Archive for the ‘Letters from Bill White’ Category

Two letters from Bill White in Canaan Penitentiary

April 26, 2013

Due to the fact that Bill is restricted in how many letters that he can send each week, I am posting his latest letters to me here. As usual, the most entertaining bits about prison life are cut out. Sorry.

Bill White wrote on April 11:

Well, the good news is I made it to USP Canaan, Please send me my WSJ. LOL. Everything else was bad news, but it is in the past, and as Charlie says, “Now is the only thing that is real.;-)

The past two weeks were not treating me well. I was locked down and in solitary on the orders of (name)- the Munchkin. What he did was claim – falsely – that he was going to give me a “shot” – an incident report – for “unauthorized media contact.” The fact this is not a BOP policy violation made a difference – in the sense that he didn’t put it into writing – but not in keeping me out of the SHU. I had the hell kicked out of me until yesterday, now I am able to relax.

The low point was probably just after I wrote Wednesday. I went out to “rec” in the freezing rain. After soaking through my clothes, I lost all feeling in my left leg and most feeling in the other and almost fell over. It took about a day to recover. I spent yesterday “black-boxed”, causing both of my forearms to be bruised and swollen this morning. A “black box” is metal black box that goes over your handcuffs, and provides extra restraint of the arms and hands. They are only supposed to use it on dangerous and out of control inmates – but [name] wrote nonsense all over my paperwork to make sure I got one.

Really, the whole thing was ridiculous. Every other Oklahoma SHU bed was labelled “SMU” – Special Management Unit, like ADX, but it only lasts three years – “ADX”, “DIST BEH” – disruptive behavior, “DISTGRP” -disruptive group, or had Nortena or Texas gang affiliations – neither of which walk in Oklahoma City. So, they have hyper-violent dudes going into administrative programs on this unit – and me, low security, general population. Even the SHU Lieutenant kept coming by and saying “I didn’t want you here, but I don’t have a choice.” Now, they may have been patronizing me – but I don’t think so because it wasn’t like I was wasting time begging to leave.

Anyways, the SHU was wearing on me. I was hungry, cold, and my sleep schedule was falling off – but I’m out now and doing okay. 😀 And, no shot was written, so the whole thing is behind me.

[Bill talks about research for his next book here.More on this, later.]

Loretto, at least, will not interfere with my writing, and, with some luck, I will have at least a few weeks to sit down and write while my legal issues continue to unfold. [Comment about Roanoke case deleted.]

I was completely isolated from the news, but I am sitting here looking at the Boston bombings. … [Bill speculates the device was identical to the MLK Day Spokane bomb.] The target was clearly “Americans” and not “the government,” causing me to suspect it is not domestic. [Musings on jihad deleted here.]

… Please share my latest prison and research news with everyone … [Personal remarks deleted.]



Bill White wrote on April 20:

Well, it’s been two months of straight disappointment, and, now the BOP is keeping me under wraps in holdover status at USP Canaan. It is much better than the SHU, though, and I keep looking up. I’ve determined that I may be able to get myself in a camp this summer, which will ease contact with my daughter, and I am still working on sentence reduction – there are other motions and appeals left to file. So, some things are looking up – if only because I am at the bottom of a hole. 😉

Please give my apologies to (name) for not writing. Really, give my apologies to everyone – I can only write three letters a week.

[Family and money stuff deleted here.]

Please write! And please ask people to write! I need more contact with the real world. Food here is adequate, I can exercise, and I have few complaints, but not being able to interact with real people is the biggest one.

Oh, and I have not received the Wall Street Journal. What is its status? There is little news here, and frankly, I miss it. 😉

[Bill speculates on where he is going next here.] If I am still headed to Loretto, it will likely be on the May 3rd bus…

As to what’s happening in Roanoke…I was wrong about the 70 days [for a speedy trial] – but, the lack of detainer or Writ on file seems to indicate they are in violation [of the Speedy Trial Act.]…

[Bill explains his security status here. His is rated at 14 now and he needs to stay out of trouble and get it down to 11 to be able to get into a camp.] Even if things in Roanoke go badly, he worst that will do is keep me in a low until 25 % of my sentence is complete, at which time I’d again become eligible.

Canaan is mostly locked down. A guard was killed here last month, and so holdover now locks down at 3:30 PM until 6 AM the next day… But I don’t mind terribly. It could be much worse.

[Comments about prison people deleted here.]

The only news has been the Boston bombings. I have no idea what else happened in the world. LOL… Really I wish I could just work on my book as it gives me something to do which the BOP views as completely harmless…

Also, in my boredom, I have been designing computer software…

I do miss everyone…and hope to hear something…



Bill White: SHUed Again

April 16, 2013

Bill White wrote:

Please tell people to write. I can only send 3 letters on Wednesday, but I read them all week long… I can take isolation, but a a week of it starts to wear on your mind – and mail is all that cheers me up.


Got a letter from Bill dated April ninth. Things have certainly gone from bad to worse for him. As someone suggested earlier, it was that phone interview with Dave Gahary that got him in trouble, that is, stuck in the SHU again. Bill says he has a right to communicate with the media, but a prison official is threatening to write him up for it, and Bill thinks he could have his email and phone privileges suspended until (if and when) he gets to the Roanoke City Jail. I hope that is not true.

He has given up trying to plot where he will go and what will come next in prison life. That’s a big change. Last time he was in prison he used to work out elaborate scenarios with all the percentages figured for things that never came true.

Bill had a strange roommate in the SHU that claimed to be a Navy Seal and who wanted to talk about ex-wives. Bill suspected an informer. When the cellie was moved, he left behind a sack of the same allergy tablets that made Bill go screwy in the head the first time he was in prison. Too weird.

He is studying the New Testament with strange results. If you thought Tradition of the Mother was a whirlwind tour of gods and myths, the chapter from new book that he sent me makes Tradition look slow.

Bill asks that people write to his very lonely self. Looks like he will be in OKC for another week, so a letter mailed today (4-16) or tomorrow should get to him.

Finally, Bill says “Thank you!” to everyone that is helping him.

Bill in Milan today and Letter from Bill White in OKC, Jan 8, 2012

January 18, 2013

Having a hard time keeping up with Bill, but I have had phone calls from him twice in Milan and I am happy to report that he is back to his normal self. He ended up in Milan (pronounced MY-lun) because the plane he was on bound for Chicago had a broken strut on the wing (or something.) That plane was held in OKC for 7 or 8 hours on the tarmac. A nightmare.

Bill likes Milan much better than OKC. He has phone calls, but his email is still screwed up. Food is scanty (Typical Bill complaint.)

News! Bill says he had an article about Henry Ford II published in The Barnes Review. The article (the best thing in the magazine, ha-ha) is about how Henry Ford II turned his father’s life’s work over to the communists. And, Bill’s “Traditions of the Mother” with Poisoned Pen Publishing is selling quite well, even though it is not on amazon or even in the AFP catalog. Also, his legal defense fund is off to a good start – almost $1200 has been raised. This will go to reimburse the person who has hired the lawyer (Nishay Sanan, again) to take the Chicago case to the Supreme Court.

Bill also said today that the government has agreed to return everything they seized from him in Mexico except the electronics. (I believe this is the Rule 41 thing he mentions below.)

Regarding the “sovereign citizen” issue discussed in the letter, Bill has always dismissed sovereign citizens as misguided (that may not be quite the word, but something like that) and when gets a sovereign citizen cellie he usually complains about having to listen to their beliefs.

Bill White wrote on January 8:

Well, this may shock you, but I’m stuck in the SHU. LOL. This was not a complete surprise – I had a premonition this trip would be rough, and it has been. But, I’ve got 87 days left to do – and I can take 87 days of just about anything.

What will shock you is why I am in the SHU. Wanna guess? LOL. The BOP has decided that I’m a “sovereign citizen.” LOL. Now, of all the weird things I’ve been in my life, a sovereign citizen is not one of them. This of course, doesn’t matter to the BOP. Somewhere along the line, some asshole has put this in my file at this facility, and, now, nothing I say matters. As you well know, as big an asshole as I am, I have never filed a sovereign citizen paper, a UCC lien, or even talked about that nonsense to anyone except to tell them its nonsense when asked. But, when I’m in Oklahoma, I’m now a sovereign citizen.

As you can imagine, this annoys the hell out of me. LOL. At least hit me for something I’m guilty of. I’m wondering if this is related to why I was locked down in July – probably. I have been trying to figure out how this came to be, and my guess has been, one, either Hogeboom said something,or two, a combination of Hogeboom said something and all those issues I was trying to deal with with S. and my car and my ex-wife and our divorce turned into some SIS fantasy which had nothing at all to do with what was actually going on. Those are my best guesses. Or, maybe they decided that my refusal to give my name and identity when they first arrested me was some kind of ideological statement instead of me being an asshole. LOL. My view is that these people’s lives are so boring, they make up or imagine things like “sovereign citizens” all around them to spice things up.

So, I am now celling with a guy from the USPs who spends the day discussing wild murders with me. On the one hand, many actual killers I’ve met spend their entire day telling me about people they killed – often in great detail. On the other hand, this guy is clearly lying to me about many things. He has claimed involvement, directly or peripherally, in everything from CIA operations in Latin America in the 1980s to Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing. In fact, the things he discusses sounds like someone took a “greatest hits” of the most interesting people I’ve known or things I’ve published and claimed involvement in all of it. LOL. However, guys like this always overstep – for instance, this dude claims he invented the C Programming language. So, I’m taking this with a grain of salt.

However, he has discussed stabbing and killing many, many people, inside and outside of prison. So, if I die before I ship – tomorrow or next Wednesday (possibly Monday) – you know where I went. I’ll be a second Kenneth Michael Trentadue.

Actually, the usual technique with guys like this is to build empathy through mirroring – they appear to be someone like who you are like, or who they think you are like, or who are like you on things they want to discuss – and I wonder if this guy hasn’t been planted. For instance, his topics of discussion have included “how he threatened and put a $30,000 contract on his judge, how he butchers and murders people, his involvement with white supremacists and bikers (when I was first SHUed, some idiot claimed I led a “biker gang” a la Matt Drudge 1999), various 1990s Constitutional issues (Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing), et cetera. Now, I did tell him I was here on witness tampering and I’m accused by BOP of being a “sovereign citizen”, so he may just be fishing along those lines, but I’m (as always) suspicious.

What’s funny is no one ever comes up and tries to mirror me on “boy, do I love and miss my daughter”, “I really wish I could do something good for people without hatred from a wicked society”, or attempts to engage me in discussion of Evola and Devi.

The guy also tried to conspire with me to make YouTube videos. He suggested I wear a mask and read some theories he’d written that, frankly, were sovereign citizenry. I declined.

The only thing not disturbing me after all this talk of death is that dude doesn’t have the look of any of the serious killers I’ve known, so I’m thinking I’m probably okay. He’s also not aggressive, so that’s good as well.

So, I’m getting fucked by BOP, but I’ve got entertaining company. And I just got a copy of Angels and Demons, so I will finally finish that to.

[Personal remarks deleted here.]

Also, let me know if my rule 41 motion is progressing in the Southern District of Florida. The government agreed to part of it – now, I’m just seeing what the Judge does on the rest. I really can’t figure how they are getting around a search warrant. They might have been able to do it if ICE had the property on a border search / extended border search, but the government made no claim like that. I believe the property is a “foreign search”, as it was seized in Mexico, and, under the foreign search laws, once the property is transferred to US agents on US soil, a search warrant is needed.


I’ve just been wondering how people have been. [snip]

My daughter has been mostly incommunicado, though I did get a “Happy New Year Daddy” letter from her, and my [family member] sent pictures of Christmas.

And, I’ve been well. My mood has been up – the misery I felt at Canaan is gone – and there really doesn’t seem to be anything standing between me and the door, except 87 days. The calendar remains the same. I’ll be back in Loretto in about a month.

Hope you are well. I’ve missed hearing from you, and hope to hear from you soon. Hope Chicago puts me on a unit. :- D



PS: Was tempted to sign it “The Republic of Bill”, but that would just provoke them. LOL.

Sad letter from Bill White in Canaan USP at Christmastime

December 31, 2012

Of course, Bill did not get moved during Christmas week.

Bill White wrote on December 23rd:

Another day is burning up. Days here move quickly, not least of all because I have been sleeping and recovering from this illness. Loretto was massively overcrowded and they never opened the yard in the evenings (because it was dark at 4-5PM). This unit is near empty, and I have my own room – so I can rest.

I finished the Hunchback of Notre Dame this morning. I am not a fan of Hugo and his perspective but his comments on architecture make me wonder if he was a mason – I know he was elected to the French Senate. Having experienced so much abuse myself, lurid tales of torture upset me. I had just started on one at Loretto – The Affair of the Poisoners – and another on Catherine D’Medici, filled with stories of French Sadism. I wonder if the serpent bloodline and the cult of “Saint” Dionysius/Denis play a role.

Mostly, though, I wish I had something pleasant to reflect on. I feel things are getting better and I am 100% certain I will be released by April 15, but I am also quite down. Really, I’m tired. I’m tired of [WHAT ALL WN ARE TIRED OF] and this rotten America, and really, tired of America and its people themselves. I still cannot look forward and see a future. I have trouble desiring to continue in a world as wicked as this, right now. I continue because I will be able to think much more clearly after my release.

[COMMENT ABOUT THE MASSIVE TASK OF RESTORING KARMA DELETED HERE] Yet, the only other thing I have to sustain me is my daughter, and my ex-wife has made her gone.

And, what I love is when some fat redneck [official] assigned to censoring my mail calls this “crying.” Best to be a grey man. What should I do? Bellow threats? [NO, BILL.] I have no need of threats, or hot anger. My anger burns coldly among much sadness.

Speaking of karma, I was thinking of reading L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics – his blending of 18th Century Tantra with science fiction to create his bogus religion. I also have some cheap and damaged novels.

[Name withheld], just before I left, had sent me a Yule present of an article on Masonry and Tantra, which greatly sharpened my understanding of shakti and dharma in the Kali Yuga. It also gave me some thoughts on Masonry and the French Revolution. Tell her thank you for me if you get the chance.

I hope to be on phone and email by Friday. If so I will be in touch. If not, I will send out another round of letters next weekend. You can write back, if you like. In an ordinary week, I would be out and on an airlift – whether Monday or Wednesday, I don’t remember. With Christmas, who knows?

Hope all is well with you and stay in touch.



Letters from Bill White in Loretto

December 26, 2012

This letter was very short, with almost nothing “iffy” in it, so it gets posted first.

Bill White wrote on Dec. 14:

I’m sending you a second/rough draft of the Forward and Chapter one of Serpent’s Blood. Read it when you get a chance and give me your opinion. [Ha! I’m still trying to form an opinion of Centuries – americafarm]

The government right now is fighting me tooth and nail with nothing. The US Attorney’s Office – Patrick Hogeboom, the blowhard who once accused me of killing twenty people, in particular – is emailing Loretto obsessively, trying to obstruct my halfway house.

I did get the Rule 41 Response.* The government is making all sorts of wild claims – but the essence is that they seized and searched the property** without a warrant, and now want the Judge to rubber stamp that six months post facto. That’s not how the Fourth Amendment works. Also, they clearly have no real evidence [snip – Bill’s take on the evidence deleted]. What it all adds up to is that they have nothing – I’m not convinced they even have a crime – and so they are pursuing me because they have nothing better.

Enjoy the book. I’m still locked out of email today, and not sure how to fix it. Mail is still working, though – so we may be back to that.

Hope you are well.



Notes on the letter –

* I don’t know where to find details of this investigation and I don’t want to know unless Bill gets indicted.

** What they took from Bill in Mexico. I believe he is getting his personal belongings back in small batches.

[Sorry, the more I look at this next letter, the more I think, you better not post that. Could be repercussions. Those US Attorneys have me paranoid. So, here is just a bit of it.]

Bill White wrote on Dec. 15:

I’ve been sitting around contemplating the evil of the United States, and my own general agitation lately. I can feel plots being brewed against me. As long as they remain plots, I expect I shall be fine.


I just find it unusual I have no vision – rational or irrational – of what is coming. There is nothing troublesome on the horizon – empty threats from the government – their effort to create something out of a Mexican seizure that clearly, even with the best spin, isn’t there – this non-starting nonsense in Chicago. But, I suspect, something else is brewing. Something difficult – but not “bad” – to terminate this episode.


What I found most amusing lately is reference to my supposed “extreme” views – as if I had some view that could be plotted on some Jew’s chart – with the Hebrew at the reasonable medium, and me just an outlier. I am not in the same world as these illusions…

Short message from Bill

November 9, 2012

Not in phone contact with Bill anymore, but here is a letter from him when he was in transit. He is in Canaan USP in Pennsylvania, now. I haven’t heard from him since he arrived there.

Letter from Bill White dated November 2nd –

I am in the Grady County Law Enforcement Center at 215 N. 3rd St. Chickasha, OK, 73018. I’ll probably be gone from here before you get this. I’m headed to FCI Loretto in Loretto, Pennsylvania. I’ve been designated low or medium, not minimum as Turk ordered, but, at least, I’m not in Beckley.


Let the world know where I am. The jail here is truly awful. 30 guys in a dormitory housing in a relatively small room. However, I’ve got access to an overpriced phone, I’m getting sent coffee and ear plugs, an I finally got a good long shower and shave. The unit seems all low and minimum security – illegal immigrants and old white guys – so its relatively quiet and drama free.

Really, I’m just not used to being in such low-level housing, and treated like I’m not an immediate danger to the world. It’s good.

Plus, there are no serial killers here throwing urine at me.* (snip)

My attorney did file – or is preparing to file – my en banc motion. So, that worry is cared for. (snip)

Other than that, not much going on. The flight was long and exhausting. Once we get here, they packed us in a gym for 5-6 hours. Food here is okay but not great. (snip)

Give the world my best and let all my friends (and foes, I guess, by default) out there know I’m okay, in a relatively stable situation. and in transit to PA.




PS: My dharma still seems to be on this good shift. I’m trying. ;D

Note: In Roanoke, Bill had a feud with another inmate. Bill started off talking about the “negro buffoon” (and it was pretty entertaining to read) but as the months went on, it turned into a very ugly war. Bill’s last letter from Roanoke said, “Keep praying to Odin for me to get out of here.”

Thanks to the negro buffoon/serial killer, Bill’s section lost most of the privileges that had made the Roanoke SHU more desirable than a BOP SHU. Thanks to the feud, towards the end, Bill lost all his privileges, such as commissary and showers. -americafarm

Letter from Bill White published on Dan Casey’s blog

January 19, 2012

Here we get a little news about what Bill is doing now from Bill himself. (Hey, he has to earn a living, folks.) – americafarm

Your daily Letter to the Columnist — Jan. 17, 2012
Wikimedia Commons
Casey is ‘A harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods’

Mr. Casey:

Your recent blog post on the article “Roanoke: A Model of Middle Class Disintegration” was brought to my attention.

The article published by AFP is a rewritten and condensed version of a report that I recently assisted in producing for the Iranian news wire FARS, part of the effort to educate the Iranian people about the moral and economic decline of our Great Satan.

The original has longer copy and is accompanied by about forty photographs and ten minutes of video.

I attach the original text. I’m sure my editor, Mostafa Afzalzadeh, would love to discuss it with you in depth if you have the interest. He is currently on assignment in Syria, but is available by email.

And do not mistake my politeness for delusion into who are what you are — a harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods.

Bill White
Ex-jail inmate
American National Socialist Workers Party


Note from Dan: Bill supplied his editor’s email address, which I redacted from the email above. As the only Roanoke journalist to call for White’s release from jail, (I was way ahead of the curve on that one) I’m understandably miffed about his characterization of me.

On the other hand, in terms of flamboyant insults, it ranks up there with Al’s description of my column: ” . . . a habanero enemina [sic] administered with a 40-foot-long barbed-wire-wrapped hose.”

Jewish Myth essay by Bill White:

More essays by Bill White:

Bill White in Chicago – Update – December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

Case 09-2916

Click to access 3T1FFZ6D.pdf

A few more messages from Bill. This morning Bill said he had been called to court and he wondered if his hearing last week (which he missed) was rescheduled for today.

Note: the song he quotes is not one Bill White made up. He says it’s a real song.

12/18/2010 6:55:35 PM

A note for the website:

I was reading a book, “Master of Disguise”, the other day, and ran across a passage saying that the KGB tortured intelligence officers who turned turncoat to death by cremating them alive, feet first.

I am wondering if such a cruel method of death is not a disguised religious practice of some sort.

I also wonder if this method of death, if authentic, is not related to the fantasy of “crematoriums” the Soviets invented when they manufactured the “Holocaust”.

Both of which remind me of a song:

“When you see the crematorium,
You’ll know that this is where you’ll come.
And when you see the smoke coming out the lungs,
Its gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight!”



12/19/2010 8:05:37 PM

I have not yet discovered what happened in Court the other day. I am still trying to get the case numbers and addresses of all these cases. Apparently, the government sent some letters to the Fourth Circuit to notify them that, in addition to the three cases consolidated in the government’s appeal, two more appeals were pending before the Fourth Circuit. This is good, though, in a way, because consolidation of all the cases would make my life immensely easier, as I have my paid lawyers, a court appointed appeal lawyer, and me, personally, representing me and it’s a bizarre mess…

12/19/2010 9:36:08 PM

My address in Chicago is:

William A White #13888-084
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 W Van Buren St
Chicago, IL 60605

I will be here until January 18, 2011 and expect they will not delay my mail the way they have previously.

On another note, been reading Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood”. It never ceases to amaze me how, in prison, the type of book that predominates is the crime novel, or the non-fictional account of criminal behavior. Finding, say, a book on history, or a work of literature, is difficult — but finding a book on “true crime” serial killers, rapists, molestors, etc, and their novelized equivalents, is extremely easy. This cannot be a healthy thing, and I often wonder what librarians are thinking.



Thoughts on Baal Worship and Ancient Aryans

December 16, 2010

Have no idea what is happening/happened in Chicago, but Bill is still in Oklahoma City, reading books, sending emails and trying to get things set up for his release. As always, he is working on his myth and ritual studies. Three recent emails, below, with a glimpse of Bill’s “Christmas Vacation Reading List”.

WILLIAM A WHITE on 12/14/2010 11:06:05 AM wrote …I spent some time last night considering the subject of Baal and impalement. No particular reason why. Read of a story of a woman being impaled in the 1980s in Virginia in one of these sicko-crime books here, and it got me thinking. I am wondering if there are not two forms of ritual impalement — one laterally and one longitudinally. The Egyptian form of execution, if the hieroglyphic of the impaled man is any clue, is to behead and then impale the victim through the midsection, under the ribs and through the back. The other form of impalement is through the pelvic region to the neck or mouth. The first seems to be the means of slaying vampires, of sacrifice to Odin (minus the beheading), the binding of Prometheus, and the crucifixion of Christ. The other may be the form of the Assyrians and Vlad the Impaler. It is certainly more cruel. (The Odin sacrifice in particular uses it as a symbolic maneuver after the victim has been hung). I am not certain of Boudicea’s method. I am wondering if differences in the form of impalement have ritual significance vis-a-vis the worship of Baal. One is the means by which Baal is bound; perhaps the other is a means of torturing his victims? Just some thoughts that occurred. Post them if you like. Bill
WILLIAM A WHITE on 12/15/2010 10:25:56 PM wrote Some more for the internet. I was reading a book today, “The Rise of the West”. Popular in nature, but excellent. Turns out pre-dynastic Egyptians had images of Mesopotamian (Sumerian) ships, indicating linkage between the two cultures prior to 3100 BC — which is very excellent, because it confirms my belief that the Egyptian Ennead and Sumerian pantheons are of common origin. Also concludes the Sumerians and Egyptians may have had a common language origin — I have the same impression, from being functional in Middle Egyptian and familiar with Sumerian, particularly after reading that cuneiform is syllabic in nature — a single character represents a combination of sounds, rather than a single sound. The dispersion from the Red Sea into Southern Egypt explains why the higher culture originated in the South — it didn’t migrate from Europe, but from South Asia. The only question I have here is as to the role of Horus, who is not a Sumerian figure, and appears to pre-date the Ennead and Osiris. Also, the Re cult is clearly not of Sumerian origin. Both appear to have been European imports. The book also concludes that the Aryans of Central Asia have too many similarities in their forms of worship with the Mesopotamian peoples for there not to have been a common origin. The author, a fellow named McNeil, believes the Aryans borrowed from Sumeria and Akkad/Babylon. I am not so sure. The Indus culture may be key here. Apparently, no one has cracked their language. Still, a Southern-Asian “white” people appear to have been involved in founding Sumer, Indus and the Upper Egyptian culture — perhaps the lost continent of Lemuria? Bill
December 16, 2010 Saw something in a book I thought was quite amazing. It’s a cylinder seal discovered at Tell Asmar. On it, on the left, is a nude man grabbing a bull by the tail. On the right, the man has grown horns and hoofed legs, and is wrestling a lion with the head of a boar. Look at him, and he is obviously a proto-Pan. Also, saw an image of Prajapati, Shiva as lord of the beasts, and it is clearly the goat-headed Pan of the famous illustration. Both, of course, I have hypothesized are the Judaeo-Christian Jehovah and African Juju. Both images surprised me, though. You may want to note this on the website, if you’re blogging these little notes of mine. Bill

Bill White’s Next Direction

December 11, 2010

Bill says his hearing in Chicago starts on December 15 and that he may be moved as early as Monday. So far, he is in general population in Oklahoma City FTC, reading 2 novels a day and relaxing. He wishes they had better reading material.

The staff in the SHU at Beckley were all down-hearted to see Bill White go. No, really! They mistakenly believed Bill’s attempted lawsuit against Beckley had somehow done the trick and got him moved. Bill doesn’t think he will be going back to Beckley, but I’m not so sure, so I’m not going to say anything more about Bill’s characteristic exit from the scene.

When I asked Bill what’s next for him, he answered on his future studies, at first. (Unfortunately, I haven’t posted the last batch of writings Bill White sent me, yet, but, when they go up, this will be self-explanatory.)

“…If you’ve caught up all my corrections, you can note that the “Nifel” cult I’ve been studying seems to be focused in Northern Mesopotamia, and may likely be the normative form of worship of the 9th century Assyrians. They impaled victims, flayed them alive, and covered city walls with their skins. However, both forms of execution are associated with the “Victory” cult — impalement in particular, though the “Black Elves” seem to often be flayed alive a la Marsyas.

While I can track trends in these unnatural forms of execution, I have trouble deciphering their meaning. Was the Baal pole worshipped because Baal was impaled and bound, or because of the theft of fire, and if because of his punishment, to celebrate him or his binding?

Really, I need some good Assyrian texts when I get out — that would be my next direction of exploration. I also want to re-read “The Age of Arthur”, “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” and the history of France by Lady Catherine Jackson, as well as an eight volume series I have on world religions writings when I am released. This should keep even me busy for the next six to nine months or more.

Another question I’ve uncovered is whether reptile-worship originates in the Medean mountains or in the Semitic desert. The Assyrians and the Babylonians both emerged from the Arabian desert. The Babylonian contribution to Sumerian worship was the “storm-god” Bel-Merodach. Yet Marduk does not seem to be an anti-Traditional symbol — though there may be some inversion in his myth. Perhaps this is a mythical predecessor or opposing view to the Eddic system? Also, Lovecraft has a city of reptiles in the Arabian desert. I wonder more and more about Lovecraft.

In contrast, the definitely-Aryan Persians were noted for their inversion of the Assyrian form of brutality and exploitation. This indicates the Medean and Persian system may have been something different. I need to study more Persian myth and history.

Zarathustra is also a 6th century contemporary of the other “Victory” prophets — Zalmoxis, Orpheus, Numa, etc. This suggests that the Anakim (“Hrimthrusir”/”Bergelmir” giants) were substantially before him, as well as the Nifel-form of worship.

Some thoughts. Feel free to post them.

Thank you…

December 11, 2010

Sent Date:
WHITE WILLIAM A (13888084)
Sunday, December 12, 2010 9:55 AM
A few other thoughts

I think there were a few other essays I had not yet sent you. Some more material for the website, perhaps.

One, I had done an outline of the introduction of religion to Rome. I read a skeptical account of the mythos prior to 509 BC, stating that Rome was essentially an Etruscan puppet state from 753 BC to 509 BC. This may be true for the latter half, but I do not necessarily believe Numa’s religion was Etruscan in nature (I really need more information on the Etruscan culture — and perhaps a reread of Alfred Rosenberg’s analysis, which I now believe to be erroneous as to his choice of Apollo as the epitome of Aryan culture, but likely correct in his analysis of the God of Nysus as an essentially negative cultural force.) The form of religion introduced by Romulus was essentially Mars, Venus, and Heracles — Horus, Isis and Re, in various aspects, as I argue. This religious form predominated until the founding of the Republic. If the Aenead is to be believed the Sybil — perhaps Etna — was also worshipped.

Shortly after the founding of the Republic, 499 BC, the worship of Bacchus, Cybele and Demeter, as well as “the twins”, Castor and Pollux were introduced as a group. This was about ten years after the construction of the temple to Jupiter Capitolinus. This may indicate infiltration by the Nifel cult. What I found truly interesting was the Roman games, dedicated to Consus, a definite demonic form of worship, were introduced 264 BC, one year after the beginning of the First Punic War with Carthage, and the period of Roman expansion that led to the Roman Empire. I increasingly believe that the Baal cult entered Rome under the cover of advocacy of “liberty”, and absorbed, some how, the forms of the previous “Victory” religion — much as the Baal cult seems to underlie much of American iconography. A second essay I did was on the worship of the Khazars.

What I found of interest here is that the intersection of the Khazars with the Byzantine ruling family is a period of time associated with black magic rituals and human sacrifice. There were only two Byzantine Emperors that could be said to be Jews…

(Note: Bill got cut off here – americafarm)

WILLIAM A WHITE on 12/12/2010 10:55:23 AM wrote

Sorry I got interrupted.

What I was saying about the Khazars is this:

There was a dynasty of Byzantine rulers — the Isaurian dynasty — that came to power in the late 8th century, if I recall. The founder was a fellow named Leo the Isaurian — the Isaurians being a rather backwards mountain people of Central Asia Minor. I believe he was a soldier — came to power by fighting off the Arabs and so forth. He was also the founder of the Orthodox Church (though the formal split and excommunication of 1054 AD came much later), and an iconoclast — someone who opposed the use of idols.

His grandson — perhaps a Justin or a Michael, I don’t recall — married a Khazar princess. The next two sons were a half Jew and a quarter Jew (or Khazar) as a result. These are the only two Khazars to rule Byzantium, though there was another intermarriage that terminated one of the other dynasties, perhaps the previous one — I’d have to check my notes.

Anyway, this man who married the Khazar Jew was one of the few Byzantine Emperors that Gibbon found to be credibly involved in black magic rites.

In addition to this note, I looked it up, and the human sacrifices that Thucydides records were practiced at Athens were dedicated to Bacchus — or Baal — precisely as one would have expected. Three sons of a Persian were killed, likely torn by wild beasts, likely in conjunction with the Eleusinian rites — though I believe Thucydides just records a “sacrifice to Bacchus”.

I note that the Sumerian “moon maid”, like the Nordic, was named “Nanna” — that one really blew my mind when I found it. (I do not have a proper book of Sumerian myth). I also note the Sumerian belief that they were created whole with their cities by various deities. The Sumerians, unlike the people of North and Central Mesopotamia, did not emerge from the Arabian desert (i.e., they are not Semites) — their origin is unknown. What I found interesting was looking at the development of the coastline of the Persian Gulf in what is now Iraq, where I note that much of the swamps of Southern Iraq have emerged from the waters, so to speak, within the past six thousand years. Given that one valid interpretation of the name “Audhumla” is “Aud” — “marsh” or “mud” — “Hum” — “around” — “La” — “land” — the belief that the gods originated in such a fashion is telling (though most books interpret it as “Aud” — “Void” — “Humla” — “Darkness”. My Nordic language notes do not support such an interpretation and I do not know the origin of that view.)

Each individual city, though, was believed raised from the primordial flood by a distinct deity. This is an adaptation, if not the origin, of the Egyptian belief of Iunu (On or Helioplis), that Re rose and created heat, light, dryness, the finite and the known, and caused the primordial hill to emerge from the waters (from which a lotus blossomed). I need some clarification, as the original story is that the lotus blossomed, and from the lotus emerged an egg, and the egg hatched, and a falcon was born, and the falcon, a symbol of Horus, was Atum, who then did various things to create the world. Atum appears to become Re — but Re is the one who starts the process. I do not have the original text to correct my understanding with.

Anyway, there was clearly a lot of Sumerian and Egyptian interaction. The Ennead was transplanted almost literally to Sumeria — or vice versa. I believe the Hor and Re cults to be European and likely proto-Nordic in origin. Osiris seems to have come with the package, but his myth family is separate, and he is not attested to as Osiris until the late Fifth Dynasty (the pyramid text of Unas, if I recall). He absorbed a previous deity called Khentymentiu, if I recall, who was portrayed as a jackal (though Khenty was also a “crocodile god of death” — perhaps we have jackal-crocodile replacing wolf-serpent in the motif).

Also learned that Khnum was known as a crocodile god — just as expected if he has a dual aspect as Baal.

Out of time. Will write more.


Sunday, December 12, 2010 1:35 PM

The last bit I had written was on the continuance of Egyptian and Sumerian traditions into the Celtic and Nordic North and West. The one thing I didn’t mention in the last email was the Egyptian habit of the king marrying his sister as the god’s wife — I think this is likely significant in the context of the key. Apparently, this was a habit fo the Ptolemies. I do not know how far it goes back. I also have questions about the role of the “god’s daughter” of Ammon, an office of the Third Intermediate Period and late Twentieth Dynasty which seemed to be raised to a higher status under the Nubians.