Posts Tagged ‘Jim Giles’

Edgar Steele’s Wife Speaks Out Against the FBI and the DOJ

September 8, 2010

As anyone but Hadding and Jim Giles of Radiofreemissippi could tell, there was something very fishy about the Edgar Steele case almost from the beginning.

Hadding did not know what he was talking about. I was threatened with being banned from the old RFM blog for posting that he didn’t. Hadding, you write very nice articles, but, I’ll say it again, YOU DIDN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE EDGAR STEELE CASE! Nobody posting on the internet knew anything about it. See the Court documents at the end of this post.

Well, I did know this… what gets put in the newspaper about a controversial case often is even less than “the tip of an iceberg” on the story, is very misleading or just plain wrong, and is written with the intention to poison the public’s mind about the case for the DOJ. However, in the Edgar Steele Case, the local papers were not “fighting for truth and justice”, but they were letting enough info get out to the public so that comment sections were full of people attacking the “known facts” of the story. -americafarm

1. “Cyndi Steele Finally Gets It” from

Many people may be wondering why Edgar Steele’s wife, Cyndi, hasn’t come forward in defense of her husband until now.

For the reasons stated below, Cyndi will stay in relative seclusion for the time being. She is in the process of hiring a new attorney to protect her rights and the rights of her family (things did not work out with the attorney who was representing her before). This will give her and the family some breathing space to have active representation while they go about their lives. Now that the Feds have shown that they are not willing to prosecute the other unnamed accomplices of Larry Fairfax who are involved in this case, Cyndi realizes that taking a low profile to allow the FBI to do their job, simply will not do any good.

The Steele family needs all the support that can be mustered. Please send the information below to anyone interested. Most of the old questions should be answered. As always, when there is new information available, it will generate a myriad of new questions.

Cyndi will be able to answer and respond to legitimate questions and concerns now that the Feds have proven their true colors and shown her that keeping a low profile really serves no purpose.

You may explain the following to anyone who asks: “Why has Cyndi been in seclusion?”:

1) On the day that Ed was arrested, the FBI warned Cyndi that Larry Fairfax had certain unnamed accomplices who were “out there” or who were at large and that they had an active plan to kill her and her family;

2) The FBI promised that they had, or would, arrest the unnamed accomplices of Larry Fairfax whom they had identified and prosecute them for their crimes (giving her the impression that she and her family would be protected from these criminals who were known to the FBI, but who were still at large);

3) Cyndi believed the FBI and has kept a very low profile, not wanting to interfere with the FBI and their investigation; and, of course, not wanting to put her life or the lives of her family in jeopardy while they all waited for the Feds to round up these “bad guys” so that she and her family would be safe;

4) By the middle of last week, when a plea bargain with Larry Fairfax was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today and the prosecutor, Traci Whelan, failed to call her back after Cyndi tried to reach the prosecutor on August 26th about the Fairfax plea bargain, Cyndi could see that the Feds were going to give Larry Fairfax a “sweetheart plea deal” without even consulting her and that his unnamed accomplices still had not been identified or arrested or charged or prosecuted; and

5) Finally, Cyndi decided to come out of seclusion and demand her legal rights as a victim, guaranteed by Congress, to object to the Fairfax plea bargain. Cyndi has demanded that she and her family be protected – and she has demanded that the Fairfax unnamed accomplices be brought to justice, because these unnamed accomplices are partly responsible, as co-conspirators, for the crimes against her and her family (that includes of course the planting of a bomb under her vehicle).

Note: There is no question that the feds know who these people are because they told Cyndi so; but, they are not telling anyone else and they have not arrested them, which makes it appear that they are protecting them. So, what’s that all about?

2. Court documents from

The victims of Larry Fairfax ask the Court many good questions. Did the FBI let them drive around with a bomb on their car, and if so, WHY did the FBI let them drive around with a bomb on their car? Why are they protecting the bomber from 30 years in prison? Why are they utterly unconcerned for the victims or the victim’s rights? -americafarm

The victim mother-in-law’s affidavit-

Click to access Kunzman_Affidavit_9_7_2010.pdf

The victim wife’s affidavit-

Click to access Cyndi_Steele_Affidavit_9_7_2010.pdf

RFM blog – comments on Steele case

July 25, 2010

Jim Giles has changed his software to vBulletin and now everything is different at So here is something I saved from the RFM blog, shortly before the change. If you like your coverage of the Edgar Steele case made by people wearing tin foil Junior G-Men badges…

Note: Mona Montgomery is woman lawyer and White activist who wants to help Whites, who suffer from low birthrates, by bringing them Women’s Lib.

From the old RFM blog –

Mona Montgomery July 22nd, 2010 at 20:50 | #10 Reply | Quote Steele believes he is innocent. The way I see it, Larry Fairfax never intended to kill Cindy, just go con Ed out of his money. Fairfax wouldn’t have to put too much pressure on Steele to agree to a plot if Steele’s ego was weakened with LSD and a heart surgery. Then, under expert pressure from the FBI, the cops were able to get Steele to say things on tape which will convict him. In his heart, Steele never really much Cindy dead, just sort of, maybe, yeah it would be nice. Which was true. Steele did sort of want Cindy out of the way to enjoy the perks of guruhood in a cult infested with frustrated White women (and their nubile White kids). But in Steele’s mind, I think his desire to see Cindy blown to bits was really weak. Fairfax and the FBI worked Steele’s mild desire to be free into the murder-for-hire plot that we see unfolding.

If I am right, Steele’s best defense would be the entrapment of a weak minded old man affected by LSD and male ego. But in that case, Steele would still find himself locked up for the rest of his life. I just think he should be honest and alert the White Power movement to the dangers of making flawed men into gods and failing to see the dangers of drugs and overblown egos. Also, the dangers of sexually frustrated females flaunting themselves in front of these flawed gurus without regard for the marriages they threaten and destroy.

Mona Montgomery July 22nd, 2010 at 20:50 | #11 Reply | Quote My main point is that in Steele’s mind, he is innocent because he didn’t really mean it much.

Hadding July 22nd, 2010 at 21:25 | #12 Reply | Quote @Mona Montgomery The problem with your theory is that according to the FBI affidavit the murder plots had already been going on some time before Fairfax began cooperating with the FBI. The pipebomb was from the end of May and Fairfax agreed to cooperate on 9 June.

I am assuming that there is no deceptive omission from the affidavit, which may be a bad assumption, especially since we have hearsay that Ed Steele was under surveillance for six months. However, the fact that Fairfax placed and then did not remove the pipebomb on Cyndi Steele’s SUV in late May strongly implies that he was not working with law enforcement at that time.

Mona Montgomery July 22nd, 2010 at 23:10 | #13 Reply | Quote @Hadding
I think Fairfax got Steele to agree to pay him to kill his wife when Steele was on acid. Fairfax helped himself to the $10,000 fee. Steele told him to forget it but Fairfax said he would not return the money. Moment of truth was when Steele realized he would rather have Cindy gone for $10,000 rather than paying $10,000 for nothing. In the eyes of any reasonable person, Steele was guilty, but in Steele’s mind he was forced into it by Fairfax’ con artist machinations. Clearly Steele believes (and rightly so) that he was manipulated into the double murder plot hatched in the barn two days before the arrest which was being recorded by the FBI. Steele feels he was forced into it and he has an argument. Since Fairfax had no intention of actually killing Cindy, it was easy for him to nudge and manipulate Steele into the murder. Fairfax was not emotionally involved. It was a game to him. Poor acid-freak Steele had no defenses against Fairfax’s urgings. Fairfax just thought it would be a funny trick to let Steele wake up to the fact that Larry go the money for nothing! I don’t know what scared Larry into going to the police. Maybe Larry was telling the truth when he told the police he came to them because he feared the Aryan Nations. Maybe the Aryan Nations has a Phineas Priesthood (cult of killers) like the KKK.

Hadding July 22nd, 2010 at 23:24 | #14 Reply | Quote @Mona Montgomery Lots of speculation there. I think it’s pretty clear that Steele is not playing with a full deck these days, stoned or not.

Mona Montgomery July 23rd, 2010 at 06:23 | #15 Reply | Quote Yes, Hadding, I do a lot of speculation.

americafarm July 23rd, 2010 at 10:32 | #16 Reply | Quote Mona, you thought it would be a funny trick just to put all this hooey on the internet. Not unlike a certain WN famous for writing exposees of notable people, now in Club Fed.

Mona Montgomery July 23rd, 2010 at 19:37 | #17 Reply | Quote @americafarm
I don’t know what you mean and I don’t know who you mean so allow me to speculate. By “all this hooey” I assume you mean my concerns for White women in the White Power movement, specifically my Youtube videos in which I express extreme relief that it was not me who was the victim of a murder-for-hire plot which I had been worrying about for many years. I have no idea who the “certain WN famous for writing exposes….” you are talking about. Ed? Hal? Matt? I really do not know who you are likening me to. As for “notable people,” again I don’t know who you mean. I do not know of any WN people who are famous for writing exposees of notable people who are now in Club Fed. I really do not know.

What I do know about your comment is that you think I am wrong to express my point of view even when I believe it is essential to the safety of White women that we resist the worship of these White Power gurus. It is time for White women to come forward and announce their special needs that men trample, most especially the need to plan their lives and their families and their relationships with men who clearly have no use for them at all when they are no longer young and attractive.

In the White Power movement I see ZERO recognition of White women as personalities and ONLY for their use as baby making machines. This puts the White woman on the same level as the Muslim woman, expected to walk six steps behind the male. What a disgrace!

Hadding July 23rd, 2010 at 19:50 | #18 Reply | Quote Mona Montgomery :I By “all this hooey” I assume you mean my concerns for White women in the White Power movement,

Are you sure that Ed Steele would count as being part of the “White Power movement”? It’s hard to reconcile that with his Nickel Rants, which I have been re-auditing in light of recent events. He says that he is for “equal rights for all” and that he liked Obama and wanted everybody to give Obama a chance. Steele was very upset because the Negro head of the Constitution Party of Idaho turned down his membership application, and he sued a newspaper for calling him racist. In his Obummer show he blamed the CFR, not Jews, as the power behind Obama, even though Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod obviously are Jews. So what is Steele politically? He seems rather middle-of-the-road to me.

americafarm July 23rd, 2010 at 20:37 | #19 Reply | Quote That last comment of mine was a poke at Hadding who lets Mona get away with what Hadding knocks Bill White for doing in his day – publishing hooey about other Whites in the movement. If you don’t know Bill White, wake up, Mona. Click my pen name and read my web site, Bill White Trial Update. And let me point out this, Bill White has proclaimed his innocence and insisted that he will beat all the charges and that he will be getting out soon the whole time that he has been in the slammer, Club Fed as I called it. And here you are, knocking Edgar for not behaving like that. But if Ed was acting like Bill White, and saying that he would beat the charges and be out soon, you would probably say that he was delusional. I’m sure you don’t consider it a given that because Bill White says that he is innocent, that he IS innocent, or that he is going to be out soon. Bill was saying that last year, and he is still in prison. But it seems to me that you consider that ZOG has done a good job in locking up both these men, so how are you, Hadding and Mona, counting as being part of White Power? It’s hard to reconcile.

Letter from Bill White in Beckley FCI – July 19, 2010

July 23, 2010

I was under the impression that Bill White had been banned from posting on the internet, or from causing things to be posted, but he tells me that he has not been banned.

Here is Bill White’s letter to me dated July 19, 2010. He gives his thoughts on the mind-boggling Edgar Steele case. The Alex Linder comment is in response to charges made by Pastor Martin Lindstedt, and perhaps others, that Alex Linder of VNN is an informant for testifying in the December, 2009 trial. Bill says no. The first paragraph refers to some startling premonitions of his eventual death by government assassination that Bill made in a previous letter. -americafarm


July 19, 2010

What can I say? Sometimes one just sees how things are going, and makes a prediction. Our government is a tyrannical neo-Soviet regime, and its own internal logic requires it to take by force what it cannot achieve through manipulation of law. Given my relative personal power, the conclusion is inevitable.

Nothing is what it appears to be – by now you should know that. I have not been ordered to stay off the internet. Not only has all this correspondence been read and approved for mailing, but I have even been issued email. Once I am released, I am prohibited from publishing certain things until my appeal overturns things, but there are no restrictions on your ability to post and repost my letters.

[Deleted paragraph regarding another case].

I do not buy the Edgar Steele thing either – but, why have the feds seized his assets? They are not the proceeds of illegal activity.

His letter makes a lot more sense – that his handyman informant stole some money, tried to kill him, and lied to the feds – than anything else I’ve heard so far. And, of course, the feds sat there slack-jawed and bought all of it. The possibility the ADL or SPLC tried to murder Ed also makes a lot more sense.

I do not buy the “human trafficking” thing. Steele was targeted for the same reason all of us are being targeted – because Marxism and Judaism must destroy its enemies, and needs the veneer of law.

Alex [Linder] was literally drug to testify by the US Marshals. He did everything possible to avoid it. He did not contribute to my conviction or cooperate against me to my knowledge.

Whenever [Laurence] Hammack writes an article on me, write and encourage others to write letters to the editor mocking him. He is a dumb jackass – but keep reminding him. (I write him bogus letters or mock him all the time although my lawyers made me stop.)

The only thing I don’t get with Steele are the tapes. First, the FBI usually doesn’t turn over evidence until the last minute in discovery. This tells me he gave them an interview. Stupid. Second – I don’t buy 100 per cent fake tapes. I could – but I need more explanation. Are these offhand remarks out of context? I don’t know.

Anyways, I’ll be out soon and better able to evaluate these things. I’ve dropped Ed a letter.

People should be telling Ed these things:

1. When the feds arrest an innocent person, they torture and brutalize him to try to break him and get a false confession. Better to live through 90 days of that than confess – believe me.

2. If convicted, Ed is headed to a medium or a low [security prison]. These are easy, laid-back joints, much better than 23-and-lockdown. As a lawyer, he will be besieged with people giving him things for legal advice. He’ll have an easy time.

3. Don’t believe anyone. The prosecutors will lie to get a plea deal – the public defender will lie. Other inmates will lie and get on his case to get a time cut. The Marshals lie. They all lie.

4. Don’t plea. Particularly, no subsection (b) plea – only subsection (c), if he must. Plea-ing eliminates the right to challenge evidence, eliminates the rules of evidence (since you aren’t contesting it), and reduces the standard of guilt to preponderance from reasonable doubt. Fight, fight, fight!

5. Don’t speak to anyone or write anything. If you must, lie. These people believe everything their informants say, so if you lie to the informants, it really messes them up. And, they are lying to you, anyways.

Bill White

Intelligence report on Richard Anthony Barrett

May 20, 2010

Here is a list of highlights from the FBI file on
Richard Anthony Barrett from Jim Giles at

Interesting stuff!

Giles’ conclusion:

” Reviewing this Barrett file leaves me with multiple impressions, all of them negative.

Foremost is the futility of Barrett’s own life. “Sad” is the major hallmark. He went to a losing war [in Vietnam], then he came home and adhered himself to a losing cause [KKK]. Clearly he had multiple personal issues. He left home and family in New York State to become a stranger in a place where he was generally rejected as an outsider. This is different from you, who are rejected by locals for appearing to be a dangerous loose cannon. Barrett was suspected by KKKers of being an FBI informant. You otoh are more likely to be suspected by Mississippians of being a KKKer. Barrett was feared as being the heat. You are feared because they fear the heat is close behind you.

Second, I’m struck by the greater defeat encapsulating the defeat. This is the general background of “The South” and “USA” with Barrett’s life in the foreground. This includes the no-talent useless eater bureaucratic FBI maggots who are wasting their purposeless lives shuffling all that paper to and fro. Defeat, failure, futility and decline into ever darkening decrepitude is all we see. Both in the USA’s darkening racial complexion and finally in Barrett’s own life as an ostensible racist and likely homosexual murdered in his own home by a Negro he invited in.

A pathetic and all too true allegory for the fate of the USA itself. A country teeming with sodomites and soon to be murdered by the non-whites it invited in. A horrible curse on the land of Mississippi that Google Street shows to truly be a beautiful land.”

Jim Giles: Richard Barrett, FBI asset?

April 28, 2010

Highly edited transcript from Radio Free Mississippi, Jim Giles of talks about his neighbor in rural Rankin County, Richard Barrett.

Long, rambling audio at:

“Who was Richard Barrett? Richard Barrett was an asset … not to white people… he was an asset to the FBI and to the CENSORED media…he was a sick puppy, and I’m suggesting sexual perversion on his part…he was a little man, he was a lawyer…he was a scrawny man, and he had a look in his face that was one of distortion, of perversion…he would call me on the telephone, incessantly [TO SPY ON JIM?]…he put the stink, so to speak, on white racial politics… CENSORED faggot from New York City, how many want to line up with a CENSORED faggot from New York City?… [THE MEDIA IGNORED GILES BUT LOVED BARRETT] every last media outlet in this CENSORED state, you couldn’t pick up a newspaper without seeing his face on the front CENSORED page.
I am capable of independent thought…it was so transparent that Richard Barrett was an asset…the very first article the Clarion Ledger wrote, they have modified that since then, but the very first article [ON BARRET’S MURDER REPORTED IN A RESPECTFUL TONE AND PRAISED BARRETT ] “…and a highly decorated veteran of the Vietnam War “, they slipped up there, that was an immediate knee jerk reaction from the bowels of the CENSORED media…the FBI [IMMEDIATELY] was at the crime scene, so the media reported, well it suggests to me that Richard Barrett was an employee… [GILES WILL REQUEST THE FBI FILE ON BARRETT BUT] I do not trust the FBI to respond honestly….[TO ADMIT BARRETT WAS WORKING FOR THEM]”

Richard Barrett Weird Sex Controversy

April 26, 2010

Richard Barrett Controversy

Letter by Jim Giles dated July 31, 2004, to Richard Barrett, rolling out many nasty accusations, including one by made by Bill White that Barrett was trying to entrap people into making bombs. It is noteworthy that Giles claims Barrett is a media darling in Mississippi. Legend has it that media darlings are usually blessed by the nearest rabbi, 100 per cent kosher!

The P.S of this letter (apparently Barrett never replied):

Jimmy D. Giles
Candidate for Congress for the 3d Congressional District of Mississippi

P.S. I think it’s in the public interest to also now bring some other very controversial public issues surrounding yourself to a resolution, especially since you yourself have brought these controversies further into the public view. You have done this with your secretive attempts to infringe the First Amendment rights of Rebel Army forum users by attempting to intimidate under color of law a web host provider engaged in providing accommodation to a lawful federal political candidate appearing on the public ballot of the State of Mississippi in the 3d Congressional District.

1. Bill White of Libertarian Socialist News has stated that in the past you have acted as an FBI informer and may have even attempted to entrap others involved with you on federal bomb making charges. This is an extremely serious allegation. Have you ever acted as an informant to any federal, state or local police agency? By this I mean secretive contacts with and reports to law enforcement officials about people you are ‘politically’ involved with but which were not any part of your duties as attorney of record in any cases in which you were involved.

2. Do you continue to offer ‘weapons training’ to ‘skinheads’, or to ‘hairless boys’ to use a quotation ascribed to you by Mr. White? Your Nationalists website has offered pictures of such training in the past. You have also clearly implied that you stand ready to provide such training in the future at a facility you control somewhere in rural Mississippi.

This, combined with the un-refuted reports that you have acted as a federal police informer in the past, are extremely serious practical considerations for any young white man considering closer contact with you or involvement in your organization. This is especially true when considering the congressionally documented misconduct of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and of the FBI, at Ruby Ridge, Waco Texas and in other incidents.

3. How many law cases are you presently handling on behalf of white people in either Mississippi state courts or the federal courts? What cases are these and what courts are they in? Despite the efforts of the current U.S. Attorney General and his Jewish appointee lawyers to the contrary, most legal proceedings remain matters of public record, as was intended by the white founders of the American Republic. And as you are aware, Notices of Appearance by yourself as counsel in such cases are matters of public record. So there is no purpose not to detail your current legal activities, if any, on behalf of white folks. A full disclosure of these ongoing cases will help other white folks, and especially your preferred demographic group of ‘hairless white boys’, to reach an informed opinion on the value of your actual white public service, and also of your ‘non-profit’ leadership.

4. It has been reported that you are presently the subject of a complaint to the Mississippi State Bar Association concerning your conduct as a lawyer. What is the present status of this complaint?