Posts Tagged ‘Hadding’

Bill White is writing a book on Hadding

November 7, 2010

Ahahahaha! Not Hadding SCOTT, Hadding the Hero! More on this soon.

Dan Casey’s “Free Bill White” article, 10/12/09

September 6, 2010

Update – September 22, 2010 – link no longer works, the original comments are reposted, below.

Dan Casey (O’Sephardic Irish), wrote this column last year.

Link to original article:

I doubt Casey “guessed” this little theory on his own.

I “guess” our government works this way all the time, and race wars have nothing to do with it.

The comments section has some really good posts by people who understand how free speech works. (Too bad we don’t have it.) I have included two Hadding-related comments here.

Hadding’s assessment of what the psychiatrist Corcoran meant about Bill White could be true or false.

Corcoran definitely said that Bill White was not mentally ill, was not a danger to the community, and that he should be released on bail.

Dan Casey’s Blog
[Commie date]”2009.10.12″
Monday bonus column: Free Bill White

The Roanoke Times / File

I have a theory about why Bill White ended up in jail.

It is my own flight of fancy. There is no hard evidence to back it up. I have had no conversations with anyone in a position to know the real story.

It’s purely a guess, borne from years of covering and observing our criminal justice system, and knowing how some cops and prosecutors think.

It goes like this:

It is 2008, a history-making election year. Then-Sen. Barack Obama has captured the Democratic Party nomination.

Obama has appeared numerous times in Southwest Virginia during the presidential primaries, and now he has scheduled an appearance in Roanoke, the biggest city for miles around.

Now, there is a landlord/blogger/magazine publisher/neo-Nazi in Roanoke whose name is Bill White. He has a high IQ and (warning: upcoming contradiction) dresses up in Nazi costumes and celebrates Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

On his Web site he posts racist garbage about subhuman “mud people” (the blacks); conniving Jews (tops on his list of evildoers in the world); and phone numbers and addresses of journalists and some non-Nazis White finds offensive.

He also writes unkind things about other nincompoops in the white power movement who have called White a fraud.

And he has weirdly dreamed, in writing, of slaughtering all his enemies: the blacks, the Jews, the journalists and others whom he blames for personal and societal ills.

Occasionally, White publishes a four-color, slick-paper magazine. He solicits donations for it on his (now defunct) Web site,

Not long before Barack Obama’s appearance, White gears up to publish yet another issue and he once again begs on his Web site for contributions to cover the printing costs.

White already has designed the cover, and it’s a real barn-burner. There’s a photo of Barack Obama with a swastika-style sharpshooter’s gun sights surrounding his head. And the headline: “Kill This NIGGER?” And he publishes that on his Web site.

Now, imagine you’re in the Roanoke office of the FBI, or the Secret Service or you’re a federal prosecutor here. What are you going to do about that?

Before Obama gets here, you’re going to lock White up.

That’s what I would do. [SO THAT MAKES IT OKAY]

Because the assassination of the first-ever black major-party presidential candidate in the United States in YOUR town would be one of the more ignoble moments in all of American history, if not world history.

It would be worldwide news that would dwarf the 2007 Virginia Tech shootings. It would make the assassination of John F. Kennedy, which is still fiercely debated, look like a pimple on history’s ass.

It could ignite riots all over the country, like what happened in the wake of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, and result in hundreds (if not thousands) of deaths and millions (if not billions) of dollars in carnage.

The name Roanoke would live in infamy.

And that’s not going to happen to your town, on your watch. So you’re going to lock White up. Why take the chance?

As you ponder this question, you engage in a bit of what dramatists call interior monologue.

What about White’s constitutional rights? [YEAH, RIGHT]

“Well,” you say to yourself, “he’s got the right to publish whatever odious, insulting, scary garbage he wants to. And he has a right to reasonable bail, if he’s not a flight risk or a danger to others.”

But then you weigh those against the harm that not locking him up could cause.

“Which would be worse,” you wonder: “Trashing one neo-Nazi/attention hound’s rights, or having this country plunged in a race war?”

That one is not even close.

But what if White sues?

“That is an easy one,” you reason. “While White might win that lawsuit, he would be the most unsympathetic plaintiff in the history of federal tort actions.

A jury might find for him, but they would never award him a large sum in damages. It would be hard for White even to find a lawyer to take the case.

So you cook up some charges and you lock White up. Problem solved.

Barack Obama wins election.

There is no assassination.

No history-ripping crime in your hometown.

No riots all over the nation.

You did the right thing, eh?

The only problem with this scenario is that, a year later, White is still in jail, after a brief five days of freedom – on bail.

His federal charges in Chicago have been dismissed by one of those Jewish judges he vehemently despises. Some other charges in Roanoke remain, but those appear headed for the same fate.

White’s a narcissistic jerk and a fool. He has frightened a handful of people and insulted others. His bizarre diatribes have stirred up many but directly harmed nobody.

He merely calls people names. No sticks, no stones.

Barack Obama is still walking the good Earth.

So free Bill White.

There, I said it.


The crucial point about Bill White’s magazine with the cover featuring Barack Obama in the crosshairs is that the words in the magazine do not advocate what the cover depicts. The cover does not say, “Kill this nigger!” It asks the question, “Kill this nigger?”

The conventional wisdom among White Nationalists even before Bill White published that magazine was that an Obama assassination would be a disaster for our cause, just as the Kennedy assassination was a disaster that facilitated passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (even though the perpetrator was not a racist as originally assumed).

The text of the magazine answers the question posed on the cover by saying, No, do not kill this nigger.

There is something disingenuous about this, and that is what has gotten Bill White in trouble. Bill White is a master at forcing people to pay attention to him through manipulation. That is what the psychiatrist Corcoran implied when he said that White had a personality disorder featuring “histrionic” and “narcissistic” elements. Bill White knew perfectly well that many people unfamiliar with the discussions about this issue in the White Nationalist movement would fly off the handle reacting to the image and not consider the text.

To all you anti-racist liberals: as far as the magazine cover is concerned, Bill White was just yanking your chain.

Comment by Hadding Scott — December 17, 2009 @ 1:14 pm

“The conventional wisdom among White Nationalists even before Bill White published that magazine was that an Obama assassination would be a disaster for our cause”

How screamingly fortunate for the majority of this country that elected him.

How depressing to think that the fate of our President depends on the aggregate “conventional wisdom” of a group like this one.

I think, Mr. Scott, you overestimate White’s powers and misinterpret Corcoran’s assessment. Maybe he just meant White is a nutcase.

Comment by Kristen — December 17, 2009 @ 1:53 pm

Link to original article :

Hadding Scott’s comment on the civil case

September 6, 2010

This comment was made on Dan Casey’s Roanoke Times blog last year. (I’m going to re post that column above this post.)

Regarding the second paragraph, I’d like Hadding to name a few other “anybodies” that were dragged into court for pressing their rights.

But the last paragraph, about civil rights law and the civil suit against Bill White, is of interest.


No, I understand exactly what Corcoran meant by histrionic, narcissistic, manipulative, and attention-seeking. I’ve been aware of Bill White for at least ten years, and all Corcoran did was to confirm what those of us who have been putting up with him already knew.

Dan Casey’s aetiology of this situation is also consistent with what I have been trying to tell some of my associates on VNN Forum. Some want to believe that Bill White is being persecuted for his political views, but that is not the core of the matter. Anybody who presses his legal rights to the very limit runs the risk of being dragged into court, and it is not realistic to think that being technically within your rights is going to protect you from some kind of official reaction if you scare a lot of people. Governments do not always play strictly by the rules.

What concerns me at this point are the “civil rights suits” that White is going to face after the current trial ends, probably without a conviction. “Civil rights law” is not a longstanding part of our legal tradition, but an innovation introduced during Reconstruction, found unconstitutional in 1883, then reintroduced in 1964. After this trial ends, the real abomination begins.

Comment by Hadding Scott — December 17, 2009 @ 2:37 pm

Letter from Bill White – July 12, 2010 – Silly Season

July 23, 2010

This letter was in response to a news update that I sent Bill. I will put in links to the internet posts and radio shows mentioned. Most of the fuss revolved around Jim Giles and his internet broadcasts. There is a tie in to Bill White through his former associate, Dan Jones. Jones was arrested for mailing a noose (boo hoo hoo) to the NAACP in Lima, Ohio. The NAACP is a racist organization that selects people to advance based on the color of their (black) skin. Dan Jones approached Jim Giles for an interview last year. Giles reported Jones to the FBI for attempting to violate one of his parole conditions, which was a ban from using the internet. This resulted in Giles being called an informant by some people, including Pastor Martin Lindstedt.

If you think we don’t have endless time to waste on crazy stuff in America, you are so wrong! We do!

Link that will give you a lot of the background story to which White’s letter, below, refers:


July 12, 2010

Received your latest letter.

I guess people still think what has happened in this country is still some funny joke or internet game or gossip war. I can assure them the black Marxists who have occupied Washington do not see it that way. I dare say that, if they had survived what I have these past two years, they wouldn’t see it that way either. I hope none of them ever have to. I fear many of them will have that and worse.

Dan Jones had some questionable and foolish conversations with the FBI. His attorney says he is not cooperating and will not testify against me – and he has not, so far. I have to accept the latter, having not seen his 306s. If he is not intending to plea, ask him to post the 306s he receives in discovery online. This should resolve any questions.

Jim Giles letter [to the FBI reporting a potential parole violation by Dan Jones] is really shocking and sad. It’s a foolish letter. I think that white activists should take things like that into account when choosing who to talk to. Here, things like that occasionally lead to stabbings. More often, people just have the sense to politely avoid those who are so lacking in sense.

The comments at the end [reference to Pastor Martin Lindstedt’s internet post “Jim Giles is a ZOGbot Roid Rage Retard (but able to kill a sick 64 year-old Attorney)” ] really sadden me. First, it is a shame that people [like Lindstedt] would post such poorly considered words. Second, it is a shame people are wasting time on internecine battle, internet verbiage, and violent fantasies, when so much remains to be done in the real world.

I wonder if the internet, as it is currently used, doesn’t hurt white people by turning the foci away from the real danger white people face from Marxist genocide to silly nonsense like these battles.

When I’m released, I hope to never be drawn back in to such silly distractions.

Bill White

PS: You may print this. Thank you for the update.