Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“Do you know Bill White?”

June 13, 2013

Update: Bill has been moved to FCI Petersburg, VA. Don’t know how many days or weeks he will be there, but the address to write to Bill is:

Wiliam A. White 13888-084
P.O. BOX 1000

You can track Bill’s future movements within the BOP at

It may not or may not be updated there when he is moved from Petersburg to the Roanoke City Jail (not a BOP facility.) As far as I know, the only way to find out if someone is being held at the RCJ is to call the jail. Apparently, there are hoops to go through or long lines or something that make it hard for people to get in to visit at RCJ, if you are planning to visit Bill, call first and see if he can have visitors and what the hours and rules are.

Got my first chance to use “The five words” the other day. Nothing of note happened at my “opportunity” and I am not the only one to be visited in recent days. “Just routine,” as they say in the movies.

(Pick up book I forgot I bought from pile on floor and open to random page, find this.)


“Whether true or not, [Communist Party member and writer Bela] Iles’ own story of how he escaped arrest is highly characteristic of the atmosphere of the times: “When Bela Kuhn ‘disappeared,’ I, too, was summoned. ‘Do you know Bela Kuhn?’ they asked me. ‘Of course, I know him.’ I replied. ‘After all, I was his secretary.’ My sincerity surprised the Soviet comrades no end. They had interviewed most of Kun’s best friends, but, without exception, these had repudiated him, declaring that they had not seen him for years, that they had always known him to be an enemy, etc. My open and above-board answer surprised them so much that they thought I was crazy and let me go …” – Thomas Aczel and Tibor Meray, The Revolt of the Mind, (Thames and Hudson, London, 1959) p. 16.


Yesterday’s event has sparked a little domestic crisis around here that has been brewing since I started this blog. This blog is closed for the time being. Sorry to all who are following Bill’s trials and very sorry for Bill. Working on some ideas to keep things going in perhaps a limited form or perhaps a major re-incarnation.

I have a history of saying I’m not going to blog this or that anymore, and then I do. Bloggers LIKE to blog. However, I think this time is different.

Next post for myself will probably be when the Roanoke trial is over, unless new charges have been brought. (Thinking – I should add, against Bill, not against ME!)

Bill White Books on Sale at AFP and a “little” policy change

February 12, 2013

Due to the new charges brought against Bill White last week, I have decided to take the advice of my lawyer – no, just kidding, the advice of the people who have been telling me since last June, “DON’T PRINT ANYTHING BILL WRITES IN PRISON!”

I may comment more on this later, maybe not. There are a lot of things I would like to say, but it’s just not a good idea now.

News! Special Deal on Bill White’s Books From America Free Press:

Get BOTH of Bill White’s books for 20% off the retail price plus FREE shipping plus a FREE 1-Year online subscription to AMERICAN FREE PRESS!

The Centuries of Revolution: DEMOCRACY • COMMUNISM • ZIONISM


The Tradition of the Mother: The Aryan & Non-Aryan in the Near East & Europe 3000 B.C. – 1000 A.D.


The Centuries of Revolution: DEMOCRACY • COMMUNISM • ZIONISM

One of the most hard-hitting, no-nonsense writers on the American scene today, William White has been reviled for his candor, bankrupted, and railroaded into federal prison. But he remains undaunted.

In his latest book, The Centuries of Revolution: DEMOCRACY • COMMUNISM • ZIONISM, White has stepped forward with an unsettling—but highly readable and consistently fascinating— expose (and analysis) of the dark forces behind world subversion that have worked relentlessly on virtually every front to forcibly transform traditional European (and American) culture for the benefit of the financial and political power of the organized Jewish community.

Tracing the origins of this agenda back to pre-Biblical times, exploring the worship of the strange gods the Israelites encountered in Egypt, White demonstrates—with shocking clarity—that the underlying philosophy of revolution has been insidiously utilized to mesmerize and enslave the peoples of the West in order to achieve the ultimate dream of world domination. Democracy, Communism and Zionism are their tools.

This panoramic overview of historical realities lays waste to much of the nonsense and historical misinformation circulating today. This is an invaluable source of hidden history you’ll study and reference time and again. But be prepared for a journey into unexplored territory where very real demons hold sway.

Softcover, 200 pages


The Tradition of the Mother: The Aryan & Non-Aryan in the Near East & Europe 3000 B.C. – 1000 A.D

In this amazing compilation of in-depth essays, author William White examines the roles and effects of the Aryan and non-Aryan upon the cultures of the Near East and Europe. White calls upon his vast knowledge of ancient cultures to rewrite the history of this tumultuous era and present us with a finely-woven tapestry, uncolored by political correctness. Beginning with an explanation of how our myths and history have been so intertwined as to leave us asking where the line can be drawn, he moves onto examinations of the religious and cultural interplay between various disparate peoples.

Analyses cover:

The spiritual difference between Odin, god of the ancient Europeans, and Yahweh, god of the Semites
The diffusion of the Aryan in antiquity
The cultures of the Near East and Egypt
Bible dating and the racial schema of Genesis
A history of the term Hebrew
The errors of Josephus
The tradition of the Mother Goddess cults
The Trojan period
The mysterious Etruscan people and the influence of the Semite
The Hittites
The Egyptian culture and its battle with the Semites
The Hurrians
Yahweh unmasked
The Indo-European Holy Cow
The real King Minos
Demeter and Hera
Sumerian culture
The Great Mother’s consorts
The Great Mother in India and Egypt
The role of Baal
Akhenaten’s reformations and how he lost Palestine
Geitr, the goat god, and what he really was
The god of the witches
Yahweh and Satan
Britain and Arthur
The Norman invasion
Thor’s conquest of the Midgard Serpent
The storm god
The parting of the waters
Plus Bill’s experiences battling the Police State, and much more.

Softcover, 236 pages


A recent comment posted by Chris: AFP did not publish Traditions of the Mother and was not involved in the editorial or production process. We only sell it.

Bill White has been moved to FCI Milan in Michigan

January 15, 2013

According to the BOP, Bill White is in FCI Milan today.

From the BOP:
The Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) in Milan is a low security facility housing male inmates with a detention center for pretrial and holdover male inmates.

FCI Milan is located in southeastern Michigan, 45 miles south of Detroit, 15 miles south of Ann Arbor, and 30 miles north of Toledo, Ohio.

Judicial District: Eastern Michigan

New letters from Bill

January 11, 2013

Finally got some new letters from Bill. He has made a full confession! No, ha-ha, it was another of those wandering in the underworld with a black demon beneath a purple sky letters. You may be interested to learn that Bill exited the underworld at the Mayan pyramids near Cancun, which is how he came to find himself in Mexico last year.

All very funny, if he is not going to be indicted again. But, I have a nagging feeling he IS going to be indicted again. (Why would they let him go when they want him to stay in prison?) Therefore, I believe it would not be prudent to print that letter at this time.

Anyway, Bill has less than three months to go on the current sentence. (Halfway house is not likely, now.) Hopefully, he will be out and telling his own stories in his own way, with no editorial comments from me, three months from today.

I have not had any email from Bill in OKC, which is a bit odd. Seems to me OKC always was good at getting Bill on email right away.

(Taking an extended coffee break – I will be back with the new letters from Bill, shortly.)

Bill White wrote on January 2, 2013:


Its been 13 days in Canaan and I’m stuck… The transport last week was snowed in (I probably mentioned that). This morning, I just wasn’t on the transport list. Next flight is Monday, the 7th. I’ll have 88 days left on my sentence and at this rate, almost no chance at a halfway house. I’ll be back in Loretto with maybe 45 days left to serve. So, I may see every day of the next three months. Still, I’ll try.

My illness broke around December 24th, though I still have a mild to moderate cough. Despite being physically better, the isolation here – and the lack of mail and meaningful communication – has left me mildly down. I miss my daughter and am tired of having nothing to read but random mass-market paperbacks. However, it could be worse – I could be locked down in a SHU.

The Fourth Circuit refused my 2255 appeal, and I now understand why. I phrased my request for relief exactly the way … my attorney told me – and it was dead wrong. I have at least 70 days to refile, probably 90, and I’m not too concerned right now. I may send out to you some of the case law I need in my revised motion, in case something happens to me. (“Mwuh???” – americafarm)

I also thoroughly researched this upcoming hearing. Initially, I was quite upset. The Judge can’t simply run the sentences concurrent. Instead, he has to give me a “fully concurrent” sentence. Many Judges do not do this. Judge Adelman is a pioneer in the practice, and his opinions on this are supported the Seventh Circuit. “Time served” is a very realistic sentence in this case and I believe … I have nothing to fear. Plus, Adelman seems to be font of downward departures – … – his average case involves a 40%-50% departure. I think I’ll be fine.


[Sorry I’m not getting very far with this today. I’ll finish it later.

Note to W. – Bill would like to hear from you.

Some bits from the next letter, dated Jan 3: Bill is extremely happy to have heard from his daughter and gotten some photos. She had a wonderful Christmas and sent Bill two short letters and a picture of Tigger that she colored.

Bill’s Chicago court date is January 22. He expects some variant of time served. He figures he will get to Chicago on the 16th.

He misses his Wall Street Journal.]

August 7, Hearing in Roanoke, Bill White ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation

August 8, 2012

Next court date is September 12th. Looks like the government hasn’t filed anything on this case. Bill has filed a number of documents asking for the return of his property and asking for information about the witnesses and the charges against him. Not sure what this is all about!

The last hearing hasn’t been added to the docket, yet. From PACER:

7:08-cr-00054-JCT USA v. White
Date filed: 12/11/2008
Date of last filing: 08/03/2012


Doc. No. 285
Initial appearance/RevocationDeadline/Hearing
dft: William A. White,
University of Delaware,
South Harrison Township (NJ) Police Department

Event Filed 08/03/2012
Event Due/Set 08/07/2012 at 01:30 PM


I wonder if this is the routine evaluation, with questions like “Who is the President of the United States?” or the special evaluation for special people? Hmm. This is interesting, because some people say Bill’s been faking being nuts, some say he just went nuts, and some people say he was always deeply disturbed and dangerous.

I’ll look into this.

Judge orders Neo-Nazi Bill White to undergo psych evaluation
Published: August 07, 2012

A federal judge has ordered Neo-Nazi Bill White to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

It was White’s first court appearance since the U.S. Probation and Parole office accused him of violating the terms of his probation by taking an unauthorized trip to Mexico in May.

White will also remain behind bars.

White’s next court appearance is scheduled for September 12th.


Last Emails Received from Bill White before His Arrest

June 9, 2012

My very last email from Bill White came at 2:10 on Friday afternoon, apparently right before his arrest. Bill seemed his normal self. He answered a few questions about Germany after the first World War for me. I would post more emails, but the conversation  that went on last week would need some editing and I don’t feel like doing that right now.

1. How is Bill?

—– Original Message —–
From: “Bill White” <>
To:  Name Withheld

Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2012 11:00:17 AM
Subject: Re: How is Bill

Honestly, life itself is the best its been in several years.

2. Last email –

 From: “Bill White” <>
To: NN

Sent: Friday, June 8, 2012 2:10:13 PM
Subject: Re: Overthrow and question

I think what is missing from the article is that this is not like the quest to “save” America from communism in the 1950s, where there was little communist violence, and the major threat was communism from the Soviet Union, not the CPUSA.  Germany was fighting a literal civil war, in which the communists seized control of the governnment of German states on several occassions, during the entirety of the Weimar period. Trivializing the defense of the fatherland is the tactic that is being used in that article — for comfortable middle class Western audiences who cannot understand what civil disorder looks like.

Bill White’s Mad Tea Party

May 30, 2012

Bill White as the Red King? I dunno, Bill has always struck me more as the Cheshire Cat type, Disney Version. The Cheshire cat is dressed in (escaped prisoner) stripes, he laughs inappropriately at everything, and he floats around over the Queen of Hearts’ croquet game annoying the Queen (the Zionist Occupation Government) and the King (the ZOG collaborators the Jews hide behind). Finally, the Cheshire Cat does something that gets ALICE, his friend,  put on trial. A-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Of course, as the Cheshire Cat said, everyone in Wonderland was mad, including Alice.

Oddly enough, I don’t think Bill White has harassed, insulted or annoyed even one negro since he went on the lam. (Not counting mulatto Obama.) So, this photo, below, is not appropriate. Funny, though.


Two negroes think they see Bill White.

Bill White, Dreamer, Waiting for Someone to Wake Him Up

May 24, 2012
Bill White The dreamer really is not running. He is enjoying a meander through the world en route to further dreams and an eventual awakening.

Missing Neo-Nazi’s Escape Raises Questions About The Nature Of Federal Prosecutions.
A headline you will not see in any press covering this case.
Bill White – 2 hours ago.Claiming that the dreamer is a “fugitive” is a ruse. The US Marshals have already taken the dreamer into custody. In a few days, they are going to “find” him at an abandoned farmhouse in SW Virginia, put a bullet in his head, and claim he killed himself during a standoff. Then, like Seal Team Six, a helicopter carrying the Marshals who committed the murder will crash, destroying all the remaining evidence.

The world is an illusion.

Each of us, before we were born, dreamed ourselves into existence, and dreamed the entirety of the life we have to live. We dreamed ourselves into the dreams of greater beings that we call gods, who shape the dream world in which we act. But all is maja and illusion — and once we realize it is a dream that we created, we can shape it with our own minds as we once shaped it at the beginning.

Death is merely an awakening from the dream. The question is whether the dream will be your plaything or your prison? Do we achieve consciousness of the illusory nature of reality, or do we remain trapped in what we created for ourselves?


Actual conversation overheard today between the US Marshals and the Foreign Ministry of the country sheltering the dreamer:

US Marshals: “We need your help apprehending a dangerous fugitive.”

3rd World Nation: “Of course, what did he do?”

US Marshals: “Well, we have convicted him of littering, and we believe that he may have taken an unauthorized vacation.”

3rd World: “You realize there is …a civil war in my country?”

Marshals: “Yes, but it is embarassing to us that we cannot catch a litterer.”

3rd World: “But America littered our country with rubble last time it invaded.”

Marshals: “Yeah, um, sorry about that, but in America we don’t tolerate littering.”

3rd World: “But our police forces are trying to crush a rebellion that has taken tens of thousands of lives, that began when America assassinated all the leaders of our country.”

Marshals: “Yeah, but this guy’s in the newspapers and stuff.”

3rd World: “I’m sorry. You will just have to do this on your own.”

Marshals: “But your country is too dangerous for us to operate in.

3rd World: “You made it that way. I spit on you and your American beast. Good bye.”

Nimbusters discuss Bill White

May 24, 2012

Nimbusters, apparently fearful that Bill White might be on the loose and dangerous, is amazingly sedate today as they discuss the latest on Bill White.

Subject: IMHO Bill White will be found dead from a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” by Friday

IMHO some anti-racist, or other group, took him out.

IMHO Bill White will be found dead from a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” by Friday – – Anonymous 5/24/2012 10:06AM
As well as several others found dead from “Bill White-inflicted gunshot wounds.” – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 10:09AM

It’s really sad when NIMBusters is more sane than Facebook – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 1:59AM

STFU – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 2:34AM

Will Bill White: A. Go out in a shooting spree? B. Be found dead in a ditch C. Turn himself in? – NT – Anonymous 5/24/2012 1:58AM

Latest Issue of “The Barnes Review” is Out Now

September 4, 2011

The Barnes Review
September/October 2011

September/October 2011 Volume XVII Number 5
Table of Contents

Why We Must Speak Out
By Raymond Goodwin
Most Americans are slaves of the mainstream propaganda machine, which is exactly why those of us who are not flimflammed by their flapdoodle must stand up and tell our fellow citizens what is really going on. Take a lesson from TBR editorial board member Prof. Ray Goodwin, an educator who has blazed a trail for us all. We thought this piece defined TBR’s thinking on the subject so well, we made this piece our editorial…

Angels of the Confederacy
By Bob Hurst
The so-called angels of the Confederacy made life a little less horrid for Southern soldiers who survived the awful war that resulted when Abraham Lincoln decided to crush the seceded states. Captain Sally Louisa Tompkins ruled her hospital with a stick in one hand and a Bible in the other, the only female officer in either army, North or South, until the 20th century. And other Southern belles also deserve to be remembered…

The Women Who Challenged FDR
By Carolyn Yeager
Female heroes who stood up for peace in the 1940s had to face monstrous opposition from FDR and his minions, but that did not stop these truly patriotic ladies, who fought against Communism and for their brothers and sons who were sucked into the totally needless and totally destructive war called World War II…

The Long Road to Holocaust Truth
By Texe Marrs
The Jewish holocaust of WWII is taken for granted by most people. But as we go along in life, some of the tall tales of the holocaust begin to raise questions in our minds. That is the personal experience of the author, and you may find yourself thinking along similar lines as you read of his journey toward the truth…

Did The Nazis Use Gas Vans?
By Anonymous
One of the less well-known fairytales of the holocaust says that the Nazis used specially equipped trucks to gas victims to death. Until now, this whopper has gone unchallenged. Now a European Revisionist gives us a look at the real facts regarding this fable…

Prophetic Patriot Vernon Walters
By Daniel W. Michaels
Not everyone who works for the Central Intelligence Agency is a bad guy, and Lt. Gen. Vernon Walters is one of the good ones. This patriot said the reunification of East and West Germany was in the wind. For this prediction, he was converted from one of the CIA’s leading lights into a “non-entity.” But we are not about to let him fall into the memory hole…

America’s Classical Greek Revolution
By Greg Felton
The Founding Fathers of 1776 did not invent a new nation out of thin air. They had, fortunately, a number of models in front of them, among the most important of which were the confederations developed by the ancient Greek city states. The problem was how to learn from the successes and mistakes of these earlier attempts at a federal system to govern a number of sovereign republican states…

Nabta Playa—Ancient Egyptian Enigma
By Marc Roland
Archeologists keep finding earlier and earlier astronomical observatories of the ancients. Nabta Playa is one that goes back an astounding 6,500 years, or more. Still begging for further research are mysterious giant stones buried underground—and possibly much older than the surface structures—in southern Egypt…

Coral Castle Still Holds Secrets
By Frank Joseph
While we have written before about Coral Castle, the modern megalithic site in Florida, new facts continue to emerge about this structure. Edward Leedskalnin, who built it singlehandedly, says he knew the secrets of the ancients. While taking the secrets to the grave, he left behind some clues…

Nordic Origins of the Arthurian Tales
By William White
Where did our legend of King Arthur and the round table come from? It wasn’t just pulled out of a stone. The author shows in scholarly fashion that aspects of the Arthurian legend go back to the very roots of our Indo-European culture. Here’s a great history lesson on the beliefs of our Aryan ancestors…

Featured in this issue: Personal from the Editor ∙ Editorial: Why We Must Speak Out ∙ A monument to Southern ladies ∙ History You May Have Missed ∙ Delian League to Athenian Empire ∙ Purpose of the Goseck Circle ∙ The lost city of Krishna ∙ Origins of the Merlin myth ∙ Commentary: The biggest whoppers ∙ Letters to the Editor
