Posts Tagged ‘Truman Capote’

Bill White in Chicago – Update – December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010

Case 09-2916

Click to access 3T1FFZ6D.pdf

A few more messages from Bill. This morning Bill said he had been called to court and he wondered if his hearing last week (which he missed) was rescheduled for today.

Note: the song he quotes is not one Bill White made up. He says it’s a real song.

12/18/2010 6:55:35 PM

A note for the website:

I was reading a book, “Master of Disguise”, the other day, and ran across a passage saying that the KGB tortured intelligence officers who turned turncoat to death by cremating them alive, feet first.

I am wondering if such a cruel method of death is not a disguised religious practice of some sort.

I also wonder if this method of death, if authentic, is not related to the fantasy of “crematoriums” the Soviets invented when they manufactured the “Holocaust”.

Both of which remind me of a song:

“When you see the crematorium,
You’ll know that this is where you’ll come.
And when you see the smoke coming out the lungs,
Its gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight!”



12/19/2010 8:05:37 PM

I have not yet discovered what happened in Court the other day. I am still trying to get the case numbers and addresses of all these cases. Apparently, the government sent some letters to the Fourth Circuit to notify them that, in addition to the three cases consolidated in the government’s appeal, two more appeals were pending before the Fourth Circuit. This is good, though, in a way, because consolidation of all the cases would make my life immensely easier, as I have my paid lawyers, a court appointed appeal lawyer, and me, personally, representing me and it’s a bizarre mess…

12/19/2010 9:36:08 PM

My address in Chicago is:

William A White #13888-084
Metropolitan Correctional Center
71 W Van Buren St
Chicago, IL 60605

I will be here until January 18, 2011 and expect they will not delay my mail the way they have previously.

On another note, been reading Truman Capote’s “In Cold Blood”. It never ceases to amaze me how, in prison, the type of book that predominates is the crime novel, or the non-fictional account of criminal behavior. Finding, say, a book on history, or a work of literature, is difficult — but finding a book on “true crime” serial killers, rapists, molestors, etc, and their novelized equivalents, is extremely easy. This cannot be a healthy thing, and I often wonder what librarians are thinking.

