Archive for the ‘Thought Crime Prisoners’ Category

Letter from Bill White published on Dan Casey’s blog

January 19, 2012

Here we get a little news about what Bill is doing now from Bill himself. (Hey, he has to earn a living, folks.) – americafarm

Your daily Letter to the Columnist — Jan. 17, 2012
Wikimedia Commons
Casey is ‘A harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods’

Mr. Casey:

Your recent blog post on the article “Roanoke: A Model of Middle Class Disintegration” was brought to my attention.

The article published by AFP is a rewritten and condensed version of a report that I recently assisted in producing for the Iranian news wire FARS, part of the effort to educate the Iranian people about the moral and economic decline of our Great Satan.

The original has longer copy and is accompanied by about forty photographs and ten minutes of video.

I attach the original text. I’m sure my editor, Mostafa Afzalzadeh, would love to discuss it with you in depth if you have the interest. He is currently on assignment in Syria, but is available by email.

And do not mistake my politeness for delusion into who are what you are — a harvester of souls for the Jews and their serpent gods.

Bill White
Ex-jail inmate
American National Socialist Workers Party


Note from Dan: Bill supplied his editor’s email address, which I redacted from the email above. As the only Roanoke journalist to call for White’s release from jail, (I was way ahead of the curve on that one) I’m understandably miffed about his characterization of me.

On the other hand, in terms of flamboyant insults, it ranks up there with Al’s description of my column: ” . . . a habanero enemina [sic] administered with a 40-foot-long barbed-wire-wrapped hose.”

Jewish Myth essay by Bill White:

More essays by Bill White:

Hal Turner Update, November 2010

November 16, 2010

Things have gone strangely quiet on the Bill White scene. Let’s turn to the infamous Hal Turner case –

A search for gets the message: expired on 10/18/2010 and is pending renewal or deletion

November 1, 2010

Hal Turner: Judge Walter altered the meaning of “true threat”, ignored 40 years of Supreme Court case law on advocating violence, should disqualify himself from further proceedings

Right-wing North Bergen blogger Hal Turner enlists new lawyer in bid to overturn conviction
Monday, November 1, 2010 BY PETER J. SAMPSON
The Record

Hal Turner, the imprisoned ultra-right-wing shock jock from North Bergen, will be represented by new counsel as he seeks to overturn his conviction for threatening to murder three Chicago judges last year. Turner moved to replace his court-appointed public defenders after they missed the 14-day deadline for filing a motion seeking to set aside the jury’s verdict and grant a new trial. But U.S. District Judge Donald E. Walter, who presided over three trials before a jury finally found Turner guilty on Aug. 13 of using his Internet blog to threaten the judges, last week refused another of Turner’s requests — that the judge disqualify himself from any further proceedings in the case.

In a letter written from his cell at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, Turner protested he was not given a fair trial and specifically accused the judge of committing legal errors and abuse of his discretionary powers, the prosecutors of misconduct and his public defenders of botching his defense.

Turner blasted the judge for ignoring “40 years of Supreme Court case law which protects advocating violence,” for altering the definition of a “true threat,” and for disregarding his use of “crude political hyperbole” as defined by the high court.

“If [that] wasn’t bad enough,” Turner continued, “you willfully concealed from all three juries in all three of my trials, a ‘blanket letter of declination’ issued by the United State Attorney for the District of New Jersey (my home state) which says I would not be prosecuted for anything I said on my radio show or anything I published on my web site because I was trained by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force and knew the legal limits of protected speech.” Turner added he received “this legal advice from the FBI in my role as a National Security Intelligence Operative” for the JTTF. FBI documents confirm Turner was highly valued as a confidential intelligence source on extremists in the white supremacist movement, but his handler denied ever giving Turner legal advice on the limits of protected speech. In addition, prosecutors claim there never was a “blanket letter of declination” giving Turner free reign to say whatever he pleased.Turner moved to replace his court-appointed public defenders after they missed the 14-day deadline for filing a motion seeking to set aside the jury’s verdict and grant a new trial. Turner called it the “last straw in a long series of foul-ups, blunders, failures and missteps.”

The judge relieved Turner’s lawyers, noting they agreed new counsel should be appointed, and said he will name a replacement within 10 days. In a seemingly contradictory ruling, the judge also granted Turner’s request for an extension of time to file a motion for a new trial, then summarily denied the motion. “The court is thoroughly familiar with the history of this case and the testimony and evidence produced at trial, and has determined that a new trial is not required in the interests of justice,” Walter wrote.

A federal court jury in Brooklyn took less than two hours to find Turner, 48, guilty of threatening three federal appeals court judges after they upheld handgun bans in Chicago and Oak Park, Ill., last year. Turner was immediately locked up as a danger to the community. He faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine at his sentencing Dec. 3.Turner’s first two trials, in December and March, ended in mistrials after the juries deadlocked with the majorities reportedly favoring acquittal.

Uptick in Hal Turner chatter:

William Belle
Nov 6, 2010 Anti abortionists murder by proxy
“…Mr. Turner was arrested on June 3, 2009 on charges of inciting his website’s readers to take up arms against the officials. There have been 3 trials. The first trial ended with the jury being deadlocked, the 2nd was declared a mistrial but the 3rd trial found him guilty on August 13, 2010 of threatening the 3 judges. He faces up to 10 years in prison.

Hal Turner, in his defence, stated that he did not say that he himself would kill the judges; he merely said that they deserve to be killed…”
[Which makes all the difference under the freedom of speech laws-americafarm]

Anti-Abortionists: Murder by proxy

Newshounds, Nov 11, 2010
Hal Turner was associated with Hannity, so that makes Michelle Malkin you know what.

Roberto del Rio – In praise of lynch mobs
October 10, 2010
“…Anonymous does more than shit on the intellectual property owners. They shit on just about anyone who takes themselves too seriously, for vaguely important reasons. Case in point the December 2006 and January 2007 rape of white supremacist radio host Hal Turner’s website. What followed was the deleting of Hal Turner from the internet, which cost him thousands in bandwidth bills. He sued 4chan, eBuam’s World, 7chan and others for copyright infringement. His plea for injunction was not granted and due to a lack of letters from the court, the suit lapsed…”
Read more:

Adam R. Gold, Crimson editorial writer – It’s okay if we do it
November 12, 2010
“…In providing average citizens with ammunition, Butler has contributed to the increasing militarization of the Internet. Regardless of his motives, releasing Firesheep has generated the same mixture of fear, confusion, and general hilarity associated with the Anonymous movement and its various hacker collectives, like 4chan. These hacker groups have been attacking a range of targets, from white supremacist Hal Turner to teen sensation Justin D. Bieber, for most of the decade, and while their victims tend to be people most Harvard students love to hate, innocents can get caught in the crossfire. For instance, Apple’s stock price dropped significantly in 2008 when 4chan pranksters posted a fake entry on CNN’s iReport that Steven P. Jobs had suffered a heart attack…”

Dana Edwards – Young black man doesn’t like internet vigilante mobs
Boston Independent Examiner
November 15, 2010

“…Hal Turner went on to provide the names of the judges along with information on how to locate them. Hal Turner was arrested on June 24th 2009 for making threats against judges. When the case went to trial Hal Turner admitted to being an FBI informant trained as an agent provocateur. The result was a mistrial. Hal Turner was charged again and was found guilty.

The question as to whether “Anonymous” was right or wrong in their actions is irrelevant. Their actions were illegal and that is what is relevant. It’s also relevant that Hal Turner the admitted FBI informant was convicted. Perhaps someone in the FBI decided that Hal Turner was more trouble than he was worth.”

Judge Turk dismisses Bill White’s prisoner’s civil rights case

November 10, 2010

Bill White has been trying to get to the half-way house since June, at least. Note: Bill White hasn’t had any “on-going violent behaviors”, in fact, he filed the initial Secor case before he was assaulted by another inmate in September.

From the public records: William A. White v. Secor Inc., et al
Case 7:2010-cv-00428
Document 20

“… Plaintiff complains that Rita Parker, the Director of the LCCC [Lebanon Community Correction Center], will not accept him from the Bureau of Prisons (“BOP”). The LCCC provides a half-way house programming for the BOP. Plaintiff argues that the defendants will not accept him into the half-way house program because of his alleged Narcissistic Personality Disorder and on-going violent behaviors. Plaintiff argues that the defendants are discriminating against him, in violation of the ADA [Americans with Disabilities Act], by not allowing him to participate in the half-way house program because of “the perception” of his personality disorder. Plaintiff filed a substantially similar action in White v. Secor, Inc., No. 7:10-cv-00345 (W.D. Va.), and plaintiff requests that the court take judicial notice of it. Plaintiff filed in that action a copy of a letter to establish his attempts to exhaust administrative remedies. Plaintiff also acknowledged in his prior complaint that he “does not actually suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Plaintiff states that the diagnosing physician used improper methodology, and it was subsequently determined that the physician could not substantiate his diagnosis. Plaintiff requests as relief in the instant action an injunction compelling the defendants to accept his transfer from the Bureau of Prisons and damages of $1,000 per day after September 27, 2010 that the plaintiff is not transferred to the LCCC.

…To state a claim under Title III of the ADA, a person alleging discrimination must show, inter alia, that he is disabled within the meaning of the ADA and the defendant is a private entity that owns, leases, or operates a place of public accommodation…([including] an inn, … restaurant, a motion picture house,… an auditorium, … or other place of public gathering;”). However, by plaintiff’s own admission, plaintiff is not disabled within the meaning of the ADA. Plaintiff alleged that he does not, in fact, suffer from Narcisstic Personality Disorder. Thus, plaintiff doesn not qualify for relief under the ADA. Moreover, plaintiff fails to establish that the private correctional facility is a place of public accommodation… [DELETED – PREVIOUS CASES WHICH FOUND THAT A PRISON IS NOT A PLACE OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION UNDER THE LAW / PLACES OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION DO NOT INCLUDE PRISONS]. Accordingly, the court dismisses the action without prejudice as frivolous because plaintiff readily admitted he is not disabled and seeks a prison transfer under ADA. III.

For the foregoing reasons, the court dismisses the complaint without prejudice as frivolous, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. …1997e(c), and denies the remaining motions as moot…”

ENTER: this 5th day of November, 2010. James C. Turk Senior United States District Judge

The earlier Secor lawsuit, dimissed August 12, 2010 for failure to exhaust all administrative remedies:

White v. Secor, Inc. et al Plaintiff: William A. White
Defendants: Rita Parker and Secor, Inc.

Case Number: 7:2010-cv-00345
Filed: August 4, 2010
Court: Virginia Western District Court
Office: Roanoke Office [ Court Info ]
Presiding Judge: James C. Turk
Referring Judge: Michael F. Urbanski
Nature of Suit: P. Petitions – Civil Rights Cause: 28:1331 Federal Question: Bivens Act
Jury Demanded By: None

Order Dismissing the Case

Memorandum Opinion

Bill White is writing a book on Hadding

November 7, 2010

Ahahahaha! Not Hadding SCOTT, Hadding the Hero! More on this soon.

Coming up Aug 24th: hearings in Roanoke

August 17, 2010

Here is another note from Bill White, below. The hearings in Roanoke are for 7:09-cv-57, the case brought by the black tenants or “Unnamed Citizens, A, B, C, D and E” (as they preferred to be called) of Virginia Beach, and their “Minor Children”. I think this case is an odious snivel rights type case, specifically aimed at bankrupting Bill White (isn’t he already bankrupt?) and (the defunct) ANSWP.

“I’ve dropped you some letters on upcoming events. I am being transported to the Roanoke City Jail for hearings August 24 through 28, then being returned to Beckley, then going to Chicago. If I get my injunction, I’ll be released from there to a halfway house. We’ll see.” – Bill White

Last week, Judge Turk dismissed a case Bill White had brought against SECOR, the corporation that runs the halfway houses. SECOR had sent a notice, saying they would not give Bill a spot, because he had a violent history and a narcissistic personality disorder. Bill sued under the discrimination against persons with disabilities act (ha ha). He also argued that he hasn’t been convicted of a violent crime since he was a youth (the criminal cases the government won, strangely, did not hinge on whether Bill White INTENDED to commit an act of violence). Furthermore, the second Court-ordered psychiatrist, Dr. Daum, disagreed with the first psychiatrist’s diagnosis of narcisstic personality disorder. At any rate, both psychiatrists found Bill White to be sane and not a danger to himself or the community. Judge Turk, who should have let Bill White go for time served last Spring, threw Bill’s lawsuit out, saying that Bill White had not exhausted the prison system’s (oh so kind and helpful) policies to resolve the conflict.

Bill White Drops Supreme Court Appeal

August 17, 2010

Here is a note that I got today from Bill White in Beckley FCI-

“August 10, 2010

I decided today not to further appeal the dismissal of my Chicago case to the Supreme Court. This is why:

A Supreme Court appeal takes a very long time. While the trial judge may not grant a detainer, the Seventh Circuit likely will.

In contrast, the government’s case is very weak and was largely built around Mike Burks, Hal Turner and Tim Bland, none of which are in a position to testify. Given the previous ruling, I am 95% certain [we] will get a Rule 29 dismissal which cannot be appealed, and which will end the case.

So, my options were to risk further detention past December 23 and further problems with the BOP, or go to trial and pave the way for my release. I have chosen the latter.

I am not 100% happy with this decision – in fact I’m angry at a lot of things – but I was skeptical of the wisdom of further appeal from the beginning, and I think this is the right thing to do.

All I can ask is that the cowardly subpoena-ducking people engaged in when called on to testify in Roanoke not be repeated.

Bill White

Letter from Bill White, May 6 – his sentence, the bomb plot

August 8, 2010

Here are some excerpts from a letter from last May. I had mentioned to Bill that all the papers had reported one day that he would get 30 years, and the next day they reported that he got 30 months, at the “top of the federal sentencing guidelines” . Bill explains that damned infernal process here.

Further down, he returns to the phony truck bomb plot, which WAS mentioned at Hal Turner’s trial, and somehow will feature in Bill’s new trial, if Bill has his way. The transcripts he is “waiting for” are the Hal Turner trial transcripts.

This is only a small portion of the letter. Among the deletions is the part where Bill describes what he would be doing if he was out of prison today. What he wrote sounded to me like sedition. People go to jail for that. I cannot be associated with that.

Bill mentions a knee injury; that has healed since May. – americafarm

MAY 6, 2010

…As to my sentence – happy is not quite the right word. Okay is better. I was supposed to go to a camp and be out June 27th. Instead, my security level has been jacked up to medium and I may be here until September 27th, due to halfway house overcrowding. I may get out in between there, but I am not hopeful. Hopefully, I’ll be home to spend the holidays with my little girl.

The FCI is the nicest place I’ve been. I spent so much time just walking around the first week I have injured my knee and spending much time limping. Avoiding all the scumbags who are here and not worth a damn is the hardest part – the facility is orderly and peaceful, the food and commissary adequate, and there is adequate rec and an outdoor yard.

As to my sentence, this is how things went:
-When I was first arrested, the government was contemplating 35 years. Several people, including Hal Turner, Mike Burks and Tim Bland, as well as Randy Blazak and others (alleged victims) were told this.
-After they realized I wasn’t part of a bomb plot, they tried to get me to plea to 30 months on the juror charge, expecting to give me 20 years on the rest.
-After the juror charge was beat, they offered me a plea of 15 years, 12 to serve.
-After the extortion and the rest were beat, they agreed for 5-6 years. This is a where they were at sentencing.
– I received 30 months. The judge’s intent was that I serve 3 and then do six more home confinement. They have now tripped me up to serving six and doing three confinement. Annoying, but what can I do?

I have, essentially, been sentenced for “hate speech”, which is why my case will probably be dismissed on appeal, long after my release. Right now, we are still waiting on transcripts.

But, rest assured, the government is unhappy and still looking to put me away.


What appears to have happened is that Turner got together with Bland, Blevins and others and persuaded them to trick the FBI into thinking I was going to bomb the Poff Federal Building. The FBI trumped up a charge to hold me while they were investigating, and, when they realized they’d made a mistake, instead of releasing me, trumped up more charges to cover things up.

Of course, with Turner and now Bland indicted, this strengthens the argument for prosecutorial misconduct. Now, my FBI files show they slapped an armed and dangerous on me at age 18 because a police car was burned a few days after I was arrested as a kid. Nothing to do with me, if I remember the news, three dozen police cars were vandalized that year (one every ten or eleven days, on average) – but some half rate cop forwarded a suspicion to the FBI, and they’ve been blaming me for all sorts of nonsense ever since. Nothing I’ve been charged with or [indecipherable] for – just suspicion and rumor.

This is the real core of things.


I have no idea what is said about me on Nikki’s Nest or elsewhere except insofar as it is what was said two years ago. Burks I think was investigating some of the Nikki’s Nest crowd as well. They both certainly cooperate with the FBI but, like most who cooperate with the FBI, they are also watched by the FBI.


Anything I write can go on the web, unless it involves my wife or a personal matter.


PS: Rereading your letter – Is Curt Maynard dead? I have little news on the matter.

PPS: [Deleted – concerns a witness’ statement given to the FBI in 2009 by someone making false criminal allegations against Bill White.]

Letters from Vincent Reynouard

July 28, 2010

Speech Martyrs – It’s The Jews.

Two recent letters from revisionist Vincent Reynouard can be read here at VNN forum:

His message:

“It hurts but, besides that the Truth has rights on us, the revisionist fight which I lead – and which the implications exceed widely the domain of the History – I lead it exactly for my children, as well as for those the others, for the Palestinians, for Europe, and, more generally, for the world which will be freed of this New world Order built on the ruins of the Third Reich.

Whatever are the sufferings, I shall never give in.

The cops, the judges and the prisons will change it nothing.

The seed is sowed, it will grow and will germinate some day.”


His address:
Monsieur Vincent Reynouard
Prison de Forest
52 avenue de la Jonction

Letter from Bill White – July 14, 2010 – Resistance Advice

July 23, 2010

Update: July 27, 2010 – now I have the first part of the letter posted as well as the last. I did this rather quickly, so I may need to tidy it up, later. (Note: all those spelling errors in the earlier post of this letter, now corrected, were mine, not Bill’s! Okay, I hate this proofreader, but that’s no excuse. )

The “news” Bill mentions concerns Craig Cobb, Ed Steele, Spencer “The Sniper” Poet and others who have been WN topics of interest this summer. I usually try to cram as many short news stories into as few pages as I can, and that has meant I tend not to include pro-white news sources, since they usually have much longer articles on each topic. I believe that’s what Bill is complaining about in the “SPLC crap” paragraph. – americafarm


“Thanks for the recent news and update.

What a parade of pointless and self-indulgent behavior. Is anything good happening out there?

I’m shocked Craig Cobb is foolish enough to return to the US or Canada. He knows why. I guess he just lacks the desire to preserve himself.

I don’t believe the Ed Steele murder accusations, on their face. Two major things are wrong. First, the government’s informant planted a bomb. If you’ve ever seen an FBI operation of this nature (and I have seen many), they don’t just give their informants the opportunity to plant a bomb with the lead conspirator. They might provide a fake bomb – though, usually, the “bomb” is a “ghost bomb” – it doesn’t exist. That detail of the story, in conjunction with all the people who have said they have been asked to commit crimes and “violent acts of domestic terrorism”, is amazing – and should be the lead paragraph of the story – not buried in the middle.

Second, this witness intimidation charge seems bogus. They may be using it to enhance the statutory maximum, but it seems weak. I don’t see much reason they would add a weak charge to a strong case – I can only assume the murder case is weak, too.

I also just don’t believe Ed would kill anyone – not to mention his wife.

Is the whole internet now run by leftist-cadre? Are there no white news services? What is all this ARA/SPLC crap. Is no one still fighting those guys?

Glenn’s run for office is just playing around. I’m glad he’s making waves, but I wish he’d approach things seriously. Why can’t he petition for the ballot and run a serious campaign?

[Deleted paragraph regarding a another case.]

I was not aware of this guy [“The Sniper” Poet] Spencer, but he is in for a surprise at sentencing. There are fewer dumber things you can do than make a blind plea in a federal case. His attorney probably miscalculated his [sentencing] guidelines. I have seen a ton of people who thought they were getting 12-18 months on threat cases get 40-50 months: 12 base +3 govt. official + 6 intent to carry out minus 1 guilty plea and no credit for [undecipherable]. It’s routine.

What people don’t understand is this: If you go to trial, the government must present evidence and follow the rules of evidence. In most courtrooms, they must prove by a preponderance of evidence all of the sentencing factors and relevant conduct ( enhancements) during the trial phase. They can then elaborate at sentencing.

When you plea, they put their case on at sentencing, and you lose the ability to effectively cross-examine and challenge evidence – because you agreed to it. This is why the feds bring bogus cases and think they “always win” – because only 4% of inmates hold them to “beyond a reasonable doubt” – most of those being hopeless cases – and 96% plea and allow the government to merely prove themselves “by a preponderance of evidence.”

Federal judges are of ridiculously low caliber and federal public defenders (and many paid lawyers) are just as bad. The FBI, in my experience, is a really half-rate law enforcement agency. Most of their cases are made on perjury from “snitches”. But these lawyers tell their clients “the feds never lose you have to plea” “you have to snitch” – and guys just break down. To be honest – had I received that kind of advice, there was a point I may have caved, too (though as one of my lawyers says – always make them think you’re about to cave – they expect it, and it keeps them off guard.)

Anyway, sad news.

If you end up printing this, let me say this: The best way to become the target of a federal investigation is to be an informant. Must federal inmates are informants. The best way to screwed in a federal case is to plea, followed by sitting in detention watching rap videos on BET while telling yourself “everything will be okay.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn noted that the best way to deal with the KGB was to resist and not stop resisting from the moment of the attempted arrest. I was too foolish to see this, two years ago – and I knew better. Now, I know a whole lot better.

The best thing is to stay out of US jurisdiction. Next best is not to do deliberately dumb things to draw attention to yourself. But to coöperate, inform, or give in to these people is just suicide. Even here if I wasn’t fighting, I’d be much worse off.

Thanks for the news,

Bill White”