammack

From his prison cell 126 miles away, neo-Nazi agitator William A. White can still cause a stir — this time in the inner-city neighborhood where his rental home business is on the verge of collapse.

At White’s written request this week, water and sewer service was disconnected at seven houses he owns in the West End neighborhood, forcing the city to begin condemnations that would have left his tenants homeless.

Standing on the sidewalk outside her Chapman Avenue house Thursday afternoon, Patricia Quackenbush said she was under orders to be out of her home by 5 p.m.

“He doesn’t give a damn about anybody out here,” Quackenbush said of her landlord, who is serving a 2 1/2 -year prison term for threatening people as the leader of a white supremacy organization that was once headquartered just down the street from her home.

But by the day’s end, water service had been restored to the homes at the urging of David Beidler, an attorney for the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley.

“I’m taking a risk here,” said Gary Robertson of the Western Virginia Water Authority, who made the decision after a call from Beidler. “Because these are William White’s properties, the service is in his name, and he has the right to stop and start service.

“But from a humanitarian standpoint, we’re going to take that chance,” Robertson said.

The move to restore service for 30 days allows White’s tenants to remain in their homes while they plan their next legal move, said Beidler, whose phone lit up this week with calls from distressed tenants.

At least temporarily, “families immediately became homeless. And those families included children, the elderly and the disabled,” Beidler said. “My clients felt like the water termination was intended as a way to evict them — unlawfully.”

White’s decision to cut off the water to his homes comes as his business, White Homes and Land LLC, teeters on the edge of insolvency. On Monday, a judge dismissed his bankruptcy case — removing the protection White had enjoyed under a reorganization plan and allowing creditors to begin collecting on more than $1 million he owes.

White is serving a 2½-year prison sentence for making racially charged threats to Virginia Beach residents.

“I am having difficulty bringing things under control,” White wrote in a letter to Roanoke code enforcement officials, mailed from the federal prison in Beckley, W.Va. “The most helpful thing you can do is work with me to get these properties shut down and secured.”

To Quackenbush, that means she and other tenants are out of luck.

“I was told he was trying to get all the trash out of the neighborhood,” she said. When Quackenbush, her husband and three children moved into their home on Chapman Avenue in February, she said, she had no idea the owner was a neo-Nazi leader.

But she soon learned from neighbors about White, whose racist views became public about the time he began to purchase homes in the West End in the summer of 2004.

On, the website that would later become the heart of White’s neo-Nazi organization, he wrote about his “Ghetto Beautification Project” and his dislike for black people who lived there.

“He didn’t beautify anything,” Quackenbush said. “He made it worse.”

Had the water service not been restored, Beidler said he was prepared to go to court immediately and argue that White had not given his tenants adequate notice to move out. Because the seven homes in question were duplexes served by a single meter, water authority officials said they could not allow the residents to set up accounts in their own names — which would have conflicted with White’s demands.

Since he was jailed for making racially charged threats, White has attempted to manage from prison a real estate venture that once included more than 20 homes in the West End, a racially diverse, low-income neighborhood.

With the help of his wife, White at first kept the business afloat under a reorganization plan approved by the bankruptcy court in July 2009. But as tenants moved out and houses fell into disrepair, he missed payments set up by the plan.

Although White had claimed he had an investor interested in buying his houses, bankruptcy Judge William Stone on Monday dismissed the case at the request of the U.S. trustee.

That likely means the banks White borrowed from to buy his houses will move to repossess them at foreclosure auctions. It also leaves White vulnerable to other debts, including a $545,000 [WRONG!]civil verdict on behalf of five black women he tormented with racial slurs and threats after they filed a discrimination lawsuit against their Virginia Beach landlord. [MONEY WHICH THEY ARE EVEN MORE UNLIKELY TO EVER COLLECT AFTER THIS, SHERLOCK.]

Before his downfall, White was considered “possibly the loudest and most obnoxious neo-Nazi leader in America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups. As the head of the Roanoke-based American National Socialist Workers Party, White used the Internet and other means to harass people who offended his racist views.

In December, a federal jury in Roanoke convicted White of threatening people in Delaware, Missouri and Virginia Beach. His prison term will be completed in January, although White faces an additional charge in Chicago.

Despite his defeats in criminal and bankruptcy court, White seems determined to call the shots.

“Please note that I am so deeply in debt and these properties are in such a condition that you cannot meaningfully fine me, and, obviously, I cannot be jailed, so a cooperative attitude will be best,” he wrote in his letter to city code enforcement officials.

On Chapman Avenue, where White’s tenants have long scoffed at the notion of paying rent to a racist, there was hope this week for a transformation.

“Even if we get another slumlord, it won’t be as bad,” C. Johnson said. “Because at least it won’t be a prejudiced slumlord.”

“a href=””> Typical malicious and hateful Laurence Hammack article

Tim Wise’s Willful and Malicious Political Rhetoric

November 11, 2010

It’s political rhetoric. It can be willful and malicious… the Establishment will reward you amply for this kind of political rhetoric… as long as you are targeting White Americans of Christian heritage (formerly known as Real Americans).

Tim Wise’s original article is very similar in tone to what Bill White wrote to the whiny Section 8 Virginia Beach Tenants! A small army of people went to work to drag Bill White into court. The jury awarded the hypersensitive over $250,000 in damages. That was fine with the Hon. Judge Turk. – americafarm
From the Political Cesspool blog:
The following guest commentary was penned by Political Cesspool co-host Winston Smith, in response to the venomous hatred of White people that was spewed last week by “mainstream pundit” Tim Wise.

Please bear with me for a few moments. . .

An Open Letter to “People of Color” in the Liberal Left

For all Africans in America, enjoy that grape drink, or whatever malt liquor you drink.

And for y’all Mestizos, enjoy your Cuervo, or whatever tequila you favor.

All you Jew-boys, pour yourselves a glass of Manischewitz, or whatever kosher toilet water you throw down.

Whatever non-White squatter you are, know this…

You need to drink up.

And quickly.

And heavily.

Because your time is limited.

Real damned limited.

So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness. . .

Pretty racist stuff, eh? And scary, too. But when you change the references to Mestizos, Blacks, Jews, and other “people of color” to “White people,” then that’s just fine, no harm done. Tim Wise proved it.

We’ve all read Tim Wise’s essay, in which he salivates like an hungry jackal for the day when enough White Americans have died to make a racial minority of those who remain. One gets the impression that Wise would sell his mother if doing so would get him the right to gloat over the corpse of that White person whose death puts the White American population at 49.9%. The reason for Tim Wise’s macabre musing is the recent election results; he doesn’t like the way the majority of Americans voted. So he responded by writing to the effect of “I’ll be SO happy when you White people die.”

On CNN’s website, I saw an interview with Tim Wise. In the interview, he claims that what he wrote applies only to what he calls “the White right,” and he says that anyone who takes his words at their face value is illiterate. The interviewer lobs to Wise one powder-puff question after another, none of them coming close to addressing the supremely insulting and racist nature of Wise’s screed.

Wise’s essay and CNN interview could provide material for months of analysis and comment. But I’ll touch upon only a few items.

I’ll start with the phrase “people of color,” which Wise used with tracer bullet frequency on CNN. I know the definition of racist as a noun is “any White person,” and as an adjective is “anything any White person says, writes, does, thinks, or believes.” (I know this because I read Racism, Schmacism by my bestest friend, James Edwards! Order your copy today!) But the phrase “people of color” is the most racist notion I’ve ever known. Joseph Goebbels would envy whoever came up with it, and he would
appreciate its artful subtlety. The phrase offends me, and it should offend every White person to the point that we protest its every use, like Africans in America protest every use of the “n-word” by White people. “People of color” segregates ALL white people – not just Wise’s “White Right – from humanity. It posits two groups; “people of color,” and an implied “other”that doesn’t even deserve a name. It dehumanizes ALL White people – again, not just Wise’s “White Right.” There is no difference between the idea behind “people of color” and Tim Wise’s interpretation of those signs of another era that read “Whites” and “Non-whites,” you know, those signs for which Wise says we pine and wax nostalgic. And there is no difference between Tim Wise and whatever caricature of that era he can imagine. Wise’s use of “people of color” marks him with the same racism that he attributes to the White people for whose deaths he lustily yearns.

Missing from the CNN interview was any reference to Wise’s maniacal giddiness and sinister schadenfreude at the thought of a rapidly decreasing White population. The interviewer quoted several benign lines from Wise’s essay, but none of them had to do with those in which Wise relishes the thought of White people dying en masse so that “people of color” become the majority. The interviewer doesn’t point out that Wise writes of it with the voice of a criminally insane sadist in one Hollywood’s recent torture-porn movies. And some of what he wrote is so morbid that he had to edit it out of what he originally published.

For instance. “We just have to be patient and wait for your hearts to stop beating. And stop they will. And for some of you, real damned soon, truth be told.”

But the CNN interviewer asked him about none of that, and Wise was very careful to avoid any mention of his stated glee in anticipating a White-minority America via White death. If CNN were to interview me regarding the parody with which I opened this essay, then the questions would be more like, “Why do you want so many people of color to die as quickly as possible? That’s what you wrote! What is it that you hate about people of color, so much so that you look forward to the day when they die off in numbers so great that they are no longer a threat to the White majority in America?” But, Tim Wise got a pass on all that, and the interviewer asked him leading questions that allowed him stay focused on White “racism.” The interview was not about Tim Wise’s outrageous hate speech; it was a continuation of it, toned down a bit for television consumption.

For all his condemnation of White people, it matters not that Wise told CNN, “I’m white. . .I’ve been white for a long time.” The fact is that Wise considers himself to be Jewish (even though some reports indicate his mother was a Gentile) and Jews consider themselves to be a separate race. In fact, the Talmud teaches Jews that they are the only race, and the rest of us are soul-less cattle, fit only to be slaves to Jews. If you take that into account, then it’s easy to understand why Tim Wise is comfortable with his cherished vision of a mass White die-off, the way Stalin was comfortable with millions of Ukrainians dying of starvation from his engineered famine in 1932-1933.

All White people should thank Tim Wise, because he has given us irrefutable documentary proof of what we’ve known and have been saying all along – that the Left in America is hateful beyond description. He has revealed with crystal clarity precisely what the Left has in mind for America – the fewest White people possible; and he has set in high relief the Left’s monumental hypocrisy –encouraging non-Whites to aggressively pursue the displacement and elimination of White people, while condemning White people for wanting an America “for ourselves and our posterity.” That one blog posting by Tim Wise should be a standard, constant reference for why we advocates for European-Americans do what we do.

Should we be concerned about Tim Wise? Yes, we should be. His Goebbels-esque repetition of “people of color,” with its dehumanization of all White people, provides subtle justification for decreasing the White population “by any means necessary.” Would Tim Wise ever do the dirty work of genocide, pulling triggers, aborting babies, raping women? Of course not; he’s a cowardly keyboard commando. He simply encourages other people to stick out their necks to carry out his vision. Like the imams and mullahs who promise 72 virgins in paradise to suicide bombers, Tim Wise will always keep a safe and clean distance from the carnage and corpses required for the execution of his agenda.

On August 3, 2010 man with certain beliefs acted on his beliefs, beliefs that mirror those of Tim Wise. That man was Omar Thornton. After being forced to resign his job for stealing from his employer, Thornton believed that he had been mistreated by the White people at his workplace. So, as he was leaving the facility, he produced a pair of Rugers and began firing at forty White people, killing eight of them and seriously injuring two more, and he justified the murders by saying that every White person he shot was a racist. I’ve been collecting the comments of people who hail Omar Thornton as an hero, people who say of his victims, “They deserved it.” Somehow, I think Tim Wise would agree.

Why Our Media Elite Pretend “Racial Remarks” Are a (Whites Only) Crime

October 11, 2010

They are getting us ready for the day when tyrannical European/British type no free speech laws are enforced against US citizens who are “racists”, that is, whites.

So THIS is where all that “racially motivated threats” baloney in The Roanoke Times is coming from – an International conspiracy of mind control and social engineering: Britain does have a law against “racially aggravated threatening or insulting words or behaviour”. Might as well add “silly”, “mocking” and “defiant” to the definition.

Naturally, the “International” film-making industry does not have to obey the same no free speech laws that white second class citizens are subject to.

MOVIE fan Martin Smith landed in court on a racism charge after he downloaded part of the soundtrack from the 1980s comedy film Rita, Sue and Bob Too! and installed it as a ringtone on his mobile.
Martin, of Holmewood, north Derbyshire, claims friends and workmates got used to hearing the voice of an Asian actor reciting the words “I can’t help being a Paki…”.

But a woman from a mixed race family wasn’t amused when Martin’s Nokia went off as she queued alongside him at a village shop.

Over-hearing the clip from the movie – which chronicles the exploits of two schoolgirls growing up on a rundown estate in Bradford – the woman went home and lodged a formal complaint with the police.

Officers arrested the 36-year-old at home two days later and locked him in the cells at Chesterfield for four hours before charging him with contravening race relation laws.

Angry warehouseman Martin hit out after magistrates fined him £191 with £85 costs for using racially aggravated threatening or insulting words or behaviour.

He said: “Arresting me was a total over-reaction – surely the police have better things to do with their time.

“If Channel 4 can put Rita, Sue and Bob Too! on TV all the time, as it does, then why can’t I play a clip from the soundtrack on my phone?

“If it’s good enough for prime time Tv then it ought to be good enough for me and my mobile.

“My ringtone wouldn’t have suited everybody, but the film’s my all time favourite. I’ve seen it 15 or 20 times and I should be able to download what I want without the police hauling me off to the cells and calling me a racist.

“I’ve had the ringtone for a year and nobody’s ever complained. All my friends and workmates thought it was hilarious.

“I’ve got a lot of Asian friends, who’ve seen the film and they thought it was really funny as well.

“I wouldn’t have minded if the police had taken me to the station and told me to get it changed.

“I get on really well with Asian people and the last thing I wanted to do was upset anyone. I just did it for a bit of fun because I love the film so much.

“I’ll not be taking any chances with the ringtone in future though. I’ll be sticking to plinky plonky music like everyone else from now on.”

The court was told the unnamed woman, who was from a mixed African-Mediterranean background, overheard the ringtone while she was waiting to be served at the grocery store near Smith’s home in Holmewood.

Jon Barber, defending, said his client denied making a racist remark in front of the complainant, but accepted the woman may have been offended by the ringtone.

“He thought it was amusing – but it’s a lesson learned.”

Shopkeeper Geoff Wallage said the woman had made no complaint to his staff at the time.

“I feel very sorry for Martin, he’s a really decent bloke with a great sense of humour and he didn’t deserve all this trouble. I feel that it’s been a complete waste of public money. They should have told Martin to swap his ringtone and left it at that, instead of dragging him to court. [NO, THY SHOULD HAVE TOLD THE MULTI-RACIAL WHINER “DON’T BE SO HYPERSENSITIVE” OR “GO BACK TO ASIA”.]

“I’ve got a Pakistani accountant and he couldn’t believe it when I explained what had happened. It’s just ridiculous.”

The Race War in Mark Potok’s Head

October 5, 2010

Beat Whitey On the Rise The News-Gazette, Tue, 09/28/2010


Where’s Mark Potok? Out looking for the KKK with a history book in his hand…

Update: “… Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center observes that “there are huge numbers of people who say, ‘We’re going to have to go to war to defend the Constitution or defend the white race,’ but [HAR-DE-HAR-HAR] ‘That will be next week, boys…’ ”

Read more:,8599,2022516-2,00.html#ixzz11a6vM6KN

Doesn’t this sound like Potok is trying to start something by calling the other side “chicken”? Seems like the power elite are getting tired of waiting for the race war to begin…

Potok accuses Bill White of wanting to start a race war, July 2007 –

Mark Potok Familiar With Bill White

Anti- hate watchdog group familiar with sender
Bill White known for agitating communities already wrestling with issues


A Southern Poverty Law Center activist Wednesday described the head of the American National Socialist Workers Party — the group that mass-mailed an inflam*matory letter about a controversial local case this week — as “the crudest of racists” and fundamentally an anarchist.

Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, said Bill White, who heads ANSWP, “really is a neoNazi,” having broken away about a year ago from another neo-Nazi group, the National Socialist Movement.

White’s organization placed its name on a mass mailing this week commenting on charges against Anthony Dale Finch, an ex-Henderson police officer facing ethnic intimidation and other charges, and on the NAACP’s public statements about the case.

ANSWP has 13 chapters across the country, including units in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma and West Virginia, Potok said. Potok said ANSWP had repeatedly led rallies and marches through black neighborhoods “protesting alleged black crime against whites.”

Of the Henderson mailing, said Potok, “This is classic Bill White. It’s an attempt to actually start a race war between blacks and whites.”

The group helped incite a Toledo, Ohio riot in 2005, resulting in more than 60 arrests — none of them involving ANSWP members, Potok said.

“He did it again in Orlando,” Potok said. “This is a group that has special*ized in provocations.” [Unknown to Bill White, that riot was organized by the group called FBI.]

Terry Garrison, president of the Vance County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, called for the community to stay away from any rallies held by ANSWP.

He said he not only hoped no one attended such a rally in support of ANSWP but also wished no one would attend even in protest.

“Hopefully, no local citizens will attend and I would certainly urge local persons just to stay away,” Garrison said, calling White’s campaign “an intentionally divisive action.”

Potok supported Garrison’s call to avoid ANSWP events.

“I think that’s right in this case,” Potok said.

Potok said ANSWP and White had provoked violence in the past by pitting blacks and whites against each other.

White looks for cases “that he thinks have the potential to create a firestorm in race relations,” Potok said. “That’s what it’s all about. He’s trying to promote a racial battle. Bill White would like nothing better than to see blood flowing in the streets of Henderson — or anywhere else where he can get it flowing.”

Potok said White had made a strange and circuitous route to his present, neo-Nazi position.

“(White) was a left-wing anarchist just a few years ago,” promoting marijuana legalization and “hard left causes,” said Potok, before White had “some kind of conversion” to far right extrem*ism.

On his “weird journey from the far left to the radical right,” said Potok, White “made a stop as a correspondent for Pravda.

“We’re talking about a man who is politically out of his mind,” Potok said.

Contact the writer at

1998!!! Mark Potok sees a race war coming in 2000!!!

“On June 16th the Southern Poverty Law Center issued a stark warning of an impending race war. In a statement carried by Reuters news service spokesman Mark Potok, it was declared that some “hate groups” believe that Biblical Armageddon will be fought in the year 2000 by white Christians against blacks and Jews.(1) Potok’s remarks coincided with the release of a SPLC Intelligence Project report which indicated that even though the number of such groups has fallen off recently, a “leaner, harder Patriot movement … hardened in the forge of the Christian Identity religion has emerged, producing terrorist conspiracies and crimes on a level not seen in decades.” (2)

In his customary fashion, Mark Potok crudely lashed out against the religious sect of Christian Identity. “You don’t hate your cow, but you sure as hell don’t sleep with it,” he told Reuters, referring to the ideal of racial separation held by many Identity believers. “It [Christian Identity] is incredibly anti-Semitic, and it is racist because [members believe] blacks are not human,” he said. Potok failed to explain the SPLC’s position that the prenatal human is not human either. (3)

The Southern Poverty Law Center is again beating the war drum of racist agitation, evidently alarmed at the declining number of Patriot type groups included in its catalog of stigmatization. After the decline of the Ku Klux Klan the Patriot movement became the bogeyman used by the SPLC to convince contributors that they should continue sending in large checks. Add one measure of Christian Identity with some sensational sound bite and you have a “leaner, harder Patriot” threat to sell — another illusion that remains the sole product of the “hate industrial complex.” These subversive tactics have successfully netted the SPLC a large endowment worth many millions of tax-free dollars.

As the Southern Poverty Law Center profiteered on the Oklahoma City bombing and pumped the militia threat for all it could gain from it, a courageous member of that organization’s leadership council protested to Morris Dees, SPLC director and founder, in a letter that is by now well known in Patriot circles. In that letter he stated:

I have, until recently, been a contributing member to SPLC for several years, and until recently, I have been proud of that association… But rather than seek justice for those so abused, the Center has chosen to exploit sensationalist journalism, to which the SPLC itself has contributed heavily, inducing largely irrational fears to fight against the so-called “Patriot Movement” and its related “Militias”. In the SPLC campaign, this heterogeneous group is painted with broad strokes in threatening ways which are very unfair to the great majority of those in the movement… If we in the SPLC are truly concerned with the threat presented by these groups, we should be looking for ways to constructively address their legitimate concerns, rather than seek to blindly discredit and destroy the entire movement. — excerpts from a letter by David H. Stern, M.D. dated May 8, 1996….”