Posts Tagged ‘Craig Cobb’

Letter from Bill White – July 14, 2010 – Resistance Advice

July 23, 2010

Update: July 27, 2010 – now I have the first part of the letter posted as well as the last. I did this rather quickly, so I may need to tidy it up, later. (Note: all those spelling errors in the earlier post of this letter, now corrected, were mine, not Bill’s! Okay, I hate this proofreader, but that’s no excuse. )

The “news” Bill mentions concerns Craig Cobb, Ed Steele, Spencer “The Sniper” Poet and others who have been WN topics of interest this summer. I usually try to cram as many short news stories into as few pages as I can, and that has meant I tend not to include pro-white news sources, since they usually have much longer articles on each topic. I believe that’s what Bill is complaining about in the “SPLC crap” paragraph. – americafarm


“Thanks for the recent news and update.

What a parade of pointless and self-indulgent behavior. Is anything good happening out there?

I’m shocked Craig Cobb is foolish enough to return to the US or Canada. He knows why. I guess he just lacks the desire to preserve himself.

I don’t believe the Ed Steele murder accusations, on their face. Two major things are wrong. First, the government’s informant planted a bomb. If you’ve ever seen an FBI operation of this nature (and I have seen many), they don’t just give their informants the opportunity to plant a bomb with the lead conspirator. They might provide a fake bomb – though, usually, the “bomb” is a “ghost bomb” – it doesn’t exist. That detail of the story, in conjunction with all the people who have said they have been asked to commit crimes and “violent acts of domestic terrorism”, is amazing – and should be the lead paragraph of the story – not buried in the middle.

Second, this witness intimidation charge seems bogus. They may be using it to enhance the statutory maximum, but it seems weak. I don’t see much reason they would add a weak charge to a strong case – I can only assume the murder case is weak, too.

I also just don’t believe Ed would kill anyone – not to mention his wife.

Is the whole internet now run by leftist-cadre? Are there no white news services? What is all this ARA/SPLC crap. Is no one still fighting those guys?

Glenn’s run for office is just playing around. I’m glad he’s making waves, but I wish he’d approach things seriously. Why can’t he petition for the ballot and run a serious campaign?

[Deleted paragraph regarding a another case.]

I was not aware of this guy [“The Sniper” Poet] Spencer, but he is in for a surprise at sentencing. There are fewer dumber things you can do than make a blind plea in a federal case. His attorney probably miscalculated his [sentencing] guidelines. I have seen a ton of people who thought they were getting 12-18 months on threat cases get 40-50 months: 12 base +3 govt. official + 6 intent to carry out minus 1 guilty plea and no credit for [undecipherable]. It’s routine.

What people don’t understand is this: If you go to trial, the government must present evidence and follow the rules of evidence. In most courtrooms, they must prove by a preponderance of evidence all of the sentencing factors and relevant conduct ( enhancements) during the trial phase. They can then elaborate at sentencing.

When you plea, they put their case on at sentencing, and you lose the ability to effectively cross-examine and challenge evidence – because you agreed to it. This is why the feds bring bogus cases and think they “always win” – because only 4% of inmates hold them to “beyond a reasonable doubt” – most of those being hopeless cases – and 96% plea and allow the government to merely prove themselves “by a preponderance of evidence.”

Federal judges are of ridiculously low caliber and federal public defenders (and many paid lawyers) are just as bad. The FBI, in my experience, is a really half-rate law enforcement agency. Most of their cases are made on perjury from “snitches”. But these lawyers tell their clients “the feds never lose you have to plea” “you have to snitch” – and guys just break down. To be honest – had I received that kind of advice, there was a point I may have caved, too (though as one of my lawyers says – always make them think you’re about to cave – they expect it, and it keeps them off guard.)

Anyway, sad news.

If you end up printing this, let me say this: The best way to become the target of a federal investigation is to be an informant. Must federal inmates are informants. The best way to screwed in a federal case is to plea, followed by sitting in detention watching rap videos on BET while telling yourself “everything will be okay.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn noted that the best way to deal with the KGB was to resist and not stop resisting from the moment of the attempted arrest. I was too foolish to see this, two years ago – and I knew better. Now, I know a whole lot better.

The best thing is to stay out of US jurisdiction. Next best is not to do deliberately dumb things to draw attention to yourself. But to coƶperate, inform, or give in to these people is just suicide. Even here if I wasn’t fighting, I’d be much worse off.

Thanks for the news,

Bill White”