Posts Tagged ‘FBI’

Second Federal Conviction for Bill White

January 5, 2011

Article by Scott Leamon
Original 12:47 p.m., updated 1:16 p.m.

Self proclaimed Roanoke Neo-Nazi Bill White has been convicted again on a federal charge, this time in Chicago.

A federal jury found White guilty of enticing harm against a federal juror on Wednesday afternoon. The case now moves into the sentencing phase.

White was due to get out of jail on his Roanoke conviction January 18th. A pre-sentencing report for White’s Chicago conviction will likely outline whether he will stay in jail or not.

Full news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office

CHICAGO — A self-proclaimed white-supremacist was convicted today by a federal jury in Chicago of soliciting violence to the foreman of a federal jury in Chicago that convicted another white-supremacist, Matthew Hale, in 2004, federal law enforcement officials announced today. The defendant, William A. White, was found guilty on one count of solicitation, announced Patrick J. Fitzgerald, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, and Robert D. Grant, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

White, 33, also known as “Bill White,” of Roanoke, Va., faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Jurors deliberated several hours following a two-day trial before U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman, of Milwaukee, who was assigned to preside over the case in U.S. District Court in Chicago. A sentencing date was not immediately set.

Judge Adelman initially had dismissed the indictment against White but a federal appeals court in Chicago reinstated the solicitation charge last summer. Today’s verdict is White’s second federal conviction in little more than a year. He is currently serving a 30-month federal sentence that was imposed last April after a federal jury in Roanoke convicted him in December 2009 of three counts of communicating threats in interstate commerce and one count of witness intimidation.

“After one white supremacist was tried, convicted and sentenced for soliciting the murder of a federal judge in Chicago, White solicited his followers to retaliate against the foreman of that jury,” Mr. Fitzgerald said. “While freedom of speech is among our most cherished rights, the First Amendment does not protect anyone who intends to induce others to kill or injure. It is critical to our system of justice that jurors and judges alike must be free to perform their duties without living in fear.”

According to the evidence at trial, White created and maintained a former web site, “,” which was publicly accessible on the Internet. The web site purported to be affiliated with the “American National Socialist Workers Party” (ANSWP), and claimed the organization was comprised of a “convergence of former [white supremacy] ‘movement’ activists who grew disgusted with the general garbage that ‘the movement’ has attracted and who formed the ANSWP under the Command of Bill White.” Members of the ANSWP were described as “National Socialists… who fight for white working people.”

Between Sept. 11 and Oct. 11, 2008, White used the Web site to solicit another person to injure Juror A on account of Juror A’s role as the foreperson of the jury that convicted Hale, the leader of a white-supremacist organization known as the World Church of the Creator, who was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years in prison for soliciting the murder of a federal judge in Chicago.

As part of White’s solicitation of violence against Juror A, White posted derogatory comments and personal information about Juror A, including Juror A’s home address and phone numbers, to be posted on the Web site on Sept. 11, 2008. The solicitation occurred under circumstances strongly corroborating White’s intent that another person engage in criminal conduct using, attempting to use or threatening the use of force against Juror A.

White was aware that individuals associated with the white-supremacist movement, who were the target audience of his Web site, at times engaged in acts of violence, directed at non-whites, Jews, gays and persons perceived by white-supremacists as acting contrary to their interests. Prior to the solicitation against Juror A, White on multiple occasions caused postings to the Web site which disclosed what purported to be the home address and/or personal identifying information of individuals who were targets of criticism on the Internet. Certain of these postings during the same time period expressed White’s desire that acts of violence be committed against these specific individuals, including author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, individuals known as the “Jena 6,” a Canadian civil rights lawyer, and syndicated newspaper columnist Leonard Pitts.

The Government is being represented by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael Ferrara and William Hogan

Obama’s ZOG raids lefty “terrorist” international socialist peace-niks

September 25, 2010

Freedom of speech and of travel? What’s that?

Notice how sympathetic the press is to communist/international [codeword for jewish] socialists, their friends and relatives.

Grand juries – I think those are governmental rubber stamp committees to make a crime when there is no crime.

“…The federal search warrants in Minneapolis were related to an ongoing Joint Terrorism Task Force, [FBI agent Steve] Warfield said. He offered no details.

Protest leaders said the raids surprised them. Mick Kelly, whose home was searched, played a central role in the 2008 demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul. Asked if he was involved in illegal activities, he replied, “Absolutely not.”


Ted Dooley, Kelly’s attorney, called the raids “a probe into the political beliefs of American citizens and any organization anywhere that opposes the American imperial design.” He said the warrants cited a federal law making it a violation to provide or conspire to provide material support to designated foreign terrorist organizations.

The warrant for the raid on Kelly’s apartment, in the 1800 block of Riverside Avenue, sought notebooks, address books, photos and maps of Kelly’s travels to the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS], Colombia and in the United States on behalf of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It also sought materials on his personal finances and those of the group, on Kelly’s “potential co-conspirators” and recruitment efforts for the group.

The warrant also sought any information about efforts to support FARC, a guerrilla organization in Colombia, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]and Hezbollah, [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] the political and paramilitary organization based in Lebanon.

Other homes raided were those of Jessica Sundin, a leader of a large antiwar march on the GOP convention’s opening day, and Meredith Aby, a frequent protest spokeswoman.

The FBI also raided the homes of two other Minneapolis activists and the Minneapolis office of the Anti-War Committee, which has sponsored many protests in the Twin Cities in the past decade, including at the GOP [WAR PARTY] convention.

Subpoenas were issued to the activists to appear before a federal grand jury next month in [THE NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT COURTS OF] Chicago. Raids also were conducted on two homes in Chicago, and grand jury subpoenas were issued in Michigan and North Carolina.

Searches seek travel data

Kelly said he hasn’t traveled to Colombia or the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] although he’s been to Lebanon. “To me, this is harassment of antiwar activists and leaders who have spoken against U.S. intervention in Latin America and the Middle East.” [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]

The FBI also raided Sundin’s apartment in the 2900 block of Park Avenue; Aby’s home in the 3000 block of 14th Avenue S.; the apartment of Anh Pham in the 3400 block of Blaisdell Avenue, and the apartment of Tracy Molm in the 1700 block of 2nd Avenue S. Molm is an activist in Students for a Democratic Society; Pham is an antiwar activist.


Steff Yorek, an antiwar spokeswoman, said the Anti-War Committee offices at 1313 5th St. SE. also were raided.

Molm said she woke up to “federal agents pounding on the door. I was told to be seated on my couch and I had no rights to walk around the apartment and I was under an investigation for my connections with groups in other countries, particularly Palestine.” [IT’S THE ZIONISTS]

She said she went to the Palestinian territories [IT’S THE ZIONISTS] in 2004 with an international [CODEWORD FOR JEWISH] solidarity delegation. She said she saw houses demolished without notice and people jailed without evidence. “I don’t believe I’ve done anything illegal.”

Sundin said, “They’re targeting us because we’ve supported struggles for justice in other countries, and we oppose the U.S. [ZIONIST OCCUPIED] government’s military involvement in places like Colombia.” She said she has traveled to Colombia, but has done nothing illegal.


Aby said the warrant she received also focused on the Anti-War Committee, how money was raised and how recruiting worked. She said she believed the raids were designed to intimidate the committee but “will be unsuccessful.”

Attorney Bruce Nestor, who frequently represents the activists, said the FBI seemed to focus on allegations of support for foreign organizations designated as terrorist by executive order of the [FIRST RAINBOW MARXIST] president.

“There is no process whereby you can contest the designation,” he said. “Ever since these [DISASTROUS] laws were passed in 1996, there is a concern that they reach so broadly as to certainly chill or intimidate [OR STOP] people in speaking out on [ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT] foreign policy or support for groups that oppose U.S. [ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT] foreign policy.”

Stephanie Weiner, a peace activist in Chicago, said about 20 FBI agents raided her house and took documents and photos, including one of [COMMIE IDOL] Martin Luther King Jr. and [BLACK POWER ACTIVIST] Malcolm X. [I’M CONFUSED -americafarm] “This is an injustice,” she said.

In Chicago, the FBI raided a condo of Hatem Abudayyeh, director of the Arab American Action Network [IT’S THE ZIONISTS!], said Tom Burke of the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, a Colombian revolutionary imprisoned in Colorado. Burke, who was given a subpoena, said he is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, as are some other raid subjects.

Burke said the group “advocates for [INTERNATIONAL – CODE WORD FOR JEWISH] socialism in the U.S.” and opposes U.S. military intervention abroad. “Chicago and Minneapolis are two of the places we are bigger,” he said.


On Friday night, more than 100 people gathered at Walker Communist United Methodist Church in Minneapolis to sign statements of communist solidarity with those communists whose homes were raided and to make plans for a communist protest at 4:30 p.m. Monday at FBI Rainbow Marxist headquarters in Minneapolis.

“We refuse to let the accusations of a notoriously untruthful, repressive [ZIONIST OCCUPIED] government divide us in any way,” the statement said. “Our struggle will continue.” ”

Staff writer Anthony Lonetree contributed to this report. • 612-673-7382 • 612-673-4921

October, 2008 – Obama Assassination Threat?

September 24, 2010

OHHH!- Here’s an early reference to an “Obama Assassination threat”. Hal’s lawyer Orozco did state at Hal’s first bond hearing that Hal told the US Marshals about a plot to kill Obama. How this relates to the truck bomb plot at the Roanoke Poff Federal Building to which US Marshal Elcik later testified, I don’t know.

A post by Bill White to Harold Covington’s downwithjugears site, October 2008, shortly before Bill’s arrest.

4:17 PM
Bill White said…

I just got the inside story on Tim bland and his testimony against us last Thursday.

Tim was arrested approximately 45 days ago for theatening to kill barsck [BARSICK, HAHAHA] obama, allegedly for a comment he posted to Hal turners blog. At the time he was arrested, he was in possession of a crack pipe, and was additinally charged with paraphenalia.

After arresting him on these pretexts, he was offered a deal where the charges would be dropped if he would give false testimony against us, coached by Hal Turner.

However, when he was arrested, when he was released he sent an email to one of our current supporters in Delaware drysuing the whole thing and asking for help, saying he was on drugs, not on his medication, and had not slept for ‘weeks’, meaning he was probably 100% psychotic when he gave them his ‘information’.

The whole thing would be hilarious for its ineptitude if it were not so serious.

Bill White
Commander ANSWP

The original trumped up Hale juror charge, from

May 12, 2010

(Note: skinheadz was Richard Barrett’s trademarked name, I suppose this was written by suspected FBI asset, Richard Barrett, himself. The judge later threw this charge out.

Bill White believes that this original charge was trumped up by the FBI to hold Bill while they investigated the false “truck bomb plot” charge that was placed by Hal Turner and others. When the FBI realized the truck bomb plot was fake, they then trumped-up some charges from old cases from 2007. But Barrett and Mary Potok and other media darlings would have known very well that Bill White had not broken the law/obstructed justice. So, why didn’t they protest this abuse of power? -americafarm)


The trademark, maniacal grin of Bill White, the anarchist arrested for obstruction of justice, said it all. The I-got-the-attention-I-wanted look belied the man who, for years, had tried to torment Nationalists, with Internet graffiti, pirating Nationalist images and lambasting Nationalists as “wacky,” “wacko” and “crazy.” White’s greatest resentment was being ignored, which White attempted to remedy by being the easy-target “poster-boy” for pro-minority-activist Morris Dees. Dees pronounced White the “second biggest” rightist, even though White had a history as an avowed Communist and anarchist, who repeatedly called for assassination and “overthrowing” the “ruling classes.”

White feigned being a “rightist” by associating with costumists, who had sparked a riot in Toledo, but his forte was invariably goading others into murder-plots or praising convicted-criminals, such as Matt Hale, serving forty years for murder-conspiracy. Gary Nemeth, who quit White, early on, pronounced White a “freak-show” who, instead of the “thousands” of members claimed by White, had only two members, both of whom had quit him. White, a slum-lord, who had inherited a trust-fund, had gone bankrupt, after squandering his fortune on sub-prime real-estate. Dees had continually asserted that White would make a “comeback,” but White just kept up his murder-instigation.

Nationalists had been quick to denounce White, when White first surfaced, following his unsuccessful campaign for the Maryland state-house as an “anarchist.” Appearing on National Public Radio, Richard Barrett dubbed White’s murder-appeals “outrageous” and “indefensible,” predicting that “the only thing that White will overthrow is himself.” Nationalists had pulled the plug on White’s Internet-site for copyright infringement, which White responded to by filing a complaint with the Mississippi attorneys’ association. When the complaint was dismissed, White, who had disclosed a lengthy rapsheet, including a suicide-watch hospitalization, claimed that he had “won.”

White was arrested for his latest escapade, in which he published the name and address of a federal-juror in the Hale case, beckoning threats. Given his history of threats, even publishing his targets in the cross-hairs of a gun, White, who was denied bail, was likely to mimic Hale’s fate at some super-max federal pen. U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Urbanski said that he was troubled that White, whose computer had been seized under a search-warrant, had set up an intricate plot to murder fifteen to twenty people. White had once claimed to be represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, but the group denied it. White’s last lawyer appeared in court and asked the judge to be let go.
Copyright 2008 Skinheadz

Jim Giles: Richard Barrett, FBI asset?

April 28, 2010

Highly edited transcript from Radio Free Mississippi, Jim Giles of talks about his neighbor in rural Rankin County, Richard Barrett.

Long, rambling audio at:

“Who was Richard Barrett? Richard Barrett was an asset … not to white people… he was an asset to the FBI and to the CENSORED media…he was a sick puppy, and I’m suggesting sexual perversion on his part…he was a little man, he was a lawyer…he was a scrawny man, and he had a look in his face that was one of distortion, of perversion…he would call me on the telephone, incessantly [TO SPY ON JIM?]…he put the stink, so to speak, on white racial politics… CENSORED faggot from New York City, how many want to line up with a CENSORED faggot from New York City?… [THE MEDIA IGNORED GILES BUT LOVED BARRETT] every last media outlet in this CENSORED state, you couldn’t pick up a newspaper without seeing his face on the front CENSORED page.
I am capable of independent thought…it was so transparent that Richard Barrett was an asset…the very first article the Clarion Ledger wrote, they have modified that since then, but the very first article [ON BARRET’S MURDER REPORTED IN A RESPECTFUL TONE AND PRAISED BARRETT ] “…and a highly decorated veteran of the Vietnam War “, they slipped up there, that was an immediate knee jerk reaction from the bowels of the CENSORED media…the FBI [IMMEDIATELY] was at the crime scene, so the media reported, well it suggests to me that Richard Barrett was an employee… [GILES WILL REQUEST THE FBI FILE ON BARRETT BUT] I do not trust the FBI to respond honestly….[TO ADMIT BARRETT WAS WORKING FOR THEM]”

Richard Barrett on Hal Turner

April 26, 2010

Hal Turner is probably the most famous snitch of the day. His name gets thrown around constantly, especially in reference to disinformation, entrapment or provocation and bizarre FBI black operations against our citizens.

Bill White believes that he was arrested in October, 2008 because Hal Turner had emailed his contact in the FBI a PHONY “tip” about Bill White plotting to blow up the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, Virginia with a truck bomb.

Here is Richard Barrett, (now dead by n-word), from his crosstar site on the Hal Turner case:

Free-speech salvaged, but Turner devastated – Richard Barrett

There are three main reasons why I feel compelled to speak out on the Hal Turner case, in behalf of The Nationalist Movement. First, The Movement, apparently, was the first organization that Turner had tried to infiltrate, in March of 2002. Second, The Movement has written the law-of-the-land in the United States Supreme Court on free-speech. Finally, the course must be set, notwithstanding efforts by Turner and his cronies to stigmatize or derail Nationalism. Nationalism is the blood-based form of government, marked by a strong, central state, social-justice for those who work and rule by the majority of its people. In shorthand, Nationalism is the exact opposite of Communism.

Nationalists have been “rising again,” ever since minorities and aliens seized control of the nation, prompting their opponents to use every sort of device to scuttle them, from banishment to imprisonment to ridicule to infiltration to disinformation. Turner became part of the widespread, although illegal and undercover, ploy, to destabilize rightist political activism, which manifests itself in everything from fundamentalist Christians to gun-defenders to segregationists to anti-Communists. In a lawsuit against the FBI, in 1997, Nationalists uncovered secret files, which detailed that the agency had not quit spying on American citizens, even though the practice had been outlawed.

Agents exposed

Agent-provocateur tactics were exposed, on a much broader scale, when Turner was revealed to have been using the Internet to create the false-persona of a would-be assassin, to paint Nationalists as murderers and, even, entrap pro-majority activists into committing crimes. At first, Nationalists rejected Turner and warned against him. However, some insisted that Turner had “free-speech” rights, which, if impinged, would set a bad precedent for rightists, in general. However, being a “snitch” and a “rat” was so unappealing that Nationalists refused to utter any kind words for Turner, at all. Meanwhile, Turner’s wife, Phyllis, decried Nationalists as “snakes.”

Turner pointed to his Indian and Puerto Rican lawyers, his managing of a campaign for a Jew and his Negro and Jewish FBI-handlers as proof that he “never was” a Nationalist. He, also, produced memos to the FBI insisting that he was not what he appeared to be, for which he was paid over $100,000.00. Nationalists have said that they will use the case to press for enforcement of laws against Turner-style agent-provocateurs. Some Turner critics have suggested that Turner “got what he deserved,” by having to spend his loot on lawyers and bail-bonds and going bankrupt. Others say that the way Turner was hung out to dry by the FBI warns others from becoming informants.

Unanimous jury unlikely

A unanimous jury was unlikely at the Brooklyn, New York venue, where minorities abound, but anti-Israeli sentiment runs high. The main witnesses against Turner were Jewish judges, whose “offense” to being “threatened” did not meet the “reasonable-man” test, spelled out by the judge. Being unable to convict Turner, however, only underscores that saying that someone “deserves” to be killed does not override the First Amendment, although, in the same breath, Nationalists warn against threat-making. A “true” threat is when someone has the “imminent” means to “imminently” carry out a threat. A broadcast to a general audience, over the Internet, of “opinion,” does not qualify.

Since Turner fired his lawyers, at his second mis-trial, there has been speculation that Turner might seek legal-counsel from Nationalist lawyers. But, Nationalists say no. If the case were to reach the high-court, which is unlikely, they might file an amicus-curiae brief in support of free-speech, while making clear that Nationalists do not condone disinformation, entrapment or provocation. Some have suggested that Turner might seek to “return” to the very ones he had tried to entrap, saying that “all is forgiven.” Jurors were unimpressed, however, when prosecutors called Turner a liar, but sidestepped that Turner’s handlers were the ones who had lied to the public and to them.

Setback to Dees

The inability to convict Turner has been a setback to Morris Dees, who had claimed that Turner had an actual following and that laws were needed to halt such “danger.” Testimony, even by his opponents, revealed that Turner had no following, however. Abraham Foxman, who had campaigned that flag-wavers, returning-veterans and right-wing third-party supporters were “haters” and whose diatribes had been adopted by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, was the biggest loser. The “danger” he proclaimed had been orchestrated by Obama-Administration officials, whose cover and credibility had been devastated. So, Nationalists only gained in stature.

According to Jeffrey Ullman, “Now is the time for Nationalists to speak out, to get the information out.” Ullman branded Dees, Foxman, Napolitano and Obama as “a movement of lies,” contrasted with The Nationalist Movement, which he termed “a movement of truth.” Ullman pointed out that the news-media had, also, taken a hit, because it had referred to Turner as a “right-winger,” even when Turner, himself, as well as prosecutors, asserted otherwise. With Turner exposed as a fraud, the public as asking, “Will the real Nationalists please stand up?” “It is a risk to speak out,” warns Ullman, “but our words and actions are one-hundred percent patriotic and empowering Americans.”


April 20, 2010

“… While the SPLC was investigating organizations like the Oath Keepers, the Liberty Restoration Project and We are Change, or people like Alex Jones, Gary Franchi and others, why wasn’t the SPLC “investigating” the FBI? Did they forget about radio host Hal Turner? Turner was a white supremacist that happened to be an asset to the federal government. When is the SPLC planning to investigate Federal government? If there is one “Hal Turner,” there must be others. Who are they? How many more “Hal Turners” are inciting hate and violence at the Government’s direction? Does the SPLC know the answer? Are they “investigating” that?

Recent comments made by Dr Heidi Beirich lead me to now ask, is the SPLC going to investigate one of their own? Dr. Beirich took the “opportunity” to call Gary Franchi “insane” and Alex Jones a “lunatic” and accuse Jones of “inspiring” the murder of three
police officers in Pittsburgh last year. In response, Franchi says, “It is irrational to assume that because you are unhappy with the government you encourage people to become violent
towards individual government employees.” When did questioning the government make you racist or a promoter of hate, and, now, someone who inspires murder? AND, what did Turner inspire, BACKED BY the government?

What is SPLC’s real agenda? They obviously do not promote freedom of speech unless you agree with their rhetoric. Maybe I will borrow words from readers of SPLC’s Spring article slamming Camp FEMA and Colorado’s KBDI: “How does wanting a new 9/11
investigation equate to hate speech?” or “What does Camp FEMA have to do with hate? It actually exposes hate” or “Those who feel this is hatred must also feel our founding fathers were bigots” or better yet, if you “don’t like programs that edge towards the truth keep listening to your elected officials and the mainstream media!” (Remembering that the approval rating for both is EXTREMELY low!) People should demand that the Southern Poverty Law Center come clean with their new agenda of pushing hate, because it is clear the SPLC has strayed far from the sound principles of their founding.”

By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,,
Edited by Gary Franchi