Archive for the ‘Jerry Kane’ Category

West Memphis Cops kill Patriot Jerry Kane and his minor son, Joe

May 21, 2010

The suspects identified:

The video shows Joe Kane helping his dad teach a class; the rapport between the two (around 0:2:54) is interesting.

“They were also members of the Sovereign Nation Supremacy Group and had a vendetta against the government.”

Note: There is no such thing as the “Sovereign Nation Supremacy Group”, the myFoxmindcontrol team just made that up. Furthermore, the Kanes were beloved by Mexicans in California and seem to have been members of the Pot-Smoking Multiculturalist Group.

Updated, September 5, 2010.

This case has no connection to Bill White and only got posted here because nothing was happening with Bill White’s case at the time. However, many people have viewed this article, so I’m going to fill in a few things.


I have not looked into this story since the video was released. The video was weirdly interesting, but showed almost nothing.

Link at

I had to sit through a “N-wordize Me!” Taco Bell commercial to watch this video. Please note, the real action doesn’t start until almost eleven minutes into the video.

Link to analysis of video

No comment on the analysis. I haven’t even read it through, yet.


The media spent about a week jabbering about the “Aryan Church” in Vienna, Ohio that had some connection with the van the Kanes drove. Pastor Martin Lindstedt looked into the Kanes’ connection with this so-called “Aryan Church” in his Talkshoe radio show #33. He reports that the owner of the church had never heard of the Kanes. Apparently, the Kanes were homeless and sometimes used the church’s address as a “home address”.

However, Jerry Kane’s widely reported comment on what the Bible says about killing your enemies DOES sound to me rather similar to what you hear on Lindstedt’s show about killing the enemies of Dual Seedline Christian Identity. Therefore, I consider it possible that Jerry Kane may have been exposed to CI or something related to it.

Link to Aryan Nation web site –


Please note that Bill White, known as a “Neo-Nazi” and “White Supremacist Leader”, is a follower of Savitri Devi, “the missionary of Aryan paganism“. (Bill recommends her book called “The Lightning and the Sun”, 1958. Bill didn’t know anything about the “the House of God’s Prayer being an “Aryan Church”. He never heard of the Kanes before the shootings, and he is not a follower of their “Patriot” belief system.

Links to Savitri Devi sites:


Question: What happened in West Memphis? Was it anything like this?

Out of control [Israelified] traffic cop video:

The motorcycle rider, Anthony Graber of Maryland, posted the video on youtube which triggered a raid on his home and seizure of his computers. File under: Make Everything Illegal and the Police State Will Have a Busy Time.

The photo of Joe dead on the ground reminds me of Nazi Era photos. And it turns out Jerry Kane thought he was fighting the Nazis… those pesky cops who want to see your papers, even though you don’t look like a Mexican or a Middle Eastern/dancing Israeli.

Kurt Nimmo at infowars.

(Why is this here in the Bill White Trial Update blog? Because Nimmo works in a “We all know Hal Turner” reference!)

What we need to understand is that the Aryan Christian is the “New Jew” – and “The Nazis” are the Jews at ADL/SPLC/Homeland Security and their trained minions…like your local police force.