Archive for the ‘Curt Maynard’ Category

Re: Curtis Maynard Tragedy

April 24, 2010

This article in the Houston Chronicle about Curtis Maynard shooting his wife, his step-daughter and himself drew many surprising responses from men who sympathized with Maynard. Most of them blamed the divorce courts, and in particular divorce lawyers.

Below, an old story, said to be written by Bill White, about Curt Maynard.

From messageboard:

Author: Ghost of
Subject: it’s the kind of story that only comes out of the lunatic fringe of the white movement.

Texas — It’s the kind of story that only comes out of the lunatic fringe of the white movement. Curtis Boone Maynard, a well-known speaker on the anti-Jewish conspiracy theory circuit and a prominent “white nationalist” and advocate of “Aryan-ism”, has a Mexican wife, two half-Mexican children, and often uses photos of his wife’s first husband to illustrate articles criticizing “illegal immigrants”, learned yesterday.

Maynard, who has spoken at “real history” events hosted by the likes of David Irving and who claims to have had a relationship with Willis Carto’s organization, is a former nurse who lost his license in Texas after stealing drugs from the hospital where he worked, and who now appears to work as a nurse’s aide in another state. Pictured, right, with his Mexican wife and his newest half-bred child, one of Maynard’s daughters had been operating a “family photo blog” that was discovered by white activists researching Maynard’s background after he published a number of offensive articles.

Maynard’s prolific internet postings confirm the allegations, including allegations he used a photo of his wife’s ex-husband as a prototypical “illegal immigrant” when denouncing Mexicans.

Maynard, in conjunction with John Nugent, a mentally ill man currently residing in Pennsylvania who refers to himself as “Hitler 2.0”, Daryl Bradford Smith, a prominent conspiracy theorist writer with a black wife, and the Jewish publisher Mike Rivero of, has authored numerous articles referring to ANSWP publisher and editor Bill White as a “Jew” and a “federal informant”, causing many to suspect that they are plants who spout lunacy in order to disrupt the white racialist cause. Given that all of them have something seriously wrong with them, or are non-white, or are married to non- whites, a pattern of disruption and a motive for that disruption appears to be established.

Jewish groups often utilize mentally ill people or infiltrate plants spouting anti-Jewish rhetoric into white groups to cause disruption. Other examples include Jacques Pluss, a half-Jewish man who is either mentally ill or deliberately acting ridiculous, but who recently founded the “American Neo- Nazi Party”, which requires members to meet in the nude at midnight and which calls for the mixing of all races to destroy the concept of race; Michael Blevins, a mentally ill man from Florida who recently co-founded the “Christian National Socialist Party”, a group designed to create religious divisions among white activists; Matthew Ramsey, of Portland, Oregon, an admitted anti-racist informant who runs the seemingly radical “Zogsnightmare” website; and many, many others.