Archive for the ‘Jim Giles’ Category

Alex Linder interview on Bill White, Radiofreemissippi, 12/12/09

September 1, 2010

Just listened to Jim Giles’ excellent interview with Alex Linder last night for the first time.

Linder had just testified in Bill White’s December, 2009 trial. Linder was called on to reveal the IP addresses that Bill White had used when he posted on Linder’s Vanguard News Network Forum. Most of the interview features Alex highlighting important aspects of Bill White’s trial.

Linder points out that Bill White had done nothing illegal, but he had been targeted by the FBI and put in jail for attacking the system. Linder says that the standard of true “imminent threat” has been removed by the Courts, and replaced with the unlawful standard of the so-called victim’s statement: “I feel threatened”. He suggests that the American people were prepared to accept this erosion of our right to free speech by sexual harassment laws.

Other people discussed include Richard Warman, Leonard Pitts and Hal Turner and the Christian and Newsom murder case in Chattanooga. Linder recalls that Hal Turner had, at one time, hosted both VNN Forum and on Turner’s server. Linder speculates that Turner had collected IP addresses to turn over to the FBI.

In the interview, Jim (I’m About Justice) Giles takes his usual, disappointing position: “Well, if you piss off the government, what do you expect?”

Okay, that’s exactly what we DO expect, but we are looking for somebody to challenge this, not to tell us to get used to it.