Archive for the ‘ANSWP’ Category

Supreme Court refuses to hear William White’s writ and Bill on his terrible mistake

April 2, 2013

Bill was moved out of Chicago MCC yesterday morning and got to Oklahoma City at five this morning. Terrible trip, as usual. He has email and phone privileges.

NEWS -The Supreme Court has refused to hear his writ of certiori/review the Chicago case, after all. This writ challenged the Seventh Circuit’s definition of solicitation. So, Bill is now a “violent career criminal” for his various ANSWP Commander antics. He likely will be in prison for two more years.

After he learned about the Court’s decision, Bill wrote a sort of open letter to the public about the Matt Hale juror case. A few selected bits, below. Whole paragraphs go around these quotes, paragraphs I censored for fear of the DOJ. If you read to the end, I think you will get a good idea of what Bill wants to say.

Bill White wrote:

…there is no question that much of my behavior and many of the things I said which gave “context” to this case were immature and foolish and way over the top. Now, I don’t believe I would make statements of that type…

…”intent” was really the only issue in the case, and, as I am the only person who knew my intent, I can say that I was completely innocent of these charges…

…My mistake was all of the rhetoric and atmosphere I created around these words that allowed them to be interpreted “violently”…

…There were, I believe, some people who understood what I was doing when I was behaving outrageously — that I was mocking the stereotype of the so-called “extremist” by, essentially, play-acting in a way the media stereotyped …

…Clearly, I made a terrible mistake…

…Maybe I was unaware of who was in my audience. But, the fact that no violence occurred at all makes me think that I don’t think so…

… most countries do not let political dissidents criticize their system of law — but, the ability to criticize the legal system and its acts was supposed to be a cornerstone of American “democracy.”

Anyways, I am sorry I did something so foolish that I brought all of these problems down on me. I was certainly immature, years ago, when these acts occurred, and I, and those around me, are paying for my foolishness and inability now…

So, I am very sorry to all of you. I think this case says more about what America is right now than me, but it also says that, in my late 20s, when I should have been taking a much more serious approach to the world, I made the mistake of enjoying tweaking my nose at the system a bit too much — and made the foolish mistake of thinking myself much more able to challenge the world than I really was.

…Thank all of you for your support, and, hopefully, for your continuing support.

Some Documents on the Government Conspiracy Against Bill White

August 13, 2012

Here is the document Bill sent out last March to various news reporters. They ignored it at the time.

Don’t ask me if it all adds up.

Government Conspiracy against Bill White – Court Document filed by William White

You will see John Crocket Henry’s name at the top. He is or was the Virginia Beach tenants’ landlord.

From the document:

9) That the Plaintiff [the USA] has moved to seal the documents involved as part of a continuing coverup of criminal acts it committed in a so far successful effort to frame the Movant for crimes that he did not commit or which did not occur.

I’ll see if I can get Bill to explain more clearly what this was all about. I get that Bill says he didn’t make a certain threatening phone call to Kathleen Kerr, and the government knows he didn’t, and they lied when they said they “lost” the phone records which show who did make the call – one of their informants.

Updated, August 18, 2012

How I Was Tortured, Told to Lie by the Obama Regime


Death Watch Cancelled? Email from Bill White.

May 25, 2012

On Fri, 5/25/12, XXXXXXX wrote:

Subject: Hello, Bill
To: “Bill White”
Date: Friday, May 25, 2012, 2:52 PM

Where are you?

Yuck, yuck.

IMO, Alex Linder will be testifying at your next trial and I think you DO have Ausperger’s syndrome for talking about what no one wants to talk about at a time like this.

Name Withheld


From: “Bill White”
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 2:03:58 PM
Subject: Re: Hello, Bill

Hi (Name Withheld)

Glad to hear how well things are with you. :->

I am doing quite well. I don’t foresee any future appearances in American courts.


Death Watch, 2012

May 25, 2012

Bill White discussed his fast-approaching death so often on his Facebook page in recent months that one friend asked him, “When is your funeral?”
It seemed funny at the time. Now we are on some kind of gruesome “Bill White Death Watch, 2012″…
Nimbusters can be funny –

Man Found In Roanoke River Is Former Federal Prosecutor Tom Bondurant; Bill White Suspected – Anonymous 5/24/2012 7:57PM

link or STFU – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:07PM – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 8:10PM

BTW, in case a recent news story was referring to ME as “one of his [White’s] followers”, I am not a follower of Bill White. I am following the political persecution of Bill White. Big difference!

I am a Christian. I would never follow someone whose favorite band is “The Electric Hellfire Club”! I think Bill White’s interest in Ba-al is more than academic. I really don’t like The Barnes Review very much or the American Free Press at all. But, Bill White has to earn a living…

Bill White’s comment on the UPI story

May 24, 2012

Article here:

Comment on Bill White’s Facebook page:

Bill White – When will the press mention the following: 1) That White’s appellate attorney was bribed by the federal government into not filing his appeal to the Fourth Circuit en banc; 2) That a group within the federal government was plotting to assassinate White because they hold him accountable for the Lefkow killings; 3) That all of this is on record with supporting documentation in several cases in the Eastern and Western District of Virginia and in the Roanoke City Courts, but the United States has been fighting desperately to have it all suppressed; 4) That all of the civil attorneys facing White except Tony Troy and the Judge in the Eastern District, Rebecca Smith, all recused themselves from White’s case after reading the file released by the US Attorney’s Office, in fear White was going to kill them.2 hours ago ·

Arrest warrant was issued on Monday, no new charges filed

May 24, 2012

Scott Leamon: “This is a weird one.”

Yes, very weird, and there has been some very weird speculation. Is that really Bill White’s facebook page or is it some kind of ruse? Did Bill White head for the border, or not? Was that Bill White’s body dragged from the river? Did the feds actually kill Bill White BEFORE they announced they were looking for him? Is Bill White in a hospital somewhere? (I don’t know where that one came from!)

Bill White missed May 14 resentencing hearing

May 23, 2012

Looks like Bill White has gone off the reservation! (Or America Farm, as I call it.)

I would have guessed that IF Bill White ever disappeared it would be over the evil yet moronic civil suit and the absurd damages imposed by Judge Turk.

Bill said earlier that the re-sentencing would not, and could not, give him more prison time. But hey, I don’t blame him for being allergic to courthouses and to the malicious prosecution he gets at them.

If Bill White is hiding, he had a year to plan it out. More, if you count his prison time. When he was in prison he said he would never turn himself in again, and he would never go back to prison again.

However, there are three things to know about Bill White – he likes attention, he likes attention and he likes attention. That’s hardly going to help him stay out of sight…
Former neo-Nazi leader White sought on federal probation violation
By Laurence Hammack | The Roanoke Times
The Roanoke Times | File

William A. White, who is on supervised release following a 2½-year prison sentence for making racial threats [CONTROLLED MEDIA LIE!] , left his home in Rockbridge County without the permission of his probation officer. The former neo-Nazi leader is now being sought by federal authorities.

Former neo-Nazi leader William A. White is being sought by federal authorities on a probation violation.

White, who is on supervised release following a 2½-year prison sentence for making threats, left his home in Rockbridge County without the permission of his probation officer, said Ron Donelson, a senior inspector with the U.S. Marshals Service.

“We’re actively looking for him,” Donelson said.

White had been scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court in Roanoke on May 14 for a resentencing after an appeals court ruled that the judge in his case did not properly follow sentencing guidelines.

The hearing was canceled with no explanation listed in court records. Later in the week, a probation officer stopped by White’s home and found that he had left.

White is required to keep in regular contact with supervising officials and notify them when he leaves town, Donelson said.

White, who once was the self-proclaimed commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, was convicted in Roanoke of making racially charged threats, usually by email or on a website he maintained at the time.

U.S. District Judge James Turk sentenced White in 2010 to 30 months in prison. White was released about a year ago and has been living in Rockbridge County.

Where is Commander Bill White?

May 23, 2012

According to this, Bill White missed a probation hearing and the US Marshals are looking for him.

He should have faked his death before he left … if he did leave.

Leamon always has followed Bill’s case and tried to make [anti-]Bill White news stories even when there was no reason for it.


Neo-Nazi Bill White missing, U.S. Marshals searching

Bill White was convicted of two counts of making threats to harm people and one count of intimidation.

By: Scott Leamon | WSLS 10
Published: May 23, 2012 Updated: May 23, 2012 – 11:24 AM
» Comments | Post a Comment
11:25 a.m.

From Scott Leamon, WSLS reporter in the field

Self-proclaimed Neo-Nazi Bill White is missing, and U.S. Marshals are actively searching for him.

Federal investigators tell me White recently missed a scheduled check-in, as part of his probation. Marshals do not know where White is. White was not wearing a tracking device.

Investigators say White recently moved from Lexington, to an apartment in Lynchburg.

I’m working on gathering more information about the probation violation, and search for White tonight on WSLS at 6 p.m.

Ron Paul Story in Bill White’s National Socialist Magazine, February 2008

March 23, 2012

Three page article with photos from the suppressed Journal of the American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP)

Meet the New Fraud, the Myth of the Manchurian Candidate (and How We Have Been Fooled Again)

ANSWP magazine Ron Paul

Bill White's National Socialist magazine


Letter from Bill White published on Dan Casey’s blog

January 19, 2012

Here we get a little news about what Bill is doing now from Bill himself. (Hey, he has to earn a living, folks.) – americafarm

Your daily Letter to the Columnist — Jan. 17, 2012
Wikimedia Commons
Casey is ‘A harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods’

Mr. Casey:

Your recent blog post on the article “Roanoke: A Model of Middle Class Disintegration” was brought to my attention.

The article published by AFP is a rewritten and condensed version of a report that I recently assisted in producing for the Iranian news wire FARS, part of the effort to educate the Iranian people about the moral and economic decline of our Great Satan.

The original has longer copy and is accompanied by about forty photographs and ten minutes of video.

I attach the original text. I’m sure my editor, Mostafa Afzalzadeh, would love to discuss it with you in depth if you have the interest. He is currently on assignment in Syria, but is available by email.

And do not mistake my politeness for delusion into who are what you are — a harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods.

Bill White
Ex-jail inmate
American National Socialist Workers Party


Note from Dan: Bill supplied his editor’s email address, which I redacted from the email above. As the only Roanoke journalist to call for White’s release from jail, (I was way ahead of the curve on that one) I’m understandably miffed about his characterization of me.

On the other hand, in terms of flamboyant insults, it ranks up there with Al’s description of my column: ” . . . a habanero enemina [sic] administered with a 40-foot-long barbed-wire-wrapped hose.”

Jewish Myth essay by Bill White:

More essays by Bill White: